Breaking In: The Rise of Sonia Sotomayor (41 page)

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Authors: Joan Biskupic

Tags: #Biography & Autobiography, #Legal, #Nonfiction, #Supreme Court

BOOK: Breaking In: The Rise of Sonia Sotomayor
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Mi mundo adorado
(Sotomayor); see also
My Beloved World

minority recruitment,
affirmative action

Miranda rights

Mitchell, George

Morales, Dan

Morales, Esai

Moran, Rachel

Moreno, Enrique

Moreno, Rita

Morganthau, Robert

Moses Taylor Pyne Honor Prize,
Pyne Honor Prize

Moynihan, Daniel Patrick; background of; in
Beyond the Melting Pot
; Cabranes and; Ginsburg and; judicial nomination process of; Katzmann and; on race; Sotomayor supported by; Thomas and


multinational companies

My Beloved World
(Sotomayor); coauthor of; payment for; reviews of; tour for

My Grandfather’s Son

NAACP Legal Defense Fund

Napolitano, Janet


National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials

National Conference of Law Reviews

National Council of La Raza

National Labor Relations Board

National Puerto Rican Coalition

National Review

Native Americans

Navarrette, Ruben, Jr.


Newfield, Jack

New Haven

New Haven Register

New Republic, The

New Year’s Eve, 2013

New York: crime in; DA’s office in; judicial nominations from; Latino voters in; New Year’s Eve in; Puerto Ricans in

New York City Campaign Finance Board

New York
Daily News

New York Times
; Clinton nominees in; Moynihan and; Sotomayor covered by

New York University

New York Yankees

September 11, 2001

1964 Civil Rights Act; Title VII of

1965 Voting Rights Act; Section 5 of

1980 elections

1991 Civil Rights Act

1992 elections

1996 elections

Nixon, Richard M.

Noonan, Kevin: career of; and dating Sotomayor; divorce of; marriage of

Northwest Austin Municipal Utility District No. 1 v. Holder


Nussbaum, Bernard

“Nuyorican,” definition of

Obama, Barack; books by; on Bush’s Supreme Court nominees; on
Citizens United
; on conservative court strategy; on Constitution; Guantánamo and; judicial nominees of; Kagan appointed by; Latino support for; on race; Sotomayor appointed by; on Souter; staff of; in 2008 elections; in 2012 elections

Obama, Michelle

O’Connor, John

O’Connor, Sandra Day; on affirmative action; gender of; on Marshall; memoirs of; retirement of

Ogletree, Charles

O’Melveny & Myers

Ortiz, Carlos; background of; Estrada and

Osnos, Peter

Oxford University

parental rights

Parents Involved v. Seattle School District No. 1

Parker, Barrington

Patterson, John

Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison

Pavia & Harcourt

Payne v. Texas


Peck, Jeff

Peck, Robert

Perales, Cesar

Perot, Ross

Perry, Barion

Peters, Bernadette

Peterson, Latoya

Pew Research Center’s Hispanic Trends Project

Phi Beta Kappa Society

Pinholster, Scott Lynn

Pitre v. Cain

Pittsburgh Pirates

Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey


police brutality

Pooler, Rosemary; on
; on Sotomayor

Pope Paul VI

poverty; of Sotomayors

Powell, Lewis

prejudices, development of

presidents: judicial appointments by;
see also
specific presidents

Price, Polly

Princeton University; Sotomayor at

prisoners’ rights;
see also
death penalty

Project on Fair Representation

Proposition 8

Proposition 209

Puerto Rican Action

Puerto Rican Bar Association

Puerto Rican Day Parades

Puerto Rican Federal Affairs Administration

Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund (PRLDEF); Estrada and

Puerto Rican Nationalist Party

Puerto Ricans: as celebrities; civil rights efforts of; education of; Mexican Americans and; migration by; nationalism of; poverty of; pride of; stereotypes about; unemployment of;
see also
Cabranes, José; Latino/as; Sotomayor, Sonia

Puerto Rico; independence movement for; population of;
see also
Puerto Ricans

Pyne Honor Prize

race: decision making and; elections and; of Supreme Court judges;
see also
affirmative action; civil rights; Latino/as; racism; voting rights

racial profiling

racism; in criminal justice system; faced by Marshall; faced by Mexicans; faced by Puerto Ricans; Senate and; Sotomayor accused of; Sotomayor’s experiences of; in South

Radcliffe College

Raggi, Reena

“Raising the Bar” (conference)

Reagan, Ronald: judicial nominations by; Roberts and; Thomas and


reasonable doubt

Regents of the University of California v. Bakke

Rehnquist, William: costumes of; Roberts and

Rein, Bert; in
; in

Reno, Janet

Reynoso, Cruz

Ricci, Frank

Ricci v. DeStefano
; Cabranes and; facts of; heard by Second Circuit; heard by Supreme Court; legal issues at stake in; oral arguments in

right-to-life movement;
see also
abortion rights

riots: by African Americans; against Latinos; by Latinos

Roberts, John G.: on campaign finance; as chief justice; in conservative bloc; D.C. Circuit nomination of; as deputy solicitor general; on Kagan; on race; Supreme Court appointment of; Sotomayor and

Roberts, Richard


Roe v. Wade

Roll Call

Romano, Benito

Romeu, Xavier

Romney, Mitt

Root, Damon

Rosado, Rossana

Rosen, Jeffrey

Rosselló, Pedro

Rubio, Marco

Rudman, Warren

Rutgers University

Sack, Robert;

salsa music

San Felipe Segundo (huricane)

