Bully Me (Bully Me #1) (13 page)

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Authors: C. E. Starkweather

BOOK: Bully Me (Bully Me #1)
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“No!" He said, shaking his head. “I stopped after…after I hurt you. That’s when I realized that I needed help. I couldn’t control myself anymore. So I went to rehab. That’s how I spent the first half of summer. My mom was devastated when I told her I was using. I let everybody down that I loved."

“I had no idea," Kaine said softly. “Are you…um…ok now?"

He chuckled. “I’m fine, Kainie. The first few weeks of withdrawal were hell, but I’m good now. I feel like I’m in control of myself now, you know?"

Kaine nodded, lost in thought. “So you were on steroids when you…"

“Yes," He interrupted her. “I was. Had just shot up, actually. I’m still working on forgiving myself for that. I would get so mad when I looked at you, because I knew I couldn’t have you. I had already fucked up too bad."

“I forgive you," she said softly, wrapping her arms around him and letting the water fall over her face.

He returned her hug. “That means more to me than anything, babe."

They finished showering and dried off. “Pick me out something to wear," Kaine said, kissing him. “I have to dry my hair."

Kaine blow dried her hair straight and moisturized her skin while she thought about Shane. She understood a little better why he had been so hateful to her. She knew the side effects of steroids included irritability and hostility. She wondered if he had been serious when he said that Camden was on steroids too. Probably. He seemed to get angry a lot.

Kaine dropped her towel and walked out of the bathroom naked, intending to sneak up and surprise Shane. She peeked around the corner of the room and saw him staring at something in her closet. Curious, she crept behind him and saw what he was doing. He was adjusting a camera.

She gasped, jumping back. “What the hell is that?"

Shane turned around, surprised. “I found this in your closet."

Kaine’s eyes filled with tears. “No," she whimpered, grabbing her blanket to cover herself with. “Oh, god, no."

Shane reached for her. “It’s ok. I’ll…"
“Fuck you!" Kaine screamed. “How could you do this to me?"

Shane’s eyes widened. “Kaine, I didn’t put this here. I swear to God I just found it."

Kaine’s body shook with sobs. This was the final straw. Shane had been recording them having sex. “Did you have fun fucking me for the camera?" She screamed. “Did you show all your friends? Oh, God," she said, collapsing on the ground. Shane took a tentative step towards her.

“Get away from me!" She yelled. “Get the fuck out of here! And take your stupid fucking camera too. I hate you!"

The words were like a knife to Shane’s heart. “Kaine, I swear…"

Kaine jumped up and grabbed a bottle off of her dresser. “Get out!" She screamed, throwing it at his head. He ducked and left her room before she could throw anything else.

Kaine stayed in her room for the rest of the day, crying. She couldn’t believe that Shane had done this to her. He had pretended to give a shit about her just so he could humiliate her one more time. The thought of everybody at school seeing her and Shane together brought on a fresh wave of tears. She wanted so badly to believe that Shane hadn’t put the camera there, but realistically he was the only person who had been in her room. Besides Camden, but since then she had cleaned out her closet and knew there wasn’t a camera there. There was no other way about it. Shane had tricked her. And she had fallen for it.




Monday morning Kaine took her time getting ready, putting on makeup and another of Kelsey’s summer dresses since it was still warm outside. Last night she had called Lucy and told her to pick her up for school this morning. Managing to avoid Shane, Kaine crept outside and waited for Lucy. As Lucy pulled in her driveway, Kaine explained to her what had happened. Lucy was in disbelief, trying to come up with any other reason for the camera that didn’t involve Shane.

“Maybe someone from the wedding did it," Lucy said. “Your house was unlocked so people could use the bathroom."

Kaine knew that wasn’t true. “Nobody at the wedding would have done that. Besides, I had locked my door from the outside just so nobody would wander in. It couldn’t have been then."

Lucy still wasn’t convinced. “But why would Shane deny it if he was going to record you together and show everyone?"

“Probably because I caught him off guard. He didn’t know what to say so he just kept saying he didn’t do it. I can’t believe this, Lucy," she said, her eyes filling with tears again. “How fucking stupid was I to think that Shane Ellery loved me. And that I loved him back. After everything he did to me…it was all just another prank."

Lucy sighed. “So fuck him. Maybe he won’t show anybody. Maybe he just took the videos so he could jerk off to them or something."

