Breaking Leather: Lone Star Lovers, Book 4 (8 page)

BOOK: Breaking Leather: Lone Star Lovers, Book 4
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Why was she fighting them? They made it sound so easy, so inevitable.

For the first time, she let her dreams follow where her heart led. As she fell asleep, Cade’s large capable hands soothing away her stress, she thought maybe she was ready to believe.

As soon as her breathing evened in sleep, Cade pulled away from Chrissi’s warm body. The ache in his groin had to be seen to before he sought out the others. He thought maybe he’d gotten through to her, made her reconsider her stubborn stance, but he wasn’t going to leave anything to chance.

He headed to the bathroom, started the shower and took himself in hand, working his cock in his fist. The rhythmic motions were steady, punctuated by his deepening breaths, while he thought about everything that had happened that day. Especially about how sweetly she’d surrendered in the tub. How lovely she’d been in all her distress. He ached for her, wished he could think of a way to make her acceptance easier, but Chrissi Page was a complicated woman.

She thought she needed control. Thought she needed the trappings of a traditional marriage to feel complete. She hadn’t a clue how wrong she was. How unsuited she was to that kind of life.

Her sensual nature was capable of so much more. Any one man would leave her unsatisfied. She was needier of attention, of physical loving, than any one man could provide.

He’d sensed it all those years ago when Ezra had taken up with her. She’d demurred whenever his big brother had pushed her beyond her natural modesty, but she’d embraced every adventure with her loving, open heart.

His arm tensed, stroking harder. His balls drew up tight against his groin, and he moaned as the first explosion rocked him, sending hot spurts against the tiles. He remembered her face, striped with Josh’s come, the pearly white foam clinging to her cheeks, her eyelashes. She’d been beautiful, wanton. So near to perfect, his chest had frozen.

A soft knock sounded on the door. He let go of his shaft and hung his head for a moment to drag soul-cleansing breaths into his lungs before flipping back the curtain to greet Josh.

Josh’s eyes danced with amusement. “Heard you all the way into the hallway. Don’t know how she slept through that racket.”

Cade gave him a stinging glare, which only widened Josh’s grin. He reached for the towel hanging from the peg beside the shower and wrapped it around his waist. “You try having that ass snuggled up against your dick.”

Josh grunted, then his expression changed, turning sly. “Everything’s ready. The room’s arranged. I tucked a blindfold under the pillow.”

“We’ll let her sleep a while.”

“Ezra thinks we should all catch some shut-eye.”

“Ezra’s not wrong. You wanna keep her company? Can you wake without an alarm?”

“I’m always up with the roosters. You don’t have to stir until I come for you.”

Cade nodded and stepped quietly back into the bedroom. Josh stripped off his jeans and edged under the covers, taking up Cade’s former spot.

Chrissi’s breathing didn’t change as Josh pulled her close and tucked his face into the corner of her neck and breathed. “She smells like heaven,” he whispered reverently.

Smiling, Cade tiptoed out of the room. Ezra was finishing up the dishes, a towel draped over his shoulder. He glanced back as Cade walked inside. “She asleep?”

“With Josh. She was out like a light.”

Ezra let the water out of the sink and leaned his butt against the counter. “Tomorrow’s the make or break day. If she’s not ready, she’ll bolt.”

“How much do you love her, Ezra?”

Ezra’s face darkened with anger. “What the fuck kinda question is that?”

“I have to ask. Do you want her for her, or for what you think she’ll bring to our lives?”

“There hasn’t been a day since I first laid eyes on Chrissi that I haven’t wanted her.”

“But do you love her? The real her?”

“What are you gettin’ at?”

“Chrissi’s not all surface. She’s beautiful, sassy. But deep inside she’s not that secure.”

“You think you know her better than me?”

“I’ve spent years watching her. My mind’s not clouded with doin’ a whole hell of a lot. She’s soft at the center. You saw some of that when you pushed and she broke down. We can hurt her. Or if we’re careful, we can bring out her strengths, help her embrace the woman she could be.”

Ezra’s lips twisted. “You been reading too much

Cade smiled. “Maybe. But I’m right about this, Ezra. Let’s play tomorrow. But let me be the one to call the shots. We both want the same thing. We want her to be ours. No reservations.”

Ezra crossed his arms over his naked chest. “I need a swim.”

“You do that. But then you get some rest. I don’t need you cranky.”

