Breakaway - A Contemporary Romance Drama Story (2 page)

BOOK: Breakaway - A Contemporary Romance Drama Story
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Startled, Kate dropped the hairbrush and spun around, her brown eyes filled with fear. "N-no. What are you doing home? I thought you had left for the office already."


"I was half way there when I realized I forgot a file." Edward moved closer to Kate. "You didn't kiss me goodbye."


Kate backed up and bumped into the counter. "I- I'm sorry. I-" She caught her breath as Edward raised his hand. Expecting him to strike her, she was surprised when he caressed her cheek.


"What are your plans for today?"


"I uh- invited Nathan over to visit," Kate said.


Edward drew his hand away. "Next time ask me before you invite your boyfriend into my home." He lowered his head and crushed her mouth beneath his. There was no gentleness or love in his kiss. It was hard and possessive, like him.


Kate held herself still and hoped it would be over soon. She whimpered when he bit her lip. The taste of blood turned her stomach.


Edward released her and stepped back, wiping blood from his lips. "Have a nice day, sweetheart," he said, smirking.


Trembling, Kate stood there, clutching the counter behind her, and watched him leave. When he was out of sight she turned around and reached for a washcloth. She wiped the blood away and then rinsed her mouth out with water, all the while trying not to break down.


"Kate, are you all right?"


Without turning around Kate said, "I'm fine, Clara."


"Dr. Holden is waiting for you in the living room."


"Thank you. I haven't had a chance yet to familiarize myself with this giant place. Would you please show me where the living room is?"


"Of course," Clara said.


They left the bathroom, passed through the bedroom; Kate pausing long enough to grab the baby receiver, and made their way along the corridor.


"If you don't mind me saying your doctor friend is a handsome man," Clara said, leading the way down the stairs. "I took one look into his beautiful eyes and almost wished I was thirty years younger and single."


"He has a girlfriend," Kate said.


Clara sighed. "Lucky girl."


Yes she is
, Kate silently agreed.


Clara showed Kate where the living room was located, which was off the foyer, and left her. "Let me know if you need anything," she said over her shoulder.


Kate took a deep breath to steady her nerves and opened the set of French doors to the living room. As she walked into the room she spotted Nathan. He was standing with his back to her, looking at a painting above the fireplace. Her heart in her throat Kate took several steps toward him. "Hello, doc."


Smiling, Nathan turned at the sound of Kate's voice and in three short strides he reached her. As he wrapped her in his arms he felt her stiffen up. "Am I holding you too tight?"


This is Nathan holding you,
the little voice in her head said.
He would never hurt you the way Edward does. You're safe with him.
Kate willed herself to relax. "No, why do you ask?"


"Because you stiffened up," Nathan said. "Are you all right?"


"I'm fine," Kate said. "I missed you."


"I missed you too, Katie." Nathan rested his chin on the top of her head. "Oh how I've missed you."


Slowly, Kate encircled Nathan's waist with her arms and laid her head against his chest. Beneath her ear she heard the steady beating of his heart. She closed her eyes and inhaled his scent. "You still wear the same cologne."


"And you're still skin and bones," Nathan said.


"You sure know how to make a girl feel good about herself," Kate said dryly.


Nathan drew back and gazed down at Kate. "You're beautiful, Ka- What happened to your lip?"


"I bit it," Kate lied. "It was an accident. You were saying I was beautiful. Please continue."


"Right," Nathan muttered, his eyes lit with laughter. "You've always been beautiful to me."


"And you've always been full of crap."


Nathan grinned showing a set of perfect teeth. "God, I've missed you."


Kate led Nathan over to the sofa. "Not as much as I missed you," she said as they sat down. "Talking to you on the phone every week isn't the same as talking to you face to face."


"I know," Nathan said. "That creepy man who let me in, is that William?"


"Yes." Kate set the receiver on the glass coffee table. "When Edward announced we were moving here I wanted to let William go along with the rest of the staff, but he wouldn't hear of it.
William has been with the Lewis family for years. Edward had to bring him with us. William flew here a week ago to make sure the staff had everything unpacked and put away before we got here. If there's one thing Edward hates it's chaos. Anyway, how are your mom and dad?"


"They're well," Nathan said. "They're keeping busy with their flower shop. Mom is looking forward to seeing you."


Kate, who lost her mother at an early age, had looked to Rebecca Holden during those times when she needed a mother the most. "I'm looking forward to seeing her too." She reached out tentatively and touched Nathan's dark brown hair. She had forgotten how silky it was. There were so many things she had forgotten about him. Like how green his eyes were, how broad his shoulders were, how gentle and kind he was.


