Build Your Own ASP.NET 3.5 Website Using C# & VB (19 page)

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Authors: Cristian Darie,Zak Ruvalcaba,Wyatt Barnett

Tags: #C♯ (Computer program language), #Active server pages, #Programming Languages, #C#, #Web Page Design, #Computers, #Web site development, #internet programming, #General, #C? (Computer program language), #Internet, #Visual BASIC, #Microsoft Visual BASIC, #Application Development, #Microsoft .NET Framework

BOOK: Build Your Own ASP.NET 3.5 Website Using C# & VB
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the dog can sit, it has to shuffle its back paws forward a little (bear with me on this

one!). We could create a method called ShufflePaws, then call that method from

inside the Sit method. However, we don’t want code in an ASP.NET page or in

some other class to call this method—it’d just be silly. We can prevent that from

happening by controlling the scope of the ShufflePaws method.

The careful control of which members of a class are accessible from outside that

class is fundamental to the success of object oriented programming. You can control

the visibility of a class member using a special set of keywords called
access modi-



Defining a property or method of a class as public allows that property

or method to be called from outside the class itself. In other words,

if an instance of this class is created inside another object (remember,

too, that ASP.NET pages themselves are objects), public methods and

properties are freely available to the code that created that instance

of the class. This is the default scope for VB and C# classes.


If a property or method of a class is private, it cannot be used from

outside the class itself. So, if an instance of this class is created inside

an object of a different class, the creating object has no access to

private methods or properties of the created object.


A protected property or method sits somewhere between public and

private. A protected member is accessible from the code within its

class, or to the classes derived from it. We’ll learn more about derived

classes a bit later.

Deciding which access modifier to use for a given class member can be a very difficult decision—it affects not only your class, but also the other classes and programs that use your class. Of special importance are the class’s public members, which

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Build Your Own ASP.NET 3.5 Web Site Using C# & VB

together form the class’s
public interface
. The public interface acts like a contract

between your class and the users of your class, and if it’s designed properly, it

shouldn’t change over time. If, for example, you mark the Sit method as public,

and later decide to make it private, all the other classes that use this method will

have to change accordingly, which is not good. For an extreme scenario, imagine

that in a year’s time, Microsoft decided to remove the ToString method from its

classes—obviously, this would wreak havoc with your code.

Keep Everything Private Until You Need It

As a simple guideline for designing your classes, remember that it’s often easier

just to make all the members private, and make public only those that really need

to be public. It’s much easier to add to a public interface than it is to remove from



We’ve covered events in some depth already. To sum up, events occur when a

control object sends a message as a result of some change that has been made to it.

Generally, these changes occur as the result of user interaction with the control via

the browser. For instance, when a button is clicked, a Click event is raised, and we

can handle that event to perform some action. The object that triggers the event is

referred to as the
event sender
, while the object that receives the event is referred

to as the
event receiver
. You’
ll learn more about these objects in Chapter 4.

Understanding Inheritance

The term
refers to the ability of a specialized class to refine the properties and methods exposed by another, more generalized class.

In our dog example, we created a class called Dog, then created instances of that

class to represent individual dogs such as Rayne. However, dogs are types of animals,

and many characteristics of dogs are shared by all (or most) animals. For instance,

Rayne has four legs, two ears, one nose, two eyes, and so on. It might be better, then,

for us to create a base class called Animal. When we then defined the Dog class, it

would inherit from the Animal class, and all public properties and methods of

Animal would be available to instances of the Dog class.

Similarly, we could create a new class based on the Dog class. In programming

circles, this is called
deriving a subclass
from Dog. For instance, we might create a

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VB and C# Programming Basics


class for Rayne called AustralianShepherd, and one for my other dog, Amigo,

called Chihuahua, both of which would inherit the properties and methods of the

Dog base class, and define new classes specific to each breed.

Don’t worry too much if this is still a little unclear. The best way to appreciate inheritance is to see it used in a real program. The most obvious use of inheritance in ASP.NET is in the technique called code-behind, and we’ll build plenty of ex
amples using inheritance and code-behind in Chapter 4.

