Broken (Breaking the Rules) (26 page)

BOOK: Broken (Breaking the Rules)
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“Did you find everything okay?” the cashier inquired.

He practically growled at her and she flinched.
Damn, Jackson. Chill, dude.

“No. How can you not have Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire? One of the most popular series in the world and you run out of the fourth book. Who’s in charge of ordering around here?” he demanded seriously. I burst out laughing at him and the cashier nervously looked at me, unsure what to think about us.

“Don’t mind him. He’s obsessed with Harry Potter. Once he figures out how slow I read, he’ll soon realize we have plenty of time to order it online and have it shipped.”

He was still upset about the book but didn’t harass the poor woman anymore.

Once we got back out to the car with our loot, I teased him. “Sheesh, Jackson. What if I don’t like your books? Are you going to break up with me?”

“You’re going to love them. J.K. Rowling is a genius,” he promised. He was so cute. Even if I hated the books, I’d never let him know. It was very much a part of him and I loved that. Harry and I were about to become best friends.

I opened the bag and peered in. Sure, we didn’t have book four, but we had the rest of them plus three supplemental books. He was going to be easy to buy for at Christmas. He pulled a book into his hand and was admiring it.

Sliding my hand up his thigh, I brought my mouth to his ear and nibbled. He tensed underneath me.

“I’m kind of jealous of this J.K. Rowling chick. You seem to be way more interested in her rather than me,” I teased as I sucked his lobe between my teeth.

He gasped and I heard him toss the book. His hands pulled me into his lap, and one of them sneaked underneath my dress. I slid my legs on either side of him, giving his fingers free access. Two of them glided into me easily since I was still bare underneath my dress and I moaned. I hoped he had hit the button giving privacy between us and George.

I rode his hand as he finger-fucked me and it felt amazing. His other hand pulled the low neckline of my dress down, freeing my breasts. He leaned forward and sucked on a nipple. My pussy clenched around his fingers, which only encouraged him to thrust them harder into me.

My body convulsed as the orgasm crashed over me. His fingers remained inside of me as his thumb slid over my clit. I shuddered at the touch. He did insane things to my body. When he made me come once more, I sighed happily and threw my arms around his neck.

“You’re the only thing I’m interested in. Everything else fails miserably short compared to you,” he whispered to me.

Take that, J.K. Rowling.




“Richard? Why are the police here?” Mom frantically calls from the front door. Jordan and I stand from the sofa. When her face sees mine, she wails and collapses to the floor. I don’t know how she knows, but she does. We run to her and the three of us sob. I’m clutching on to Mom, and Jordan has his arms around both of us.

“I need to see him,” she shrieks, attempting to stand up. Jordan and I hold her still.

“No. Mom, you can’t. I’m so sorry,” I tell her sadly.

She begins cursing at us and clawing at me so I’ll let go but I don’t. Just like I wouldn’t let Jordan see, I won’t let my mother see. I wish I could take those horrible images from my mind and burn them away. There’s no way my family will ever have to bear that scene in their memory banks.

She finally gives up on her hysterical attempt of escaping my arms and lets me hold her. “Boys, I am so sorry. So, so sorry.”

Me too, Mom. Me too.





The morning sun seeped into my room and blanketed his hard sleeping body. He was quite beautiful, especially in such a peaceful form. I slid out of my bed, trying not to wake him. His soft breathing let me know that he was still blissfully asleep. I picked up my camera from the dresser and snapped the photo. From a few other angles, I captured the shots I wanted. It was like I had a dark-headed angel in my bed, and he was gorgeous.

When I climbed onto the bed to get a better angle, his eyes suddenly opened and his hand shot out and grabbed my thigh. He grinned at me, looking impossibly more beautiful. I took another picture of him.

“What kind of creepy person takes pictures of people sleeping?” he asked, laughing at me.

“I take pictures of beautiful things and you are one of those beautiful things.”

Pulling the camera from me, he started taking pictures of me as I tried pulling the sheets over my naked body.

His eyes raked over my body, and when they met mine again, they were smoldering. I gasped at his heated gaze, and he stole one more photo before setting the camera on the bedside table.

“You’re a beautiful thing too, you know. Every day I am still shocked you’re mine. Still amazed that you would pick me out of everyone. I’m broken but you want me anyway. That makes you perfect in my eyes,” he revealed, lowering himself over my body and gently kissing my lips.

