Brothers in Arms (27 page)

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Authors: Odd Arne Westad

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Page 78
20. ''Mao Zedong tongzhi zai zhengzhiju kuoda huiyi shang de fayan" [Mao Zedong's speech at the enlarged meeting of the Politburo], August 23, 1945,
Mao Zedong wenji,
vol. 4, 4-12.
21. On September 14, 1945, Huang Kecheng wrote to the CC disagreeing with the policy of "making greatest possible compromise so as to achieve peace" without first securing some major military victories. On September 20 the CC replied to Huang that it agreed with him and that the strategy of securing the Northeast, which the CC had proposed not long ago, and Huang's views were along the same line; "Huang Kecheng guanyu muqian jushi he zhanlue fangzhen de jianyi" [Huang Kecheng's suggestions concerning current situation and strategy], September 14, 1945; "Zhongyang shujichu dui Huang Kecheng guanyu muqian jushi he zhanlue fangzhen de jianyi de fushi" [Central Committee Secretariat's reply to Huang Kecheng's suggestions concerning current situation and strategy], both in
Zhonggong Zhongyang wenjian xuanji,
vol. 15, 282-5.
22. Liu Shaoqi, "Muqian de renwu yu zhanlue buzhi" [Current tasks and strategic arrangement],
Liu Shaoqi xuanji
[Selected works of Liu Shaoqi] (Beijing: Renmin, 1981), vol. 1,371-2.
23. Mao Zedong, "Shandong you keneng chengwei zhanlue zhuanyi de shuniu." Mao's suggestion may be related to Stalin's advice. According to Shi Zhe, Stalin had proposed to Mao during this period that the CCP send some of its troops to the border between Mongolia and the Northeast in order to receive weapons and divert the Japanese forces. Shi,
Zai lishi jüren shenbian,
Zhongguo jindai duiwai guanxi shi ziliao xuanji
[Selected materials on the modem history of Chinese foreign relations] (Shanghai: Shanghai Renmin, 1977), part 2, vol. 2, 274.
25. The Chinese versions of relevant Soviet memoirs contain no information about the Soviet military ever considering the question of cooperation with CCP forces. See relevant sections in Ya Mi Huaxiliefusiji [Vasilevskii],
Bisheng de shiye
[The career of my life] (Hong Kong: Sanlian, 1977), part 2; Xie Ma Shijiemianke [S. M. Shtemenko],
Zhanzheng shidai de zong canmou bu
[General command in years of war], (Hong Kong: Sanlian, n.d.) part 2. Also see "Cheng Geng guanyu wo jun yi yu sulian hongjun huishi de baogao" [The report on the meeting of our forces and the Soviet military by Cheng and Geng], August 17, 1945; "Zeng Kelin tan jinjun Dongbei he sibao Linjiang de youguan wenti" [Zeng Kelin on the related questions of entering the Northeast and defending Linjiang],
Dangshi tongxun
2 (1984).


Page 79
26. According to Sergei N. Goncharov and others, Soviet leaders worried that the CCP's entrance into the Northeast might damage relations between the Soviet Union and its allies. See Sergei N. Goncharov, John W. Lewis, and Xue Litai,
Uncertain Partners: Stalin, Mao and the Korean War
(Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1993), 10.
27. "Guo Liu guanyu hongjun bu peihe wojun xingdong shi zhi Cheng Geng dian" [Guo and Liu's cable to Cheng and Geng on Red Army noncooperation with our activities], August 20, 1945, CCA.
28. "Zhongyang guanyu Dongbei qingkuang ji yu Sujun daibiao tanpan wenti de tongbao" [The Central Committee on the Northeast situation and the negotiations with the Soviet military representatives], September 14, 1945, CCA.
29. Ibid.
30. U.S. Department of State,
Foreign Relations of the United States
], 1945, vol. 7. The Far East, China (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Of-rice, 1969), 973-4.
31. "Jia Yi guanyu choudiao zhuli sanshiwan kongzhi Dongbei zhi Bing Ding dian" [Jia and Yi's cable to Bing and Ding on sending 300,000 troops to control the Northeast], October 5, 1945; "Dongbei ju guanyu yu Sujun jiaoshe jingguo gel Zhonggong Zhongyang de baogao" [The report of the Northeast Bureau to the CCP CC on contacts with the Soviet military], October 8, 1945, both in CCA.
32. "Zhonggong Zhongyang guanyu peibei yibai ge tuan de ganbu jinru Dongbei de zhishi" [Instructions of the CCP CC on sending cadres of 100 regiments to the Northeast], September 15, 1945, CCA; "Zhongyang guanyu queding xiangbei tuijin xiangnan fangyu de zhanlue fangzhen zhi Zhonggong fuyu tanpan daibiao tuan dian" [CC to the CCP delegation to Chongqing on confirming the strategic policy of advancing in the north and defending in the south], September 17, 1945, in
Zhonggong Zhongyang wenjian xuanji,
vol. 15, 278-90; "Muqian renwu he zhanlue bushu" [Current tasks and strategic arrangement], September 19, 1945,
Liu Shaoqi xuanji,
vol. 1, 371-2.
33. "Junwei guanyu zhengduo Dongbei de zhanlue fangzhen yu juti bushu de zhishi" [Instruction of the Military Committee on the strategic policy of seizing the Northeast and concrete applications], September 28, 1945, in
Zhonggong Zhongyang wenjian xuanji,
vol. 15, 299-301.


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