Objects in .NET

If this is the first book in which you’ve read about object oriented programming,

you’re probably starting to dream about objects! Don’t worry, the effects of first exposure to objects doesn’t usually last for more than a week. Even though this is yet another discussion about objects, I promise it won’t be boring. Moreover, in the

course of this section, we’ll cover some important concepts that every serious .NET

programmer must know.

So far, we’ve explored various concepts that apply in one form or another to almost

any truly object oriented language. Every language has its peculiarities, but the

general concepts are the same in all of these languages.

You may already have heard the common mantra of object oriented programmers:

“everything is an object.” This has two meanings. First of all, in C#, every program

consists of a class. In all stages of application development, from design to implementation, decisions must be made in regard to the way we design and relate objects and classes to each other. Yes, objects are everywhere.

.NET extends this concept to yet another level, giving the phrase “everything is an

object” extra meaning. In the world of .NET, every class ultimately derives from a

base class named Object, so “everything is an object” becomes “everything is an


If you look at the documentation for the ASP.NET Page class, you can see the list

of classes from which this class inherits, as shown in
Figure 3.7
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Build Your Own ASP.NET 3.5 Web Site Using C# & VB

Figure 3.7. The Page class’s documentation

You’ll remember from the last section that we said our hypothetical

AustralianShepherd class would inherit from the more general Dog class, which,

in turn, would inherit from the even more general Animal class. This is exactly the

kind of relationship that’
s being shown in Figure 3.7
—Page inherits methods and properties from the TemplateControl class, which in turn inherits from a more

general class called Control. In the same way that we say that an Australian Shepherd is an Animal, we say that a Page is a Control. Control, like all .NET classes, inherits from Object.

Since Object is so important that every other class derives from it, either directly

or indirectly, it deserves a closer look. Object contains the basic functionality that

the designers of .NET felt should be available in any object. The Object class contains

these public members:

■ Equals

■ ReferenceEquals

■ GetHashCode

■ GetType

■ ToString

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VB and C# Programming Basics


The only member we’re really interested in at this moment is ToString, which returns the text representation of an object. This method is called automatically when conversions to string are needed, as is the case in the following code, which joins

a number and a string:

Visual Basic

Dim age As Integer = 5

Dim message As String = "Current Age: " & age


int age = 5;

string message = "Current Age: " + age;


As ASP.NET is part of the .NET Framework, we have access to all the goodies that

are built into it in the form of the .NET Framework Class Library. This library represents a huge resource of tools and features in the form of classes, which are organized in a hierarchy of namespaces. When we want to use certain features that .NET

provides, we have only to find the namespace that contains the desired functionality,

and import that namespace into our ASP.NET page. Once we’ve done that, we can

make use of the .NET classes in that namespace to achieve our own ends.

For instance, if we wanted to access a database from a page, we would import the

namespace that contains classes for this purpose, which could be

System.Data.SqlClient. You can view the namespace of a class when visiting its

page in the .NET documentation. For example, the Button control’s class can be

found in System.Web.UI.WebControls.

To use a class that’s part of a namespace, but which isn’t available to you by default,

you either need to import the namespace, for example System.Web.UI.WebControls,

or reference the class using its
fully qualified name
, such as System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button. To import a namespace page, we use the Imports directive in VB, and using in C#:

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Build Your Own ASP.NET 3.5 Web Site Using C# & VB

Visual Basic

Imports System.Data.SqlClient


using System.Data.SqlClient;

As we’ve imported that namespace, we have access to all the classes that it contains.

Using Code-behind Files

Most companies that employ web development teams usually split projects into

two groups—visual design and functional development—because software engineers

are usually poor designers, and designers are often poor engineers. However, the

two groups still need to contribute code and markup to the project. The best approach

is to keep programmers’ code separate from the designers’ page markup as much as

possible. Some of the ASP.NET pages we’ve worked on so far have contained code

render blocks that place VB or C# code directly into the ASP.NET page. The problem

with this approach is that there’s no separation of the presentational elements of

the page from the application logic. The old versions of ASP were infamous for

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