Burning Ice: 6 (Werewolf Sentinels) (7 page)

Read Burning Ice: 6 (Werewolf Sentinels) Online

Authors: Marisa Chenery

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Burning Ice: 6 (Werewolf Sentinels)
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“You’re sure this can’t wait?”

“I’m positive.”

“Fine, you can come up. I’ll buzz you in.”

The secured door buzzed a second later. Capac pulled it open and stepped through with Ryder behind him. They took the elevator up to the sixth floor, then walked down the long hallway to Riya’s apartment.

The door opened before Capac had a chance to knock. Riya stood in the doorway and motioned him and Ryder in. She closed it once they were inside.

“Okay, what is so urgent that you had to come here at the ass crack of dawn?”

Capac grew still when he pulled a particular scent out of the air. Could it be Riya already knew his kind existed?

Ryder answered Riya’s question. “If we didn’t fear for your safety we wouldn’t have deemed it necessary to wake you up so early. You’ll also have to awaken your roommate as well. The two of you will need to come with us to our place.”

Capac turned to Ryder. “Her roommate is something more than we realized.”

“What do you mean?”

A tall, brown-haired woman stepped out of one of the bedrooms and walked toward them. She was supermodel gorgeous as all born werewolves were. Her gaze landed on Ryder and didn’t look away.

“What your friend is saying is that I’m a werewolf.”

“Does Riya know?” Capac asked.

“No, I haven’t told her.”

Riya looked from her roommate, then to Capac. “Can someone tell me what is going on? And, Wren, what is this about you being a werewolf? That’s ridiculous.”

Capac sighed. “We don’t have time to explain everything right now. Pack some clothes and then we’ll go to my house, Wren included. The both of you are not safe here alone.”

“Capac, are you in some kind of trouble?” Riya asked.

“Just come with us and we’ll answer all your questions.”

Wren stepped over to Riya’s side and put her arm around her shoulders. “I think we should do as they say. Go pack some clothes and I’ll do the same.”

Riya looked at her roommate. “Please tell me you really don’t think you’re a werewolf.”

“As Capac said, all your questions will be answered later.”

“Fine, be that way.” Riya didn’t stop Wren from leading her away, but after a couple of steps she stopped walking. “What about my job? I have to go in this morning.”

Capac shook his head. “No, you aren’t. You’ll have to call in sick.”

“For how long?”

“I don’t know.”

Riya stared at him for a few seconds before she slowly nodded. “All right, I’ll call in sick. I’m only doing this because I have a feeling you’re not going to take no for an answer.”

Both Wren and Riya went to their bedrooms while Capac and Ryder stayed by the apartment door.

Capac looked at his shaman. “My mate was already living with a werewolf and didn’t even know it.”

“At least Riya will realize she has nothing to fear from you since she has been under the same roof with Wren and hasn’t come to any harm.”

“There is that.”

Once the women were packed and ready to go, Capac ushered everyone down to the parking lot. The sky was just starting to lighten as Ryder pulled out onto the road. Capac looked at Riya, who sat next to him in the backseat. Wren was up front with Ryder. Riya stifled a yawn with her hand.

“After we get to my place we can lie down for a bit before we get to discussing anything,” he told her.

“Normally I would tell you I’m fine, but I didn’t sleep all that well last night. Mostly because of you.”

Capac grinned. “You were dreaming of me, were you?”

Riya rolled her eyes. “Not exactly. Why did you just text message me to cancel our date? It would have been nicer to call me instead.”

“That was the wrong thing to do?”

“You could say that. It’s impersonal and made me think you were going to give me the brush-off, no matter what you said about wanting to be my boyfriend.”

Capac made a mental note to never send Riya a text message if it was something important. He did not need to have his mate pissed off with him over something as trivial as that.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean it to come across like that,” he said as he took hold of Riya’s hand and laced their fingers together. “It was easier for me to text. I was kind of in a hurry.”

