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Authors: Erica Stevens

Broken (18 page)

BOOK: Broken
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The burning intensity of his words and the hopeful look in his eyes was nearly her undoing as her fingers ran over his lips. "That will cause problems for you with your family."

"I don't care; you're the only one I want to be with."


Before she could say anything, he bent his head and kissed her tenderly. Her mouth parted to his as peace and comfort slid through her and warmed her body. These last few weeks had nearly destroyed her but lying here now, with him, the memory of her misery faded away. Her fingers slid through his thick hair, she tugged at it as she tried to pull him closer but no matter how close he was, she was beginning to feel as if they could never be close enough.

His hands slid over her face, his tongue stroked in and out of her mouth in powerful thrusts that left her a quivering mass of raw and aching nerve endings. Excitement built in her as the enticing weight of his powerful body pressed her gently into the pallet and his thigh slid between her legs. Her body reacted of its own accord, instinctively seeking out the heat, comfort, and desire he stoked within her.

He pulled away abruptly and dropped his forehead to hers. Disappointment crashed through her as her hands curled into his back and a small mewl of protest escaped her. "We have to stop before I won't," he whispered against her lips. "You're injured."

There were so many reasons they should stop but her bruised body wasn't one of them. Right now she couldn't quite recall the other reasons either, not when she finally had him back in her arms. "I feel better; your blood helped me to heal faster."

"I'm sure it did." He pulled away from her and sat up on the pallet. "But I'm still not going to take the chance of causing you more discomfort."

His eyes slid over her body and as she followed his gaze, she realized she was only wearing a simple, flimsy chemise. He'd seen her in such before but somehow it seemed far more intimate when he was sitting in her room with her. A room that felt far smaller now that his large frame was within it. His mouth quirked in amusement as a blush began to burn her face.

"I didn't think it was possible to see you blush," he murmured.

Her lashes lowered as she shook her head. "I've never had a man in my room before."

His hands slid over her waist as he lifted her up and maneuvered her so that she was sitting in his lap. Though she tried not to, she couldn't help but wince as the movement jarred her still healing ribs. "See you
still wounded."

"Maybe a little," she reluctantly admitted.

The calloused palms of his hands began to work over her as he massaged her flesh. "You are healing well though, should be completely fine by tomorrow."

"I hope so."

He kissed her cheek and embraced her against his chest. "Why was there so much coin strewn around the room?" he inquired.

She ran her fingers over the bristly hairs on his arms and rested her cheek against his. The feel of his stubble against her skin was actually pleasant as it reminded her that he was really here. "Felix uncovered one of the stashes I had hidden in the woods."

"One of?"

She nodded as her fingers began to slide over the linen material covering his broad chest. "There were ten separate places."

"What were you saving all of that money for?"

"So that when Camille reached maturity we could get away," she whispered. "So that we could escape this place and never look back."

His lips rested against the top of her head as he rocked her against him. "You're free now."

She swallowed heavily and closed her eyes. "Yes, I suppose I am."

He adjusted his hold on her, took hold of her chin and tilted her face up to his. "I've asked Merle to look into finding a house for you and Camille to stay in."

Longing burst through her as brightly as the sun rising over the horizon but as badly as she wanted it, she knew this couldn't happen. "Marie has spent her entire life living off of men and dragging us along with her. I swore I would never be like her."

His gaze burned into hers. She was certain it was a look that had caused many to capitulate to his wishes, but she wouldn't be one of them. In society's eyes she wasn't anywhere close to being on equal footing with him, but she knew that in
eyes, she was. There were few that would turn him away or tell him no, but she was one of the few that could and would.

living off of me Genny. After I talk with my father and get everything straightened out, you will be my wife and I am going to make sure that you are protected and taken care of."

"Your father will be infuriated."

"And he will get over it. I'm not willing to lose you from my life again."

She lifted her head to look up at him. His jaw clenched as he stared down at her, silently pleading with her not to rebuke him again, but she couldn't do that. "If you're unable to get out of this betrothal…"

get out of it Genny."

She rested her fingers against his cheek and kissed him tenderly. "You really don't have to find us a house. Camille and I are safe here, especially now that Felix is dead."

"I'd prefer it if you weren't in this house or this area of town on your own. Besides it won't be for long, only until things are straightened out. Even if my father disowns me, I'll still own my mother's properties and retain the money that was left to me from her. We'll go to stay at my villa in Italy once everything is settled."

