Breathing For The First Time (3 page)

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Authors: Mary E Thompson

BOOK: Breathing For The First Time
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We grab our bags when the plane stops at the gate and go in search of baggage claim. I scan the crowds for Tiffany Wright, the third part of our trio, but don’t see her. Paige and I wait for our bags.

“She should be here by now, right?” Paige asks, a hint of worry in her voice.

“Yeah, her flight was supposed to land before ours, but it could have been delayed.” I pull out my phone to check for messages from Tiffany, but don’t have any. I send her a quick text asking where she is.

Before I get a response, I hear Tiffany. Her teaching career has increased the volume of her voice. Teaching high school math will do that for you. She calls through the crowds to us and we all rush for a group hug.

Tiffany is the picture of a woman ready for a cruise. Her sunglasses are perched on top of her head, a bouncy brown ponytail playing around her shoulders. Her white shorts show off her impossibly long legs. Being the tallest of the three of us, her legs seem endless, especially when standing next to Paige and me. Tiffany is sporting a brilliant blue tank top, a gauzy fabric making it seem very casual, but stunning against her olive skin.

People have wondered since our freshman year at USC if the three of us are sisters. Paige and Tiffany share the same soft brown hair, but Tiffany’s is straight where Paige’s is wavy. I’m the lone blonde, but my hair has definitely darkened as I’ve gotten older. We all have the same muddy brown eyes. Paige and Tiffany’s brown hair and brown eyes make them look so stunning and mysterious, and make me slightly jealous.

I think the thing that makes people wonder the most is how we seem to be able to read each other’s minds. We have conversations that no one else can follow since half of it takes place in code words or implied meanings.

My favorite part of our friendship is that we always come together and share everything, even when we’ve been apart for a while. This trip will be no exception. We haven’t seen Tiffany since our last cruise, almost nine months ago.

“I’m so excited,” Tiffany beams. “I’ve been waiting for this all year. I can’t believe it’s finally here!”

I glance at Paige and see a glimmer of regret wash across her eyes before she returns Tiffany’s excitement. I reach my arm around Paige and give her a squeeze, knowing she’s already missing Dante.

This Paige is so different than the one from our last cruise, when Paige met Dante, right after we graduated college. That Paige was on the prowl, but today Paige has on a long, yellow Hawaiian print dress, modestly covering her. She’s not a prude, but I know she’s trying not to attract any unwanted attention.

Paige and Dante are incredible together, and their story is one that makes you believe in true love. After the cruise, they ended up working together and fell in love. I know this trip is the longest they’ve been apart since she moved in with him a few months ago and it’s going to be hard for her.

She looks to me with her soft brown eyes, the gold sparkling at the thought of Dante, and winks at me, indicating she’ll be okay. The three of us walk outside the airport, arm in arm, to the taxi stand and find a cab to take us to the cruise terminal.

When we board the ship, we look for our room. The last cruise we went on we stayed on one of the lower floors, in a more affordable room, because we were all broke. This trip, we planned to do the same, but Dante insisted on treating us to a suite. We are so psyched to be living in style, and even have a private balcony.

We walk into our room and gasp. Paige was in Dante’s suite last time, but Tiffany and I weren’t. This place is awesome. I can’t believe this is home for a week. The first thing that catches my attention is the balcony. Right now we just have a view of the port, but I know we’ll spend a lot of time out there during the trip. I drop my bag on the floor as I cross the room to check out the view.

I look down at the floors below us. Being out over the ocean like this worries me, but it will be beautiful. Watching the sunset out here will feel like we’re in a fairy tale. Any view on a cruise ship is sensational, but having a private balcony where we can enjoy it without anyone else bugging us, now that’s the way to live!

I turn back to the room and reluctantly walk inside, reminding myself I can return whenever I want. The three single beds are overflowing with fluffy white pillows and pintucked comforters. I slip my shoes off and am surprised how soft the sand colored carpet is under my bare feet. There is a small TV sitting on top of the honey stained wood dresser and a closet that rivals the one in my apartment, which isn’t saying much about my apartment. The room is definitely designed to allow the balcony and view to be the main focus.

