Broken Ever After (28 page)

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Authors: Natalie Graham

BOOK: Broken Ever After
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I- I’m fine, I just errr- need a drink.” Preferably an alcoholic one to knock me straight out so I can wake when Mr Protector McHottie goes away. “Would you like something, Riley?” I asked as I peered into the fridge, struggling to keep my voice in my normal tone. I felt him before I heard him; I stiffened under his touch as he rested his hand on the patch of skin where my t-shirt had rode up slightly, he leant down over me as he looked with me.

Umm” He paused to think. “I want this” He whispered in my ear as he inhaled the smell of my hair, while simultaneously rubbing his thumb over the patch of skin on my back and grabbing a can of Coke.

, so I didn’t know too much about PPO’s, but I was pretty sure they weren’t supposed to act like that. Aren’t they supposed to be cool, calm and collected, remaining strictly professional at all times?

He pulled away from me and went to stand by one of the big windows. I closed the fridge a
nd went to the sofa with my drink and grabbed the TV remote to flick through Austin’s recorded shows. I picked something I’d already seen in the hope it would give me something to concentrate on while waiting for Uncle Austin to bring my things.

I was hyper aware of Riley walking around the room
, making an effort not to follow him with my eyes. I felt the back of the sofa dip as he rested his hands on it, one by each side of my head. Goosebumps broke out over my arms that I tried to brush away.
Oh God, please don’t notice!

Oh I missed this one, do you mind if I watch it with you?”

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat.
“Erm… No, go ahead, sit.” I waved to a chair opposite me but he sat right next to me, so close that my folded knee was brushing his thigh every time I shifted a little. Would it be rude to get up and walk to the other seat? I could make up some excuse to move, but would he know? I did the only thing that I could think to do to get away and that was spilling my drink over myself.

Why couldn’t I just be normal and excuse myself to the bathroom? Or go and look out of the window before sitting in a different seat? I completely lacked brain function near him.

I ran in to my room and closed the door behind me and leant against it while I calmed down. What is with that guy? What is with
? I went to my drawers to see what I had to wear as I hadn’t stayed with Austin in a couple of months. I found some clean underwear, a clean top and some denim shorts that I loved; I thought I’d lost them. In the bathroom I checked for clean towels and that I had shampoo and shower gel before taking a shower. I dressed quickly, brushed my hair leaving it down to dry and headed back out to the living room. I picked my Coke up from the table to have a drink but it was empty.

You stole my drink!” Riley chuckled. “Un-freaking-believable! Why would you do that?” I stepped over his legs that were propped up on the coffee table, but he threw me off balance as he removed his legs from between mine to stand, catching me by my waist.

Sit… Let me.” He quickly let go of me, gesturing to the sofa so I sat. “I paused it for you so you didnae miss it.”

I’ve already seen it.”

Now she tells me!” I smiled as he laughed and plonked himself back down on the sofa next to me pressing play again. I think he’d paused it right before a sex scene on purpose. I stretched my legs out resting my bare feet on the coffee table, subtly pressing my thighs together as I tried not to think about how the wall of muscle sat beside me would look as he pinned me against the wall- I cut that thought from my head straight away trying to think about something else.


Huh?” He tore his gaze away from the TV.

How old are you?”

Twenty-three” My eyes widened. I could tell he was young, but holy shit!

Isn’t that a little too young to be a PPO? Aren’t you guys’ usually retired police or military?” I looked at him raising an eyebrow. He turned in his seat to face me, putting his arm along the back of the sofa, if he moved his hand just an inch he’d be stroking my bare shoulder. I swallowed nervously as I saw his finger twitch.

Do you doubt my ability to protect you, Miss Stevens?” His voice sent shivers through me, why am I reacting like an idiot to him? I really hope he didn’t notice that.

N- no? I was just… curious.” He snorted a laugh at me. God, even Jamie never made me this nervous. I felt a twist in my stomach as I thought about Jamie. What am I going to do about him?

You know what they say about curiosity. I can assure you, I am more than capable of taking care of a wee thing like you.” His finger brushed my shoulder. “Do you think Austin would hire me if I hadn’t had sufficient training? I’m more than proficient in seven martial arts as well as weapons training and a whole lot of other boring stuff you probably don’t want to hear about.”

Seven martial arts? Wow! When did you start?”

I started Karate classes when I was four and then just kept adding them.” I could imagine this little cutie, blue eyed boy throwing all the other kids around and giggled. “Something funny?”

No… I’m just trying to picture a mini you throwing the big kids over your shoulder.”

I can show you if you like? I can teach you a few things.”

Seriously?” I beamed at him. That would be amazing to learn, especially with creeps like Lucas hanging around; but being that close to him terrified me a little. I wasn’t sure I trusted him or myself to be that close.

Aye, come on.” He grabbed my hand and pulled me up from the sofa, dragging me to the big space behind. I could feel electricity humming through my body, stemming from my hand that was connected to his.

What, now? Like right now?” I pulled my hand away from his, putting both behind my back to wring them nervously.

Aye, now.” I so wasn’t ready for this. I scrambled for something… anything to make him change his mind.

But you’re not dressed properly.” My voice was getting higher with every word I said, panic rising in my chest.

