Breaking Leather: Lone Star Lovers, Book 4 (6 page)

BOOK: Breaking Leather: Lone Star Lovers, Book 4
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Again, she consumed him, an inch at a time, as he pumped, each thrust measured, even, controlled. He slipped a hand around her and touched her clit, rubbing it, then drawing away, then rubbing again—driving her crazy because she was still swollen and ultrasensitive, and he was teasing her into arousal again.

“Bastard,” she groaned and pushed back, trying to force him deeper.

“Such a nasty mouth.”

“You love my mouth. You’d love to fuck it.”

“I would. And I will. But right now, I like this set of lips,” he said, giving her a deep stroke. “Do you know how hot you are inside? Are you raw? Am I hurtin’ you?”

“I’m hot, but only because you and Ezra don’t ever quit.”

“And Josh. Don’t forget Josh.”

“Dear God.” That reminder was all it took to make her tremble and moan. They weren’t done with her. Not by a long shot. Tender, hard, hot. They’d bring all that. But never respite.

She rolled her hot face against the cool porcelain. “How can you want this? I mean, I know a pussy is a pussy. But how can you want to share me?”

“I’ll share because I won’t go against my brothers. We know what we want, what we’ve missed and couldn’t replace.” His hands smoothed up and down her back then gripped the notches of her hips. “We want you, Chrissi. In our lives. In our beds.”

“At your beck and fucking call?”

He slapped her butt again. “You like it like that. Admit it.”

“Umm…never. I’m not a plaything. This isn’t something we can sustain. It’d get out and people wouldn’t understand.”

“Why are you so worried about what other people think? Your mom’s in Arizona. Who the hell else matters?”

“I have a job. Standing in the community.”

“We’d take care of you.”

“What about children? We aren’t usin’ anything. It could happen. How’s that kid gonna be raised?”

“With three fathers who’ll adore him.”

“You’re insane.”

“We’re not the first. The folks in Two Mule can take it.”

“You’re talkin’ about Dani Cruz and her men. People barely speak to her.”

“I’d kick anyone’s ass who made a sideways comment to you.”

“You can’t ride herd over the whole town.”

His hands smoothed up her sides and down again. “You won’t need anyone but us. We’ll be your lovers, your friends. We’ll cherish you, sweetheart.”

She rolled her head, wanting to argue, but so far gone she didn’t have the strength. “Christ, just finish it. We have this weekend. To get it out of our systems. Come Sunday, I’m goin’ home.”

The bathroom door creaked open. Chrissi chose not to react. What did it matter if another of the Kinzies watched her getting screwed? She leaned her forehead against the top of the tub while Cade continued to hammer her pussy.

The continued silence of whoever had joined them finally drew her attention. She lifted her head, peeking from the corner of her eyes to see Josh enter the room and give Cade a look that asked permission to come inside.

Cade must have said yes. Josh stripped quietly at the door, and then walked toward the tub. When he stood in front of Chrissi’s bent head, he raked his fingers through her hair and pulled to lift her face.

The waggle of his light brown eyebrows nearly made her smile. But she was being reamed from behind, her body rocked with Cade’s forceful thrusts.

When Josh gripped his cock and stroked himself, she realized she’d been here before. Only then, they’d bent her over a low concrete wall, Cade fucking her from behind, getting her so hot she hadn’t hesitated for even a second before opening her mouth to swallow down Josh’s cock.

The only difference was that Ezra wasn’t standing in the shadows, watching, stoking her desire with his hot stare. Seemed she didn’t need it to catch fire after all.

Gazing down, his blond hair falling forward, Josh stroked himself again, then squeezed. A bead of precome bubbled up from his slit.

However, she wasn’t the same girl, wasn’t going to act the insatiable whore and offer him everything he wanted without a little show of resistance.

She pressed her lips together and glared.

Smiling, he bumped her mouth with his smooth, satiny head, smearing ejaculate on her lips.

She resisted the urge to lick it up, but he wasn’t done.

With both hands, he calmly cupped her jaw and dug his thumbs into the corners, forcing her to open. Then he hooked a finger over her bottom teeth, fisted his shaft and drove himself toward her throat.

Chapter Five

Ezra stood in the doorway, watching while his brothers broke past every last objection Chrissi could manage—with her mouth full.

He felt a smile stretch one side of his own mouth. They were making a helluva mess. Soapy water rolled over the edge of the tub in waves.