I walk into the bathroom and am equally impressed. There is a full sized tub and shower with a massaging shower head. The white and sand colored tiles give the space an airy feel, even though there aren’t windows. The toilet is private so we can all be in here together. The double vanity looks like a vintage dresser, painted a soft blue to match the sky on a clear day, but with more storage than we will ever need.

Tiffany and Paige claim beds, leaving me with the one closest to the balcony, which is perfect for me. We unpack the few things we have in our carry-on bags, claiming two drawers each and are content that we won’t have to fight over closet space. I store my bag on the top shelf of the closet and splash some water on my face.

The three of us go out to explore the ship, checking out the pools, the ballrooms, even the casino. We go through our emergency drill and head up to the top deck to waive goodbye to the shoreline as the ship pulls out of port.

As the ship glides out of the bay and away from shore, we turn and retreat to our room. Tiffany had a long flight to Miami from New York, and is ready to relax. Dante insisted on flying Paige and I down here, wanting to be away from Paige for as little time as possible. Flying gave them one more night together, and she’ll be home earlier than if we drove back. Those two are almost too cute.

Of course that one extra night for Dante and Paige ended up being my first night with Tyler. Lying in my bed I let my mind wander back to last night.

After waiting for almost seven months to go out with him, I was really looking forward to our night. Kissing him made my entire body tingle, and I just couldn’t get enough of him. I’ve never slept with a guy on the first date, but I didn’t feel like it was a first date with Tyler. We know each other. I care about him, and he cares about me. I know he’s someone I could fall hopelessly in love with.

Tiffany shocks me from my daydream when she pushes the door to the balcony open. I’m surprised to see the shore so far away, and the sun kissing the ocean. I must have dozed off thinking about Tyler.

I look at the clock and realize we need to be heading for dinner in about an hour. That’s the great thing about a suite, we have enough mirror space to all get ready at the same time.

I jump in the shower while Paige and Tiffany get dressed. The shower washes away the ickiness from the plane and my nap. I slip on my white sundress with hot pink and blue flowers dancing around the hem. It’s a fun dress, but won’t make me look too available.

I’m not sure I should be so presumptuous, but it feels like Tyler and I really connected last night. He was very respectful of me the entire time he was with someone else. He was honest with me about their relationship, and I have no reason to think he would be deceitful now. I can’t wait to see him again.

Paige, Tiffany, and I pile out of our suite and walk the stairs down to the dining hall. Paige has changed into a pale lavender sundress, and Tiffany traded the shorts for a long green dress that hugs her curvy figure. Of course, we’re all wearing jewelry Paige made.

As we step off the stairs I scan the crowd, curious about the other people on board.  I’m always amazed at the variety of people on a cruise. I watch families corralling children, friends here to have fun, and couples in love.

My breath catches in my throat and I stop dead in my tracks. I watch as a guy with dark hair, strong shoulders, and a tight ass drapes his arm around a stunning redhead in a sexy black dress.

Tiffany and Paige aren’t paying attention and run into me. Paige steps on Tiffany’s foot and she yelps. I’m frozen in place when Tiffany asks, “What the hell are you doing?” 

The guy turns and my fears are confirmed. Tyler’s eyes meet mine and guilt flashes across his face. I turn, and run.





Shit. How could I have been so stupid? Brooke told me she was going on a cruise, why didn’t I ask her which one? I never thought we would be on the same ship for a week. Especially when I’m here with Rachel.

I freeze when I see her. She ran off as soon as I turned around. Two brunettes followed her, Paige and Tiffany, the best friends from the pictures in her apartment, the ones she talks about all the time.

How in the world am I going to explain this to her? I know how it looks, and I know what she’s thinking. And last night was... God, it was heaven.

When I kissed her last night, I felt like I’d found my match. Her body fits against mine so perfectly and she makes me feel whole. Rachel and I were together for almost three years, but I never felt like we were as right as Brooke and me. And now I’ve ruined it.

I turn back around to Rachel, Jon, and Jessica, my friends from college. Rachel asks, “Is everything okay?” I nod, but catch Jon’s eye. He raises his eyebrows at me, understanding exactly what I’m not telling Rachel.

