Broken Together (45 page)

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Authors: K. S. Ruff

Tags: #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Inspirational, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

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eased two suitcases from an overhead bin. Shae gasped when he unzipped them.
“There should be enough ankle holsters, shoulder harnesses, guns, and
ammunition for everyone,” Ethan announced.

removed his jacket before joining him. “I asked Ethan to pack earpieces and smartwatches
imbedded with Bluetooth microphones so we can communicate discreetly.” He quietly
considered Shae and me. “I wasn’t sure whether you would want one.”

took a step forward, then backed away. “I don’t think so.”

shook my head. “If I heard about all the people you suspect, I’d end up a
complete mess.”

will remain with one of us at all times then.” Rafael looked pointedly at Shae.
“That includes you, my friend. I don’t care if that rubs Konstantin the wrong
way. I don’t know him well enough to trust him with your life.”

bottom lip quivered.

rose from his chair. “I’ll watch over Shae.”

too,” Marie agreed.

all will,” Cenia assured her.

still couldn’t believe they’d insisted on joining us. I should have known. This
circle of friends had proven time and again they’d lay down their lives for me.

and Ethan slid guns inside their holsters and harnesses before tucking an
additional gun against the small of their backs. Brogan, Aidan, Brady, and Jase
did the same. I suddenly realized why they were wearing suits. They were using
the suit jackets to hide their weapons.

Roger, Phil, Marie, and Kadyn strapped their weapons into place before
inserting their ear pieces. While they tested their communication devices, I
wondered what Maxim would think of our eleven person security team.

pulled three tactical folding knives from her backpack. She tucked one into her
pants at the small of her back before pressing another into Shae’s hand. “I
know you’re not comfortable packing a gun, but you should carry something.” She
handed the third knife to me. “Tuck this beneath your bra if you’re wearing a
dress. Aim for the femoral, the jugular, or between the second and third ribs.”
She pointed to each location, tickling me when she said “ribs.”

been cleared to land at the Kyiv International Airport,” Kari announced.
“Please make sure your seatbelts are fastened, seat backs are in the upright
position, and all those sweet looking guns are stowed.” She started cracking
up. “I’ll be strapping on a couple of those bad boys myself.”

laughed. I’d grown to adore Kari. She always knew what we needed most, whether
it was privacy, a warm cup of tea, a strong cup of coffee, or a joke to lighten
the moment.

shoved the knife inside my bra, which wasn’t easy considering the cut of my
dress. I was wearing a black sheath dress, the pearls that belonged to Rafael’s
mother, and pointy half d’Orsay heels from Sergio Rossi. Eva purchased the
black and white snakeskin heels for me during one of her shopping sprees. I
couldn’t bear to part with them so I’d taken them back to Virginia with me.

nodded his approval when he saw what I was doing. He helped me into a black
elegantly hooded raincoat that swirled around my ankles like Little Red Riding
Hood’s cape. This too was Eva’s doing. The woman had impeccable taste in

fastened our seatbelts. “Thank God we’re landing in Kyiv and not Sevastopol.” I
couldn’t bear to see the tarmac where Michael had been shot.

peered at the landscape barreling toward us. “Kyiv is difficult enough.”

knees bounced. The plane grew eerily silent when the wheels touched down. I
popped another Zofran. I was on the verge of throwing up.

handed me his bottled water.

Anderson rolled past the main terminal. He parked near a hangar at the end of
the airfield.

stood. “Wait here.” He looked at Kadyn. “Sit on her if you see any muscles

unfastened his seatbelt so he could stand next to me.

and Brady joined Rafael at the front of the aircraft. Rafael scrolled through
some messages on his cell phone before speaking into his smartwatch. They
strode off the plane as soon as the ground crew positioned the stairs. Jase stood
just inside the door so he could monitor the tarmac while keeping an eye on me.

squeezed my shoulder. “Breathe,” he reminded me.

could I with all those men standing on the tarmac? Although, these men differed
from the ones who haunted my dreams. Very few were dressed in black. Most were
wearing military uniforms or suits. Maxim seemed utterly relaxed in his three
piece suit. He leaned casually against a black SUV while speaking with

crossed the tarmac, flanked by Ethan and Brady.

peered out the window. “I bet you a hundred bucks Rafael punches him.”

smile tugged at Kadyn’s lips. “I don’t think he will. There are too many men wielding
guns who could misconstrue what’s going on.”

that’s why the aircraft is still running,” Phil mused thoughtfully.

punch him for kissing my fiancé,” Roger boasted.

patted his shoulder. “Sure you would, honey. You’d punch the president of a
foreign country while he was surrounded by armed forces who were chomping at
the bit to kill somebody.”

would.” He winked at me.


stood and gave him a hug. “Thank you for making me laugh.”

