Bringing Home the Bear

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Authors: Vanessa Devereaux

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Paranormal, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: Bringing Home the Bear
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Copyright© 2014 Vanessa



ISBN: 978-1-77130-896-0


Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs


Editor: Kerry







WARNING: The unauthorized
reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal.
No part of this book may be used or
reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the
case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.


This is a work of fiction. All
names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events,
locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.






For Emma




Shifters, 2




Copyright © 2014




Chapter One


settled down in the armchair by the window. Its arms were torn and threadbare,
but it had been his father’s favorite resting spot, and for that reason alone,
he’d never part with it. It also offered the best view from the house. From here,
he could see the stream and the mountain range in the distance. He sipped his
beer. It had been a beautiful sunrise and he cherished every day he could just sit
and relax. Yes, he’d prefer to be on duty but until his leg was one hundred
the department had told him to take
things easy.

flash of something bright from the stream below caught his attention. He took
another sip of beer. He stood, trying not to wince when his leg felt sore again.
He hobbled closer to the glass to get a better look.

by the stream was a young woman dressed in waders. Didn’t she know this was
private property? He watched as she ventured out into the stream.
Also private.
stood spellbound as she threw the rod behind her, the hook catching on one of
the nearby branches and pulling her backward until she went butt first into the

knew it was wrong of him, but he burst out laughing. She was obviously new to
fly-fishing or even plain old fishing, by the look of things.

struggled back to her feet, waded out of the stream, and lifted the hook from
the tree. Losing her footing yet again, she went ass first onto the ground, this
time causing Trent to draw in his breath. She’d have one sore butt tonight.

some mud off her jacket, she got to her feet again. Whoever the woman was, she
was clearly one determined lady. He liked that quality in a person. Now he was
intrigued to see what she looked like up close. He could go down to the stream
and tell her it was private land, but after all the trouble she’d been through,
it was only fair he let her continue. And yes, he had a motive for not letting
her know someone was in spying on her. Trent walked over to the bookshelf and
reached up on the top shelf for his binoculars. Once he got back to the window,
he put them up to his eyes.

and very pretty were the first two adjectives that shot into his head. He had
no problem with her trespassing on his land at all. He took another sip of beer
and then got back to watching her. She cast the line back, this time clearing
the branches but as she placed it in the water, and she fell face down into the

laughed, spilling beer down the front of his t-shirt. Yeah, this was so wrong,
but in a way, it was so right.

Should I go help
her, show her how it’s done?

wanted to but something deep inside him just wanted to watch her from afar.

front of his pants grew uncomfortably tight as she strolled toward the water’s
edge. He refocused the binoculars for a more up close view. The hat she’d been wearing
was now floating on the downward current of the stream. Her gorgeous dark brown
hair hung wet and limp around her shoulders. She climbed out of the water and
up the bank where it looked like a backpack sat. She unzipped it and pulled out
a white t-shirt. She gave it a shake.

another sip of beer, he stood fascinated while as she took off her jacket and
then proceeded to take off the wet blue t-shirt. He swallowed. His cock
twitched. She reached behind her back. She was taking off that pretty pink lace
bra she was wearing. He swallowed again. When he’d sat down to enjoy the view,
he hadn’t quite expected this. She was now topless, almost making his inner bear
roar to life.

breasts were round and heavy looking. Just the sort the bear in him loved so
much. Trent adjusted the lenses on the binoculars just a little more so he
could zoom in on her nipples.

this wasn’t a nice thing to do, but she was the one who’d invaded his private

bear half made a gurgling sound that originated in the back of his throat. She
wasn’t putting on another bra but simply slipping the new white t-shirt over
her head.

she pulled down the waders, stepped out of them, and set them down on the

licked his lips as she slipped off her jeans, the obviously wet panties under
them gliding off her body too.

cock sprang to life when he saw the dark curls bordering the most gorgeous pair
of curvy thighs he’d ever seen. She suddenly bent over. Shit, his fingers
almost wouldn’t let him adjust the binoculars quick enough to zoom in even more.
They weren’t that great which meant it wasn’t the best view, but he was
rewarded with the slightest glimpse of her pussy.

You are a bad
bear. This is so, so naughty. Put the binoculars down and walk away from the

couldn’t. He could swear they were stuck to his hands. His feet glued to the

ran his hand down the front of his pants, feeling the bulge and sensing the
need to do something about the sudden surge in hormones. She slipped on another
pair of undies and jeans and then carried everything back up the hill and went
out of view.

she be back?

hoped so. She was welcome to fish in his stream anytime she wanted.

rolled the still cool beer bottle over his forehead hoping that would take away
the sudden rise of heat in his body. All this discomfort was
damn fault. What did you expect when you became the voyeur of a
sexy, curvy woman?

balls were heavy and achy, his cock rigid and almost pulsating its way out of
his pants. Every single vein in his shaft felt like it was gorged with blood
and about to explode.


He’d just planned on a relaxing with his beer,
a good book, and finally watching the sun setting over the mountain range. But
now he’d have to put that on hold.

hurried into his bedroom, pulled off his jeans and boxers, letting his cock
spring free.

that felt better. Dr. Delaney had told him to take it easy while he was on the
mend, but he wouldn’t mind doing some physical therapy with the trespasser.

was he still thinking about the woman in the stream? For all he knew, she was a
mile away by now and he’d never see her again.

ran his hand along his shaft. He hadn’t gotten laid for six months, and it was
driving him crazy. Before he realized it, he was flat on his back on his bed,
running his hand up and down his shaft at record speed.

this was better than nothing.

gurgle in his throat rose as his climax reached its peak and he found release.

turned and put his face into the pillow, wishing she’d do some trespassing in
his house next time.


tossed and turned in the back of the camper. She pushed the pillow around
hoping that would soften it up some more. The damn thing felt like it was
stuffed with pebbles. And the mattress wasn’t much better. How did guys stand
sleeping on these things?

She stared at the ceiling for a few minutes
and then looked at her watch. Only one minute and thirty seconds since she’d
last checked it the last time. She should have brought more books with her.
Even put her Kindle into her bag. Maybe she’d go back into town tomorrow and
pick up some magazines.
Anything to stop herself from going

two minutes past eight at night. She’d never been in bed this early before.
Well, not since she was nine-years-old and sent to her room when it was a
school night.

turned and looked out of the window. One plus was that it sure was pretty here.
The sun was setting and cast a beautiful glow on the water.

The water.

a disaster her first attempt at fly-fishing had been. Her ass still hurt where
she’d fallen on the rocks and then on the grassy bank. Maybe she’d have better
luck tomorrow.

was no way she could go home without catching a fish. Her dad would know if she
lied. He’d been able to since she was a kid.

eyes water when you’re not telling me the truth.”

always rushed to the mirror to see what he’d meant, but she hadn’t been able to
see any signs of moisture. However, it was true. He could tell when she lied
about not doing her chores, or that it was her and not her baby sister who’d
broken something.

he’d know all right. And then there was the thing with the bear…she’d need help
with that. Shit, that sounded dangerous, but she’d promised him.

turned onto her back, thinking that all the fresh air would have made her
sleepy, but it hadn’t. She reached for her phone. Maybe she’d call a few of her
friends to see what they were doing tonight. She reached for it, turned it on,
and saw something she didn’t want to.

did she expect stuck out here in the middle of nowhere? She wouldn’t have
picked it in a million years, but her dad had told her this was the place to

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