Broken Wings (Contemporary Romance) (14 page)

BOOK: Broken Wings (Contemporary Romance)
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Angelina smiled. She was relieved and pleased that Jayden had found what he was looking for.
“Of course we can be friends, I would like that, Jayden.” Jayden and his friends joined the girls for the rest of night. They lost Stephanie to one of Jayden's friends before the end of the night when they sloped off to a restaurant together.

Lucy, I've had enough now, I'm heading on home. I will grab a taxi outside the club and catch up with you tomorrow, okay?”

Lucy pulled a sad face in an attempt to persuade her to stay a bit longer, but Angelina was adamant she was going home.
“Okay, if you must, it's been fun, hasn't it, and a long time coming, too. I will call you in the morning, okay?”

Angelina nodded and made her way through the thick crowd of clubbers and headed for the door. Just as she was about to flag down a cab, she heard someone calling her name. She turned around and saw Jayden running up behind her.
“Hey, can I share your cab?”

Yes sure, hop in, where are you going?”

Jayden gave the cab driver his address and they both sat silent in the back for a while before Jayden spoke.
“I hear you have a boyfriend, and a soldier no less?” he asked.

Yes, his name is Joshua and he's perfect for me,” Angelina offered, sensing disappointment in Jayden's voice.

I'm really pleased for you, it's about time. Although I was surprised when I heard.”

Why were you surprised, Jayden?”

Well, you haven't dated since, well you know, since Daniel.”

True, I guess I was not expecting to find someone like Joshua. He's right for me, makes me feel complete, Jayden.”

Jayden tried very hard to hide his disappointment through a half-baked smile but Angelina picked up on it and, feeling a little uncomfortable, she chose to ignore it.

“Well, looks like we have reached your house, Jayden.”

Angelina said goodbye to him as the cab pulled up outside his house and then headed for her cottage. She couldn't wait to get out of her heels and put on her comfy slippers. Her head was starting to throb and she was in need of a large glass of water and some headache tablets before turning in.

Chapter Fourteen

The weeks were passing by swiftly and it was now only days before Joshua's return. Christmas came and went and was a non-starter really. Angelina was so excited and decided to plan a great surprise for his return to keep her busy over the next few days. She borrowed the key to the lodge from Richard, who kept a spare, and headed over there to prepare for his home coming.

Angelina had bought candles, stocked up the freezer and bought the finest wine she could afford. She cleaned and dusted the lodge from top to bottom until her fingers were sore. Feeling something was missing, she decided to buy some outside lights to wrap around the fern trees on either side of the lodge to make for a beautiful entrance up the driveway. She roped Richard in to fix the lights up and called on Lucy for interior advice and to give the lodge the once over before his return.

It's beautiful. Joshua will love it, Angelina, I know he will. He is very lucky to have you, my friend.”

Angelina looked to Lucy, shaking her head.
“No Lucy, I'm the lucky one. He's my soul mate, my everything. Already I can't imagine a life without him in it. Our letters while he has been away have brought us even closer together. We have gotten to know one another in ways we otherwise wouldn't have.” Lucy hugged her friend and joined Richard in his car, leaving Angelina to complete the final touches.

Having taken two weeks holiday off work starting on the day of Joshua's return, Angelina felt happy. She had prepared for his return well and now just had to wait a couple more days. She worked hard, tying up loose ends at work and preparing documents for Geoffrey. She read and saved all her important emails, deleting those not wanted and tidied up her desk. She also left a list of things for Mary to do while she was on leave.

On her final day at work, she couldn't concentrate at all. She could barely contain her happiness and was up and down the office like a yoyo!

Oh for goodness sake, Angelina, just go home!” insisted Geoffrey. “It's almost four o'clock and you’re no use to us like this,” he said, laughing.

Thank you so much, Geoffrey.”

Angelina rushed through her front door and packed her bag for the next few days. She was running up and down her stairs like a teenager about to take her first holiday with her friends minus the parents! She had left instructions with Richard to send Joshua to the lodge where she would be waiting, as well as leaving a cryptic message on his mobile phone! She showered and washed her hair and slipped into her new dress and shoes, which she was hoping would wow Joshua. She finally made herself stop and turned to look at herself in the mirror. She brushed the front of her dress with her hands and rustled her hair a bit. When she was ready, she locked up the cottage and loaded the boot with her bags then jumped into her car and made her way to the lodge.

After parking up, she ran into the lodge and lit all the candles and tuned on the outside lights. When she went outside to view them, she was impressed with herself for coming up with the idea. It looked so beautiful in the dark! She put some music on and the scene was set. She made her way into the kitchen and started cooking his favourite meal, information Richard was more than happy to share with her.

She felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end as she remembered the last time the two of them were at the lodge together. She was almost dizzy with excitement as she bounced around the small kitchen, preparing dinner for them.

Chapter Fifteen

Joshua was in the back seat of his friend’s car after a long flight. He turned on his phone and a stream of messages came flying through. He listened to Angelina's cryptic message and a curious smile appeared on his face. He wondered what on earth she was planning as she did not give much away in her message. He called Richard to check in with him as he always did once he was homebound and Richard passed on Angelina's instructions in a little more detail. He couldn't wait to hold her again and kiss those beautiful lips of hers. He was irreparably and irrevocably in love with her. She was all he thought of during his every waking hour. Joshua was dreading having to tell Angelina about his next deployment to
Afghanistan. Six long months he would be gone. He just hoped their relationship was strong enough to withstand such a long break so early on.