Ezra turned to lean both hands against the counter and stare out the window at the night sky. “You sure we’re doin’ the right thing?”

“Yeah. More than ever. It’s like breakin’ in a new pair of leather boots. You have to wear ’em, stress ’em a bit, before they really fit.”

Ezra raised a brow. “Did you just compare Chrissi to a pair of cowboy boots?”

Cade shrugged, then pulled a beer from the fridge and popped the top before heading to the playroom at the far side of the house. The room he and his brothers had worked on off and on for months. Not knowing exactly when it would come into use, but hoping.

They’d each had their say in what would be in there. They’d each practiced with similar toys and equipment over the years, learning how to ply a flogger or wrap a rope around delicate skin. But never together.

When they’d accepted Bo Crenshaw’s challenge to give his girl Shanna one memorable night, they’d plied some of what they’d learned, but they hadn’t brought her here. Hadn’t wanted any one woman to experience it with them but Chrissi.

Cade pulled a flogger from a drawer in the hand-built cabinet against one wall, and rifled a finger down across the edges of the suede flanges. Chrissi would love this one. Once she got past the shock.

Chapter Seven

Chrissi woke in stages, swimming through exquisite layers of sensation. At first, she thought she dreamed. Feather-soft touches stroked her skin, eliciting delicate shivers before drifting away again. She slept on…to be enticed again with smooth glides of firm lips. Two pairs. One starting at her toes, the other at her nipples.

She smiled to herself as she dreamily blinked her eyes.

The room was still dark. Not a glint of moonlight coming through the window, not a gleam of artificial light around the edges of any door. She wasn’t sure which of the men was nibbling at her toes, but she wondered what he might do if she kicked him. When he slid his tongue between her toes, she curled them, trying to capture the sensation rather than deflect it. She hadn’t known her toes were an erogenous zone.

The more obvious delight, the lips latching gently around one hardened nipple, had her clutching at warm thick hair, a shaggy mop she recognized immediately as Josh’s. she pulled to bring him closer, to deepen the sucking kisses that didn’t satisfy, only teased, but he released her nipple and glided lower, sucking the tender skin at the underside of her breast.

She’d have a trail of bruised love bites if he kept it up, but she didn’t really mind. The only ones who’d know would be the three cowboys who had set their minds to her seduction.

Chrissi moaned then breathed deeply, feigning sleep again. They’d have to work a little harder to get her to admit she was fully awake and enjoying the attention.

A calloused fingertip scraped up the back of her calf, tickling behind her knee, and she couldn’t help the giggle that escaped.

“I knew it,” Cade drawled. “You’re playin’ possum.”

“Was not.”

Josh chuckled, warm air gusting against her upper belly.

“Hell, I just closed my eyes,” she grumbled. “Thought you guys needed me rested.”

“Aren’t you?”

Breath blew against the tender skin just above her mound and her thighs tensed in anticipation. “Guess so,” she whispered.

“We’re gonna play a game,” Cade said, his voice deepening.

Again, the roughening texture of his voice hinted at a masculine dominance that had her stirring restlessly on the mattress. “What kind of game?”

“Wouldn’t be as much fun if we told you.”

She huffed. “Fun for who?”

“Think we don’t mean to give you all the pleasure you can stand?” A finger traced through the hair on her mound to the top of her folds and tapped her hooded clit.

Sweet Jesus
, was that all it took to get her hot? “Umm… I’m game.”

“Josh…” Cade murmured.

Josh kissed her nipple then withdrew. A whisper slid across the sheets… The glide of a hand? Cade tugged her wrist, bringing her to a sitting position, and Josh’s hot skin moved in to cloak her back. Fabric slithered over her face then tightened around her eyes.

“A blindfold? But it’s dark already.”

“We have someplace to take you,” Cade said, his tone brooking no arguments. “Get on up, Chrissi.”

The bed dipped around her, both her hands were clasped. The brothers led her from the bed, through the hallway, the living room, to somewhere beyond. The old workout room? She didn’t mind the silence or the gentle grips of their strong hands. “Is Ezra already there?”

“Ezra’s waitin’, sweetheart.”

Good Lord, she wasn’t sure what she felt about the sound of this. “Maybe I’d rather see where I’m goin’.”

“Think we’re givin’ you a choice?”

She tried to tug her hands away, but both men tightened their grips.

