Brock (12 page)

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Authors: Kathi S. Barton

BOOK: Brock
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“It’s hard to stay pissy when she’s around.
Look at her and focus on her smile.”
She looked down at the baby.
“Calm the beast, Em. She’s mad and wants out.”

Em felt her then. She was clawing at her to be released
, and she took deep breaths to try and get her to stay where she was. When the baby in her arms moved, she looked down at her and looked into her eyes. There was something there, a spark of something that made Em feel calmer, and the more she and the baby stared at one another, the calmer she became. When the little girl yawned, so did Em. And then the baby smiled at her. Bronwyn was right; it was hard to stay mad with her in her arms.

She could feel Brock coming closer
, but also her brother, Wilfred. And…she thought it was Shawn, but it was hard for her to focus long enough to figure it out. Wilfred’s anger was making her cat stir again, but for a different reason. She looked at the two vampires, Viktor still on the outside of the house and Peter just in front of him. They both turned to her.

“He’s near
, and he has Shawn.”
Both men nodded.
“Can he come in? I know it’s not my house, but I stay here. I don’t want him to be able to come in, but can he make me let him?”

“It must be verbal, love.” She flushed
, embarrassed that because of her handicap she couldn’t invite the man in after he’d agreed to help her. Peter lifted her chin so she could see him. “My master is not making fun of you, nor is he thinking of what has happened to you as a handicap. He knew that you’d been injured when he came here. And what happened to you didn’t make you weak, but a strong woman who’s been able to thwart her very powerful brothers for all this time and come out on top every time. You should be proud of what you’ve done, not embarrassed because you cannot invite an old turd like him into your home.” Viktor smiled at her, and she smiled back. He’d done it again, made her feel comfortable. He stood on the porch while she went to the kitchen to get herself a cup of hot tea and one for Bronwyn as well.

She thought about all the things she’d been able to do since
coming here. She’d gotten a good job and made a great many friends. And she’d found her mate. Thinking about Brock made her remember this morning, after his family had left, and what they had done. He’d taken her to the woods behind his house and had shown her what tigers could do.

“When you shift you should try to have a set of clothes nearby so you can change.
If you can strip down, great. But when there is no time, your clothes get shredded when you shift. Your cat is much bigger than your human self, and clothes aren’t that sturdy.”

She nodded as he took off his shirt.
Every time the man took off anything, she was suddenly all hot and bothered. She looked up at his face when his hand suddenly stilled at the waist of his pants.

“You’re not making these lessons go very well if you look at me like that.”
She didn’t really care for lessons so much as she wanted to watch him strip. She licked her lips, and he groaned.

“You should show me how you strip off your clothes.
You said that these lessons would be very thorough. I need to know everything.”
She watched as he slid his hands into his pants, and watched as he cupped his balls. “
You’re not stripping.”

“I know
, but I’m enjoying myself thinking about your cat this morning. How sleek and beautiful you looked. And thinking about how when you do shift, I’m going to take you to the ground and fuck you as a cat.”
He moved his other hand to his cock, and she took a step toward him.
“That’s it, baby, come here and help me.”

“You are doing just fine the way you are.
But I want to see you.”
She knelt down in the dirt and pulled his soft pants off, and moaned at what she’d unveiled.
“You’re so beautiful, and I want to taste you.”

His hiss of approval made her wet. She licked his cock from balls to tip and suckled the pearl of cum at the tip.
When he wrapped his fingers into her hair, she took him deep into her mouth and swirled her tongue around the thick crown of him and cupped his ass.

“Put your hand on my balls and hold them.”
She did as he asked and loved the weight of them in her hands.
“Christ, baby if you keep that up, I’m going to come down your throat and not inside of you like we both want.”

She let his cock go when he pulled her head back.
She reached for him, and he shook his head. When he took a step back from her, she stood up and took off her shirt. If he wouldn’t come in her mouth, then she would have to get him to come some other way. As soon as she had tossed off her bra, then pulled off her pants and panties at the same time, she looked at him. There was nothing more beautiful than him.