He made a pit-stop at his house without changing and grabbed some civvies for the next few days. He climbed into his car and headed off to the lodge. As he approached, he slowed down as the lit up trees in front of the lodge came into view. He was very impressed and sported a wide grin across his face as he parked up and made his way inside excitedly.

As he opened the door, Angelina came running towards him at full speed and jumped up, wrapping her legs tightly around him. She kissed him all over his face before jumping down and taking a step back to admire him in his uniform.

Wow, you look amazing, soldier! I have missed you so much.” I can't believe you're finally here, Josh.” A tear escaped down Angelina's cheek.

You look so beautiful, I have thought of this moment every single day for the past twelve weeks. Come here you.” Joshua picked her up and spun her around, he kissed her tentatively on her lips and she responded eagerly, their tongues dancing together as they reunited.

They spent the next fifteen minutes kissing passionately, not letting each other go. When they finally prised themselves apart, Angelina took Joshua by the hand and led him to the dining table.

“What's all this then? The lady does cook!” teased Joshua as he sat down. Joshua watched as Angelina served up dinner, she was a vision of pure beauty and he realized right at that moment that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her.

Okay, I believe I have cooked your favourite dish! I can't promise it has been produced to perfection or how you like it but I gave it a shot.” Angelina placed the carbonara pasta bake down onto the table and poured them both a glass of wine.

Here's to us,” toasted Angelina.

Here's to us, darling,” repeated Joshua.

Okay, we have two whole weeks before you're off again, and I have booked time off so I can spend every last minute with you.”

Joshua jumped off his seat and planted a kiss on her lips then picked her up and spun her round.
“Now I am even happier, if that's possible. How on earth did you wangle that?”

I have lots of untaken leave and decided it was high time to use some of it, now I have a reason to!” Angelina smiled mischievously. “Just wait there for a moment.” Angelina dashed up the stairs to retrieve the gift she had bought for him a few weeks before. She walked down the stairs slowly.

I have something for you. It's a belated Christmas present.” She handed over the gift and Joshua opened it with great care. As he unravelled the ribbon and opened the small box, he gasped and looked to Angelina. He turned it over and read the inscription:
May you always return safely to me. I love you, Angelina x

It's beautiful, the most beautiful and thoughtful gift anyone has ever given me. Thank you so much, darling.” Angelina walked around the table and sat across Joshua and hugged him so tight. Then she cupped his face in her tiny hands and kissed him gently on the lips.

I wanted to give you something that would provide you with extra care on your deployments, because I'm not taking any chances, Joshua. I have just found you and I have no intentions of ever losing you, okay!” Joshua nodded and buried his face in her chest.

Before returning home, he had been given details of his next deployment and he had no idea how to tell her. He knew it was going to devastate her, not to mention worry the hell out of her. He pondered over telling her right there and then and changed his mind. He thought he would let them have their two weeks together and tell her before he left.

Angelina sensed a mood change in Joshua; she was puzzled and looked at him with a quizzical look on her face. “Joshua, what is it? And please don't say it’s nothing. I can tell by your brief silence and the pensive look on your face that something is wrong. So please, just tell me.”

Joshua looked at Angelina.
“I will be posted to Afghanistan for six months at the end of our two weeks. I'm so sorry, this is the part of being in a relationship I hate; the look of disappointment that you're displaying right here, right now and the worst thing is there is absolutely nothing I can do or say to change this. It's my job, Angelina, and I have to go where I'm needed. Please don't worry, I will return safely, I promise.”

Angelina was sobbing and could not speak through her tears. She was scared, afraid that something would happen to him. She remained silent and saying nothing, Joshua held her close for a long while.

Finally she said, “We better make these two weeks count then, Joshua.” Angelina threw him a sad smile and took his hand and led him back to the dining table so they could finish their dinner.

I cooked this dinner with loving hands so let's not waste it!”

Not another word was spoken about his next tour in
Afghanistan. They finished up their meal and moved over to the couch where they watched a movie together before heading upstairs. Angelina was trying so hard not to show how tormented she was, more afraid than she'd ever been in her entire life. She had no idea how she was going to cope while he was away. However, she wanted to send him away happy and did not want him to worry about her at all. He would have enough to deal with once he was out there without her adding to his worries. She decided she would put on a brave face for his sake and cry herself silly once he'd left.

Joshua lay Angelina gently down on the large bed. He slowly slipped off her shoes and threw them onto the floor. His large hands glided up the outside of her toned legs until they reached the top of her stockings and then he teasingly and slowly slipped them off. Angelina's heart was racing; she closed her eyes while Joshua continued to undress her slowly and teasingly, kissing her all over whilst doing so. He circled her belly button with his tongue and Angelina gasped and took in a deep breath. He removed his own clothes and then slowly kissed every inch of her lithe body.

Angelina sat up and pushed Joshua down beneath her; she sat across him, one leg either side of his body, and reciprocated, kissing him all over before he could stand it no longer. Excitement taking over, he climbed on top of her and slowly entered her, they moved symmetrically, in perfect rhythm, kissing each other with such passion before coming to orgasm together.

You have no idea how much I have been dreaming about this moment, feeling your naked body next to mine, kissing your beautiful lips. I want to wake up with you and see your beautiful face on the pillow next to mine in the morning,” Joshua confessed. “By the way, have I told you how much I love you?”

Angelina rolled over and lay on top of Joshua's naked body, kissing him gently around his neck.
“I love you, Joshua. I am so in love with you it hurts.”

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