"He can't disown you," she whispered. "I won't be the cause of a rift in your family or do anything that could place you in jeopardy."

His fingers slid over her face, his thumb traced her bottom lip. "You won't be; he will be the one to make the decision in the end." She opened her mouth to argue with him further but he placed his finger over her mouth and shook his head. "I've made my choice Genny and I choose you. I won't lie, it will be a difficult undertaking but you are
one that I want. There won't be any danger; he can't harm me because I refuse to marry someone. There are far too many in my world that would prefer if my marriage to Anna didn't take place. They will side with me on the decision, more so than they will side with my father due to my pure bloodline."

"They won't accept me though; I'm just a village girl."

"They'll accept what they must. It's my bloodline that matters, not that of my mate and if I am disowned by my father I will still take a seat on The Council under my mother's line. Arguing with me about this isn't going to change my mind on the matter so just let me hold you. I've finally got you back and I intend to enjoy it."

How could she argue with that when all she wanted was the same thing? She curled closer against him, rested her head on his chest and closed her eyes as she savored in his heat and strength. "I really did dream about you," she murmured as she stifled a yawn. "Every night. I had a dream the other night though that was so real it was as if you were there, as if I was actually touching you and speaking with you."

His lips pressed against her hair. "At the river, on the log."

Her body went completely still, her hands flattened against his chest. "I pulled us off the log and into the water."

A minute of silence passed by before his lips rested against her ear and he spoke. "You said to me, '
take from me what you need; I won't refuse you again

"And you said to me, '
I'll always be here for you

"And I will be."

"But what does it mean? How could we have had the same dream?"

His hand wrapped around her head as he held it more firmly against his chest and rested his chin on top of it. "It means that you belong with me and I'm
going to let you go again. No matter what it takes."

She knew that he was right, that she would have to put her pride aside because she could not turn him away again. They belonged together. It was going to be the most difficult journey of their lives but there was no doubt in her mind that if it meant being with him, it would be worth it.

"I'm never going to let you go again either," she vowed.


Atticus placed her trunk down near the small window and turned to face Genny. She stood in the doorway of the room. Her eyes were filled with admiration as they swept around the room before settling on the large bed. She walked across the floor, placed her hands on the mattress, and pushed down. "It's so soft," she marveled.

He glanced down at the beaten trunk, the only possession she'd brought with her, the only possession she'd even had aside from the clothes it held. He was going to make sure that changed very soon. He couldn't help but smile as she continued to stare around the room with a wondrous look on her face. If she found this amazing, she would love Italy and every other place he planned to take her over the many years they would share together. He was going to thoroughly enjoy spoiling her for the rest of her life.

"This is a beautiful home," she whispered.

"I'll pass on your praise to the owners."

She smiled at him as she sat on the bed and folded her hands in her lap. "Who
the owners?"

"They are cousins of Merle's. They're in Spain right now."

Camille suddenly appeared in the doorway, her eyes were aglow with pleasure, her face flushed with excitement as she bounced on her toes. "This place is amazing!" she gushed before turning away and disappearing down the hall.

Genny laughed and shook her head before focusing on him again. "I think she's happy."

"And you?" he inquired.

"I'm extremely happy," she smiled at him as she glanced down at her hands.

"Your sister is an endless ball of energy," Merle grumbled as he walked past the door with Camille's trunk in hand.

"That she is," Genny agreed but Merle was already gone.

Atticus walked around the bed and sat next to her on it. Taking hold of her hands, he folded them in his lap. "I plan to stay here tonight."

"Don't you have to return home?" she asked anxiously.

He hadn't been home in the three days since Felix's death, but that wasn't overly unusual. He'd often spent a week or more away on hunting trips or simply losing himself with the women and blood that the clubs had to offer. "I'll return home tomorrow to speak with my father; I'm going to make sure you're settled in here first though."

Genny's eyes slid over the room. "Thank you for this."

"Don't thank me, you deserve this and better." He leaned over and kissed her cheek before rising. "There are some things that I have to take care of though, like feeding." He'd been supplying her with his blood since she'd been wounded, but he hadn't had the time to feed himself or the willingness to leave her alone for as long it would take him to feed. He'd reached the point where he
to feed or he would become a threat. "I won't be gone for long."

She squeezed his hands. "I'll be here."

