brides for brothers 15 - a randall hero

BOOK: brides for brothers 15 - a randall hero
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Table of Contents

Judy Christenberry




Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter One

John Randall regretted the past few hours.

A trip to see an old college buddy appear in a rodeo had turned into a marathon when his friend lassoed him into a steak dinner and a few beers.

Every time John had tried to leave, his friend announced he had one more story to tell their companions about their college escapades.

Now he was finally on the road home—two hours late and a hundred miles from home. And the last seventy of them were on the two-lane road that led to Rawhide.

When he left the main road, he settled in for a relaxed drive. At ten o’clock he didn’t expect to run into much traffic. But about ten miles down the road, he rounded a curve and suddenly jammed on his brakes. A car was stopped in the lane, no lights on. No leeway existed on the narrow country road and John knew he’d have to risk running his truck onto the rocky, tree-lined shoulder or crash into the stopped car in front of him.

He twisted his steering wheel to the right…and prayed for the best.

His truck hit a boulder beside the road and his axle snapped when he landed on lower ground. He knew it before the truck had stopped moving. He spoke words his mother would have raised her eyebrows at, but he felt sure those words were justified.

He got out of his truck and climbed up to the road, angry now that someone had left their car on the road. Even if it had broken down, the least they could’ve done was push it to the side. He’d assumed no one was in the car, but when he knocked on the glass to be sure, a head popped up.

He thanked God he’d avoided the vehicle. “Can you roll down the window a little?”

The woman did so.

“Are you broken down?”


“Then why didn’t you move your car off the road?”

“I—I can’t.”

His eyes followed her hand as she patted her stomach, and he realized she was pregnant.

Very pregnant.

“We’ve got to get you out of your car before another vehicle comes along and hits it.”

“I don’t think I can walk.”

“Come on, I’ll help you.”

“Where will I go?”

“To my truck for the moment. I’ll call for help after I get you safe and your car off the road.”

“You have a cell phone?”

“Yeah.” He tried to open her door. “Can you unlock your door?”


He got her door open and helped her out. Then he half dragged and half helped her into his truck down below.

“Just stay put while I see what I can do about your car. Do you know what’s wrong with it?”

“I don’t know, but it started hissing and smoke started coming out of the hood.”

“Okay. I’ll see if I can push it on to the shoulder. I’ll be back in just a minute.” At least he would if he didn’t get run over on the pitch-dark road. Fortunately, he didn’t expect a lot of cars at that time of night.

Changing the gear to neutral, he pushed the car to the side of the road. There wasn’t that much space, but it would give anyone coming around the curve some room to maneuver.

He slid back down the gully to his truck and got in the front seat. “There, I got your car pushed to the side. Now let’s see if we can rouse some help.” He knew his insurance would pay for his truck, so he could be cheerful now that he’d calmed down.

Until he opened his phone.

He cursed several times and snapped his phone shut.

“What’s wrong?” she asked cautiously.

“I forgot to recharge my cell.”

“Do you have a charger with you?”


“Wh-what are we going to do?”

“I don’t know. At least I got your car out of the way so no one else will have to wreck their car.”

“Are you saying I caused your wreck?”

“You didn’t even have any lights on!”

“I had them on, but my battery died!”

“Look, it’s all right. My insurance will pay for it, but I can’t drive it. So we’ll just sit tight until someone comes along.”

“I’ve been here for a couple of hours and you were the first one to come along. Do…do you think someone else will—”

She grimaced and grabbed her stomach.

“Is something wrong?”

She lay back against the seat, breathing deeply. “No, I just need to…stay calm.”

“Just how far along are you?”

“About eight months.”

That brought John up short. He sure didn’t want to talk her into early labor. He agreed—calm was just what they needed.

“Look, we’ll probably see someone fairly soon. Until then, tell me what you’re doing on this road.”

“I’m just driving.”

“Toward what destination? There’s not much on this road except Rawhide.”

She jerked away from him.

“What did I say?”


“Okay, well, I’m from Rawhide, a small town that most of my family lives in. I’m John Randall. I run my family ranch about fifteen miles outside of town. But I have cousins all over town and on three other ranches in the area. We joke all the time because you can’t go anywhere without running into one of us.”