“Shift for me.”
She closed her eyes at his request and let her tiger take her. The other cat was just there. She wanted out as well, but Em could feel her sitting back and waiting her turn. As soon as she opened her eyes, it took her several seconds to focus on the large tiger in front of her.

Snarling at him
, she took off for the deeper woods. She wasn’t very stealthy at her running yet, but she was having fun. Twice he leapt at her, and she took a tumble but got up quickly and started running again. When he caught up with her the third time, he sank his teeth into her shoulder and held her down.

Her cat hadn’t liked that and snarled at him.
Her beast, as she’d taken to calling the other cat, snarled as well, and seemed to run along her skin. Brock’s cat felt it as well, she could tell, and when he roared at her, she let the beast go.

“Mother fuck.”
He bit her harder and she moaned.
“She’s more beautiful than your other cat. And mine wants her.”

He mounted her from behind
, and she lifted her ass up for him. His beast wasn’t as gentle as Brock was when he wanted to be, nor was he happy when Em’s beast tried to bite him back. When he entered her, she knew that he didn’t care at all if she got any pleasure out of their sex, and snarled at him again.

“When he comes
, I’m going to shift and fuck you like you’ve never been fucked before.”
She moaned.
“Then I’m going to do it again for good measure.”

His strokes were hard, quick
, and almost painful. When he lifted his teeth from her flesh, she felt his tongue lick along the wound and moaned. When he did it again, she felt the stirring of a climax and begged him to do it again. When his teeth entered her other shoulder, it was gentle and almost erotic. He licked her twice when he let her go, and she came apart. He roared out his own release as he bit her again.

, love. Now, so I can finish us both.”
But she hadn’t wanted finished. She wanted more, and when she shifted, she stayed where she was and Brock covered her as a human.
“You like this, don’t you? You like being taken as an animal.”

She moaned when he entered her
, and she wrapped her hand around his when he’d pinched her clit. Her climax this time was soft and smooth, almost an afterthought to the powerful one she’d had before.

he suddenly lifted from her body, she was on her back before she could form a thought. As soon as his mouth took her clit, she screamed out in her mind over and over as she came. These were far from gentle, but like he was pulling them from her one at a time and right on top of each other. She was drained when he made his way up her body, biting and nipping at her oversensitive flesh.

He entered her slowly, filling her with his cock as he kissed her.
He kissed his way to her shoulder as he moved in and out of her slowly, seemingly taking his time now that he had her. She wrapped her ankles around his hips, and he buried himself deeper still.

“I love you.”
She nodded, incapable of any thought but how good he was making her feel, how sated she was now that she’d come
. “And I want to spend the rest of my life showing you how much I love you.”

“I love you
, too, Brock. I think I always have.”
She kissed his shoulder and then licked his skin.
“You taste so good to me. I don’t think I could ever get enough of you.”

“Bite me
, love. Let a little of your tiger go and mark me as yours.”
She felt her beast race to the front, and she knew that moment he felt her.
“Let her mark me as well. Bite me, love. Bite me while I come.”

As soon as her beast took her
, she let her lick his skin, too. Her approval made Em ache for more, and when she sank her teeth deep into his muscle, Em came, fracturing into thousands of pieces only to do it again when he bit her as well.

When he lifted his head
, she looked up, and her body tightened again when she saw the blood drip from his lips. When he threw back his head, she knew that he was roaring out his release, and put her hand to his chest to feel it. That alone had thrown her over the edge again and into darkness. She went willingly, knowing that he’d keep her safe so long as he lived.

When someone touched her arm
, she pulled from her memory to look at them. Sandra was standing there with a glass of tea. Em took it, too embarrassed at being caught by Brock’s mom thinking about the most fantastic sex she’d ever had.

“I’m not even going to ask you what you were thinking about.”
Em felt her face heat as she drained the glass. She looked at the others in the room and realized that everyone was there. And Brock was coming toward her. When he sat down, he took her hand and kissed it. She watched as he slipped a diamond on her finger.