Saslow, Eli

Saxon, William

SB 1070

Scalia, Antonin; in conservative bloc; constitutional originalism of; on D.C. Circuit; on
; Ginsburg’s friendship with; as Italian American; in
; Sotomayor and; on tracking devices

Schuette v. Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action

Schumer, Charles E.; Estrada and; on ideology

searches and seizures

Second Amendment

Second Circuit; Cabranes on;
and; Sotomayor appointed to; Sotomayor supporters from

segregation; busing and; see also
Brown v. Board of Education

Senate Judiciary Committee; on Estrada; mechanics of; on Sotomayor;
see also


separation of church and state

September 11, 2001

Serrano, José

Sesame Street

Sessions, Jeff

Seventh Circuit; Diane Wood on

sex discrimination

sexism, faced by Sotomayor

sexual harassment

Shape of the River, The

Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbridge

Shaw, Theodore

Shelby County v. Holder

Shepard, Carmen

Sixth Circuit


Sotomayor, Celina Baez (mother); career of; childhood of; education of; immigration of; marriage of; as mother

Sotomayor, Juan “Juli” (father)

Sotomayor, Juan “Junior” (brother)

Sotomayor, Mercedes

Sotomayor, Sonia: ABA on; on balance of power; baseball and; birth of; Cabranes and; career of; character of; childhood of; circuit court appointment of; clerks for; community of; as dancer; dating and; diabetes of; disparagement of; in district attorney’s office; district court appointment of; education of; Estrada and; fashion of; father of,
Sotomayor, Juan; as first Latino on court; on
; as inspiration; on judicial diversity; judicial philosophy of; Kagan compared to; lawyers’ reviews of; legal realism of; marriage of; memoirs of; mentors of; Mexican support for; mother of,
Sotomayor, Celina; on 9/11; opinions of; on parenting; as “people’s justice”; racism faced by; religion of; on
; self-identification of; sexism faced by; social justice and; Supreme Court cases of; as Supreme Court justice; Supreme Court nomination of; Supreme Court relationships of; Thomas and; “wise Latina” speech of; work habits of

Souter, David; on integration; Kennedy and; retirement of; on

South Carolina

Southern Methodist University


Specter, Arlen

standardized testing

Stanford University

stare decisis

State of New York Mortgage Agency

states’ rights

Stephanopoulos, George

Stevens, John Paul; retirement of

Stewart, Potter

St. Patrick’s Cathedral

Strangers Among Us

Straub, Chester


Suffolk University Law School

sugar crops

Sugrue, James

Sulzberger, Arthur O. “Punch”

Sunstein, Cass

Sununu, John

SUNY Stony Brook

Supreme Court: chief justices of; clerks for,
clerkships; Clinton appointees to; coalition building in; conservative strategy for; end-of-term party of; gender cases before; gender diversity of; geographical diversity of; ideological shifts within; minority lawyers before; nomination process for; offices in; perception of; procedures of; race cases before; racial diversity of; religious diversity of; Sotomayor’s first cases with; staidness of; in 2000 elections;
see also specific cases and judges

Suro, Roberto


Sutton, Jeffrey

“10 Most Intriguing People of 2009, The” (CNN)

Tenth Circuit


Texas: affirmative action in; Bush and; death row in; Latino judges in; Latinos in; Thomas in; voting districts in

Third Circuit

Third World Center

Thomas, Clarence; on affirmative action; African Americans and; career of; clerks of; in conservative bloc; memoirs of; nomination of; racism faced by; Sotomayor on

Thompkins, Van Chester

Thornburgh, Dick

“3 Recommended for U.S. Court: One Is Hispanic” (King)

Thurmond, Strom


Title VII (of 1964 Civil Rights Act)

Torre, Karen

Torres, Esteban

Totenberg, Nina

tracking devices

Trager, David

Traister, Rebecca

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (1848)

Treaty of Paris (1898)

Tribe, Lawrence

Truman, Harry

Tufts University

12 Angry Men

2000 elections

2004 elections

2006 Voting Rights Act

2008 elections

2012 elections

undocumented immigrants

United States: Mexico occupied by; Puerto Rico occupied by

United States v. Windsor

affirmative action;
specific schools

University of California: Berkeley; Davis; Los Angeles

University of Chicago Law School

University of Colorado

University of Michigan

University of Notre Dame

University of Pennsylvania

University of Texas; Law School of

University of Utah


Urbino, Ricardo

U.S. Census Bureau

U.S. Court of Appeals;
see also specific circuits

U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare

U.S. Office of the Solicitor General; Estrada in; Supreme Court judges’ careers in

Vargas, Benjamin

Velázquez, Nydia

Verrilli, Donald

violence, against minorities

voting rights;
see also
elections; Voting Rights Act

Voting Rights Act; Section 5 of

Wald, Patricia

Wall Street Journal

Warren, Earl

Washington Post


Waxman, Seth


Wesley, Richard

West Side Story

Whelan, Ed

White, Byron “Whizzer”; retirement of

White, Peter

White v. Regester

Whitewater scandal

Whittaker, Charles Evans

Williams, Pete

Winn, Peter

“wise Latina” speech

Women’s Army Corps

women’s rights

Wood, Diane; Souter’s seat and

Wood, Kimba

Woodward, Mario Dion

World War II

Yale Daily News

Yale Law Journal, The

Yale University

Yale University Law School; Cabranes at; other judges from; Sotomayor at

Young Lords

Yzaguirre, Raul

“Zoot Suit Riots”

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