He turned to the linen closet and grabbed towels, ready to mop up the mess once they’d finished.

Although pleasurably relaxed after the time he’d spent with Chrissi wrapped around him like a Band-Aid, he wasn’t the least bit surprised when his cock refilled with urgent heat. Loving her had always been like that, an insatiable hunger.

Rocked back and forth by the force of Cade’s thrusts, Chrissi’s whole body was pink with exertion and sexual excitement. Her hair was plastered to her head, whether because it had been wet by the bathwater or sweat, he didn’t know. Her eyes were closed, her expression agonized—the sweet kind, so he didn’t worry that his two younger brothers were pushing her too hard.

No, she could easily handle them all. That’s what they’d discovered long ago. Something that encouraged him when he’d begun to consider what it might be like to share her on a permanent basis.

For their part, his brothers’ muscled frames were wired tight. Cade’s gaze roamed her naked back and bottom. Josh gripped Chrissi’s head and fucked her mouth, his gaze locked on his cock and her suctioning lips, looking as though he’d never done this before, but maybe he just felt that way because it was her.

Ezra knew he hadn’t experienced the same intensity of arousal and emotion with any other partner since Chrissi had been his.

“Fuck, Chrissi.
, suck it harder,” Josh said, his face reddening. His mouth twisted as he blew fast between his lips. With a cry, he pulled away, his fingers wrapping around his shaft to pump, stripes of come erupting, hitting Chrissi in the face.

She didn’t mind. Not by the way she tilted back her head and stuck out her tongue to catch the froth.

When Josh gave one last, strangled gasp, she slowly opened her eyes.

Ezra cleared his throat.

Chrissi’s eyes widened as she glanced sideways to find him. She licked at the come on her lips, but otherwise didn’t bother cleaning up the rest of the creamy stripes clinging to her cheeks and chin.

Good Lord, she looked like a porno star.

Ezra stepped closer, edging Josh out of the way to kneel beside the tub.

Chrissi’s wide brown gaze clung to his, slightly unfocused. Her nostrils flared. She was a wild, primal thing. Completely different from the prissy, collected woman who’d stood by the side of the road with her cell phone in the air.

“Any second now,” Cade warned, still thrusting hard against her bottom.

“Lean up a bit, baby,” Ezra whispered to her.

Holding his gaze, Chrissi swallowed, then pressed down on the edge of the tub to raise her torso. Her arms shook, which made her generous breasts quiver.

Ezra stretched his arm, sliding his palm along her belly until his fingers curved around her mound. Her pussy was stretched tight around Cade. Ezra tucked into the top of her folds and tapped her clit, then rubbed it hard. “Can you come again? For me, baby?”

“What the fuck am I doing back here?” Cade groused.

“You’re the lube job,” Ezra said, narrowing his eyes, daring her to take offense.

“Who’s got the potty mouth now?” she said, just as quietly.

Their glances locked and she didn’t look away, even when her face reddened and her features grew taut.

“Almost there, sweetheart?” he asked, pinching her clit between his thumb and forefinger.

She nodded swiftly, her breaths jagged. A whimper broke and she threw back her head, silently riding the crest.

Ezra aimed a glare at Cade. “Enough.”

Cade grunted and thrust twice more, then hissed between his teeth as his hips jerked. He pulled away, sitting back in the water, his arms stretching over the rim of the tub. “Fuck me,” he said, breathing deeply. “Fuck.”

Ezra gave Josh a sideways glare. “Make yourself useful and mop up the water.” Then he picked up a washcloth, wet it in the tub and began to wipe away the streaks on Chrissi’s face. “Close your eyes.”

She did so, so sweetly obedient, that he couldn’t resist kissing her swollen mouth. Then he smoothed the terry cloth over her cheeks. “You have some on your eyelashes,” he warned her before wiping over her delicate lids.

When he was done, she kept her eyes closed.

“Are you hiding?”

“If I can’t see you, you can’t see me,” she said, smiling impudently.

He grunted, amused. “Are you hungry?”

Her eyes popped open. “Starved.”

Ezra reached for a towel and stood. “Up you go.”

Chrissi rose, a little unsteady, but she righted herself and stepped out of the tub to stand in front of him.

With efficient rubs, he dried her hair then her body, spending a little extra time between her legs.

“I think I’m dry now,” she said, her tone wry.

“Wanted to make sure.” He dropped the towel on the floor.

“Do you have anything I can wear?”

“Didn’t I tell you the rules?”