“Is it a nice town?”

“Absolutely. Both doctors, the sheriff, the only lawyer, the two accountants, all are kin to us. My sister is a jewelry designer. The drama teacher is kin to us, too. She used to be a movie star.”

“M-my brother is a deputy.”

John frowned. “In Rawhide?”


“Who is he? I bet I know him.”

“I don’t think I should say.”

“Why not?”

“I’m not…not staying in town. I just needed to ask him s-something.”

“You couldn’t just call him?”

“I tried several times but—but he didn’t answer his phone.”

“Maybe he’s on vacation. No, that couldn’t be it. The only one on vacation is Harry and—-”

She jerked again.

He stared at her. “Your brother is Harry? Harry Gowan?”

“Please, I didn’t say that.”

“Harry is my brother-in-law.”


“Stay calm. It’s all right. Harry would want me to help you. What’s wrong?”

Saying nothing, she shook her head and folded her arms over her protruding stomach, as if she were cold.

He took her by her shoulders. “Look, Harry is on—”

He broke off because she was wincing in pain. “Are you in labor?”

She shook her head.

“Then what’s wrong?”

“I—I have some bruises.”

He turned on the inside lights. “Take your coat off.”

“I don’t want to. It’s cold.”

“I think you need to.”

“You can’t see anything.”

“What do you mean?”

“He didn’t hit me where it could be seen.”

“He who?”

“M-my husband.”

“Are you saying your husband beat you?”

She nodded her head, her gaze lowered.

“Had he hit you before now?”

“Once,” she whispered. “I thought he wouldn’t do it again. He—he said he was sorry.”

“So what happened this time?”

“He—he decided he didn’t want the baby.” She sobbed, then, tears streaking down her cheeks.

He scooted across the seat and wrapped his arms around her. “He’s a fool!”

She buried her face against him and wept.

After a minute, she collected herself and, in spite of sniffles, said, “When he got up this morning and left for work at six, I grabbed what I could and went to the bank when it opened. I took all our money and I drove to Rawhide. At least I tried to drive to Rawhide. I hoped Harry could help me.”

“He’s out of town for about six weeks.”

“Oh.” She sniffed several times, trying to control herself.

“Look—I don’t even know your name. But I can promise you I’ll do what I can to help you. Remember I said the sheriff was kin to us?”

She nodded her head as it rested against his chest.

“Well, that means he’s kin to you, too. Harry is his favorite deputy. He’d help you even if Harry wasn’t part of the family.”

“How is Harry part of your family?”

“You didn’t know? Harry married my sister.”

“Oh, I didn’t realize—Then I can’t bother Harry.”

“Then what will you do?”

“Can my car be fixed?”

“Yeah, if Larry can get the parts. That could take a week. Then he’ll take about a week to fix it.”

“How do you know?”

“I’m guessing you knocked a hole in your radiator.”


“Hey, you can stay at our house while they work on your car.”

“No.” That was all she said.

“What’s your name?” he asked, which seemed a silly question since he was holding her in his arms.


“Well, Lucy, take off your coat.”

“Why?” She pulled back and fear lit her eyes when she looked at him.

“I’m going to wrap us up in a comforter I have so we can stay warm until morning.”

She scanned the truck. “You have a comforter?”

“Sure. It’s not safe to drive around here without something to keep us warm.”

“Where is it?”

“You don’t believe me, do you?”

“I just want to see it first.”

He took his arms from around her and scooted across the front seat until he could reach in the back. He had to stretch to take hold of the comforter, and a bottle of Gatorade. He brought them to the front seat.

Her eyes widened when she saw the drink. “Um, I’m really thirsty.”

“I don’t have any cups, but I think we can both share it.” He took off the lid and offered her a drink. Then he took one himself.

“Now will you take off your coat?”

“Wouldn’t we be warmer if we kept our coats on?”

“No. Body heat will keep us warmer. Besides, it’s not going to get that cold tonight.”

He took off his coat and laid it aside. Then he waited for her to do the same. Once she did, he spread the comforter over both of them and drew her back into his arms.

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