Bully Me (Bully Me #1) (16 page)

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Authors: C. E. Starkweather

BOOK: Bully Me (Bully Me #1)
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Kaine giggled. "Me neither."

At lunch, Shane sat with her, Lucy, Greg and Kelsey, who had warmed up to Shane once she saw how devoted he was to Kaine.

"Don't you guys get sick of each other?" She asked seriously. "I get sick of this guy after like, two days," she said, nudging Greg. "I can't imagine living with him too." Greg rolled his eyes and ignored her as Shane laughed.

"I'll never get tired of her," Shane said, wrapping his arm around Kaine. Conversation continued at the table around them. "Hey," Shane whispered in Kaine's ear.

"What?" She whispered back.

"Let's cut out early."


"Cause I can't wait till Friday."

Kaine's eyes widened and she smiled. "Well, thank god."

Shane pulled her closer and kissed her on the nose. "Meet me after 6th period. We can't do it whenever we want anymore so we have to make this one good."

She shivered in anticipation and kissed him back.


Kaine and Shane looked up to the rest of the table staring at them. "You know we're in school, right guys?" Lucy asked. Kaine grinned sheepishly at her. "Sorry. What are you guys doing this weekend? Wanna go shopping?"

Kaine half listened to Lucy and Kelsey plan their Saturday out, excited about her afternoon plans with Shane.

Shane met Kaine after 6th period at his car. "You sure you're ready for this?" He asked.

"Oh, hell yeah. Where are we going?"

"Motel. Sorry it's not classy, but it's better than my car."

Shane pulled into the motel parking lot and cut the engine, running into the office to get them a room. Kaine waited in anticipation. She marveled at how she couldn't get enough of Shane.

Shane came back out and carried her out of the car and into the room. She was surprised at how much she loved being manhandled by him. It should have made her nervous, but instead it made her feel safe. Shane put her down and kicked the door shut. "Take off your shirt."

Kaine felt a rush of excitement at his commanding tone. She pulled her shirt over her head and tossed it aside.

"Now the pants."

She stepped out of her pants and stood in front of him, getting turned on by the lustful look in his eyes. "Come here," he demanded. She slowly walked over to him and he pressed her against his body, kissing her. "Bend over," he whispered, leaning her over the bed. He stood behind her, running his hands down her back and over her ass. He slid his hand under hey panties and slipped a finger inside her. "Oh!" She cried out. Shane pulled her panties off and she stepped out of them, waiting in anticipation for him to touch her again. She felt his tongue plunge inside her and she gasped. He swirled his tongue around her center, loving her moans of pleasure. Just as she was about to come, he stopped and pulled her to the floor, sitting on the bed. "Suck my dick."

"But I was..."

"I said suck my dick."

She didn't argue anymore. She took him in her mouth as he ran his fingers through her hair. "You like my cock in your mouth, baby?"

"Mm hmm," she replied. Shane pulled out of her mouth and picked her up off the ground, laying her on the bed. "You ok?" He asked softly, searching her eyes.

"I'll be better when your cock is buried inside me," she said with a gleam in her eye. His eyes widened and he grinned down at her. "Holy shit, Kainie. I think I like your dirty mouth." He rolled on the condom and lifted her legs up, sliding into her. He went slowly at first, pushing in as far as he could go.

“Faster," Kaine gasped. Shane pounded into her as she gasped and cried out in pleasure. Just as she was about to come, he slowed down.

“Are you kidding? Why’d you stop?" She complained.

“Just trust me on this," he whispered, nibbling on her earlobe. He made love to her excruciatingly slowly, kissing and caressing her body. When she started to try to make him go faster, he sped up. “You gonna come for me?" He whispered. “Y…yeah," she gasped. Shane slammed into her hard and fast. “I’m gonna come," she cried. Just as she was about to reach her peak, Shane reached down and pressed his thumb on her clit. Kaine screamed an almost inhuman scream as she had the most earth shattering orgasm of her life. Shane continued to pound into her until he finished, then rolled off her.

“Fuck, Kaine. If anyone heard us they probably thought I was murdering you."

She giggled. “Sorry. I couldn’t help it. That was amazing."

Shane reluctantly pulled out of her. "I hate to cut this short, but we need to be home when Logan gets off the bus."

Kaine stretched and smiled at him. "That's ok. Living with my boyfriend is pretty awesome. We can cuddle at home."

Shane looked down at her naked body and started to grow hard again. "God dammit," he muttered. "I can't get e-fucking-nough of you." Checking the time, he sighed and got off of her. "One day, Kainie."

"One day, what?" She asked, confused.

He looked at her tenderly. "One day you'll be mine."

She smiled up at him. "I'm already yours."

"Yeah," he whispered, kissing her neck. "I mean one day you'll be my wife. We'll have two gorgeous kids. A boy and a girl. They'll be just as sweet and beautiful as you. And I'll destroy any boy who tries to come near our daughter."

Kaine giggled and pulled him on top of her. "And that'll be the happiest day of my life. I love you, Shane Ellery."

"I love you too, Kaine Spencer. Thank you for giving me a chance."

Kaine didn't answer. She cupped his face and stared at him. The love in his eyes was so overwhelming that it almost brought tears to her eyes.

Life was crazy. Just a few months ago she had hated Shane with every fiber of her being. Now, she was sure that Shane Ellery was her soul mate. The way he looked at her and loved her and fiercely protected her was everything she could ever want.