A door creaked open, and she was swept inside. The sounds inside the room, their footsteps, her excited breaths, seemed muted, like the walls had better insulation here. She turned her head to try to catch the sound of another male inside. “Ezra?”

Hands slid around her waist, sweeping up and down her belly, then cupping her breasts while thumbs rubbed the spiking tips. “Trust us,” he whispered in her ear. He framed her hips with his large hands and propelled her slowly forward. “Stop here.”

Hands guided her, picking up a foot to slide it along something wooden behind her. She stepped onto it. They guided her other foot onto another step. Bands wrapped her ankles. The scratch of Velcro made her jump. Her arms were raised at her sides and her fingers were wrapped around a grip before her wrists were tied as well.

Then all the hands, all the warm support, withdrew. There was a creak, and suddenly the thing she was fastened to tilted back, at an angle, not completely horizontal, but enough that the padded supports under her arms, legs and torso, took her weight.

The supports beneath her legs were opened, spreading her thighs. Something stroked up the inside from below her knee to just beneath her folds then back down again.

Heat closed in at one side of her face. Minty breath gusted over her cheek. “This is how it’s gonna be, sugar,” Cade whispered. “I’m gonna stroke your skin, and here and there, I’m gonna give you a pop. Not enough to leave a mark. Not unless you want me to. You have to be honest. Tell me if I hurt you. Or tell me if you want more.”

“You’re gonna hit me?”

“Stripe you, baby. You’ll see.” She heard him move around to stand between her spread legs.

“You’ve got a pretty pussy. And it’s wet.” A finger burrowed into her, withdrew, then rubbed her mouth with her moisture. “Suck it clean, sweetheart.”

Her pussy made a moist clasping sound, and she tried to draw her knees together, but that was the point of the bindings. Nothing would be hidden. Not a single reaction. Her lips parted, ready to tell him to go straight to hell, but he rubbed her mouth again and her tongue touched him, liked the flavor he shared, and swept out to curl around his finger until he stuck it into her mouth to let her suck. When he pulled it out, she licked her lips, then bit them, because something was snaking up her inner thigh again, something soft and trailing.

It lifted off her skin, then flicked, stinging her inner thigh.

She gasped and pulled against her bindings. Before she could form a protest, the strands were stroking her belly, her breasts. Her nipples reacted, contracting. Her flesh tingled and goose bumps rose. The flanges lifted and struck one breast. “Shit!”

“Too much?” Ezra was beside her ear.

But the flanges were moving again, down her belly, between her legs. Her knees lifted, fighting the bindings at her ankles, but all she could manage was a slight outward turn.

“You like that?” Ezra whispered. “Do you want Cade to flick you there?”

Her body was beginning to shiver. She nodded quickly, and the flick, a divinely sharp, stinging glance, landed on her outer labia. Blood surged south to make them swell.

She was squirming now, her skin heating. “Is it a whip?”

“A flogger,” Ezra said. “Soft suede. Cade knew you’d love it.”

“Jesus,” she breathed.

The flanges lifted from her skin, but didn’t strike. “You’re gettin’ used to knowin’ where it'll land,” Cade said—like that was a bad thing.

“Shouldn’t I know? To prepare?”

“Then you’d have some control over how you react.” The flogger struck her belly, her mound, her knee, then swirled around and around one breast in delicious, soothing swirls while she struggled to even out her breaths.

The flogger disappeared. Fingers plumped her breast then lips latched around the turgid tip, pulling hard and eliciting a deep groan from her.

“Like that?” Ezra said.

“Yes,” she hissed, wondering who was sucking at her breasts.

Fingers pinched the tip and pulled then released, then repeated the action, squeezing harder.

Liquid oozed from inside her, dribbling from her pussy.

Fingers sank into her and pumped in and out, then withdrew.

“God, you’re killin’ me.”

Laughter, low chuckles sounded all around her. The men were moving, changing places. Something cold closed around the tip of one nipple, tightening, pinching hard.

“Too much?” Josh asked.

She bit her lip, but shook her head. The pain was delightful, causing her womb to clench. The clamp cinched tighter, and she hissed between her teeth, but didn’t complain.

Her other breast was plumped and kissed, the nipple tortured with lips, fingers, then another cold clamp was applied. When both were tight, fingers toggled the tips, rasping over them. “So red,” Josh said. “Beautiful, baby.”

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