Breathing For The First Time (8 page)

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Authors: Mary E Thompson

BOOK: Breathing For The First Time
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My eyes meet his and he understand exactly what I’m telling him.

We cuddle in the corner, watching the other couples dance, and trade kisses. I ask Tyler if he’s ready to dance again. The raw lust in his eyes sweeps my breath from me. “If I dance with you again, I won’t be able to stop myself from doing all the things I’m dreaming of doing to you,” he growls at me.

My lips part into an O and I try to think of anything other than being with him. He reaches toward me and pulls me to him, sealing our mouths together in a rough, breathtaking kiss that leaves my lips swollen and sore.

I want to ask him back to my room, but I know Paige and Tiffany will be packing to leave in the morning. His room is shared with Rachel so I wouldn’t dare go there.

I want him as badly as I ever have, as much as me wants me, but I know we have to wait. He feels it, too. Hours later than we should have gone to sleep, he walks me to my room. His flight home is later than mine so I won’t see him tomorrow, but he asks if he can come over on Sunday. I agree, disappointed that I have to wait two days to see him again.

Tyler kisses me at my door, our lips pressed together in the deserted hallway, our tongues merging, and our hands exploring each other hungrily. Our moans pepper the silence in the hall, making me want him even more. I memorize the way he tastes and the feel of his body under my fingertips, wishing I could feel his bare skin against me. Forty-eight hours and that wish will be my reality.

We finally break free from each other with promises to be together soon. I breeze into my room, blissfully happy. Paige and Tiffany are asleep, but I find myself energized. I change into my pajamas, but slip quietly onto the balcony. I watch the sun come up and say a silent prayer of thanks that Tyler and I are together again.





I can’t sleep. I wish I could go into Brooke’s room with her, but Paige and Tiffany are there. Now I’m walking the Panorama deck, feeling empty without her by my side. But I know I’ll see her in two days, and everything will be okay again.

I’m not risking going back to my room, at least not until I know Rachel is asleep. I need to pack, but I’m not ready to face Rachel.

Being with Brooke again makes me feel alive. Even walking around and holding her hand tells me the world is right. I’m not going to screw this up. I hurt her this week, but I’m not going to hurt her anymore.

The pool is deserted, but I sit down. It’s quiet out here, most of the guests and staff are sleeping. The water looks good. If I had a suit on I would jump in the pool, but I’m not going in in my clothes. I move to the edge of the water and hang my feet in. With my eyes closed, I let my mind wander back to dancing with Brooke, holding her close, her breath on my neck, and her lips pressed against mine. I can’t wait to be with her again.

The sun peeks over the edge of the water, like a kid at the stairs on Christmas Eve. Somehow I know Brooke is watching the sunrise, and I wish I could sit with her. The sunrise marks a fresh start. This is the beginning of my life with Brooke. And it’s going to be beautiful.

But first I have to deal with Rachel. 

I pull my feet from the cool water and decide to face Rachel. I walk the steps back to our room. I’m sure she’s pissed, but I’ve been telling her all week that we’re over. Not to mention we broke up three months ago.

Sure enough, when I get back to the room, Rachel is awake. She’s always been a morning person, but it looks like she didn’t sleep last night. Her back is to me and she’s stuffing clothes into her suitcase.

I close the door softly, not wanting it to echo through the soundless hallway. Rachel freezes for a moment when I come in, but quickly resumes her packing, ignoring me. I walk to my side of the room and pull my bag out from under the bed. I open the drawers I’ve been using for my clothes and toss them in my bag.

I feel Rachel’s eyes on my back, but keep working. Our departure from the ship is early and I want to get some breakfast. The staff will be coming around soon to get the bags for check-out and we need to get them into the hall. I move to the bathroom and shove all my stuff into a plastic bag, zipping the top closed and dropping it into my bag.

Packing only takes me a few minutes, and when I’m done I grab my backpack and slide a change of clothes, my passport, and a book inside. I drop my duffle bag outside the door and turn around to face Rachel.

Her green eyes are rimmed with red and she looks like she’s been crying most of the night. For the first time since we’ve been on this trip, she’s completely clothed instead of parading around me in her underwear, or nothing. She’s finally accepting what I’ve been telling her for days, really for months.