I called Jon last week and told him I couldn’t go on the cruise. He begged me to come with them. When I told him about Brooke, he insisted that Rachel knows we’re through and that everything will be fine. Jessica and Rachel are best friends, and Jessica tells Jon everything. If he says we’re good, I told him, I believe him.

But I don’t know how Brooke is going to feel about the whole thing. Especially since I never told her my plans for spring break.

I try to push it out of my mind as the doors to the dining room open. We find our table, a cozy four top in one of the corners of the room. I watch the crowd for Brooke but know she won’t be back tonight.

Jon orders champagne for the table to start the night. As the ship left shore he asked Jessica to marry him. She said yes, so tonight we’re celebrating. Jon and Jessica have been together for almost as long as Rachel and I were.

I try to focus on my friends, but I’m distracted. I need to talk to Brooke, but I doubt she’s coming out of her room tonight. Without knowing where she is I will have to wait. We have seven days on this cruise ship, and I will find her, and straighten this out.

I try to celebrate my friends’ engagement, letting the bubbles tickle my nose and carry me away. I’ve never been a big drinker, even in college. The champagne is sweet and I can only take one glass before switching to beer.

We sit at our table for hours, drinking and eating. I start to forget about the mess with Brooke. Rachel looks beautiful in her black dress. Her garnet hair is twisted up on her head, baring her neck. I used to love kissing her neck. Rachel always had a beautiful mouth, and I like seeing her smile, happy. But she’s not the one I want anymore. She’s comfortable and familiar. And being here with Jon and Jessica brings back a lot of memories. But I still want Brooke, and I need to make things right with her.

After dinner, Jon wants to hit the casino. He tells Jessica, “I’m the luckiest man in the world tonight, so I might as well go for the jackpot in here, too.”

Jessica swoons at his words and slips her arm through his. It’s funny to watch my friends so much in love. I’m happy for them, but I remember their rocky start. Jon was a partier, happy to have fun. He claimed he never wanted to settle down.

Then Jessica walked into his life. Her sparkling blue eyes, dark blonde hair, and petite figure captured his attention, but she completely ignored him. Rachel and I had been dating a few months and introduced them at a tailgate party before an LSU football game one afternoon. 

Jessica knew Jon’s reputation. Rachel was quick to admonish Jon’s behavior, and my continued friendship with him. Jessica wasn’t interested in being another notch on his scarred bedpost. She has always been a relationship sort of woman, not into flings or hook-ups. Rachel is the same way, and really I am too, which is why she never understood my friendship with Jon. I saw him as fearless, and I was envious of his confidence with women.

When Jon and Jessica were introduced, I took one look at Jon and knew he was lost. I was a little jealous of him at the time actually. My relationship with Rachel was slow to start, and it certainly didn’t have the immediate passion I saw in Jon’s eyes when he met Jessica.

Jon stopped his flirtatious ways and was devoted to making Jessica see him the way he wanted to be. I helped as much as I could, singing his praises to Rachel knowing she would spill her guts to Jessica. It worked, and after only a few weeks Jessica gave Jon a chance. They were inseparable after that.

And the instant connection I was envious of, well, I found that with Brooke. And now I’ve jeopardized it.

Rachel presses against me, bringing me back to the present. She doesn’t seem to be as over me and ready to be friends as Jon led me to believe, but maybe it’s the champagne. “How about you,” Rachel whispers in my ear. “Do you want to get lucky tonight?”

I step back from her and look into her eyes. She’s practically drooling over me, but there’s a hint of humor in her eyes. “Haha, Rach, I thought you were serious for a second.”

Something flashes across her green eyes, but it’s gone before I can identify it. Panic rises in my gut, but I push it down, telling myself I’m being crazy.

“Calm down, Ty. I was talking about the slot machine anyway. What were you thinking about?” she asks in a sultry voice, her bedroom voice.

I level a gaze on Rachel, trying to figure out if I believe her. I laugh it off, admonishing myself for doubting her. She’s always been a good person and I know she wouldn’t manipulate me or jeopardize this week.

I watch Rachel walk ahead of me through the casino and find myself feeling guilty for moving on with my life. Maybe she is still hung up on me. What if she thought this week was a chance to get back together? We haven’t talked much since we broke up almost three months ago, and she has no idea what is going on with Brooke.

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