“Does what you were doing earlier have anything to do with you dragging me to your house at dawn?”


“And I suppose you’re not ready to talk about that either until later.”

“Correct, but I will tell you that if it hadn’t been really important I wouldn’t have had a reason to cancel on you. I would never just walk away from you.”

Wren turned in her seat to look back at them. “See, Riya, I told you Capac wouldn’t do that to you. You mean more to him than that. Right, Capac?”

He met Wren’s gaze. Being a werewolf, she must have figured out Riya was his mate. “Absolutely. Thanks for trying to alleviate Riya’s fears about that.”

“No problem. I know you’ve waited for her for a very long time.”

Capac furrowed his brow. “You do?”

She gave him a smile. “Yes. My mother was a psychic and I inherited her gift.” Wren turned to stare at Ryder. “I know a lot of things that will happen in the not-too-distant future.”

Ryder gave the female werewolf a confused look, then turned his gaze back onto the road. Capac shook his head over what Wren had said. When he looked at Riya she appeared unsure of what to make of her roommate. Obviously, this was all news to her.

At the house, Ryder parked in the driveway, then everyone got out. Capac carried Wren’s and Riya’s bags while Ryder went ahead to unlock the front door. Inside it was quiet. And after a quick sniff Capac realized they were the only ones home. His wolf brothers and their mates had yet to return. He didn’t know if that was a good or bad thing.

Capac stopped at the bottom of the stairs that led to the upper floor. “Riya is going to sleep in my bed. As for you, Wren, I guess you can sleep on the couch, if you like?”

“Or I can sleep in Ryder’s bedroom,” she answered as she shifted closer to the shaman.

Ryder shook his head. “Ah, no. I think it best if you stay on the couch.”

“Don’t fight it, Ryder. We’ll be good together.”

Wren would have put her hand on the shaman’s chest, but Ryder caught it and gently pushed it back toward her. “I haven’t had any sleep for almost twenty-four hours, I think it best if I let that subject go for now. I’ll see you all after I get some rest.”

Ryder hurried up the stairs as if the hounds of hell were nipping at his heels. Capac couldn’t hold back a chuckle.

Wren sighed. “I’m going to have to work on him. I guess I’ll crash on the couch then. You two go on up, I’ll be fine down here.” She took her bag from Capac and headed into the living room.

Capac walked up the stairs with Riya to his bedroom. Inside, he closed and locked the door behind them. His bed looked awfully good right about now. It had been almost twenty-four hours since he’d slept as well. He put Riya’s bag down near the dresser, then pulled his shirt off over his head.

He looked up to find Riya watching him. He shrugged. “I don’t sleep in pajamas. And it’s not as if you haven’t seen me naked already.”

“I’m not complaining. I’m just going to warn you that you’re very tempting without any clothes on. I know you want to sleep, but I won’t be responsible if I wake you up by stroking your manly bits.”

Capac laughed. “My manly bits, huh? You can touch them to your heart’s content. Just let me get a couple of hours of sleep first.”

“Deal. Then after that you’re going to explain what’s going on.”

“I promise.”

He finished undressing and climbed under the covers. Riya slipped in naked next to him and cuddled close. With his mate beside him, Capac drifted off to sleep in a matter of seconds.

Chapter Six


Riya only slept for about an hour before she came awake and couldn’t go back. Capac was still asleep, quietly snoring. The poor guy had to be exhausted. She was going to be the nice girlfriend and not disturb him, no matter how much she wanted to kiss him and have his hands all over her.

She rolled over onto her side and traced Capac’s handsome face with her gaze. Riya was more than happy to learn her fears about him wanting to dump her had been unfounded. She wanted to hold on to him for a good long while. Just as Wren probably wanted to do with Ryder.

Riya laughed to herself when she thought of how Ryder had appeared to get a deer-in-the-headlights look after Wren had said she could sleep in his bedroom. It seemed her roommate had set her sights on him.

