Breathless Temptation [Texas Stallions 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (8 page)

BOOK: Breathless Temptation [Texas Stallions 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Hunter’s eyes rounded, and he cocked his head to stare at Clay. “Do you think you can protect her while you’re working? I sort of have experience in this department.”

“I know I can protect her,” Clay argued. “I don’t need your help.”

Hunter bobbed his head and folded his arms across his chest. “Sure you can, if you’re not distracted by everything else going on in this town. Let her come with me today. I’ll take her up to Paradise Ranch, and she’ll be safe while you take care of whatever it is you need to take care of.”

Delilah threw her hands up. “Wait a second,” she spat. “I’m not going anywhere with anyone. I can take care of myself.”

“The hell you can,” the men said in unison and then glared at each other.

Fury in her eyes, she demanded, “Take me to the nearest car lot. I’m buying a car, and I’m leaving.”

“No!” the men again agreed in unison.

“You can’t make me stay here.”

There’s that spoiled little girl I met last night.

Clay took a deep breath. Stepping a few extra feet away from Hunter, he turned to face Delilah. With the back of his knuckles he touched her cheek. “I’m sorry. This keeps happening to me where you’re concerned. I don’t want to see you hurt and…Hunter’s right. You should go with him today. He’s handled a situation like this in the past with a stalker, and between him and the rest of the Boyd family, you’ll be safe.”

She leaned into his touch. Softening toward him, the look of defeat filled her gaze. “Why would you want this responsibility? Wouldn’t it be easier to just wash your hands of my insanity?”

He cupped her cheek, his fingers weaving through her soft hair.
Damn, I want to kiss you again.
“I’ve never been one for taking the easy way out, Delilah. Besides, I’m not ready to see you leave Temptation.”

She locked eyes with him, a shy smile curling her lips. For a long moment, he held her, caressing her face and hair. He prayed that his words would entice her to stick around a little longer. He didn’t want to see go. He wasn’t sure if it was because he wanted to keep her safe, wanted to spend more time getting to know her, or perhaps a little of both. Either way, he wanted her beside him.

Stiffening her spine, she finally said, “Fine. I’ll go with Hunter, but just remember, Sheriff, this was your idea.” She winked at him and then turned to Hunter. “I need to grab a few things, and I’ll be right back.”

He nodded.

Clay stepped forward, lowering his voice so only Hunter could hear him. “Don’t get any ideas about her. You’re to keep her safe, nothing else.”

Hunter snickered, and the moment he did, Clay wanted to wring his neck.

Grinning like the devil, Hunter reminded him, “I’ve told you this before, big guy…let the games begin.”


* * * *


Delilah gasped with delight as Hunter saddled up his horse, pulled her up in front of him, and took her on a tour of Paradise Ranch. What she’d seen the day before at the wedding reception was nothing compared to the rest of the property. The vast trees with their vibrant and rich green canopies, the roaming livestock, and the creeks and springs all had her giddy with excitement. The ranch was incredibly different from the busy concrete city she’d grown up in. Somehow being lost in the Texas hill country was like getting a little bit closer to her mother. The joy of it all made her heart swell.

“So, do you like our little piece of paradise out here in Temptation?”

“Oh, I love it,” she told him, resting her hands over top of his.

Hunter had cradled his arms around her to keep her securely on the horse. She relished being pressed up against him, but at the same time, she was consumed by guilt. Even though Hunter had an alluring appeal that made spending time with him desirable, she still couldn’t strike Clay from her thoughts.

Currently, everything around her seemed perfect. The feel of Hunter wrapped around her body, and his warmth mingling with hers, created a divine sensation. The only thing missing was Clay. Again her thoughts trailed back to the man who captivated, and frustrated her.

She cringed a little, wondering what she was doing exploring uncharted territory with two men. How had things become so primal between them? Why was it so easy to fall into bed with one man, simultaneously dreaming of touching another? She couldn’t wrap her head around the idea that she longed for both men equally. How was that fair to any of them?

Clearing her throat, she told him, “This ranch is named appropriately, I would think.”

