Breathing His Air (29 page)

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Authors: Debra Kayn

Tags: #Contemporary, #General, #Romance, #Fiction

BOOK: Breathing His Air
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“You sure about all that?”

“I give love advice. Don’t question me.” She grinned. “Walk over with me, and let’s go make Rain and Taylor’s night, huh?”

He nodded. She walked beside him. Halfway there, Slade nudged her arm. “Thanks, Tori.”

“It’s my job.” She nudged him back and laughed.

For the next two hours, people came and went from their table. She stood. She sat. She leaned into Rain. And his hands never left her.

Whether he put his arm around her, his hand on her hip, or openly patted her ass for all to see, he marked her as his property. Proud and comforted by his role in Pitnam, she pushed away her own insecurities. He made her want to be a better person, to accept what he gave her freely. Maybe in time, they’d all see what Rain saw in her, and she’d never wonder if she was doing the right thing, or if she was good enough to have what others seemed to have.

The outside florescent lights buzzed. She gazed up, surprised the sun had already set. The crowd gathered around the makeshift stage.

Jedman wandered away, leaving her and Rain alone. He kissed the top of her head, pulling her closer. “Jump out of your head, babe.”

“I wasn’t.”

He tilted her chin. “Yeah, you were.”

“Not anymore.” She smiled, tugging at his hand. “Let’s dance.”

“Don’t dance.” He pulled her back, looked toward the crowd and cussed.

“What’s wrong?” She turned, searching for what had upset him.

Striding toward the stage, Crystal strutted in her high heels and tight miniskirt, not even looking in their direction. She squeezed Rain’s hand. “Oh.”

“What the hell?” Rain walked forward, stopped, and hooked her around the neck. “Babe, go over to the beer garden and find Jedman. Stick with him.”

“But — ”

“Don’t argue.” He pushed her in the right direction. “Go. Don’t move from there.”

She backed away, frightened of the anger radiating of him. “Honey?”

“Not now, babe. Do what I asked.” He stayed there watching her.

She turned and hurried away. Goosebumps rose on her arms and tingled. Without glancing behind her, she knew he watched to make sure she arrived at the beer garden safely.

But who was going to watch his back and keep Crystal away from him? She didn’t trust Crystal not to cause a scene, and with the high stress level Rain had lately over the Lagsturns situation, who knew what he’d do?

She’d barely stepped into the canopied area before Jedman jogged over and dragged her over to the side. “Tori?”

“It’s Rain.” She frowned. “His ex-girlfriend’s here.”

Because she cared more for Rain’s sanity against the woman who continued to try to stick her claws in him, she didn’t think. She only wanted Crystal gone from the area and away from Rain.

“He needs you.” Tori pushed Jedman away. “She shouldn’t be here to ruin the party. This is Rain’s big day with the club.”

Jedman hesitated. “Stay here. Renny’s inside the bar, but he’s bringing out more drinks and should show up any second. When he gets here, stick with him.”

“I will.” She bit on the corner of her fingernail, wishing she had a lollipop to stick in her mouth. “Go.”

She followed Jedman to the edge of the opening of the canopy. True to her word, she stayed put, even though she wanted to go defend her man. She strained to see across the parking lot, but with the overhead lights casting shadows and everyone moving in all directions, she couldn’t see a thing.

“You shouldn’t be alone, chica.” Raul stepped around the tarp covering.

“Hey, Raul.” She rubbed her arms and returned to searching for Rain.

“Is something wrong?”

She nodded. “Will you do me a favor?”


“Just walk with me over to the back of the bar. I want to check something out near the dance floor.”

He bowed slightly at the waist. “It’d be my pleasure.”

At the edge of the crowd, she found a spot where she caught sight of Rain’s leather vest. She excused herself through the throng of people, drawing closer. Raul stayed by her side, giving her confidence.

Closer, she realized Crystal had her hands linked behind Rain’s neck. She stopped. Her heart pounded against her ribs, and she reached out and held on to Raul’s arm.

“Amiga, what is wrong?”

Everything. Unable to see Crystal past Rain’s broad frame, she could only study her boyfriend. What she was seeing wasn’t making her happy.

His hands out of sight, he remained standing still while those around him danced to the fast music. Crystal’s fingers twined in the length of his hair. Why wasn’t he stopping her?