Leaning over he inhaled her fragrant scent as he clasped hold of her chin and kissed her tenderly. He hated to leave her here but he couldn't bring a woman into the club. "Soon," he whispered and reluctantly released her.

Merle was waiting in the front room of the small manor house when he walked down the stairs. Arturo, the vampire he'd appointed to stand guard over Genny and Camille while he was away, stood by the front door. Arturo had known him since he was a baby and though Atticus wouldn't consider the man a friend, he took his position as a guard in Atticus's employ seriously. Protecting the aristocrats was what his family line, The House of Champon, had been born, raised, and trained to do. Failing to do so was considered a great shame to their family members, and themselves. Their lives were considered forfeit if they failed.

The Champon's loyalties were bound to the one they were contracted to. There was nothing that could tear them away from their contract, not even if more coin was offered to them by another. Their loyalty remained with their original agreement and their secrets were always kept, even if they were dismissed from the service of the one they were guarding.

This was understood and appreciated by every aristocrat so much that The House of Champon were never allowed to be called to testify for, or against someone, even if they knew something of great importance. All the nobles knew that it was best to have their secrets kept by those that protected their lives.

"Make sure she stays safe," he commanded Arturo briskly.

Arturo bowed his head in acquiescence and opened the door for him. Merle hurried down the stairs at his side and to the small stable in back where their horses were already saddled and waiting for them. They rode through the small vampire town together, past the tiny hut that had been Camille and Genny's home until today. He'd left another member of Champon at the hut to alert him when Marie returned. He planned to speak with the woman and make sure she stayed out of her daughter's lives from now on. He had a feeling that once she heard that her daughter's had been moved into a much finer home, by a nobleman, Marie would not stop until she found them.

They rode out of the town and toward the club designated for nobles a few miles down the road. "Do you really think your father will allow you to get out of this engagement?" Merle inquired.

"No," Atticus responded without any hesitation. "But it doesn't matter because I will not be marrying Anna."

"That could get ugly Atticus."

He turned to look at Merle. "It
get ugly but I have the inheritance I received after my mother's death and her properties. He won't be able to keep me under his control."

"And what of Anna's family? This will be an insult to them, especially since Genny isn't even an aristocrat."

Atticus pondered his cousin's words. "Genny won't agree to be my mistress."

He wasn't about to tell his cousin that the mere thought of having to sleep with Anna was enough to make his skin crawl. Merle was standing by him through this, but even he wouldn't be able to understand what he was going through. No vampire, man or woman ever remained faithful, but Genny was the only woman he ever wanted to be with again.

"If you talk with her, I'm sure she'll understand that we have no say over these decisions."

"She understands that but
not going to ask her to be my mistress. She deserves better and I plan to make sure she has it."

"I hope you know what you're doing."

"I don't," he admitted.

Merle turned in his saddle to face him. "I know my mother's bloodline isn't as strong as yours but our fathers' are from a powerful line too. If it will make things easier, and if they will accept it, I will agree to marry Anna. It would be beneficial to me and she is a fine woman, as the youngest daughter I'm sure Jane would also appreciate the reprieve."

Atticus reined his horse in; he sat and stared at his cousin as Merle turned his horse to face him. His mind spun at this bit of information and the possibility of freedom that Merle was offering to him. "I don't know if they would agree to that," he murmured.

"I'm sure they'll be resentful of the change, reluctant to it, but perhaps you can sweeten the pot somehow. Maybe even offer up your first born son for marriage to Jane or even to Anna if they refuse her to me. They will have to wait years for the alliance that they're seeking with your line, but they would eventually have the link they are looking for to you."

Atticus rubbed at his jawline as he thought over Merle's words. Genny's breeding would be a hindrance, one that they might be firmly set against, but if Silas was determined to tie his line to Atticus's he might be willing to overlook it. "That could work."

"It could and it won't hurt to try."

"No it won't." He nudged his horse forward and caught up to his cousin as they continued to the club. "Thank you for offering this."

"It's not a sacrifice on my part I assure you. Not with
woman. I've never been much for the intrigue of politics but we both know I've never turned down a pretty face."

"No you haven't," Atticus replied with a chuckle. "You have been keeping your distance from Camille though."

"Even I am not that much of a cad," Merle replied with a hearty laugh. "I see nothing good coming from me getting entangled with the sister of the girl you've become determined to marry."

"Neither do I," Atticus agreed.

