Breaking In: The Rise of Sonia Sotomayor (40 page)

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Authors: Joan Biskupic

Tags: #Biography & Autobiography, #Legal, #Nonfiction, #Supreme Court

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Bader, Celia

Bader, Nathan

Baird, Zoë

Bakke, Allan

Bakke v. Regents of the University of California

Barr, William

Bartenope, Theresa

baseball: cases about; Sotomayor’s love for

Batista, Jorge

Batts, Deborah

Benavides, Fortunato

Bender, Paul

Benjamin Franklin High School

Berke, Richard

Bernstein, Leonard

Beyond the Melting Pot

affirmative action; impartiality; racism

Biden, Joseph: on Senate Judiciary Committee; as Vice President

bilingual education

Blackmun, Harry; clerks for; resignation of

Blatt, Lisa

Blessed Sacrament

“Bloody Sunday”

Bloomberg, Michael

Blum, Edward;
funded by; voting rights cases funded by

Bok, Derek

Bork, Robert

Botwinik, David

Bowen, William

Brennan, William J., Jr.

Brewer, Jan

Breyer, Stephen; appointment of; as consensus builder; on death penalty; in race cases


Bronxdale Houses: renaming of; Sotomayor’s childhood in

Brooklyn Law School

Brown, Dustin

Brown v. Board of Education
; erosion of

Burger, Warren

Bush, George H. W.: federal judgeships under; in 1992 election; Sotomayor appointed by; Thomas appointed by

Bush, George W.: Estrada and; on impartiality; Supreme Court appointments of; in 2000 elections; 2001 appointment ceremony by; voting rights and

Bush v. Gore

busing, to desegregate

Butts, Cassandra

Byrd, Robert C.

Cabranes, Carmen

Cabranes, José; appointment of; background of; as mentor; as potential Supreme Court justice; on Puerto Ricans; on

Cabranes, Manuel

Calabresi, Guido; on

Calera, Alabama

Calhoun v. United States

California: affirmative action in; in
; as Latino hub; marriage equality in; prisons in

California La Raza Lawyers Association

Callejo, Adelfa

Callejo, Bill

campaign finance

capital punishment; Marshall on; Sotomayor on


Caraballo, Wilfredo

Cardinal Spellman High School

Cardona v. Power

Cardozo, Benjamin

Carlson, Tucker

Carro, John

Carswell, G. Harrold

Carter, Jimmy: minorities appointed by; Moynihan and; in 1980 election; white men appointed by

Carter, Stephen

“Case Against Sotomayor, The” (Rosen)

Case of the Wise Old Latina, The

Cedarbaum, Miriam

Chavez, Cesar

Chavez, Linda



child custody

Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission

City College of New York

City University of New York

Civil Rights Act; Title VII of

civil rights movements; Latinos in; Marshall and; Moynihan and; Thomas and;
see also
Civil Rights Act

Clark, Ramsey

Clark, Tom

Clement, Paul

Clemente, Roberto

clerkships; Estrada and; for judges; of judges; in others’ resumes; for Sotomayor

Clinton, Bill: Blackmun’s seat filled by; judicial appointees under; Kagan and; minority support for; scandals under; Sotomayor appointment by; White’s seat filled by

Clinton, Hillary


Coburn, Tom

coffee crops

Coleman, Gregory

colonialism; legacy of


Columbia University

Columbus, Christopher

commercial speech

comprehensive health-care insurance

Conde, Carlos

Congress: abortion and; Black Caucus of; Civil Rights Act and; on immigration; on Native Americans; on Puerto Rico; on voting rights;
see also
Senate Judiciary Committee

Congressional Resource Service

conservatives, judicial strategy of

Constitution; Obama on

constitutional rights

Co-op City

Cornell University


Covington & Burling

Coyne, Mary Jeanne

Craig, Gregory: on
; Sotomayor and

criminal defendants


cruel and unusual punishment


Cullen v. Pinholster

Cuomo, Mario

Cutler, Lloyd

Cyrus, Miley

Daily Princetonian

Daimler AG v. Bauman

D’Amato, Alfonse

Danforth, John

Darker Shade of Crimson, A

Davies, Susan

Days, Drew

death penalty; Marshall on; Sotomayor on

defendants’ rights

Defense of Marriage Act

Dellinger, Walter

de Molina, Rául

De Niro, Robert

DeStefano, John; sued in


Dickman, Murray

affirmative action; civil rights movements; racism; voting rights

disparate impact

district court appointments; by Carter; by Kennedy; by Reagan; by Sotomayor

District of Columbia Circuit; Estrada’s nomination to; Garland on; Ginsburg on; Roberts’s nomination to; Scalia on; Thomas on; on tracking devices

District of Columbia v. Heller

Dodd, Christopher

Dole, Bob


Dreams from My Father


due process

Duke University

Durbin, Dick

affirmative action; busing; Latino/as: education of; Sotomayor: education of;
specific schools

Eighth Circuit

El Diario

elections: African American role in; Latino role in; of 1980; of 1992; of 1996; of 2000; of 2004; of 2008; of 2012; spending on;
see also
voting rights

Emanuel, Rahm

employment discrimination

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)

Equal Protection Clause

Equal Rights Amendment

Estrada, Miguel; background of; career of; character of; clerkship of; Democratic support for; filibusters against; Latino opposition to; Senate hearing on; Thomas and; in 2000 election; wife of

Executive Order 11246

eyewitness identifications

federal courts;
see also
district court appointments; judges; Supreme Court;
specific circuit courts

