Broken Together (22 page)

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Authors: K. S. Ruff

Tags: #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Inspirational, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

BOOK: Broken Together
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can’t keep the Senator waiting.” Sadly, I hadn’t a clue how to handle the rest
of the meeting.

phone vibrated with an incoming call by the time I reached Jamie’s desk. I
stopped just outside the Senator’s office. “Yes?”

voice slid through me like a salve. “Leonid Kozhara has appointed me the Deputy
Minister of Foreign Affairs. This position does not require a presidential
nomination or approval by the Ukrainian Parliament.”

tension eased from my shoulders. “Thank God.” I grabbed Jamie’s business card
from the card holder on her desk. “Can you ask Mr. Kozhara to fax confirmation
of this appointment to 202-224-6384 on official government letterhead as soon
as possible?”

low growl emanated from the phone.

Maxim?” I persisted sweetly.

will have documentation shortly.” Maxim disconnected the call.

stepped inside the Senator’s office. “I’m sorry for the interruption.”

stood and beckoned me toward our chairs. “Is Mr. Markov working for the
Ukrainian government?”

stuffed a rainbow roll inside my mouth. “Yes. Mr. Markov is currently working
as Ukraine’s Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs.”

reclined against the back of his chair. “How long has he been working in this

bit back a smile. “He’s been serving as Ukraine’s Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
for approximately five minutes.”

revelation was met with a hearty laugh. “Well played, Ms. Stone.”

smiled. “Ukraine’s Minister of Foreign Affairs will be faxing written
confirmation of this appointment to your office within the hour.”

Rockefeller rose from his chair. “I’ll attend the meeting with Secretary Gates
this afternoon. I can’t make any promises about the economic aid, but I’ll see
what I can do.”

shoved the empty sushi containers back inside the bag. “Thank you so much for
meeting with him… and me.”

walked me to the door. “Thank you, Ms. Stone. Next time, lunch is on me.”

* * * *

eyes flashed open in the darkened room.

me,” Rafael whispered soothingly. He pulled a long-sleeved heather gray Henley
over his head. The moonlight slipped between the blinds to dance along his chiseled

pushed up from the pillow and smoothed my wildly tangled hair. “What time is

I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you.” He kicked his jeans aside.

burrowed into his arms, savoring his warmth, when he climbed into bed. “Why
didn’t you tell me you were flying in tonight? I would have waited up for you.”

chest rose and fell with a tired breath. “I didn’t think I’d get my report
finished in time to fly out tonight. When airports started closing along the east
coast, I didn’t know if we’d be able to land here or if we’d be diverted
someplace else. I didn’t want to get your hopes up.”

snuggled a little closer. “Is it still snowing outside?”

tucked the covers beneath my chin while nuzzling the top of my head. “There’s a
foot of snow on the ground, and it doesn’t look like this storm is going to end
anytime soon.”

I hope we get buried under mountains of snow so you can’t fly back to Portugal.”
I tried not to yawn. “God, I’ve missed this… and you. I’m so happy you’re home.”

too,” Rafael murmured sleepily. Within seconds, he was snoring softly.

pressed my nose to his neck, sighing contentedly when I smelled the cloves from
his spicy cologne.            I whispered a small prayer of thanksgiving before
surrendering to sleep. The snow continued to fall while we slumbered safely in
each other’s arms.

* * * *

kissed the stubble shadowing Rafael’s jaw. “I can’t believe you’re really here.”
I assumed I’d been dreaming the night before. When I discovered him lying next
to me, I woke with a burst of energy and in an insanely good mood.

smiled without opening his eyes.

climbed on top of him. “Are you still sleeping?” I lifted one of his eyelids.

chest vibrated when he chuckled. “Not anymore.”

are you still sleeping? Isn’t it like two o’clock in the afternoon in
Portugal?” I leaned back, still straddling his lap.

jet lagged,” he complained. “Why are you so awake? Did you sneak out for

I’m just excited you’re home.” My smile faded. “When do you have to fly back to

warm brown eyes sought mine. “I fly back Tuesday night.”

days wasn’t nearly enough. I forced another smile. “You said something about a
report last night. Did you catch one of the bad guys?”

a wealthy businessman.” He shook his head. “I still can’t believe he asked me
to secure the child for him.”

bad for your first ten days on the job,” I stated admiringly.

hands caressed my thighs before settling on my hips. “Any idea how the meeting
went between Maxim and Secretary Gates?”

shrugged uncertainly. “Kadyn said the meeting went well. Everyone’s mulling
over the possibilities, but they haven’t agreed to anything. Maxim left after
the meeting. He had to get back to Ukraine and campaign. Kadyn confirmed
Maxim’s flight and returned home last night.”

nodded. “Jase told me, well, he texted me last night. I suppose we should head
downstairs so I can meet the infamous Oni.”

bit my lip. “I don’t want to go downstairs.”

Curiosity and hope sparked in his eyes.

pressed my lips to his ear. “I need to feel you inside of me.”

fingers gripped my hips. “I don’t know. Once we start we may never stop.”

tongue traced a circle just behind his ear. “Please?” I whispered.

he groaned. His body hardened right where I needed him most.

let the full weight of my body settle against his. He rolled over, pinning me
beneath him before thoroughly ravishing me with a kiss. I managed to wiggle out
of my sleep shorts without breaking the kiss. He slid his boxer briefs off.

both moaned when his deliciously naked body settled against mine. Need pinged
across every nerve ending and pooled between my legs.

was forced to break the kiss when Rafael lifted the camisole over my head. His
warm, wet tongue circled my breasts. He drew them deep inside his mouth. My
body arched, demanding more, while pleasure pulsed deep and low. I was already
dangerously close to climaxing. “Now,” I whispered pleadingly.

lips forged a trail along my collarbone, shoulder, and neck. He pinned me with
his gaze before filling me inch by glorious inch. “Is this what you need?”