Thinking about Wren also got Riya thinking about what Wren had called herself. A werewolf. And Capac had acted as if he knew there was something different about her right after he’d stepped into the apartment. Wren could not be a werewolf. It was ridiculous to give any credence to it.

Then there was the reason why Capac and Ryder had come to the apartment so early in the morning, insisting both she and Wren leave with them. Capac obviously feared for their safety, but why, she couldn’t even begin to guess. It wasn’t as if she lived some kind of wild lifestyle and had crazies coming after her. Maybe he was the one who had the nutcases after him and being his girlfriend would put her in jeopardy. If that were the case, Riya had to wonder what Capac did for a living. He’d never told her and she hadn’t thought to ask.

There was no point in her dwelling on all that now since Capac was still asleep and probably wouldn’t wake up for at least another hour. Or so Riya thought until she looked to find he had his eyes open.

“Sorry, did I wake you?” she asked. “I can’t sleep anymore.”

Capac rolled and pulled her under him. “Actually, my cock woke me up.” He thrust his hips and the hard length of his erection nudged against Riya’s inner thigh.

“I can feel that,” she said, suddenly a bit breathless.

“I’m hoping you’ll be able to help me with that. Maybe you’d be interested in fooling around like we did the other night?”

Riya’s pussy clenched at the thought of having Capac’s mouth and hands all over her, pleasuring her until she came. She lifted her arms and wrapped them around his neck. “And that’s it? Just oral sex?”

“For now. After the discussion we have with the others, then I’ll make love to you for hours.”

She squirmed under him. “I’d say that would be well worth calling in sick for.”

“Then I take it you’re more than willing to help me with my cock.”

“You’ve got that right.”

Capac lowered his head and took her lips in a gentle kiss. That soon changed when she opened her mouth to allow him entrance. He pushed his tongue inside and stroked hers as he claimed her more fully.

Riya’s nipples tightened and brushed against Capac’s chest, sending little tendrils of pleasure through her. Her pussy ached, wetness pooling. With both of them already naked, she felt every inch of his hard body pressed to hers.

Her arousal swept through her, causing her to lift her hips in invitation. Capac inserted a muscular thigh between her legs with enough pressure against her pussy to make it clench in want. She shamelessly rode his thigh up and down as she eagerly kissed him back.

Capac left her lips to lick and kiss the side of her neck. Riya shivered in response, turning her head to the side to give him better access. He didn’t stop there, but continued downward to the tops of her breasts. He swept his tongue across each swell before he took a nipple into his mouth.

Riya moaned while wetness leaked from her slick opening as each pull on her breast caused a corresponding one deep inside her pussy. Capac gave her other one the same attention as the first. She clutched his shoulders, unable to hold still.

Lower he went until he lay between her spread legs, his face level with her pussy. Capac licked her from bottom to top, then swirled his tongue around her clit. Riya let out a breathy moan, her body tightening in pleasure.

“I thought I was supposed to be helping you with your cock,” she said as he gave her clit another good lick.

“You will. Don’t they always say ladies first?”

“Oh god,” she panted. Capac pushed two fingers inside her and stroked her G-spot. “I guess that means you’re just being a gentleman.”

Riya soon lost the ability to speak. Capac plunged the two digits he pleasured her with in and out. Her body coiled tighter, pushing the building orgasm closer and closer to the surface. He touched her where she needed him to touch her the most and with just the right amount of pressure. He played her like a finely tuned instrument.

She moaned his name as he pushed her over the edge into climax when he thrust harder into her and sucked on her clit. Riya rode the waves of pleasure that tore through her. Once it was over her whole body relaxed. As she fought to catch her breath, Capac crawled up her and nuzzled her neck. He stretched out half on and half off her. His hard cock nudged her hip.

Riya reached between them and wrapped her hand around Capac’s shaft. She pumped up and down, reveling in the feel of his hard length. He thrust his hips, pushing his erection harder into her fist.

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