Kaine shook her head. “I hope so. The thought of everyone at school seeing me naked…with him…while he’s laughing and treated like a hero…" she shook her head. “I can’t do it Lucy. Turn around. I need to go home."

Lucy ignored her. “Hell no, Kaine. If he shows anybody, we’ll deal with it. He won’t look like a hero, he’ll look like an asshole. And maybe he changed his mind. Maybe that’s why he was taking the camera out of your closet."

“Yeah, or maybe he took it out to upload the videos on his computer."

Lucy sighed. “Fuck that. We’re going in. Kels and I have your back." Lucy jumped out of the car and Kaine sighed, reluctantly following. Lucy linked her arm through Kaine’s and strolled confidently into school.

“Everyone’s staring at me," Kaine whispered in a panic.

“That’s because nobody recognizes you. You look a lot different from last year, remember?" Kaine nodded nervously. “You’ll be fine, Kaine. Just keep your head up. I’ll see you in 3
period, ok?"

Lucy left for class while Kaine reluctantly made her way to first period. She slumped down in her desk, trying to be invisible. It was the same thing she used to do last year, but for a different reason. Greg came in the classroom and spotted her, smiling and sitting down next to her. “Hey, Kaine. What’s wrong?"

She shrugged. “Nothing, really. Hey, can I ask you something?"

“Sure," he replied, pulling out his notebook.

“You didn’t, uh, hear any rumors or anything about me, did you?"

He looked up at her. “I did, actually."

Her blood ran cold. “What did you hear?"

“That you were dating Shane. That’s not true though, is it?"

She sighed in relief and shook her head. “No. It’s not true."

The rest of her morning classes went by uneventfully, for which she was grateful. She had 3
period English with Lucy, who assured her that she hadn’t heard anything either. “People are talking about you, but just saying that you’re hot. Also, I saw Shane. He looks like shit. He tried to talk to me but I walked away." Kaine hugged her gratefully. “Thanks, Lucy."

Lucy, Kaine, Kelsey and Greg sat together at lunch, and Kaine was starting to feel more optimistic about her day. She felt a shadow looming behind her and turned around cautiously, expecting Shane. To her surprise, Camden stood behind her. “Hey, Kaine," he said softly. “Can I talk to you for a minute?"

Kaine glanced around and saw Shane staring daggers at her and Camden. She ignored him and stood up. “Sure, Cam." She followed him to an empty table and sat down. “What’s up?"

He sighed, wringing his hands together. “I just…I wanted to say I’m sorry. If being with Shane makes you happy, then I want you to be happy. I’m sorry for being such a jerk. I just liked you a lot. And I would think about what he did to you and I couldn’t understand why you wanted him and not me. But I understand that you can’t help who you love," he said, giving her a wistful smile. Kaine immediately felt awful. Camden had warned her about Shane and she had ignored him.

“I’m sorry too, Camden. For what it’s worth, you were right about Shane. We’re not together anymore." She fought back the tears that threatened to spill down her cheeks. “I’m sorry. I can’t…" she sobbed. Camden grabbed her and pulled her in for a hug. “Shh, it’s ok sweetie. Don’t cry. Do you want to get out of here?" She wiped her eyes and shook her head. “I probably shouldn’t cut on the first day of school. But, um…what are you doing after school? I really don’t feel like going home today."

“Come home with me," he offered. “We can just hang out. We don’t even have to talk if you don’t want to." Kaine smiled. “That sounds good actually."

They made plans to meet after school and Kaine went back to her table. “What was that about?" Lucy asked.

“He was just apologizing. Long story," Kaine said. “But I won’t need a ride home today."

Lucy raised her eyebrows but kept her mouth shut.

Kaine met Camden outside of the school at 1:30 and walked to his car. “Do you have a lot of homework?" He asked. She shook her head. “Thank God they’re pretty good about it on the first day. I don’t feel like doing anything constructive today."

Camden drove her to his house, which was surprisingly close to hers. She tried to remember if Shane and her had gone down this street on their run. She didn’t think she had, but she couldn’t be sure since Shane had led the way. Shaking away her thoughts, she followed him inside. “This is nice," she said, looking around. “Do you have any brothers or sisters?"

“Just me and my parents," he said. “They’re at work."