Chuckling, he said, “I agree completely. I’ve never loved a place so much in my life.”

Her heart raced a little faster as she contemplated revealing a trusted secret that she hadn’t shared with anyone, but if timing was ever perfect to share her thoughts with someone, that time was now. “Don’t laugh, but I’ve always wanted to own a piece of property like this. I envisioned it looking so much like this, too. I imagined lots of livestock, green pastures, and tons of trees with natural running water. It’s breathtaking.”

“Now that really surprises me.”

She inclined her head to glance at him from over her shoulder. A sudden wave of defensiveness slammed over her. “Why do you say that?”

Not breaking eye contact with her, he explained, “This is a hard life, Delilah. Nothing about owning and running a ranch is easy. Sure the land is beautiful, but getting it to look like this takes a lot of time and—”

“Money?” she said.

“Actually, I was going to say hard work.”

Her face reddened, and she glanced away. “Oh,” she muttered. “I realize that, but it’s still something I’ve wanted. I think I’ve grown rather weary of the corporate life. Honestly, it never was for me. I got involved in the business for my father. Recently, I’ve sort of stepped out of that role to explore other interests.”

“Like what?”

“Oh, you’ll just laugh at me if I tell you.”

“Delilah, I was a bull rider. I’m the youngest of three brothers, and I know that shit rolls downhill. I’m the last person who would laugh at you. I know what it’s like to not be taken seriously. I know what it’s like to be considered too young to know what you want. I may not come from a wealthy family, but I still understand the importance of finding a niche you love and being able to flourish in it.”

She liked that Hunter was a real person and that he chose not to be fake or seem self-important around her. He was genuine, and she supposed that was what made being with him so satisfying. If anyone would understand her dream, he would.

“I want to own a ranch like this. I want to have my own land and a place that I can raise livestock and get my hands dirty.”

“Are you serious?”

Again she glanced over her shoulder at him, meeting his curious gaze. “I’m totally serious. More than thirty years ago, my mother owned part of this town. Perhaps the ranching lifestyle is in my blood.”

Hunter smiled. “I’ll give you that, but are you serious?”

“Are you deaf? I just told you I was.”

“Then maybe you and I should go check out Turtledove Ranch.”

She squirmed. “Stop the horse and let me down.”

Helping her down, he also dismounted to chase after her. She stalked to the nearest tree, using the shade to keep the sun from her face. Folding her arms over her chest, she studied him. “Is there really a place called Turtledove Ranch, or are you messing with me?”

He tied the reins of the horse to the tree and raised his hands in a nonconfrontational manner. “I told you that I’d never make fun of you, and I’m totally serious. Turtledove Ranch is up for sale. The owners unfortunately have to sell due to family health issues. They’re moving closer to their kin in Dallas.”

She eyed him. “How far away is it from here?”

He stepped closer to her, placing her between him and the tree, now at her back. “Not far at all. In fact, Paradise Ranch butts up against it.” With the pad of his fingers, he brushed a fallen piece of hair from her cheek and tucked it behind her ear. Slowly, his hand glided past her shoulder and down her arm. “I wouldn’t recommend walking to it, but you could certainly ride a horse to see the property.”

She felt the flutter of excitement fill her chest. “You’re kidding?”

“No, I’m not kidding. Would you like me to take you there now?”

He stepped a little closer to her. His eyes glistened with an intoxicating green and gold. The hazel of his eyes shimmered with thoughts she could only identify as wild and lust-filled emotions.

Putting her hand on his chest to keep him from pressing up against her, she told him, “Look, Hunter, I’m not easy.”

He placed his warm hand over hers and pressed their joined hands firmly to his chest. The pounding of his heart matched her own. “I never said you were, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want to kiss you again.”

She gasped and tried to pull her hand away. Not because she truly wanted to, but more because of what his touch was making her feel and desire. He had power over her, a power that had her toes curling in her shoes and her body tingling with alarming awareness.

The same feelings I had with Clay.

Her chest suddenly felt tight. “Hunter, please,” she breathed.