I run my hand through my hair, trying to figure out what to say to her. I don’t owe her an explanation, but it’s clear she’s hoping for one, and really, she deserves it. We haven’t been together in months, and it’s none of her business if I’m with Brooke, but Rachel isn’t a stranger. I thought I was in love with her at one point in time. Before I met Brooke and realized what real love is. How do I explain that?

I sit down on the edge of the bed and look at Rachel. She seems different to me today. I know she’s hurt, but the pain looks fresh. Obviously, for me, our relationship was over a long time ago, but these last few months don’t seem to have healed Rachel.

“I’m sorry,” I begin. I know I owe her more than that, but I’m not entirely sure what.

She offers a small smile, but it doesn’t reach her eyes. “You seem happy with her. Or at least, you seem happy now. You were pretty miserable all week.”

“It was just... awkward. I guess all of this is awkward.”

“We can still be friends, Ty. I don’t want to lose you in my life. I can tell you’re in love with her, but your friendship means a lot to me.”

I sigh, knowing we won’t really stay friends, but I can agree. It will be hard for Rachel to see me with Brooke. But she’s still in Louisiana and is planning to stay there. Brooke and I haven’t talked about the future past grad school, hell we haven’t talked about the future past this weekend, but I’m guessing she’ll want to stay in the Carolinas.

“Of course we can be friends. I wouldn’t want it any other way,” I tell her.

“Will you set this outside for me?” she gestures to her suitcase and I smile, grabbing the bag and carrying it out, just in time to meet the attendant coming to take them away.

I throw my backpack over my shoulder and glance back to Rachel. She says she’ll be up for breakfast in a little while.

I climb the stairs, leaving my past behind me, and searching for my future.





At the airport Paige and I hug Tiffany goodbye. I thank her for her support and love during the trip and promise to visit her in New York over the summer. Paige and I walk to our gate and wait for boarding.

Once on the plane, my exhaustion sinks in. I hoped to see Tyler this morning, but he wasn’t at breakfast. I know I’ll be with him tomorrow, but I miss him, especially after the way we were dancing last night, and being close to him again.

I close my eyes before take off and drift into a dream about Tyler.

The jolt of landing in Columbia wakes me up. I sit up abruptly and wipe the sleep from my eyes. Paige dozed off too, but she’s wide awake now. Dante is waiting for her, ready to take her home. I feel a small pang of jealousy again, but remind myself I have my own hot man coming to see me tomorrow.

We work our way through the small airport and pass the security gate to the common area. Paige sees Dante and screams, running toward him. Dante is tall and gorgeous. His long brown hair hangs into his eyes, but his incredible build convinces you he will always be there to protect you. Dante attracts the attention of every woman within sight of him, but his sea green eyes are only for Paige.

Paige drops her bags at his feet just before she leaps into his arms. Dante catches her easily and swallows her in a kiss. His hands cup her ass and he holds her tight to him, both of them lost completely in the other.

I walk up to them, not wanting to interrupt, but they are giving me a ride home. They break apart as I approach and Dante sets Paige down. He keeps his arm around her shoulders and her pressed to his side. He leans toward me and plants a kiss on my cheek. “Thanks for taking such good care of my sweetheart,” he tells me.

Paige and I exchange a look and I tell Dante, “She took care of me is more like it.”

Paige smiles as Dante looks between us. He shrugs his shoulders and turns toward baggage claim carrying Paige’s bags. When our luggage comes out, we pile into Dante’s SUV and he drives me back to my apartment.

Before I climb out, I thank Dante for everything and tell him we had a wonderful time. He says it was his pleasure and winks at Paige. She opens her door to get out and hug me. I thank her for everything over the past week and she tells me to call her, any time. I agree and turn to my apartment.

I climb the stairs heaving my bags behind me. Even though I’ll miss Tyler tonight, I know a nice quiet night is what I need. I’m worn out and could use some extra sleep.

I push open the door to my floor and turn toward my place, at the end of the hall. My heart stops when I see Tyler, slumped over against my door. I rush down the midnight blue carpeted hall and pause in front of my grey door. I watch him sleeping, wondering how he could possibly be comfortable, and how he got here.