I whispered. I loved the way he forced my body to accommodate him despite his intimidating
size. I breathed a sigh of relief when our hips finally met. The tension eased
and the pain subsided with that one, single breath.

a groan, he pulled us even closer. “You’re so tight. I love how your body tries
to resist mine.” Our lips met in a heated kiss. His fingers coaxed my breasts
into sensitive peaks; tugging, twisting, and pinching until I lie writhing
beneath him.

knees lifted instinctively, allowing him greater access as he thrust. He
demanded more with every stroke. The room wavered in and out of focus. Rafael pushed
me to the edge in long, slow strokes, tore me away, then sent me back again.
Three times he denied my release. “
,” I whimpered shamelessly.

slowed even more. “Open your eyes.” His arms shook while he fought for control.

heart stalled when I saw the determination in his eyes.

eyes darkened as he began to swell. With impossible precision, he thrust once…
twice… three times. The room exploded when he struck my womb. A million jagged stars
danced between us.

swallowed my scream as we found our release. He pulsed inside of me, anchoring
his seed with a searing heat. My body trembled as he wrung every last bit of
pleasure from me.

sprawled face down in the pillows too sated to move when he rolled me over. He blanketed
my body, chest to my back, grasped my hands, and pushed inside of me again. His
thick limbs held me in place. There was no questioning this man’s strength or
his power over me. I found that thought soothing. Rafael moved deep and slow. He
took his time, savoring every move, while he stitched our bodies together. With
hands still clasped, he sent us careening toward an exquisite end.

our bodies finally quieted, Rafael scooped me up and carried me to the shower. He
turned all twelve jets on while cradling me in his arms. Steam enveloped us as
we stepped inside. We took turns washing each other’s hair, lathering each
other up, kissing, and holding one another while the jets sent the soap spiraling
down the drain.

wrapped me in a thick, cotton towel before drying himself off. We both donned
sweats, long-sleeved shirts, and thick socks before heading downstairs.

better?” Jase inquired when we stepped inside the kitchen. He was perched on a
stool at the center island.

I boasted. I’d gone to bed without dinner the night before, although I couldn’t
say whether it was fatigue or depression that had sent me there. The meeting
with the Senator had left me feeling drained, and I was missing Rafael terribly.

crossed the kitchen, poured two cups of coffee, and handed one to me. “You two
are welcome to stay, but don’t feel like you have to stick around here today.
You’ve been working twenty-four seven. I’m sure you would enjoy some time off.”

glanced up from his spot in front of the television. He’d been hunched over,
watching the screen intently, when we walked into the kitchen. “Have you looked
outside the window recently?”

and I exchanged glances. “No.”

laughed. “There’s two and half feet of snow out there. Most of the roads have
yet to be plowed, so emergency travel only.”

pulled the blinds up on the window and was nearly blinded by the sun. “Maybe
you’ll get snowed in after all.”

nodded toward the television. “The snow has slowed, but they’re expecting it to
pick up again this afternoon. Hey! Check this out.”

Jase, and I joined him on the sectional.

having a snowball fight on King Street in front of City Hall,” Rafael noted
with a hint of envy.

burst out laughing. Someone off screen had just beamed the reporter upside the
head with a snowball.

four of us exchanged glances. Brady was the first to move. “Let’s go.”

yelped when he bolted past her. “What’s wrong?”

Rafael, Rafael, Oni,” I said excitedly. I pulled her toward the television so
she could see the snowball fight. “Get your coat. We’re going to play in the

giggled and plotted like nine year olds as we trekked up King Street. We had to
walk in the middle of the street because the plows had forced all of the snow
up onto the sidewalks. We stopped and made snowballs along the way, piling them
inside plastic bags. Our gloves were sticky with snow by the time we arrived at
City Hall.

and Jase wasted no time jumping into the melee. They pelted every man standing.
Rafael hung back, seemingly conflicted. I could tell he wanted to join Brady
and Jase, but he also wanted to protect us.

nudged Oni, who was staring slack-jawed at the crowd. “Ready?”

eyes were bright, her cheeks flushed from the cold. “No.”

piled a bunch of snowballs into her arms. “I’ll never pull it off alone.”

shoved a few snowballs into her coat pockets before grinning. “Okay.”

ran opposite one another while attacking Rafael. “Take that,” I yelled.

You’re not supposed to attack your own team,” he protested laughingly. He
ducked and danced between the ammunition but refused to throw a snowball.

of Oni’s snowballs hit Rafael in the arm when he was protecting his head. I
caught him in the hip.

against the boys!” Brady yelled. He beamed me in the chest with a snowball,
then danced on his toes like he’d just scored the winning touchdown.

That’s my girl!” Rafael threw his first snowball, nailing Brady in the head.

came to Brady’s rescue, throwing snowballs rapid fire toward Rafael, Oni, and
me. We returned fire, instinctively forming our own team.

wasn’t long before we collapsed in a heap, caked in snow.

handing out free hot chocolate at Bread and Chocolate,” a well-bundled woman
shared excitedly on her way up the street.

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