Broken (Breaking the Rules) (25 page)

BOOK: Broken (Breaking the Rules)
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Jackson was taking me out on a date tonight. He said that he wanted to take me to a new sushi restaurant that already was getting rave reviews. Of course I agreed. Dr. Sweeney would be proud that we can do other things besides have sex.

When I turned off the hair dryer, I heard shouts in the other room. Setting it on the counter, I padded barefoot into Jackson’s living room.

The air was punched out of my gut when I saw Bitch Nadia reaching out for Jackson.

“Jackie, please don’t make me sign these papers. We can work it out,” she begged him.

“Nadia, no. Get the fuck out of my house. I can’t look at you. Sign the fucking papers and let me live my life without you poisoning it.”

She walked up to him and cupped him between the legs. Before he even had an opportunity to push her away, I tore across the living room toward her, seeing red the entire way.

I tackled her to the ground and started hitting her with my fists. Her hands found my hair and tried to yank me off of her. I clawed at her hands and she howled when I drew blood.

Strong arms hooked under me and yanked me off of her. I tried to fight him off to get back to her but he held me tight.

“You bitch! You’re a home-wrecking whore!” I screamed down at her.

Nadia scrambled to her feet. She looked rumpled and frazzled, no longer the poised woman who was standing here moments ago.

“Call your dog off, Jackie! You’re the home wrecker. You’re sleeping with MY husband!” she spat.

I tried to get back over to her but Jackson held me tight.

“Nadia, it’s time for you to leave. You aren’t welcome here. Nothing you say or do will make me change my mind. Now go before I call building security.”

Throwing one more bitchy look my way, she snatched up her purse and stalked out, slamming the door behind her.

“I am so sorry about that. She is one of the skeletons in my closet that won’t fucking go away.” He squeezed me from behind.

My chest still heaved from our altercation.

“You are so hot when you’re pissed,” he whispered into my hair. His hands slipped under my dress and caressed circles on the outsides of my thighs. And just like always, I melted at his touch.

I was pretty sure he was going to bend me over and fuck me over the back of the couch again. Instead, he surprised me by scooping me up into his arms. He carried me to his bedroom and sat me down on the bed. Ripping off his t-shirt, he revealed his muscled chest, making me want him immediately. He unbuckled his jeans, letting them fall to the floor. His boxers followed not long after. My eyes fell to his cock that was hard and at attention.

Grabbing the hem of my dress, I pulled it up over my head and tossed it to him. He laughed at my playfulness but quickly growled once he realized I had had nothing on under the dress.

“Damn, woman,” he groaned with pleasure, crawling over me, kissing my neck. His kisses sprinkled my neck, breasts, and abdomen.

When he looked up at me with those brown eyes, I nearly lost it. “Make love to me.”

Nodding, he positioned himself at my entrance and slid into my already wet core. His lips met mine and our tongues danced with their own melody. The thrusts were slow and deliberate, making my orgasm tease just out of reach. He sucked my lip into his mouth and I moaned loudly.

“You’re so beautiful like this,” he admired as he pressed his forehead to mine.

His thrusts quickened as did the nearing of my climax. It crashed over me and my body shook from the intensity. My eyes fluttered shut, and I felt his release moments later.

When I opened my eyes again, he was watching me with such intensity. I grinned up at him.

“Andi, I fucking love you.” There was no trace of humor or teasing. His fragile soul was reflected in those chocolate brown eyes. I loved seeing this side of him.

“I fucking love you too.”




“No!” Jordan yells at me through the phone. I’m crying like a fucking baby. I can’t look over at his body slumped over his desk, brains splattered all over the curtains.

“Jordie, shit! I fucking watched him put a gun in his mouth and pull the trigger. He’s dead, Jordie.” I sob into the phone.

“Mom…” He trailed off. We both are sniffling into the phone, silently worrying about how this would affect her.

“Man, I need you here. I’m about to fucking lose it. The cops are on the way but I need my brother.”

“I can’t see him like that,” he whispers into the phone.

My eyes skirt over to my dad’s body and I quickly look away.

“You don’t have to. I just need you. We need to get strong before Mom comes home. Please, Jordie. Hurry.”

“Was it Dad?” he questions. I know what he means. He wants to know if it was Dad who slept with Nadia.

“Yeah, man. I caught them in the act. It was fucking sick.”

“That’s fucked up, Jackson. I’m so sorry. Sit tight, I’m on my way.”





The restaurant was swanky and modern. We’d just finished our delicious dinner and were sipping on some sake, enjoying our date. This sushi restaurant was a new favorite for sure. It was terribly expensive but definitely worth it.

Jackson looked sexy as always, his dark hair styled perfectly on his head. His tight shirt that stretched across his sculpted chest did crazy things to my insides. From under his dark lashes, his chocolate eyes met mine. The intensity in his eyes assured me that I did similar things to his insides as well.

“So what was your thing? Dr. Sweeney made me find a hobby to help get over Bray. What hobby did you find?” I asked him.

His eyes darkened. I could tell that he didn’t want to tell me but was going to anyway. He sighed and cleared his throat.

“I really don’t want to tell you because it’s kind of embarrassing.”

My curiosity was about to kill me. I absolutely needed to know what he did.

“Tell me, Jackson! You promised you would open up.”

He sighed once again, really stalling. His eyes darted to mine, his face completely serious.

“Do you know all those times I shut my office door?” he questioned, still stalling.

Creepy porn habit? Whatever his hobby was, we could deal with it together.

“Go on, Jackson. Tell me. Don’t be embarrassed. It’s just me.”

He palmed his face and then pinned me down with his hard stare. Shit. This was bad whatever it was. I braced myself. Whatever it was, I didn’t care. He was my man and I loved him.

“I am an administrator on a website…” He trailed off, hesitating again.

My sweet Jackson was running a porn site. Damn.

He continued his explanation. “I’m an administrator for a Harry Potter fan club site,” he huffed out finally.

Come again?

“Wait, what?”

“Andi, those books are amazing. On our site, we do podcasts, post hilarious memes, point out mistakes in the movies that don’t match up with the books…”

He was still talking but I completely tuned him out. Big bad Jackson was a Harry Potter nerd. The gleam in his eyes while nervously spouting off all that he does for the site was boyish and adorable, making my heart swell with pride. The excitement in his voice made me break into a huge grin.

“Jackson,” I said, cutting him off. “Dare I say I’ve never read the books? I watched one movie and fell asleep.” I knew this would egg him on but it was so worth it.

His face was full of shock, like I had just insulted his mother. Tossing a handful of cash on the table, he scooted out of the booth and snatched my hand, pulling me out. He hurriedly dragged me from the restaurant.

Once outside, I finally protested.

“Hey! Where are we going?” I asked, laughing at his demeanor.

“The bookstore. I cannot allow my woman to be uneducated on all things Harry Potter. If we have any hope for this relationship surviving, you are going to read those damn books,” he grinned at me. I laughed the entire way to the bookstore.



Jackson stacked the books on the counter at the register. He reminded me of a little boy like this. It was incredibly adorable. Discovering new things about him made me so happy, even the completely random and unusual things.

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