"You're staring," Nathan said.


"I'm sorry," Kate said, dropping her hand. "It's just so good to see you."


Nathan cleared his throat. "Katie, I've often wondered why you never invited me to New York to visit you, and I've wondered why you never came here to visit."


A lump formed in Kate's throat and she swallowed hard. "I – I wanted you to come to New York so many times and I wanted to come back and see you and my family, but-" She got to her feet and wandered over to the window. Glancing out, she tried to control the tears that threatened to fall. How did she tell her best friend that she had kept him at arms length because of her controlling, abusive husband?


"Katie?" Nathan joined her at the window. "What's wrong?"


Kate was saved from answering by the sound of Gaby's cries heard through the receiver. "Would you like to come upstairs and meet her?"




Kate looped her arm through Nathan's and walked him upstairs to the nursery, where she found Gaby flailing her arms in the air and wailing.


"She's a loud little thing," Nathan said.


Kate leaned over the crib and scooped Gaby up into her arms. "What has you upset, little one?" She placed the baby on the changing table and opened her diaper. She was wet.


"Mind if I change her?" Nathan asked.


"Not at all."


Nathan removed Gaby's diaper and then wiped her bottom with a baby wipe. He threw the baby wipe away in the wastebasket that sat next to the changing table and reached for the baby powder. After applying some to Gaby he slipped a fresh diaper on her and secured it with the tabs. He gently picked her up and held her in his arms. "You look like your mommy."


"She has Edward's eyes," Kate said.


"Yes, but everything else reminds me of you," Nathan said. "She's a beautiful baby."


"Thank you," Kate said. "I think so too."


Nathan carried Gaby to the rocker and sat down. He bowed his head and kissed her tiny forehead. "You're going to break a lot of hearts someday, baby girl. Your mommy was a heartbreaker before she met your daddy."


"I was not," Kate said, settling on the window seat across from the rocker.


Nathan raised an eyebrow at her. "Did you forget Bobby Feldman? The poor guy was head over heels in love with you. You dumped him after only going out for two weeks."


"He couldn't have been that in love with me," Kate said. "He cheated on me with Sabrina Rogers. That's why I dumped him."


"Why didn't you tell me about it?" Nathan said. "I was your best friend."


"Because I knew you would've beat the hell out of him," Kate said.


"You got that right," Nathan said. "It's not too late to do it. I know where he lives."


"Leave him alone," Kate said.


"Were there any more guys that mistreated you?" Nathan asked.


"No," Kate told him.


"Good," Nathan said. "Because I'd hate to have to track down a bunch of guys and beat the hell out of them."












Chapter 2


Kate and Nathan spent the morning together. They talked about old times and when there was a lull in the conversation Clara, who knew her way around, gave them a tour of the mansion. Afterwards, Kate prepared lunch for the two of them and they ate at the kitchen table.


"So, doc," Kate said. "I need to find a doctor for me and for Gaby. Can you recommend someone?"


Nathan swallowed a bite of salad and then said, "I'll be your doctor."


"I don't think so," Kate said.


"Why not?" Nathan asked.


Kate stared at her plate. "I just don't know if I would be comfortable having you for a doctor. I have no doubt that you're an excellent doctor, but-"


"But you're worried there may come a time when I would have to ask you some personal questions or examine you. Is that it?"


Blushing, Kate nodded.


"There's nothing to be embarrassed about, Katie," Nathan said, "but if you're adamant about going with another doctor I'll recommend one for you and a Pediatrician for Gaby."


"Thank you," Kate said. She picked up her glass of ice tea and took a sip. "So when am I going to get to meet the future Mrs. Nathan Holden?"


"Whoa!" Nathan said. "Slow down. Connie and I have only been dating for a year. We haven't even discussed marriage."


"Well if you two ever get married she'll be the luckiest woman in the world," Kate said, meaning every word.


"I know," Nathan said, his eyes twinkling. "I'm seeing Connie tonight. "I'll ask her when she wants to get together and I'll let you know."


"All right."


Nathan left not long after lunch. Kate stood on the top step and watched as his car headed down the driveway. When it was out of sight she went back inside. The house, she found as she stood in the foyer, felt empty and cold without Nathan. Feeling lost and lonely, Kate went upstairs to check on Gaby.



Nathan was putting the finishing touches on dinner that evening when Connie entered the kitchen. "Hey, babe," he said. "How was your day?"


"Busy." Connie pulled the rubber band out of her long auburn hair and massaged her temples. "My head is throbbing."

BOOK: Breakaway - A Contemporary Romance Drama Story
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