Five Years Later

"Is this it?" Kaine asked, peering out the car window. Shane looked at the paper. "Looks like it. 27 Weston Street. First impression?"

"Perfect," Kaine said softly, rubbing her stomach.

Shane rolled his eyes at her. "You said that about every house we've seen. They can't all be "perfect," babe."

"Yeah, but this one is different. It feels...right. it feels like home."

Shane kissed her hand and opened the car door. "Let's see if the inside is as perfect as the outside."

Kaine opened her door and started to get out until Shane rushed to her side and practically lifted her out of the car. "I can walk, you know," she said. "I'm pregnant, not paralyzed."

He shook his head firmly. "Not taking any chances. Any time I can carry you, I will."

Kaine rolled her eyes, pretending to be annoyed. Honestly, she loved how Shane treated her and their unborn baby like precious china. "You can carry me over the threshold then. Cause I'm pretty sure we're going to buy this house."

He gently picked her up and carried her to the door. Kaine snuggled against him, loving his strong arms around her. After high school, her and Shane had both gone to Ohio State University, living at home. The living arrangement was perfect for them. Not too many people wanted to live at home while going to college, but then again not too many people got to live in the same house as the love of their life. Shane proposed to Kaine in front of all of their friends on their graduation day. They were married 6 months later, and Kaine was pregnant 3 months after that.

Shane had followed in their parents’ footsteps and was working his way to being a lawyer. Kaine had chosen a different direction and had gotten her degree in elementary education. Shane thought it was perfect for her because she was so sweet and loving.

They never saw Camden again after the police took him away. Kaine found out that the doorknob she had him install came with two keys. Camden had taken one without her knowing and snuck in her room on the wedding day, when nobody would have known that he wasn't a guest there. Kaine hadn't pressed charges on the condition that he get help and never contact her again. He had moved away shortly after.

"I have to put you down to ring the doorbell," Shane said, interrupting her thoughts. He gently set her down and pressed the button. The second her feet touched the ground she gasped. "Shane!"

He snapped his head to her. "What is it? Are you ok?"

She shook her head, clutching her stomach. "It's coming. Holy shit, it's coming."

"Oh fuck. Ok. Come on," Shane said, scooping her up as the door opened. "We'll come back another time," Shane called over his shoulder. "My wife is in labor!"

Shane gently put Kaine down in the passenger seat and flew across the car to the drivers seat, hastily starting the engine and peeling away.

"Careful," Kaine gasped. "If you crash and I have to have our baby in the car I'll kill you."

"Got it," Shane said, slowing down. "Call our parents. Have them meet us there."

Kaine called her dad and waited until he picked up. "Hi, pumpkin," he said. "How's the house hunting going?"

"Daddy," she gasped. "The baby is coming."

"Shit. Now? Wow. Ok. I'll grab Nancy and meet you at the hospital. You ok?"

"No," she said, bursting into tears. "I'm scared." Shane grabbed her hand and squeezed. "Just hurry," she sobbed, hanging up. She turned to Shane. "I'm not ready. We're not ready. What if we're horrible parents? What if something's wrong with the baby?"

"Shh," he said softly, rubbing her hand. The baby's fine. We're gonna be awesome parents. You're going to be the best mom ever."

Kaine gasped for breath and nodded, clutching her stomach. Shane pulled into the hospital and picked Kaine up out of the car. He stormed up to the hospital and kicked the door open.

"Hey!" Every head snapped to attention. "My wife is in labor."

He put Kaine down and kissed her head. Kaine almost laughed at the horrified expression on the faces of everyone in the waiting room. Her 6'3, 220 pounds of muscle husband yelling must have been a scary sight. She forced a reassuring smile at the receptionist. "I'm Kaine Ellery. I called ahead." The receptionist snapped to attention and pulled out a wheelchair. Kaine sat down gratefully and let herself be wheeled to the room.

8 hours later, Kaine and Shane welcomed a beautiful, healthy baby boy into the world.

“He’s perfect," Shane breathed over her shoulder. “He looks just like you."

Kaine smiled down at her little bundle. He had her eyes but Shane’s chin. Tom and Nancy walked into the room, followed by a nervous Logan. Nancy and Tom eagerly took turns holding the baby, and Logan held him for a minute before deciding the baby was too small and breakable. Nancy rolled her eyes and gently gave the baby back to Kaine. “Did you decide on a name yet?"

Kaine grinned up at Shane. “He wanted Blaine. You know, to go with the theme of our rhyming names. I said no. But I think we’re settling on Adam Blaine Ellery. It suits him just perfectly."

Shane watched his beautiful wife holding his beautiful baby boy. He still couldn’t believe how lucky he was. In Kaine, he had found everything he had ever wanted.

“Shane?" Kaine asked gently. “What’s wrong?"

Shane realized he had tears in his eyes. Embarrassed, he wiped them away and laughed. “I just can’t believe how lucky I am, that’s all. I love you, Kainie."

She smiled softly. “I love you too, Shane. So much."

Shane bent down and kissed his wife. He couldn’t wait to start the next chapter of their life together.


Camden read the newspaper article for the 10

Mr. and Mrs. Shane Ellery welcome son, Adam Blaine.

“FUCK!" He roared, putting his fist through the wall. How could Kaine have married that asshole and had a baby with him? This was bullshit.

Shane Ellery had stolen his life, and he was going to get it back.

The End


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for updates on Kaine and Shane’s next chapter.

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