Burning Ice: 6 (Werewolf Sentinels) (4 page)

Read Burning Ice: 6 (Werewolf Sentinels) Online

Authors: Marisa Chenery

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Burning Ice: 6 (Werewolf Sentinels)
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Capac deepened their kiss as he pulled the ends of Riya’s blouse out of her jeans. He shoved a hand under the back of it and ran his fingers along her soft skin. He closed his eyes. Considering how aroused he was, he knew for sure they had to had to be glowing. The only other time they did that was when he was extremely angry, which he was far from being.

Needing skin-to-skin contact, Capac eased back enough to yank his shirt up and off, his lips leaving Riya’s for only a brief moment. He worked on undoing the buttons on her top, then pushed the material down her arms to drop onto the floor.

He ran a finger down the center of her chest, between her more-than-a-handful breasts to the front clasp of her bra. It didn’t take him long to undo it. Riya shrugged out of the undergarment and dropped it on top of her blouse.

Capac broke contact with Riya’s lips and kept his eyes open to mere slits as he gazed at what he’d revealed. Her nipples were taut and rosy-pink. They just begged for him to suck on them. He put his arm around her waist and bent her over it before he flicked a nipple with the tip of his tongue. Riya let out a small moan, her hands clutching the tops of his shoulders.

He laved her breast, then opened his mouth and took the tight peak inside. Capac gently bit down on it and then sucked on it hard, loving the noises his mate made as her arousal increased. He soon moved to the other to pay it the same attention.

Lifting his head, Capac saw Riya had her eyes closed. Her chest rapidly rose and fell with her quickened breathing. Her cheeks had taken on a beautiful pink hue. He gave a nipple one last lick, then carried her to the bed. He set her down on the edge of the mattress.

“Lift your foot and I’ll take off your boot,” he said.

Riya leaned back and supported her upper body on her bent elbows, a look of longing on her face. She did as he’d asked, but her aim must have been off. Instead of raising her foot within reach of his hands she ended up kicking him in the balls. Capac couldn’t hold back a pained groan as he cupped his nuts and sank to the floor.

He heard Riya scramble off the bed as he tried to breathe through the uncalled-for abuse of his testicles. Capac healed fast, but for some reason a shot to the balls had the pain lingering, which at this moment he thought was totally unfair.

“Oh my god, Capac. Are you okay? I so didn’t mean to do that.” Riya knelt at his side and rubbed his shoulder.

“I’ll live,” he said through a groan.

“I did it again. This is the second time in the same day I’ve hurt you.”

The pain slowly receded. “They were both accidents.”

“Even so I’m a menace. I’ve just ruined a perfectly good moment. I should probably go home, let you think about whether or not you want to see me again.”

Riya shifted as if to rise. Capac took hold of her arm and took her down to the floor with her under him. His hips wedged between her spread legs. He rocked against her, letting her feel that his cock was still hard as he looked into her eyes.

“Does it feel as if I want you to go?” he asked.

She swallowed. “No.”

“I don’t. And I’m not ready to end what we started here. I’m not going to make love to you, but I want to learn your body and give you pleasure. The kick to the balls just slowed things down a little.”

“I-I would like that. So you forgive me?”

He kissed the tip of her nose. “You don’t even have to ask. Now to get back to what we were doing.”

Before she could say anything more, he kissed her, arousing her once more. He didn’t let her up for air until he had her panting. Satisfied that she’d forgotten about her small mishap, Capac inched his way down Riya’s body, kissing and licking as he went. At her breasts, he sucked on each one until her nipples were tight buds.

Once again fully aroused, Capac made sure to keep his eyes averted. He worked on undoing Riya’s jeans before he rose and knelt at her side. It didn’t take him long to yank her boots off and toss them aside, not needing another close encounter with them. He turned his attention to sliding her pants down her long, slim legs.

Capac ran his hands in caressing strokes up the inside of Riya’s thighs until he reached her panties, which hid her pussy from his view. He ran a finger along the material and found it damp to the touch.