"Plus she is too young for me. I'll stay away from her," Merle vowed.

"Thank you," Atticus said as they pulled up outside of the club. "I only plan to feed while we are here and then go back."

"I plan to be much longer than that." Merle smirked at him before leaping off his horse in a graceful bound. A young vampire boy dashed out to take the reins from the both of them as Atticus dismounted beside his cousin. He walked with Merle to the door of the club but he could already feel the enticing draw of Genny pulling him back to the house.


Atticus leaned in the doorway and stared admiringly at Genny sitting in the window seat. Her knees were pulled up and a tablet rested on them as she wrote something on a piece of parchment. She'd taken her braid out, her raven hair spilled over her shoulders and down her back in thick waves to her waist. Love swelled in his chest as he watched her, to him she was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen and he couldn't get enough of simply looking at her.

Finally sensing his presence, she lifted her head and blinked at him through the candlelight. A smile spread across her mouth and lit her eyes. "You're back."

"I'm back," he said as he straightened away from the doorframe and entered the room. He closed the door before walking across the room to where she sat. "You were too busy to notice though."

She put aside the tablet and lay her quill down carefully. "Never."

"What were you writing?"

"About my day."

"Am I in there?"

She smiled mischievously up at him. "Maybe."

"Do I get to read what you've written?"

"Never," she said with a laugh and took hold of his hands when he held them out to her.

Her nose wrinkled as she caught his scent. It had been an involuntary reaction from her but it still caused a pang in his chest. "I only touched her in order to feed from her."

An alluring smile curled her mouth. She slid her arms around his neck and rose onto her toes. "I have no doubt," she murmured as her lips brushed against his.

Heat sizzled over him; he was instinctively drawn closer to her as his body sought out the connection with hers. His hands were in her hair before he even knew he was moving. The silken strands of it slid through his fingers and clung to his forearms. He pulled her closer as the clamoring need for her rose to epic levels.

"Genny," he breathed against her mouth.

Her hands clasped hold of his as she tilted her head back to meet his desperate kiss. Her taste was the balm he needed to rid his mouth of the blood he'd consumed tonight. He'd been relieved to discover blood once again had the pleasant, although coppery taste of wine and cinnamon. Though he'd enjoyed feeding again, it still wasn't the blood he craved most. That was inside of this woman, the only woman he'd ever loved and would ever love.

He gathered her within his arms, lifted her off the ground and held her against him. The feel of her body held snugly against his sent his passion spiraling toward levels he'd never experienced with another woman. He could barely think straight, he clung to her as if his life depended on it.

Gathering the last of his self-control, he forced himself to break off the kiss before he couldn't. "Atticus…"

"We have to stop before this goes too far," he whispered in a ragged voice and he placed her on the ground again.

Her lashes lifted, her black eyes gleamed as she looked up at him. "Don't stop."

Though his heart didn't beat it felt as if it were racing in his chest when he looked down at her. "Genny what I want…"

"I know what you want Atticus, I want it too." She pressed his hand against her chest. "You own my heart."

His free hand fisted in her chemise at her thighs, he stared at her as he waited for her to change her mind. Waited for her to see the ragged need in him and realize that there would be no turning back if this continued. With frustrating slowness, he began to slide the chemise up her body. Instead of telling him to stop, she raised her arms for him to pull the thin material over her head. The candle flames flickered over her alabaster skin, causing it to dance with reds and oranges as he stepped back to drink in the sight of her.

"Beautiful." It was the only coherent thought he could form right now.

He couldn't stand the suddenly abrasive feel of his clothes against his skin as he lifted her up and carried her to the bed. He had to feel her flesh against his; it was the only thing that would ease the pressure building within him. He placed her tenderly on the bed. Stepping back, he hastily shed his own clothes before climbing onto the bed with her. The smile on her face would have tempted the angels from heaven, he thought as she opened her arms to him.

The sensation of her flesh against his eased some of the clamoring desire within him as he kissed her and touched her and lost himself to the feel of her slender body. A small cry escaped her, her fingers dug into his back when their bodies finally joined. Being back in her presence these past few days had helped to ease the madness that had been festering within him, but finally being physically united with her made him feel utterly complete. In those moments it felt as though an inexplicable, yet completely unbreakable, bond wrapped around them both, tying one to the other. It was such an intense feeling that he was certain he could see a steel link wrapping around them.

BOOK: Broken
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