Then she saw the absolute hope in Crystal’s face as she whispered into Rain’s ear, and Rain’s head go down. Tori swallowed hard and turned away, running when she broke out of the throng of people.

Raul caught her arm. “Tori.”

“I-I need to go.” She gulped air.

“Maybe it’s not what you think.” Raul cupped her cheek. “He could have a good explanation for what is happening.”

“He told me he hated her,” she whispered. “I can’t breathe.”

“Inhale deeply, amiga.”

She shook her head. He didn’t understand. Rain was her life. “My air is gone.”

Without waiting, she turned and walked. Not caring where she went, she only knew she couldn’t stay here where Rain had Crystal in his arms. She didn’t want to hear he’d changed his mind about her. She didn’t want to hear she wasn’t good enough for him. She didn’t want her father’s words to be true, and there was something horribly wrong with loving someone and their love would destroy them.

Chapter Thirty-Five

Crystal hung on Rain, threatening to cause a scene if he wouldn’t hear her out. His muscles froze. There was nothing she could say that he’d want to hear.

More than that, he’d ordered her to stay away from him. In no uncertain terms, he’d warned her about even being near Tori.

Crystal leaned against him, putting her mouth to his ear. “You have to listen to me.”

He squeezed her waist, pushing her away, until Tori’s name broke through his rage. “What?”

“Your girlfriend is two-timing you with Sanchez.” She held his head in place with her hands. “Sweetheart, I’ve seen — ”

“Bullshit.” He pushed her away, uncaring when she twisted on her heels and fell into one of the guests.

“It’s true.” She scrambled to him. “They’re right under your nose, and she’s laughing at you.”

“That’s your game.” He sneered. “You’ll never change.”

“Yeah, it was my game, but I’ve changed. You have to believe me. I know when someone else stoops to the level I did. Why do you think Sanchez has stayed around Pitnam?” She curled her lip. “It sure in the hell isn’t because of the action in town.”

He turned and spotted Jedman. “Get rid of her.”

“Glad to, boss.” Jedman moved forward.

Not waiting around, he pushed through the crowd. The bitch was lying. He’d had Tori under surveillance since before her cabin burned down. If he wasn’t with her, one of his men tagged along. Even when all the trouble seemed to stop, everyone continued to take care of Tori. She was never alone, and someone would’ve told him Sanchez was double playing him again.

Halfway to the beer garden, he stopped.
Son of a bitch.

He’d sent Tori to Jedman. If Jedman was dealing with Crystal, where the hell was Tori?

He ran.

At the keg, he grabbed Renny by the front of his shirt. “Where is she?”

“Tori?” Renny pushed him away. “Haven’t seen her since she came and dragged Slade away.”

He pushed Renny away, grabbed his phone, and dialed Tori’s number. While he counted the rings, he paced. At the start of the voice message, he motioned to the group of men standing around waiting to see what was going on.

“Find Tori.” He pulled Renny aside. “Go to Jedman now, and tell him not to let Crystal out of his sight.”

He searched the area, scanning faces, and wished like hell he could go back ten minutes and never have left Tori while he dealt with Crystal. He jumped on a nearby chair. Everyone mixed together in his mind, blinding him from seeing Tori. His fear over leaving her unguarded escalated.

If she wandered into the crowd, she’d be safe. He jogged toward the roped-off area on the outskirts of the parking lot. The darkness gave him a sense of foreboding. She could be anywhere, and he wouldn’t see her.

With the number of people, anyone could sneak in and take her before anyone noticed. She was too damn friendly. She wouldn’t even realize she was in danger before something bad happened.

Hoping she’d had to use the restroom, he jogged over to the bar and entered the empty room. “Tori!”

He hurried down the hallway and opened the woman’s bathroom. “Babe?”

Silence answered him. He ran to his office door. The handle remained locked from earlier when he’d left. She couldn’t have entered, because he was the only one with a key. Not finding her inside, he unlocked the back door, walked out, and his whole body sighed in relief.

He recognized the sparkles off her diamond-studded heels reflecting off the overhead lights in the dark. All night, he’d watched them pick up the lights and tempt him. He walked toward the Dumpster at the corner of the building. After he wrapped her in his arms and reassured himself she was okay, he’d ask her what the hell she was doing out here by herself.

