Brick Shakespeare: The Comedies—A Midsummer Night's Dream, The Tempest, Much Ado About Nothing, and The Taming of the Shrew (79 page)

BOOK: Brick Shakespeare: The Comedies—A Midsummer Night's Dream, The Tempest, Much Ado About Nothing, and The Taming of the Shrew
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Gramercies, Tranio, well dost thou advise.

If, Biondello, thou wert come ashore,

We could at once put us in readiness,

And take a lodging fit to entertain

Such friends as time in Padua shall beget.

LUCENTIO (cont.)

But stay a while: what company is this?


Master, some show to welcome us to town.


Gentlemen, importune me no farther,

For how I firmly am resolved you know;

That is, not bestow my youngest daughter

Before I have a husband for the elder:

If either of you both love Katharina,

Because I know you well and love you well,

Leave shall you have to court her at your pleasure.


To cart her rather: she’s too rough for me.

There, there, Hortensio, will you any wife?


I pray you, sir, is it your will

To make a stale of me amongst these mates?


Mates, maid! how mean you that? no mates for you,

Unless you were of gentler, milder mould.


I’ faith, sir, you shall never need to fear:

Iwis it is not half way to her heart;

But if it were, doubt not her care should be

To comb your noddle with a three-legg’d stool

And paint your face and use you like a fool.


From all such devils, good Lord deliver us!


And me too, good Lord!


Hush, master! here’s some good pastime toward:

That wench is stark mad or wonderful froward.


But in the other’s silence do I see

Maid’s mild behavior and sobriety.

Peace, Tranio!


Well said, master; mum! and gaze your fill.


Gentlemen, that I may soon make good

What I have said, Bianca, get you in:

And let it not displease thee, good Bianca,

For I will love thee ne’er the less, my girl.


A pretty peat! it is best

Put finger in the eye, an she knew why.


Sister, content you in my discontent.

Sir, to your pleasure humbly I subscribe:

My books and instruments shall be my company,

On them to look and practise by myself.


Hark, Tranio! thou may’st hear Minerva speak.


Signior Baptista, will you be so strange?

Sorry am I that our good will effects

Bianca’s grief.


Why will you mew her up,

Signior Baptista, for this fiend of hell,

And make her bear the penance of her tongue?


Gentlemen, content ye; I am resolved:

Go in, Bianca:

BOOK: Brick Shakespeare: The Comedies—A Midsummer Night's Dream, The Tempest, Much Ado About Nothing, and The Taming of the Shrew
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