Brothers in Arms (26 page)

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Authors: Odd Arne Westad

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Page 76
tried several times to probe the issue of Soviet entry with Moscow's representative in Yan'an, but without success.
7. "Zhongyang guanyu waijao gongs de zhishi" [Instructions of CCP Central Committee on diplomatic work],
Zhonggong Zhongyang wenjian xuanji,
vol. 14, 314-8.
8. "Mao Zedong guanyu muqian xingshi ji canjia zhengfu tiaojian zhi Zhou Enlai dian" [Telegram from Mao Zedong to Zhou Enlai on current situation and conditions for joining the government], February 3, 1945; "Zhongyang guanyu fazhan Guomindang tongzhiqu de minzhu yundong gei Wang Ruofei de zhishi" [Instructions of the CCP Central Committee to Wang Ruofei on developing democratic movement in areas under the Guomindang government]; Zhonggong zhongyang tongyi zhanxian bu and Zhongyang dang'anguan,
Zhonggong Zhongyang kangRi minzhu tongyi zhanxian wenjian xuanbian
[Selections of documents of the CCP Central Committee on the National United Front against Japan] (Beijing: Dang'an, 1985), vol. 2, 790, 793-4.
9. In autumn 1944 the CCP CC decided to send troops and a large number of cadres to coastal areas of east China with the aim of cooperating with an American landing and taking over Shanghai, Nanjing, and other major cities. "Zhonggong Zhongyang guanyu Su Zhe Yu Wan fazhan gei Huazhongju de zhishi" [Instructions of the CCP Central Committee to Central China Bureau on developments in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Henan, and Anhui], October 24, 1944,
Zhonggong Zhongyang wenjian xuanji,
vol. 14, 386-7. Also see telegrams of the CCP CC to Rao Shushi, Zhang Yunyi, and Lai Chuanzhu, November 2, 1944, Chinese Central Archives (hereafter CCA).
10. "Jinchaji fenju jiji peihe Sulian zuozhan sunbeam gongs de zhishi" [Instructions of the Jinchaji Branch Bureau to actively prepare to cooperate with the Soviet forces in the war against Japan], April 18, 1945, CCA.
11. Mao Zedong, "Lun xianhe zhengfu" [On coalition government],
Jiefang ribao,
May 20, 1945. Mao Zedong, "Zai Zhongguo Gongchandang di qici quanguo daibiao dahui shang de koutou baogao" [Oral report to the Seventh National Representative Conference of the CCP],
Dang de wenxian
6 (1993): 18.
12. Mao Zedong, "Zai dangde di qici daibiao dahui shang de jielun" [Conclusions made at the Seventh Congress of the Party], May 31, 1945, in
Mao Zedong zai Qida de baogao he jianghua ji
[Mao Zedong's reports and speeches at the Seventh Party Congress] (Beijing: Zhongyang wenxian, 1995), 182-9. In July 1942 Mao Zedong had telegraphed Liu Shaoqi estimating that the CCP forces probably would move to the Northeast, but he instructed Liu not to tell anyone else about these suggestions. Mao did


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not raise the issue again until the Seventh Congress. Mao Zedong, "Shandong you keneng chengwei zhanlue zhuanyi de shuniu" [Shandong was likely to be the crossroads of strategic transfer], July 9, 1942,
Mao Zedong wenji
[Collection of Mao Zedong works] (Beijing: Renmin, 1993), vol. 2, 434-5.
13. By this time the CCP CC had already learned about the content of a conversation regarding Soviet policies toward the CCP and GMD between Stalin and U.S. special envoy Patrick Hurley on April 15, 1945. According to the Southern Bureau's report, Stalin told Hurley that the Soviet Union would not provide support to the CCP "He'erli, Sidalin tanhua qingxing" [The content of the talk between Hurley and Stalin], May 7, 1945, CCA.
14. Mao Zedong, "Zai dangde di qici daibiao dahui shang de jielun."
15. "Wang Ruofei tongzhi baogao jilu" [Record of Comrade Wang Ruofei's report], August 3, 1945, no. 6442/1, Archival Section, Department of Party History, Zhongguo Renmin Daxue.
16. So far Stalin's original cables to the CCP's leaders on these issues are not available in Chinese archives. See Zhang Baijia, "Dui Chongqing tanpan yixie wenti de tantao" [An exploration of the Chongqing negotiations],
Jindaishi yanjiu
5 (1993).
17. Mao Zedong, "Lun xianhe zhengfu" [On coalition government],
jiefang ribao,
May 2, 1945.
18. "Zhongyang guanyu Riben touxiang hou wodang renwu de jueding" [The resolution of the Central Committee on the tasks of the party after the Japanese surrender], August 11, 1945,
Zhonggong Zhongyang wenjian xuanji
[Selection of CCP Central Committee documents], vol. 15, 228-30; "Mao zhuxi zai riben touxiang shi guanyu zhengzhi xingshi de baogao" [Chairman Mao's report on the political situation at the time of Japanese surrender], no. 721/7.1, Archival Section, Department of Party History, Zhongguo Renmin Daxue.
19. Fuladimier Dediyeer [Vladimir Dedijer],
Sunan chongtu de jingli
[The lost battle of J. V. Stalin] (Beijing: Sanlian, 1977), 98. According to Dedijer, Stalin suggested that the CCP should "conclude agreements with Jiang Jieshi on establishing normal relations and dissolve its own military forces." For Stalin's cable and Mao's reactions, see Shi Zhe,
Zai lishi jüren shenbian
[Beside historical giants] (Beijing: Zhongyang wenxian, 1991), 308.


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