He dipped his head close to hers, and she couldn’t help but stare as his mouth-watering lips. With the feel of his warm breath on her cheek, he said, “To be honest, I’d love a lot more than that.”

Chapter Six


Hunter reached up and pulled Delilah into his arms. Her palms pressed flat against his chest as his mouth closed over hers. He couldn’t believe how incredible she felt cradled in his arms.

Every dream he’d ever had of the perfect woman had always left him wondering if such a woman truly existed. Would he ever find a woman who would love the land as he did? Would he ever find a woman who would cherish him as he cherished and desired her? Would she feel like an angel as he kissed her, held her, and made love to her?

Judging from how his body roared and responded as he kissed her, he’d have to say yes. She was like the air his lungs were desperate to inhale. Everything about her was as he imagined it would be. Perfect.

He knew he had to be delicate with her, knew she had feelings for Clay, as well, but he couldn’t allow her to go another day without feeling the passions she evoked in him. Since the moment he’d laid eyes on her, she’d been all he thought about.

There was a natural instinct to protect her, and when he’d discovered that a man was stalking her, he’d never felt anything like the need that raced inside him, telling him to guard her with his life. He’d felt that jarring force once before when his brother’s wife, Abby, had been hunted by a serial killer. But there was something different this time, something that had him wanting to wrap her in the confines of his arms and steal her away. Keeping Delilah safe, no matter what, and protecting her from danger was his first and only priority.

As he devoured her supple lips and drank in her essence, he felt her relax in his arms. Pliant and full of passions, he was eager to feel from her, her arms wrapped around his waist and her fingers kneaded the hard flesh of his back. Just the scent of her tickled his senses, clarifying just how much he wanted her.

His cock jumped in his pants as he pressed himself firmly against her, testing her resolve. He prayed she wouldn’t stop him as he took things further and prayed she felt for him the same intense yearning he did for her.

Nibbling her bottom lip, he broke their kiss and pressed his forehead against hers. He whispered, “I want to show you something.”

Her eyes fluttered open, and the blue he had drowned in the first time he looked into her eyes seemed to explode in an array of colors. Crystal-clear water that reflected the deeper, richer azure of a twilit sky was what he saw staring back at him. It was then that he knew she’d follow him just about anywhere, and he was glad.

Taking his hand, she weaved her fingers around his and told him, “Lead the way.”

Smiling, he helped her onto his horse, and together they rode back up to the barn. Dismounting, he put his horse into its stall and, without saying a word, climbed up the ladder onto the loft above. Delilah followed closely.

Amazed by her trust in him, he couldn’t help but feel his chest swell with emotions he’d never thought he’d experience. There was a deep connection to this woman. Maybe it was the accident that had drawn him to her, maybe it was the way she had him feeling needed and respected, or maybe it was something beyond rational thought. Whatever it was, he couldn’t get enough of it.

Once upstairs, he turned and helped her up, leading her to a blanket that he’d placed out earlier alongside a chilled bottle of wine in a metal bucket of slow-melting ice. For whatever reason, he just knew she’d be with him today. Even if she hadn’t had a crazy stalker, he would’ve found a way to bring her back to Paradise Ranch. The one thing he hadn’t imagined was just how hard it would be to think of anything else besides her. He hoped his brothers wouldn’t come looking for him, and even if they did, he wasn’t about to allow anything to come between him and Delilah.

He dropped to his knees on the blanket and gently pulled her over to stand in front of him. Pushing his cowboy hat up, he nuzzled against her and kissed her belly through her clothes. Slowly, he popped open a button to reveal smooth, creamy-white skin. His lips were quick to press against her warm flesh. Flicking his tongue over her skin, he tasted just how sweet she was. Her hands sprung up and her fingers dove into his hair, knocking his hat into the hay-covered floor. She gripped him tight as she, too, dropped to her knees. As she captured his mouth, he couldn’t believe she was instigating the kiss. She was aggressive, playful, and full of passions he’d only dreamed she’d share with him.

BOOK: Breathless Temptation [Texas Stallions 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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