How should I be dressed? Do you think I’m like Superman and keep a spare set of clothes under my suit for when attackers come at me? Do you think I just rip my clothes off and have my Gi or Dobok underneath ready?” Well when he put it like that… Shit! Now I had images of him breaking out of his suit, Superman style. Or maybe me ripping it off for him, to his naked chest, I bet it was like a wall of pure muscle, my tongue would dip and rise over every one as it ran down- NO! “Do you think someone will think twice about trying to attack you because you are in a pretty wee dress and heels?”

No… I…” I flinched, thinking of Lucas on Friday. They gave him an advantage. “I guess not.” I bet he looks hot in his Karate gear though. I bit my lip thinking about it. He removed his suit jacket revealing a gun strapped to him in a shoulder holster and another one attached to his belt. He removed both and laid them on the dining table. I watched in amazement or maybe terror, frozen to the spot as he laid them out neatly then pulled a knife from under his trouser leg. “Are those real?”

No, they are toys in case I want to pretend to shoot somebody.” He smirked at me. “Come on, don’t be dim.”

I’m not dim.” I bristled at his words, resenting the fact he thought I was an idiot. “I was just shocked. I didn’t think that was legal? And I’ve been sat next to you for how long? And you’ve had a loaded weapon in your pocket the entire time!” I almost yelled at him.

That wasn’t my gun.” His smirk grew.
Holy fuck!
I gulped as I felt my heart rate increase.
Oh god
… The look he gave me left me so heated, everything inside of me twisted like I was about to have the most intense orgasm of my life brought on by his eyes alone, as I stood right in the middle of the living room; hell I was sure I’d need a pregnancy test when I was done too.
For fuck’s sake, Olivia! Snap out of it!
I mentally scolded myself.

Riley began untying his shoes, placing his socks inside of them; his tie was next which he neatly folded placing it on the table beside his weapons. They looke
d so odd, delicate black silk next to the harsh metals. Rolling up his shirt sleeves he slowly walked towards me like a wild animal stalking his prey. “…was to attack you…” How can just looking at his bare feet and arms make my insides twist in that delicious way? “…your first instinct be?” His walk screamed ‘man’ and ‘sex’; he looked so primal, like he wanted to kill something, eat it, then fuck for a week celebrating the fact. I straightened my stance, pressing my legs together. He raised an eyebrow at me indicating that he was waiting for something.

Umm…” I had to sift through my thoughts to recall hearing his question. First instinct? “To scream?” I guessed. Oh boy, I bet he could make me…

Good… And?” he was getting closer.

Umm… I don’t know… Run?” I guessed as he stopped three feet in front of me.

You think you could outrun me wee lady?”

Not likely.



Five… Four…” Uh oh, I stepped back and he lowered his face looking at me through his dark lashes as he smiled and counted. “Three… Why aren’t you running?” I stepped back again. “Two…” I gulped. “One” He launched at me with open arms but I moved to the side so he missed me.

I screamed
a horrible, girly scream that sounded so unlike me and ran to the other side of the room positioning myself at the other side of the table. “Huh… Good job.”

shifted left and so did I countering his movements. He shifted right again, so did I. He eyed the middle of the table and I knew what was coming. Leaning over, he planted his hand in the middle of the table, his knees bending slightly to give him the spring to leap. I screamed again as I crashed to the floor and slid under the table to the other side heading for the sofa area again. He stood at the other side of the table looking at me from across the room, laughing. “Slippery wee thing aren’t you?”

I think you are just purposely being slow, Riley.” He moved left around the table again and I copied his movements keeping us in an even line away from each other. “I’m sure a big, strong guy like you could have caught little ol’ me by now. It doesn’t say much for your ability to protect me if you can’t even catch

Is that so? Well then…” He dived back over the table taking off running full speed across the room. With a louder scream, I ran to the middle of the room with no idea where to go next and made the mistake of slowing to see where he was. He grabbed me around my waist and neck, swiped my feet out from under me and pinned me to the floor taking both my hands in one of his with his legs pinning mine down. “You were saying?”

I… Erm… Hmm?”

Now what do you think of my ability to catch the bad guys and protect you?” I wasn’t thinking. I was lost looking in his eyes, so bright… so blue… so… so…

Huh?” He laughed at me.

Are you ok?”

Yeah I’m fine.” I whispered breathlessly as I looked up at him.

Yes you are.” He agreed softly. The hand on my waist tightened, squeezing me gently. His hands were so big that his fingers curled around my side while his thumb stroked over my navel. Slowly, he leaned down brushing my nose with his.

His gaze flicked down to my lips; the bottom one caught between my teeth. Letting go of my hands, he ran his down my arm to my face, gently cupping my cheek; his thumb gently pulling it free.

“I want to kiss these so badly.” He whispered as he continued stroking my lips with his thumb. “So soft.” He sighed as he flicked his tongue over his lips. “What are you doing to me? I’m not usually so… so…” He was stuck for a word.

Unprofessional?” I offered. He smiled at me.

Aye, that’s one word for it.”

I think I like you being unprofessional.”

Is that so?” He was just about to plant his lips to mine when the door burst open.

Olivia?” Uncle Austin rushed in as Riley got up and faced away. The first thing I noticed was the wave of sadness that washed over me; something inside of me ached as he pulled away from me. The second thing I noticed was the huge tent in his trousers and blushed like hell. Riley offered me his hand which I took and he pulled me up to stand; a wave of electricity flowed from my fingers as they connected with his again, making its way up my arm and coursed through my body. Austin cleared his throat behind me, I blushed bright red.

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