He leaned over and pressed a kiss to her stomach. It quivered beneath his lips. Capac took hold of the top of her panties and eased them down past her hips. Once he had Riya free of them he shifted to lie between her legs, his face level with the one place on her body he desperately wanted to taste.

Capac took his first lick of her pussy and couldn’t hold back a quiet growl. The combination of his mate’s scent, along with that of her arousal, and the taste of her on his tongue was a heady mix. He spread her legs wider and settled in to making Riya come on his mouth.

She gasped as he pushed one finger and then another inside her. He sucked on her clit while he stroked the digits in and out. Her hips lifted off the floor, matching the pace he set, tightening her inner muscles around his plunging fingers.

“Yes,” Riya said on a moan. “I’m nearly there.”

He had no intention of stopping until she reached orgasm. Capac stroked his fingers faster, angling them up to hit the right spot that would push Riya over the edge. He sucked on her clit harder, alternating between that and circling it with his tongue.

His cock jerked inside his pants at the first flutter of her climax. Once she was in the throes of it, he pulled the two digits out of her and replaced them with his mouth. He lapped and sucked, spearing his tongue into her pussy. Riya moaned in time with each contraction of her inner walls.

Capac rose between Riya’s legs. He went to kiss her but soon found himself pushed onto his back and her on top of him. She positioned herself upright so she straddled his thighs. He peered at her through eyelids he’d closed to slits.

“Since I hurt it, it’s only fair of me to kiss it better,” Riya said with a grin.

“If you insist.”

“Oh I do.”

Riya undid the button and pulled the zipper on his jeans. She then yanked them down past his hips, taking his underwear with them, until his cock sprang free. It jerked as she ran a finger along his length. His stomach clenched in anticipation of what she would do next.

She bent and kissed a path from the tip of his shaft to its base, but didn’t stop there. Riya continued lower and placed a kiss on his balls before giving them a lick. Capac lifted his head and watched her work her way back up to the crown of his cock. She took hold of it in a firm grip at the base, then dragged the flat of her tongue up the underside. The sight of his mate pleasuring him amped up his arousal.

Riya opened her mouth and took as much as she could handle of his length inside. Capac knew her making him come this way would only increase his mating urge—he’d get no relief from it until he claimed her—but he was more than willing to have that happen. There was no greater pleasure than having the woman meant for him touching him, bringing him to release.

Capac lowered his head to the floor and closed his eyes, letting the flow of sensations Riya stirred in his body to take over. She sucked hard on his cock, taking him in and out of the moist, warm passage of her mouth. He grew even harder. He put a hand on the back of her head and thrust his hips up. A sound between a growl and a groan pushed out of him.

Riya tightened her grip on him and took him faster. She stroked the sensitive spot under the flared head of his cock with the flat of her tongue with each stroke out. Capac lost his ability to hold back his release. His point of no return slammed into him, catching him off guard. He moaned, his orgasm tearing through him, his shaft pulsing as he gave his mate all he had to give.

Once it was over, Capac took hold of Riya and yanked her down on top of him with her head pillowed on his chest and tucked under his chin. He stroked her back, loving the skin-to-skin contact.

“You’re still hard,” Riya said. “I can feel your erection pressed between us.”

“Ignore it.”

“I’m pretty sure you enjoyed what I did since you came. Shouldn’t you have some recovery period? Or am I missing something?”

He chuckled. “I more than enjoyed it. And you are not missing something. This is normal for me.”

She smiled against his chest. “I guess the kick to the balls didn’t do too much damage then.”

“Not at all.”

“Good, because that would have been a real shame if I had given you a prolonged injury.”

“How about we climb into my bed and watch some TV?”


“Definitely naked. I’m not going to make love to you tonight, but I intend to make you come again before you have to leave.”

“Are you sure you don’t want to?”

“I don’t want to rush things along. It’s always better to savor something.”