“I forgot to give you this last night.”
She looked at the ring, then back at him
. “You said you’d marry me. Well, not in so many words, but when you came seven times, I figured all those ‘yeses’ one of them had to be for my question.”

“You’re nuts. But yes, I did say I’d marry you.”
She looked around the room. “
Will they be upset that you’ve taken on a wife that is handicapped like—?”

“You say that word again and I will beat your ass. And trust
me, it won’t be as enjoyable as it was the last time. I’ll not let you come until you promise not to say it again.”
She nodded, and he laughed.
“You’ll say it again just to spite me, won’t you?”

She nodded again. She loved this man very much and couldn’t wait until this was finished so she could show him again and again how much she really and truly did. She felt hi
m stiffen and looked at him.

“They’re here.”

Chapter 12


Wilfred entered the property without any problems. He had anticipated them after the evening he’d had so far. Everything was going to shit, and he was a little afraid that this wasn’t going to go just as he’d hoped either. He glanced at his brother, who still looked a little shocked.

“You did the right thing.” Shawn nodded but still didn’t speak.
“I didn’t know that you had to stake vampires even if they had been drained. Did you?”

Shawn still didn’t speak
, like he hadn’t since they’d done what had to be done. Or at least he’d done what had to be done. Shawn had saved Wilfred’s life, he was sure of it. But now…now the man looked like he wished he hadn’t. Thinking about what had happened made him shiver, and he was afraid all over. He hated that feeling but didn’t know how to get over it like he’d been telling Shawn to do.

Their dad had still been alive
when they’d entered the kitchen that evening. He was weak, Wilfred supposed, but he’d been strong enough to attack him as soon as he’d walked into the room. And when he had, Wilfred had been so surprised that he’d not been able to fight back until it was almost too late. But by then his father was holding him in a way that he couldn’t get away from.

“You tried to kill me,” his dad had said.
“You can’t kill your own father. That’s like every rule in the world.”

The sharpened pencil was coming closer and closer to his heart
, and Wilfred was terrified that he was going to kill him with it. Then his dad stiffened and, suddenly, flames burst from his chest. Wilfred had watched in abject horror as the man who had fathered him was suddenly gone. He looked up to see his brother standing over him.

“You saved me.”
The piece of wood that Shawn had in his hand dropped to the floor, making a loud noise in the otherwise quiet room. “How could he still be alive after we drank from him last night? How is it possible that he survived the day after what we’d done to him?”

Shawn didn’t say anything but had turned and left the room.
Wilfred stood, thinking to go after him, but he wasn’t sure what to say. Somehow he didn’t think that telling him thanks would go over that well, and he stayed in the kitchen until it was time to leave. Going into the living room, he’d found Shawn huddled on the floor with a blanket around his shoulders.

Shawn had
aged a great deal since the incident with their dad, and Wilfred was worried. He wouldn’t kill his brother now, even though that had been his plan when he’d gotten up. He might need him again sometime, and it was always good to have someone at your back, especially when it was your brother who had proven himself as someone who would save him already.

The drive over to the house where he knew his sister was staying was made in silence.
When they pulled into the drive, they found the gates open and drove through them as if they were a welcomed guest. Wilfred smiled, thinking they were anything but that. He was surprised to see only one truck in the drive, because he’d assumed that she’d know he was coming for her. Wilfred thought the other vampire would have told her everything. The vampire knew a great deal about a lot of stuff, including them, and that made him uncomfortable. When he opened his car door, Shawn got out as well.

“We’re going to get her and get the hell out.”
Shawn only stared at him with a blank look. “Are you going to be helpful, or are you going to just get in my way?”

Still no answer
, but he did move up to the front door. Wilfred stood where he was and got his first good look at the house. Christ, it was as big as five or six of the houses that they’d lived in before coming here.