He stopped ten feet from her, inhaled deeply, and checked himself. Although her strength through this whole ordeal impressed him, he also knew she possessed the ability to throw caution to the wind. He loved her goofiness, but that side of her needed to remain with him when he could keep her safe, and let her be carefree.

“Please, Raul. Take me somewhere else. I can’t stay at the party,” she said.

Rain’s blood ran cold. That was when he noticed the person in front of her. The one person he didn’t want close to her. The person who had his hands on his woman.

“If you want to live, you’ll stop touching her.” His voice came out low and vibrated in his chest.

Tori’s shoulder’s came back and she stiffened. He fisted his hands at his sides. “Babe. Come here.”

Instead of moving toward him, she stepped away and stood behind Sanchez. Rain lifted his chin, not surprised to find the leader of Lagsturns widening his stance.

“Amigo, your woman is upset,” Sanchez said. “Give her time to gather her thoughts.”

“Shut your fucking mouth before I kick your ass.” His eyes remained on Tori.

She spoke to Sanchez, and he strained to hear. With the music going, he couldn’t hear a damn thing. Sanchez nodded and moved forward.

“Listen before you jump to conclusions.” Sanchez walked over.

What the hell was Sanchez doing giving Rain advice about how to handle his woman? He moved forward, glancing behind him. He wouldn’t put it past Sanchez to have a group of men ready to jump his back.

Tori remained quiet, raising his anger even more. His chest squeezed, and the hurt and deception pained him even worse. He’d trusted her. How could she keep her contact with Sanchez a secret from him?

His body vibrated with a need to punch someone, something, to relieve the agony. No better than Crystal, Tori had screwed him over. She hid it better than Crystal with her innocent act, her goofiness, her story of her past making him want to protect her. He’d fallen for it all.

He stared a hole in her. “Why?”

She swiped her hands across her cheeks. “I could ask the same.”


“I saw you with Crystal,” she said.

He laughed harshly. “Seeing as how you both are on the same team, and you took your cue from her when you agreed to work with Sanchez, you’ve given up any right to worry about what I do with Crystal.”

“I don’t work for Sanchez.” She scrunched up her face. “I don’t even know Crystal, except for the two run-ins I had with her when she wanted to scare me away from you.”

“Unbelievable,” he murmured, turning away. “You’re going to lie to my face.

“I’m not lying. The only person I work for is Pauline and myself, you know that. I don’t know why you’re acting this way.” She lifted her chin.

She was lying. He’d caught her with Sanchez and it was obvious that she knew him. He looked away, unable to see his dreams with her blow up in smoke.

She’d walked into his life. He could walk out of hers. His promise to never let her run fulfilled, he’d do the running for her. And that was what he did. Through the back door of the bar, he walked away from the only woman he’d truly loved.

Done with the night, he strolled straight behind the counter and grabbed a bottle of whiskey. Screw it. No one played him twice. Never again.

Skipping a glass, he lifted the bottle to his lips and let the burn ease the tightness in his chest. As soon as he could breathe again, he chugged more, praying for numbness. He would’ve given his life for her.

Sanchez had picked a winner this time to sic after him. Crystal — she had it going on in bed, but out of it, he’d only tolerated her. She possessed sexy, but lacked class and being a goof. He swallowed again and let the bottle clank against the bar.

Tori had it all. Damn her.

The back door slammed. He turned away, scooping up the bottle and taking it with him.

Click, click, click.

Each step echoed through the empty bar and grated over Rain’s heart. He swigged another drink and finally felt the alcohol do its job.

“I just want you to know, no matter what you think of me, I have never met or talked to Sanchez. You’ve warned me many times about him, I would never betray you that way.” Tori’s voice caressed him. “I don’t like Crystal, and I’m not one of her friends. I’m hurt that you would think I’d deceive you after everything we’ve been through and talked about. I don’t like to see another woman’s hands on you, or you letting her touch you. I’m going to take my truck back to the house … ” She paused. “I just wanted you to know because this time, you don’t have to run with me.”

Click, click, click.

He closed his eyes and, in a ball of madness, he threw the bottle across the room and listened to it break. He leaned against the counter, his chin on his chest.

“Rain, please don’t,” she whispered. “I know you’re hurting, but I don’t even know how to fix what happened. I don’t understand how you can think I’ve done something when it was you who was letting Crystal hang on you.

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