“I guess we’ll do it your way then.”

After Riya rolled off him and stood, Capac took his pants and underwear off the rest of the way and left them in a pile on the floor after he toed off his shoes. He then picked up his mate and carried her to the bed. They’d watch some television, then he’d learn what really turned Riya on.

* * * * *


Tanner stood in the night in an almost deserted parking lot inside the darkest shadows he’d created. He was downwind from the werewolf he’d followed from a bar after closing time. The one he stalked was from the local pack. Tanner had had some interaction with him before he’d been kicked out and forced to go lone wolf. So he knew he would make a nice addition to his pack of dark wolves. Tanner would just have to bring him over to the dark side first.

Slipping from his hiding spot, Tanner came up behind the other man. He took hold of his shoulder and turned him around to face him. The werewolf snarled and pushed him away.

“Tanner, what the hell do you want?”

“That’s a nice way to greet someone from your pack, Greg.”

“You are no longer part of it, and you know it. So drop the bullshit and get lost while you’re at it.”

Tanner shook his head. “And here I am offering you a gift.”

Greg scowled. “What are you talking about?”

“What would you say if I could give you immortality? Make you stronger than you are now?”

The other man snorted. “Yeah right. You can’t do any of those things.”

“Yes, I can. I’m not the same as I once was.” Tanner conjured the dark shadows that had hidden him before and pulled them around him, making them swirl. “I’m something even better.”

Greg eyed him with interest. “What would I have to do to get what you’re offering?”

“All you have to do is join my dark wolves, accept me as your new pack leader. I can promise you there aren’t many rules. You just have to shift your alliances.”

“That’s a big decision, changing packs.”

“I can make it worth your while. I’ve heard how you wanted your brother’s mate as your own, and that you and he fought over her. You lost and your brother has cut you out of his life. Become a dark wolf and you can get back at him. We can steal his mate and you can keep her. I can turn her like you and she won’t care about your brother any longer. She’ll be more than happy to stay with you.”

Greg licked his lips. “You’d help me get her?”

Tanner smiled to himself. He had him now, not that it mattered if Greg said yes. Tanner was going to make him a dark wolf regardless. The other man had a cruel, selfish streak that he tried to keep under control. Tanner wanted to nurture it and bring it out into the open.

“Yes,” Tanner said. “If you want her, I’ll make sure you get her.”

Greg nodded. “All right, I’m in.”

He smiled. “Good. Now to make you one of us.”

Tanner launched himself at the other man, a dark, smoky mass enveloping him, as he shifted to his wolf form. With a growl, he clamped his strong jaws around where Greg’s shoulder and neck met, biting hard enough to break through skin. Blood filled his mouth, which he swallowed.

Greg fell to the ground and bellowed in pain. Tanner shifted back to his human form in preparation to gather the man up and carry him over his shoulder. Ignoring Greg’s cries, he searched him until he found his keys. Tanner unlocked the car and dumped the newest member of his pack onto the backseat. He got into the driver’s side and drove away.

Tanner glanced in the rearview mirror at Greg, who thrashed in pain. Tanner smiled. This would be the first of many. Brice, his former pack leader, would soon lose more of his pack members.

Chapter Four


Riya came awake with a jerk. She looked around the room, at first finding it unfamiliar. Then it came back to her in a rush as to where she was, especially when she looked at who lay next to her on the bed. Capac was fast asleep, mumbling something in another language she didn’t understand.

Slowly, as not to awaken him, she slipped out of the bed. They must have fallen asleep after their last bout of heavy petting and oral sex. A quick look at the digital clock that sat on the nightstand next to Capac’s side of the mattress showed it was a couple of hours from dawn. She hadn’t meant to spend the night.

Riya tiptoed around the room as she gathered up her clothes. She checked once in a while to make sure she wasn’t disturbing Capac. After she was dressed she stopped to stare at him. His long, black hair was spread out over his pillow. His handsome face relaxed in slumber.

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