She combed her wet hair back with her fingers. “Rules?”

“For the weekend. No clothes.” He turned to leave the bathroom, confident she’d follow.

“You’d have been so fucked if I were on my period,” she muttered from right behind him.

Cade and Josh chuckled. Ezra’s mouth quirked. “Think I left that to chance?”

She groaned. “Macy?”


“The bitch.”

Not stopping as they walked into the bedroom, he glanced back, grinning.

Her head canted as she returned his stare. “You don’t do it often enough. Smile, that is.”

“How do you know?”

“I’ve seen you around.”

Ezra strode to the dresser and picked up a hairbrush. “I could say the same for you.” He didn’t have to say a word, just pointed to the edge of the bed.

Chrissi arched an eyebrow, but sat, pressing her thighs together as she gripped the edge of the mattress. “I’ve been busy getting on with my life. There hasn’t been a lot of time for fun.”

“There’s always time for that.” He started at the bottom of her tangled hair, careful not to pull too hard as he slowly brushed her hair.

“Then how come you always look as stern as a hangin’ judge?”

“Been busy, sweetheart. Runnin’ a ranch and waitin’ on you.” He paused to see how she reacted to that last bit.

Her dark eyebrows lowered, forming an impressive scowl. “Stop sayin’ that. It’s not true.”

“You think I haven’t been haunted too?”

“Not like me,” she said, her voice thickening. “You don’t have any idea.”

Ezra sighed and sat next to her. He wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her stiff body against his side. “Then tell me, sweetheart. Make me understand.”

Slowly, her body relaxed. She lifted an arm to wrap around his waist and snuggled into his side. “That night,” she said, dipping her head to hide her face, “when you left me at the restroom…”

He kissed her hair. “Yeah, I remember,” he rumbled. “You ditched me. Left me waitin’ there. I didn’t know what the hell had happened.”

“I wasn’t alone. Remember Stacy Holder and Mariana Lopez?”

“Sure. They’re both fat and have a half a dozen kids between ’em now.”

“Well, they were in there. Talking about you and me. Pretendin’ they didn’t see me come in.”

He could feel the tension in her body. Her arm tightened around him. Her breaths slowed. “Baby, what did they say?”

Chrissi huffed a breath. “‘Did you see her?’” she said, mimicking Mariana’s high-pitched voice. “‘I bet they just did it. Her hair’s all messed up and she stinks.’ And then Stacy started in, ‘Think they did it under the bleachers? Or in his car? I’d let him. He’s so cute. Hell, I’d do them all.’ And then Mariana laughed,” Chrissi said, her voice barely above a whisper. “She called Stacy a slut for just saying it.” She raised her face, her eyes shimmered with tears welling in her soft brown eyes. “But I did it. I did all of you. I was the slut. And I think they knew.”

An ache settled in his chest. He hadn’t known she’d carried this around all this time. No wonder she’d run. “No one knew about us, sweetheart. They might have suspected, but no one saw us. I promise you that.”

“Didn’t matter. I couldn’t face you. I thought, what guy does that with a girl he likes? I dragged the trash can under the window and crawled up on it to climb out.”

“I was worried. I waited a long time, knowin’ I’d handled it wrong. That I shouldn’t have pushed you. All because I was jealous. Because Josh told me you had fantasies—about the three of us. And because I didn’t want to admit that the idea was one that’d been keepin’ me up at night too.”

She blinked, and a tear trickled down her cheek. He caught it with his thumb and licked it away.

Her nostrils flared again, her gaze dipped to his mouth, and that was all the invitation he needed.

Ezra bent to kiss her softly, framing her jaw with his palm, combing back her hair as he pressed his lips against hers and rubbed in slow circles until she followed him, a thready moan seeping into his mouth.

Pulling away nearly killed him, but he and his brothers had an agenda. A bigger goal than slaking the lust they’d hoarded for years. He kissed her forehead and smiled at her expression. “You look like Sleeping Beauty wakin’ up to a kiss.”

“Think you’re a prince?”

“Nah. Just a cowboy.”

“Not ‘just’ about it.” She dropped her arm from around his waist. “You were kiddin’ about the rule, right? I can’t walk around naked all weekend long.”

“Not embarrassed, are you?”

She wrinkled her nose. “No, but I do feel really…vulnerable. How about just a shirt. Anything of yours would fit me like a dress anyway. And please, have Josh and Cade wear some jeans. I can’t hold a conversation when I’m droolin’.”

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