Federalist Society

Feinstein, Dianne



Fifth Circuit; on affirmative action; members of

Figueroa, Juan

filibusters; used against Estrada

financial scandals

fire departments

First Amendment

First Circuit

Fisher, Abigail

Fisher, Richard

Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin
; deliberations on; facts of; oral arguments in; precedents for

Flanigan, Timothy

Florida: affirmative action in; Board of Accountancy in; Latino vote in; 2000 elections in

Ford, Gerald

Fordham University

Fortas, Abe

Fourteenth Amendment: applied to abortion; applied to affirmative action; applied to Latinos

Fourth Amendment

Fourth Circuit

Franklin, Aretha

Freedom Riders

Frist, William

Gale, Joseph

Garland, Merrick

Garre, Gregory

Garza, Emilio

Garza, Reynaldo Guerra

gay rights

gender; decision making and; discrimination based on; of Supreme Court judges

George Washington University


Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher

Gingrich, Newt

Ginsburg, Jane

Ginsburg, Martin; nomination campaign by

Ginsburg, Ruth Bader; on abortion; on affirmative action; appointment of; background of; character of; as feminist; gender expression of; on integration; Janet Reno’s support for; on Kagan; Kennedy and; marriage of; offices of; on parental rights; on precedent; on SB 1070; Scalia’s friendship with; on voting rights

Glazer, Nathan

Globe and Mail

Goldberg, Arthur

Gonzales, Alberto

Gonzalez, Efrain

Good Morning America

Gore, Al; in 2000 election

GPS trackers

Graham, Lindsey

Granholm, Jennifer

Gratz v. Bollinger

Gray, Boyden

Great Depression

Gribetz, Judah

Griggs v. Duke Power Co.

Grutter v. Bollinger
; applied in
; Kennedy on


Guevara, Che

Guinier, Lani

gun control

Guzman, Sandra

Hall, Peter

Hamilton, David

Hamilton, Lee

Harvard Law Review

Harvard University Law School: affirmative action at; African American graduates of; Latino graduates of; Obama at; professors at; Sotomayor on; Supreme Court justices from; white graduates of;
see also
Radcliffe College

Harvard University Medical School

Hatch, Orrin

Haynsworth, Clement F., Jr.

health care

Heflin, Howell

Hernández, Antonio

Hernandez v. Texas

Hill, Anita

Hispanic Congressional Congress

Hispanic National Bar Association: Estrada and; on nominations; Sotomayor and


Hodgson, Godfrey

Hogan, Cynthia

Hogan & Hartson

Holder, Eric

Hollingsworth v. Perry

Holy Cross College


household help

Houshmand, Zara

housing bias

housing projects

Howard University

human rights abuses

Ibanez v. Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation

ideology, appointments and


impartiality: activism vs.; empathy and; identity and

affirmative action

income inequality


Indian Child Welfare Act

informational privacy

intellectual property

Italian Americans

Jacobi Medical Center

Jacobs, Dennis

Javits, Jacob

Jeffords, Jim

Jews, on Supreme Court

Johnson, Lyndon B.; Marshall and

Jones, Antoine

Jones Act (1917)

Jordan, Howard

judges: appointment process for; Latinos denied appointment as; minorities appointed as; women as;
see also specific courts and individuals


Justice Sonia Sotomayor Houses

Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation

juvenile sentencing

Kagan, Elena; on campaign finance; D.C. circuit nomination of; Estrada and; in race cases; Souter’s seat and; Supreme Court appointment of; tactics of

Kakutani, Michiko

Katzenbach v. Morgan

Katzmann, Robert

Kennedy, Anthony: clerks for; in conservative bloc; as dancer; in race cases; as swing vote

Kennedy, Edward M.; as Breyer booster

Kennedy, John F.

Kennedy, Robert F.

Kennedy Center Honors

Kerry, John

King, Martin Luther, Jr.

King, Wayne

Klain, Ronald

Kneedler, Edwin

Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group

Koh, Harold

Ku Klux Klan

Kyl, John

labor organizing

Lady Gaga

Latham & Watkins


Latin America, revolutions in

Latino/as: attempts to reach Supreme Court by; as celebrities; civil rights efforts of; as collective identity; conflict among; criminalization of; economic opportunities for; education of; as federal judges; opposition to Estrada by; population growth of; segregation of; as term
; violence against; voting patterns of; voting rights of

Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund (PRLDEF)

La Vida

law clerks,

Leahy, Patrick

learning disabilities

legal realism

Lewis, John

Lewis, Neil

Lewis, Oscar

Lieberman, Joseph

Limbaugh, Rush

Lindsay, John

Lithwick, Dahlia

Livingston, Debra Ann

Lopez, Omar

Los Angeles Times

Lott, Trent

Louisiana State University

Luckovich, Mike

Lugar, Richard

Luttig, Michael

lynching, of Latinos

Maddicks, Richard


Major League Baseball

Maldonado, Christina

Marcus, Ruth

Marrero, Victor

marriage equality

Marshall, Thurgood; on affirmative action; appointment of; on death penalty; Kagan and; racism faced by; retirement of

Martin, Trayvon

Martinez, Vilma

Matson, R. J.

McCain, John

McConnell, Michael

McDonald v. City of Chicago

Meade, Christopher

Meese, Edwin

Mehta, Sonny

Melrose House

memoirs; see also
My Beloved World

Menendez, Robert


Mexican American Bar Association

Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF); on Cabranes; on Estrada; on SB 1070

Mexican Americans: history of; judicial nominations and; on juries

Miers, Harriet

migration, of Puerto Ricans

Milbank, Dana

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