“Are you kidding me, Jackson? I’m broken too. That’s what makes us perfect for each other. We understand each other’s pain. It makes us stronger. I thank God every day for the way things happened, because if they hadn’t, I would never have found you. When I look at you, Jackson, I can see into your soul. I hope when you look at me you can see into mine as well. You’re all I ever wanted. You’re all I’ll ever want.”

His vulnerable eyes met mine again and we stared into each other’s souls in the way that was unique to us. He positioned himself at my folds and slid easily in. His eyes never left mine as he slowly pumped into me. This wasn’t sex or making love. This was the joining of two broken souls, making one strong, perfect one.

When we finally came simultaneously together, a tear escaped my eye. He wiped it away with his thumb and kissed me softly on the lips again. “I love you, Andi.”

This moment was one that I wished I could bottle up and save for a rainy day. “I love you too, Jackson.”



“Will Jordan be there?” I asked Jackson as we pulled down his mother’s street.

“He’s supposed to, and so is Pepper,” he answered, looking at me and we both laughed. It was still debatable if Pepper would be there or not. She hadn’t seemed thrilled at the idea of having dinner with him and his family. Jordan was unstoppable when it came to her. I just hoped that he liked her as much as I thought he did. If she ever decided to crack her icy exterior, Jordan would be worth cracking it for.

George stopped the car and got out with us. Trish insisted that he join us for dinner. Quite honestly, I thought she was sweet on the adorable British man.

We walked inside and the smell of roast swirled around me, instantly making my stomach growl. Jackson laughed beside me and I elbowed him in the ribs.

“Come in, everyone! The roast is almost ready. Can I offer you all some wine?” Trish asked as she breezed around the kitchen.

We all accepted her offer and watched as she finished up the supper.

“Where’s Jordie? Does he plan on coming? Is he bringing a date?” she inquired, her voice hopeful.

“I’m not sure, Mom. Last I heard, he planned on coming and he was going to bring Andi’s roommate. You never know with him though.”

She smiled and handed us our glasses. We sipped on them while Trish asked George if he wanted to go to church with her tomorrow. Jackson cocked an eyebrow at me over his wineglass and I grinned.

“Mom? Where’s my favorite lady?” Jordan’s voice boomed from the living room. Her face lit up as she ran from the kitchen. I loved how close this family was. It was such a far cry from my own. We walked into the living room to see Jordan hugging Trish.

“I’m still upset with you, Jordie. You haven’t visited in weeks. Jackson definitely moved into first place for favorite son,” she teased.

Jordan grinned at her, handing her a box of Godiva’s chocolates. “Who’s your favorite son now?” he asked as she shrieked, snatching the box from him. We all chuckled at them.

A knock on the front door grabbed our attention, and Jordan reached behind him, opening it. His smile was huge as he motioned for Pepper to come in. She frowned at him but broke into a smile when she saw me.

Jordan introduced them. “Mom, this is Andi’s roommate, Pepper. Pepper, this is my mother, Trish.” Pepper let out a yelp of surprise when Trish pulled her in for a hug. She’d learn that this was an affectionate family, especially Jordan and his mother.

“It’s so nice to meet you, Pepper. You are such a lovely girl. Perfect for my Jordie,” she praised as she let her go. Pepper started to protest but Trish interrupted her. “Roast is ready!”

Trish scampered into the kitchen, George following behind her.

“This is not a date!” she hissed at Jordan once Trish was out of earshot. He only grinned at her, further pissing her off.

Jackson and I tried to suppress our smiles but it was hard. There was so much sexual tension rolling off those two. Pepper needed to just get over it because I was absolutely positive she would enjoy herself once she did.

She glared over at us. “I’ve got somewhere to be in an hour so let’s get this over with.”

Stomping into the kitchen after Trish, she left the three of us to laugh after her.

Trish outdid herself once again. The roast was tender and amazing. When she brought out the chocolate cake, I almost died and went to heaven. It was fabulous. The dinner went surprisingly well, and even Pepper smiled a few times at Jordan’s elaborate stories of him and Jackson as kids. When Trish offered everyone some coffee, Pepper stood.

“Thank you, Trish, for dinner. It was wonderful. I must get going now though. My dad is taking me to a movie later.”

“Oh, hon, you’re welcome. Please visit again. I love how full my kitchen is right now. We haven’t had this many laughs in this house in quite some time.”

Jordan got up to walk her to the front door. From my position, I could see them standing at the front door. They were arguing in hushed tones. Those two were impossible. Suddenly, Jordan took her cheeks into his hands and pulled her in for a passionate kiss. My jaw dropped as I elbowed Jackson, catching his attention.

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