“Oh," she said nervously. She hoped Camden didn’t have ulterior motives for bringing her here.

“This is my room," he said, leading her to a large, spacious room with a huge TV and couch.

“Your bedroom has a couch?" She laughed. He grinned. “Weird, I know. But when I have the guys over it’s weird to sit on my bed."

Kaine chuckled and sat on the couch. Camden plopped next to her. “You hungry?" He asked. She wasn’t, but she hadn’t eaten all day so she nodded. “I’ll go make us some food," he said, jumping up and heading to the kitchen. Kaine looked around his room, curious. There was a huge bay window that overlooked the perfectly landscaped yard. She got up and sat in the window, enjoying the view.

“Nice, huh?"

She looked up at Camden and smiled. “I love it. You’re so lucky."

He shrugged. “Any time you want to come over and use it, feel free. I just have to check my email. Coach is supposed to let us know our schedule for this year."

Kaine nodded and nibbled on a carrot stick as Camden scrolled through his email, printing out the wrestling schedule. As he closed the browser, she noticed something on his desktop. A small folder titled “The Kaine Files."

Kaine’s heart skipped a beat. That couldn’t be what she thought it was.

“You ok?" He asked. She nodded. “I’m just not feeling well all of a sudden. I think I need some water." He nodded and left to get her water.

Kaine immediately opened the file and gasped. Pictures and videos of her sleeping, getting dressed and having sex with Shane filled the screen. She willed herself not to throw up.

“What are you doing?"

Kaine spun around. Camden stared at her, furious.




Shane caught up to Lucy as she was walking to her car. “Where’s Kaine?"

Lucy rolled her eyes. “None of your business. She doesn’t want to see you anyway, after what you did."

“Lucy, I swear I didn’t put that camera there. I would never do anything to hurt Kaine."

“Yeah, like you didn’t hurt her on the last day of school. Leave her alone, Shane."

He grabbed her hand. “Look, I know it was Camden who put that camera there. I don’t know how he did it, but I know he did. He’s obsessed with her, Lucy. He’d do anything to have her. Is she with him?"

Lucy shrugged. “All I know is that she talked to him at lunch and told me that she didn’t need a ride home anymore. So, probably. But if you’re lying, Shane, and you’re going to humiliate her, I’ll kick your ass."

Shane nodded, running off. “Got it," he called over his shoulder. He pulled out his phone and googled Camden’s address.


Kaine stared at Camden, horrified.

“I said, what the fuck are you doing?" He snapped, pushing past her and turning off his monitor. “Don’t go through my shit."

Kaine backed away, shaking. “You…it was you?" She asked, still not believing what she had seen.

Camden ignored her, staring at the ceiling. The angry look in his eyes was terrifying. She wanted to run past him but was scared. She wanted Shane.

Oh God, Shane.

Would he ever forgive her for accusing him of recording her?

She choked back a sob as she realized that Camden was staring at her, smiling.

“So you saw."

Kaine nodded slowly, not sure how to respond.

He shrugged. “I was pissed at first. When I saw you fuck him. The things you did aren’t like the sweet, innocent girl I fell in love with."

Kaine felt a panic attack coming on. She took a deep breath, trying to fight it.

“Then I realized that you're not a nice girl at all. But that's ok. Now I know why you chose him over me. You like someone to push you around."

Kaine finally found her feet and shoved past Camden, running for the door. He grabbed her from behind and roughly threw her on the bed. "Stop it, Kaine. I know you like it rough," he said, climbing on top of her.

"Get off me!" She cried, pushing at him. He grabbed her arms and pinned them down over her head. "All this time I was trying to be a nice guy. You don't like nice guys though, do you Kaine?"

She tried to kick him but he was between her legs. "Let me go, Camden. I don't want this."

He shook his head and kissed her forcefully. "Yes, you do," he murmured into her mouth. "You're gonna fuck me like you fucked him."

Kaine bit his lip as hard as she could, drawing blood.

"Fuck!" He roared, slapping her in the face. She gasped, stunned. He sat up, holding his hand to his mouth. "So that's how you like it, huh?" Kaine tried to roll away from him but he grabbed her and slammed her back down. "HELP!" She screamed.


Shane pulled into Camden's driveway and stormed towards the house, pounding on the door. He tried the knob but it was locked. "Fuck," he muttered, looking for a window that was opened.

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