Brick with tall columns held up what looked to him like another balcony on the upper level.
The six columns were decorated with large hanging baskets that spilled over with vines and bright colorful flowers. The front steps were made of a light marble and fanned out from the front door about twenty feet that flowed out into the drive and yard like it was all one piece. He admired the dozen or so chairs and tables that were spread out in groupings under windows that had baskets at them as well. The windows were open and he could see a slight breeze move the curtains.

He sneered at his sister’s apparent wealth
, and it made him all the more determined to bring her to heel when he got her home. She was more than likely a whore for the man that owned this house, or his maid. But knowing her like he thought he did, she was probably both. She’d be wiping up his fucking crumbs while he fucked her from behind. Wilfred pounded on the door and yelled for Emma, not even thinking about the fact she couldn’t hear him.

When the door was opened
, he almost took a step back. Christ, she was beautiful. More beautiful than she’d been when they had lived together. In fact, the only reason he knew it was her was because of the scar that was on her throat. She smiled at him, and he reached for her.

His entire arm felt as if he’d rammed it against a concrete wall.
He staggered back, holding his arm, and tried to step into the house. He was thrown back just as he realized someone needed to invite him in. Her smile broadened.

“You think this is funny
, you fucking bitch? Wait until we get you back to the house. Invite me in now, or so help me it won’t go well for you when I do come in.” She shook her head. “You heard me, invite me in.”

Another woman appeared next to his sister
, and he couldn’t take his eyes off her. Where his sister’s beauty was soft and natural, this woman looked like a spread in one of his magazines he got monthly, with ruby red lips and full large breasts. His cock hardened when he tried to think of her naked and spread out before him. When she smiled, Wilfred thought he’d died and gone to heaven. He had to try three times before he could tell her what he wanted.

“This is my sister
, Emma Cole. She needs to come out so we can take her back home. Could you please invite us in so we can discuss the details?” He felt his smile fade when the woman laughed at him. “She’s our sister, and we’d like to take her home. Now, bitch.”

, and you were doing so well before. And you can fuck yourself. You’re not coming in unless she says you can, and as you know, it has to be a verbal invite and I’m pretty sure you’re not going to get that from her.” The woman looked at Emma, then back at him. “She wants me to translate for her. She said you guys never learned to speak sign language. Were you too good to learn how to communicate with your own sister, you moron?”

snorted and tried his best not to get pissed any more than he was already. “She’ll learn to talk or live in silence. She’s not going to get any special treatment from us. Tell her to get her shit together and come out so we can get back before the sun comes up.”

He thought he heard her call him a moron
again but wasn’t sure. He saw something move within the house but knew that couldn’t be right. A tiger inside the house? No fucking way.

“She said to tell you no.”
He waited for more, but apparently she wasn’t going to say anything else, so he snarled at her. “You think you scare me, big boy? I got news for you. I’ve killed men a great deal stronger than you with nothing but a thought. You’re nothing more than a flea on the back of a camel’s ass. Your sister said no, so I think this ends our conversation.”

The door shut in his face
, and he stood there for several seconds just waiting for it to open again. This couldn’t be happening. There was no way this fucking bitch had just slammed the door in his face. He looked at Shawn, who was smiling.

“So now you have a
sense of humor?” Shawn nodded and leaned against the house. But when he looked out over the drive behind him, Wilfred saw him stiffen. Closing his eyes before turning, Wilfred just knew it wasn’t going to be his sister with all her bags sitting around her ready to go. Turning slowly, he nearly fell back against the house when he saw them.

Nine of the biggest fucking tigers he’d ever seen were standing there staring at them
, and the one in the middle looked like he’d been on steroids all his life, as he was nearly twice the size of the others. Wilfred whimpered when the big one took a few steps forward and stopped. A man came with Em from the side of the house, and stood on either side of the tiger.

, Wilfred and Shawn Cole. My name is Peter Oliver.” He smiled, and Wilfred saw his fangs. “You’ve been very bad children, and it’s time to put an end to all this madness.”

“You’re the man from the other night.”
Peter bowed. “You said you were Jimmy’s maker and that we’re now your children.”

