Raw Exposure

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Authors: Aliyah Burke

Tags: #interracial, #Contemporary, #bw/wm

BOOK: Raw Exposure
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Published by: Sensual Romance Publishing

Copyright © 2014 by Aliyah Burke

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by an information storage and retrieval system-except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review to be printed in a magazine, newspaper, or on the Web-without permission in writing from the publisher or author. The unauthorized replication or allocation of any copyrighted work is illegal. File sharing
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This book is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is coincidental. All trademarks, service marks, registered trademarks, and registered service marks are the property of their respective owners and are used herein for identification purposes only.

Editor:  Jessica Bimberg

Cover Artist: MMJ Designs





To all the readers who’ve waited patiently for Reeve and Affrica, this one is for you. I do hope you enjoy his journey in learning how to be who he is meant to be. Enjoy the revisits with the members of the Megalodon Team. To my husband, my own hero, thank you for your eternal belief in my ability to succeed. To the men and women who serve,
thank you


Raw Exposure


Aliyah Burke


Table of Contents

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen


Additional Books by Aliyah Burke

About the Author


Chapter One


“What the hell do you think you’re doing in here?”

Affrica O’Shea almost dropped the antique dish in her hand when the loud, masculine voice reverberated through the room. As it was, she still saw it wobble a bit before she regained control of it as she lifted her gaze up to the man towering over her from her crouched position by the cabinet.

She allowed her eyes to move over him while she thought up a proper response. He was tall, about as tall as her brother. Unlike her brother, however, this man was Caucasian, with chocolaty brown hair. Mirrored sunglasses covered his eyes. The Romanesque nose and firm lips were not unpleasant to look at despite the scowl they currently portrayed. An arrogant chin.

He wore tailored clothes she had no doubt were more expensive than anything she had in her closet. His silver-blue shirt, unbuttoned at the top, allowed her to see that there was a slight natural tan on his skin. Dark gray pants clung to his hips, the black belt accentuating their leanness.

“I asked you a question.” The scorn-laden voice filled the room.

Her fingers tightened around the crystal platter in her hand. Eyes narrowing, she opened her mouth to respond when another voice broke in, “Did you find it? Oh, Reeve, hi. I didn’t know you were here.”

“Hey, Lex. I just stopped by and am glad I did. I found—”

Alexis Leighton moved around the corner of the island and smiled down at Affrica. “Oh, perfect, you did find it. Great. Come on.” Her gaze moved back and forth between the other two in the room. “You know each other?”

Rising up from the floor, she smiled at Lex and shook her head. “No, I’ve nae had the pleasure o’ meeting him. I believe he was about to make an introduction.” An Irish lilt highlighted her voice.

The man offered his hand, no hint of the earlier animosity visible. “Reeve Leighton.”

Holding the serving platter with both hands, she ignored his outstretched one. “Affrica.” She knew her eyes shone with distaste as she looked at him but they softened as she looked over to Lex. “Sorry it took me so long.”

“No problem,” Lex said, obviously recognizing but not understanding the hostility between the two. “We should go. Reeve, you are more than welcome to stay. We have plenty of food.”

Reeve reached for a glass and filled it with ice and water from the fridge door. “I may, thanks, Lex.”

The two women left him alone in the large open kitchen.


Charleston Reeve Kirkland Leighton watched them leave. Well, one more than the other, but Lex
his sister-in-law, and his brother would kill him for ogling her. Taking a drink, he ran over what had just occurred.

As usual, he had shown up uninvited at his eldest brother’s house. Part of him was a bit perturbed that neither he nor any of the rest of his family had been invited to the festivities that were obviously happening.

So he had walked in unannounced and gone to the kitchen for a drink. Hearing a noise, he’d moved closer, thinking he could surprise someone. He hadn’t been prepared for the sight that met him.

An unknown woman had been pulling out some crystal from a bottom cabinet. So he had yelled at her, assuming the worst. After, of course, his eyes had wandered over the picture she offered.

Black slacks drew tightly over her rounded derriere as she bent over. A moss green shirt stood out against the smooth darkness of her skin. Her hair was full of ringlets that looked soft and inviting to the touch. There was fire raging in her eyes as she opened her mouth to say something. Then, Lex had shown up.

The amount of anger in her eyes shocked Reeve—at first—yet he understood. He had assumed the worst of her without allowing explanation. However, by ignoring his outstretched hand, she’d stepped on his ego.

Tossing back the rest of the water, he left the glass on the counter and headed to the backyard. At the door, he paused and turned back, placing the glass into the dishwasher instead, knowing that Lex would be on him if he didn’t. Then, with an arrogant push to his sunglasses, Reeve went to find out who the hell Ms. Affrica thought she was.