I lean down and touch his shoulder, softly saying his name. He stirs and opens his eyes, flashing a sleepy smile when he sees me. “You look like an angel,” he says, his voice still thick with sleep.

I smile at him and ask if he’d like to come inside. He struggles to his feet and pulls me into a kiss before we go inside. Answering my unasked question he says, “I couldn’t wait until tomorrow to see you so I got an earlier flight. I wanted to surprise you.”

“I’m definitely surprised.”

“Good surprise?”

“Great surprise.”

Tyler picks up his bags and carries them into my apartment with us. He stifles a yawn and wraps his arms around me. His six foot frame covers me and makes me feel so safe. I can tell he’s still exhausted and ask if he wants to go lie down. He pulls back and raises an eyebrow at me.

“I never went to sleep last night so I was going to take a nap when I got home. You’re obviously tired, too, and I just thought maybe you wanted to sleep.”

He smiles and admits, “I couldn’t sleep either. I kept thinking about how sexy you looked dancing, and how good it was to have you in my arms again.”

“Come on,” I tell him. I lead him to the bedroom and slip off my jeans, tossing them to the side. I pull out a pair of shorts and slip them on, removing my bra under my shirt, a move perfected in gym class many years ago. Tyler’s eyes hold steady on mine, but I can see him resisting the urge to cross the room to me.

I look him up and down, slowly, enjoying what I see. I raise my eyebrows at him, daring him to get more comfortable. He meets the challenge, stripping out of his jeans and shirt, leaving only his white boxers. God, he looks good. His skin is tan from the trip and the white boxers glow against his body. He’s giving me a salute under his boxers and I lick my lips when I notice him.

“Come here,” he tells me. His voice is thick, a mixture of sleep and lust. I step in front of him, but keep my hands off him. The air between us sparks as passions flies back and forth. Tyler steps closer to me, his erection brushing softly against my stomach.

He reaches his hands up and tangles his fingers in my hair, pulling my head back to look up at him. My eyes meet his and he leans into me, our lips grazing across each other.

The light touch of his lips makes me want more of him. I can’t peel my eyes open, but I know he’s watching me. His hand is still in my hair. I let out a soft sigh, disappointed that he isn’t pushing for more.

I raise my hands and press my palms to his chest, letting my fingers trace his strong muscles. His breath catches when my fingertips slide across his nipples. My hands trail there again and tweak his nipples slightly. He lets out a moan and I feel his erection lengthen, pressing harder into my stomach. I run my hands over him, teasing him with my touch, before I return to his nipples, twisting harder this time, pulling as I twist.

His body bucks hard into me and the grip he has on my hair loosens. I take advantage of the freedom and drop my head, his nipples just inches from my lips. I drop one of my hands and suck his tight nipple into my mouth, his dark chest hair tickling my nose. My free hand settles on his hip, feeling the soft cotton fabric of his boxers under my fingers.

He moans as I nibble and twist his nipples, and his hips move into me, a mind of their own. After a few minutes I hear a strangled groan escape his throat and he reaches for my shirt, ripping it over my head. He drops his head to my nipples, repeating the torture I just gave him.

I slide my hand to the edge of his boxers, teasing along the waistband. He takes a breath to dive back into me and I plunge my hand into his boxers at the same time, wrapping my hand around his impressive length. I’ve had him inside me before, but I didn’t get to hold him.

I slide my hand up and down his shaft, pulling his focus from my nipples. He kisses my neck, nipping and sucking as he goes. Tyler’s hands reach down to my shorts and slides them free of my hips, allowing me to kick them to the side. Then he reaches for his boxers and drops them to the floor, giving me an amazing view of his naked body, my hand still clamped around him.

“I need you, now,” he groans into my hair. I push him back to the bed, keeping control of him with each step. He lies down and reaches over to me at the side of the bed. He  wraps his hands around my hips and lifts me onto him, his strong arms controlling my small frame.

I spread my legs as he lowers me to the bed, straight on top of him. I moan as he fills me, fitting into me like a hand in a glove. His eyes lock onto mine and he moves inside me.

I rest my hands on his beautiful chest, twisting his nipples while we move together. He plunges deep into me, pressing into my sweet spot. I move with him, sliding up as he pulls out and dropping down onto him as he crushes his erection deep inside me.

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