Jase asked.

took a deep breath and blew it out. I didn’t respond because the answer was
“no.” Brogan and Aidan stepped out in front of me. I followed them down the stairs.
Jase and our remaining friends trailed close behind.

and I walked arm in arm once we hit the tarmac. Jase walked alongside me, Kadyn
alongside Shae. Brogan and Aidan stepped aside when we joined Maxim and Rafael.

kissed Shae on the lips. “Thank you for coming.”

nodded politely.

kissed my cheek before I could process her lukewarm response. “You honor me
with your presence.”

gave him a hug. “Thank you for inviting us.”

danced in his eyes. “Your security detail is larger than mine.”

eyed the security forces standing stiffly along the tarmac. “I think you

laughed. “Most of these men have been ordered to protect you and your aircraft,
and this doesn’t include the security team that arrived yesterday.”

glanced at Rafael questioningly.

arranged for a security detail out of Portugal. They’re positioned between the
airport, Maxim’s residence, and Mariyinsky Palace.”

many?” I inquired breathlessly.

intelligence and security officers,” Maxim answered.

eyes widened. “Can you accommodate that many people?”

chuckled. “If this ensures your safety, then I am happy to have them.” He shook
Kadyn’s hand. “Thank you for coming, Kadyn. Your assistance has proven

nodded. Once.

introduced Maxim to my remaining friends.

reached for my elbow after shaking their hands. “You will ride with me. I can
accommodate two more people in my SUV. I’ve secured additional SUVs for the
remaining individuals.”

and I will join you,” Rafael assured me.

and I will ride with Shae,” Kadyn announced decidedly.

eyes narrowed, but Kadyn’s tone brokered no room for argument.

piled into the long line of SUVs. All of the vehicles looked the same; black
paint, heavily tinted windows, and no defining features such as presidential
emblems or flags. Rafael, Jase, and I joined Maxim in the third vehicle.
Maxim’s bodyguards sat in the front. I joined Maxim in the second row. Rafael
and Jase sat in the back.

arranged for a small, intimate dinner to welcome you and your friends at eight
o’clock this evening. That should allow you some time to rest. The swearing in
ceremony will take place on the floor of the Ukrainian Parliament at three
o’clock tomorrow. I plan to sign the Ukraine-European Union Association
Agreement before the inaugural ball. The ball is being held at Mariyinsky
Palace, which adjoins the Ukrainian Parliament,” Maxim advised us.

understand Mariyinsky Palace is merely a ceremonial residence. Did you acquire
the former president’s home?” Jase asked.

but I plan to dismantle that opulent resort, auction the items, and return the
funds to the Ukrainian people.” His eyes sought mine. “Each president is
allowed to select his own private residence. I’ve chosen a modest home that can
still accommodate guests. The grounds are extensive, which helps ensure privacy.
The layout is very secure. I promise, you will be safe there.”

has public sentiment been since the election?” Rafael queried.

countrymen are pleased about the pipeline. They are hopeful this will
strengthen our economy. They are worried that Putin may retaliate, but the missile
defense shield helps alleviate some of their concerns. The Ukrainian people
recognize this defense shield is meant to protect all of Europe. They feel
honored the United States would trust us to protect the EU. This has become a
source of national pride, the fact that you would count us among your allies.”

welled in my eyes. “Maxim, I am so happy for you.”

grasped my hand. “I want you to know how much I appreciate your efforts to help
my country. You owed us nothing… less than nothing when one considers what the
SVR did to you… but still you helped us. I will never forget what you have done
for me and my country.” He kissed my hand before releasing it.

chin quivered. Maxim’s words evoked a confusing array of emotions, which
threatened to release a floodgate of tears.

convoy turned onto a narrow lane interspersed with budding trees. We stopped
briefly at a gatehouse. Our driver spoke with the guards before following the
other vehicles through the tall wrought iron gate.

sleeping quarters inside the guest house are being used by your security detail
and mine.” Maxim nodded toward a large stone house.

sprawling lawn and a small pond separated the guest house from the Tudor style
mansion looming before us. A number of guards were patrolling the grounds.

beautiful,” I breathed.

smiled, obviously pleased. “There are ten bedrooms, five in each wing, which
should be enough to accommodate your friends.”

you for having us.” I still couldn’t believe we were staying at the
presidential residence. A number of phone calls had transpired between Rafael
and Maxim before Rafael agreed Maxim’s residence was the safest location for us.

SUV stopped in front of a massive garage. Maxim helped me step out of the vehicle
since Rafael and Jase were sitting behind us. Rafael linked his fingers in mine
when he joined us.

took it all in stride. Within minutes, he was ushering us inside. While the
house was quite large, it was far from opulent. I found the stone walls, the
deep mahogany wood, and the masculine undertones soothing. The warm hues
reflected in the brown leather furniture, the artwork, and rugs were consistent
with his previous home. They fit him perfectly.

take your coats,” the butler offered in flawless English.

freed me from my coat before removing his own.

low growl rumbled through Jase’s chest when he caught Maxim eying my dress.

shot Jase a disapproving look. “Kristine looks stunning. A man would have to be
dead not to appreciate that.”

helped Shae out of her coat.

Konstantin?” I asked.


reached for my arm. “I’d like to show you the house before escorting you to
your rooms.” A modest sitting room sat to the left of the foyer. This room held
brown leather chairs and a mahogany bar I recognized from his previous home.
Maxim’s office was across the foyer, directly opposite the sitting room. His
office opened into a good sized library.

stopped in front of the formal dining room, which was clearly designed to
entertain large groups. “Dinner will be served here this evening. You will be
my first guests.” A restaurant sized kitchen separated the formal dining room
from a smaller, more intimate dining room. A powder room and a family room were
secreted near the back of the house. The French doors inside the family room
led out onto a massive stone terrace with a stunning view of Kyiv.

an amazing view,” Cenia whispered admiringly.

terrace extended beyond a second set of French doors which opened into a formal
living room on the opposite side of the house. A second powder room separated
the living room from an unassuming door, the library, and Maxim’s office.

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