“I did
, and you are. What have you to say about the crimes you’ve committed? Something surely. You’ve been killing since the night you were changed, and it has only gotten worse since then.” Peter looked to his left as another man came forward. “This is my maker, and he will sentence you. Then justice will be—”

“Wait a fucking minute here.
Sentence me for what? We had to feed, didn’t we? We can’t just go to the local store and get a bag of blood to eat from.” Wilfred looked at his brother, who still hadn’t said a word. “He’s all the family I have left aside from my sister, and I’d very much like to forget this whole thing and take Emma home with me. Besides, Jimmy told us you can’t kill your children unless someone allows it.”

“Miss Emma isn’t going anywhere with you.
As a matter of fact, you won’t be leaving either. And I won’t be doing the killing. My maker will, or you’ll be given to these cats.” Peter looked at the cats behind him and put his hand on the one beside him. “I think in order for justice to be served you should be killed by these men and woman. You have made their lives a little on the difficult side for a long time.”

“Give us to them? You mean serve them?” Peter laughed and shook his head.
Wilfred looked at his sister, then at the cats, as what the man was saying dawned on him. “You want them to kill us? You think to let them tear us apart and we’re just supposed to let them? That so ain’t going to happen. Not so long as I can fight back.”

, they want you to fight back. They love it when their prey runs and tries to hide from them. Ryland explained to me once that the blood runs hotter when they run. You’ve not fed for a while except from your father, of course, but you should have enough for them to feast on, I would think.” Peter nodded to his sister, and she smiled. “She’s going to go after you first. After all, you caused her the most harm, wouldn’t you say?”

The shift was sudden.
Where his sister had stood now stood a large tiger. And when she opened her mouth, he could see the mouthful of sharp, long teeth that he was sure she meant to tear into him with. He took a step back and fell against the door that had been slammed in his face not moments ago.

The large cat that had stood beside her now rubbed himself against her
, and Wilfred had a sudden and clear thought. His sister was a shifter. And according to Jimmy, her blood would be so wonderful that it would get them high. He knew, too, because he’d had a shifter recently. He looked at the man next to Peter.

“You can kill my brother.
He’ll be payment enough for whatever it is you think we’ve done.” He glanced at Shawn, who was staring at him. “You go out there and let them kill you, and I’ll take Emma home. You’ll see, it’ll all work out.”

“You think I’m just going
to nod and let them tear me to pieces for shit I had little to do with?” Wilfred nodded, not understanding what the problem was. “You’re insane. I’m not going to do it…not willingly anyway. Oh, I’m guilty, but you’re stupid if you think to sacrifice me for you to go away without any kind of punishment.”

“I’m the oldest now that
Steven is dead, and I make the rules. Get your ass out there and let them do what they need to so that this can be finished.” Peter cleared his throat. “What the fuck is it now? You want your pound of flesh, and I’m giving it to you. Shawn will go out and do whatever you need—”

“I’m afraid you don’t understand,
Wilfred…you’re both going to die. Either by this streak of tigers or by…other means.” Peter looked at the other man again. “His way will be much quicker and a great deal less painful.”

Shawn took a step off the porch and walked to them.
Wilfred was glad he was seeing things his way finally and looked at his sister. She wasn’t going to make it home. He would drain her before they left the state. Licking his lips and feeling his fangs drop into place, he looked over at his brother as he stood in front of the other man.

“I wish to die by your
hand.” Wilfred thought he’d heard him wrong, but when the other man lifted his hand and touched him, Shawn was ash raining to the ground as if he’d been that all along. Mother fuck, that was quick. And now they all looked at him.

“Jimmy should have trained us better.”
Peter snorted. “He told us the rules, but he didn’t tell us that we couldn’t break them.”

That sounded stupid even to his own ears. Apparently to Peter and
the other man as well, because they both laughed. The large male cat made his way toward him as his sister made her way to his left. They were going to try and make him run, but he was smarter than any ignorant shifter was.

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