The backyard was loud. Music. Conversation. Children. It was just loud. And surrounding the whole thing was a familial aura that made him almost feel like an outsider.

“Hey, Reeve!” Scott yelled over the commotion. “Didn’t know you were here. Grab some food.”

Reeve waved back at his brother even while his obscured gaze searched the beautiful women for the one he had encountered earlier. She stood with another woman Reeve had met once before, Jayde Kincade, wife to the second-in-command of the SEAL Team. Jayde held his niece and on one hip, Affrica held a baby. He didn’t know who that was either, but he hadn’t gotten all these children down with their respective families yet.

His gut churned with an unfamiliar feeling as she looked at him and laughed at something the woman beside her said. A smile that transformed her face into a stunning portrait. The contrast between her teeth and skin was astounding. Beautiful.

Some of that glow left her as her gaze hardened before she looked away from him, tilting her head down to the baby in her arms and brushing away a bubble from the small mouth.

Still, he pretended indifference as he moved down toward the tables laden with food, filled a plate and mingled with the members of his brother’s SEAL team and their families.


“That man sure has your attention, Affrica,” Jayde teased as she fed Lex’s daughter another small bite of fruit.

is hardly deserving to be called that,” she snapped. “

Jayde laughed. “I may not speak Irish, but I understand that. What happened between you two to get this much feeling from you?” She put her gentle gaze on her friend.

“Nothin’,” Affrica insisted. “I’m just hungry.”

Wise eyes stared back at her, but Jayde just batted them before remarking sweetly. “I bet. Something tall topped off with dark brown hair and poured into that sexy suit.”

“Hush you!” Affrica adjusted her hold on the child in her arms. “This is why you are stuck with the kids. No one wants to hear your smart mouth.”

Jayde laughed even harder. “If that is what you need to tell yourself.”

Soon, the two women had full plates and sat at a table engaging in conversations with other people. Still, even as she ate, Affrica found her gaze flickering toward the arrogant man who had assumed she didn’t belong in the house.

* * * *

At the end of the day, Affrica stood by the front door, talking on a phone. As if she felt a presence behind her, she glanced over her shoulder and found Reeve watching her. He couldn’t help himself; she continually drew his eye. Closing the phone with a snap, she arched a brow and held his dark gaze.

? What do you want?”

Reeve stepped closer to her.

“Did you come to accuse me of something else?” Her eyes snapped with challenge.

“I didn’t mean—” Reeve began.

“I don’t care what you
, Mr. Leighton.” Her burr grew along with her anger. “Your point was clearly made.”

“Hey now!” Reeve protested and reached out with one hand to touch her. “I don’t know who you think you are—”

“Affrica?” A deep voice cut Reeve off. “

Reeve looked behind him and swallowed. Hard. Standing in the doorway was Aidrian O’Shea, better known as Hondo. The lone black man on his brother’s SEAL Team was one of the two most imposing in Reeve’s eyes, the second being the tall Native American, Maverick. Rarely did any emotion show from Hondo that didn’t intimidate Reeve in some way. He wouldn’t want to face
of them down, however.

She shook her head. “No. No problem. I was just about to leave. I have to go.”

Reeve witnessed as an unpleasant emotion filled Aidrian’s eyes that were almost black. Maverick’s appearance in the room stymied whatever Aidrian had been about to say. A flirting smile crossed Maverick’s face as he slapped his teammate on the shoulder and moved across the open room to pull Affrica unhesitatingly into his embrace.

Maverick muttered something softly that only the woman he had in his arms could hear. Watching the man press a kiss to the side of her neck, an action that got a shiver in response, made Reeve sick to his stomach. Why did he feel the urge to bite someone’s head off?

“Stop it, James.” Affrica giggled as she smacked him in the chest.

“Dinna be puttin’ them lips anywhere near my sister, Mav,” Hondo growled. “I dinna know where they’ve been.”

Affrica laughed again. “Stop. I canna stay here and listen to this.” Stepping away from Maverick, she walked to her brother and kissed him on the cheek. “I have mah phone, always. I’ll be safe so dinna worry about me.”

She looked up at him and grinned. The love she felt for her brother obvious on her face. “You be careful, okay? I love you. I really have to go.
Slán agat
. Goodbye.”

Hondo nodded and let her step out of his embrace. “Love you, too, Affrica. Stay safe.”

Affrica walked over to Maverick and kissed his cheek when he leaned down and tapped the smooth copper skin. “You, too; take care of my brother and yourself,” she said.

tanke jigala
, little sister, always.” He gathered her close. “Be good.” One black eyebrow arched. “Don’t make me kick this man’s ass whoever he is. Stay safe,
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Slán agat
, James.” She moved past him to the door and cast a spiteful look back to Reeve before opening and walking through the front door, shutting it gently behind her.

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