Read BREAK ME (Teased and Broken Book 3) Online
Authors: Ashley Black
Thorn snarled and his huge hand flung upwards. I felt his energy ripple and heard a sickening crack and scream atop of us.
A loud bump and thud, thud, thud, as some one slid down the windscreen.
Thorn’s eyes bulged at the face that momentarily pressed there against the glass, before death sliding out of view.
The one who had confessed vicious lies about his involvement in Brett’s attempted murder and who had joined Snake Father’s insidious cult.
“I killed you,” his voice shook with fear.
I sniffed the air. The scent of petrol was overpowering. Could he not smell that putrid stench?
“Thorn?” My nose wrinkled as it took another drag on the fumes. “I think our old friend poured something on the car.”
His head snapped up. “Fuck!”
Ahead of us on the road a figure aimed something in the air, giving a warning pulse of flame.
A blow torch.
“Seems this is a fucking reunion,” he said sadly, a frown darkening his brow. “All of our old friends are coming out to play tonight. That is Jimmy.”
“Fuck,” I uttered. Crazy asshole blowtorch suicidal fucked in the head, fan Jimmy.
Thorn pumped the brakes hard.
They failed.
Flames sped toward the car and ate it. Thorn roared and launched himself over the top of me. We were pushed into a nauseating spin of screeching tires and fire.
He grunted and in a blur of insane speed, I felt us lifting.
We bolted out of the sun roof into the wet, cold air.
A scream ripped from my mouth as Thorn took a pulse of flame in his shoulder, and was pushed away from me. Another ripped into his midsection.
We were separated.
This was truly a devastating development for the continuance of my life.
Oh, fuck.
Thorn’s face scrunched up in pain.
His eyes widened as he reached for me.
I was falling.
We were not an insignificant distance up in the air.
“Elena!” Horror engulfed the dark timber of his voice.
Someone else caught me.
I could feel the manic energy of this man and thrashed wildly in his arms that clamped tightly around me.
We tumbled down a rain slicked ravine to a raging river.
I stared.
There was an antique bath tub perched upon a huge boulder that shot out over the river.
It was not unlike the one the demon had tormented me in with his shadows all those many years ago.
I shook my head. Lips pulling back in a snarl. “NO!”
He threw me into the thing and pinned me there, hand winding around my throat, squeezing.
I blinked up into his red feverish eyes.
“What are you doing?”
The whimper leaked weakly from my lips.
“I’m giving you a bath you filthy
,” Cale laughed. “In Thornton Darko’s blood!”
Twenty One
Thorn was dragged unconscious to the bath.
Black tears had dried half way in a trail from the corners of his eyes to his cheeks.
He looked almost peaceful. A beautiful ugly, tragic statue.
“Thorn!” I screamed.
He was hoisted spread eagle above me.
His bits dangling.
I shivered seeing what looked like a million strands of fishing line threaded through hooks embedded in his back. I followed the silvery line of them to find them wrapped around trees. Fuck me, that looked painful.
“Do you like the little hooks?” Cale asked, noticing me staring at them. “I thought that was a nice touch myself. I stole Bob’s fishing box and I’ve made sure one is stuck in every scar, the fool has beaten into his back.”
“You are fucking crazy,” I whispered.
“No,” Cale smirked, pointing. “
I’m fucking crazy, whore. I’ve set the shadows on him.”
I looked up to see Thorn covered in a black seething, hissing, frenzied mass of crazy.
These shadows had teeth.
Finishing their assault on his skin, they left him bleeding out of what looked like thousands of gashes, cuts, and bites.
The blood poured thick and impossibly fast into the tub splattering my upturned, terrified face.
“This is fucking beautiful,” Cale moaned, gripping his groin readjusting himself. A wild smile curled his black lips.
“If I have timed this right, he will open his eyes at the exact moment of your passing, when it is too late to save you or himself.”
“Why are you doing this?” I wailed in horror.
I had to ask all the pointless questions of the raving lunatic, of course.
“Because you will always fucking want him bitch I can see that now. I’m getting impatient. I thought you reuniting with your solider art fucker would surely see the end of Thornton Darko, but no!” He spat. “He still lives! That man destroyed my life. Fuck him. Fuck my dad for indulging the prick. I want him dead!”
“Calm your trauma,” I glared. “No need to spit all over me.”
Cale laughed manically. “Look at him, he welcomes death anyway. Look at his fucked up face. The stupid prick is killing himself, trying to save his dad.”
Angry tears made a hissing sound as they slid down my face and plopped into Thorns blood.
His blood almost covered my knees now.
Untrained and unskilled as fuck, I desperately tried to find the clarity of focus I had last time in that field. I had somehow managed to gather all of that energy to me of those fucking cult lunatics and had fucked them up … temporarily .
I couldn’t.
Every time I got near Cale’s energy it slipped through my fingers like soap.
“Fuck you!” I screamed as I started to launch myself out of the bath, my body snapping and writhing urgently.
Cale lifted me by the throat, turned me around and forced my face to splash down to the warm blood below.
He slammed my head repeatedly into the bath.
Dazed, I choked on the salty, sugar power of Thornton Darko’s blood.
A strange theatrical voice began screaming inside my mind.
Oh, the horror!
The horror!
I kept fighting, trying to find Cale’s energy.
The fucker must have learned from what happened to his Father’s penis last time and came protected. I sniggered inwardly at the memory of that shrivelled up dick and the raven taking a chunk out of it.
“I am sorry, I gurgled into the blood. “So sorry Thorn.”
On my knees. On the threshold of giving up, I realized I was having a rather perverted idea.
All right so I couldn’t enchant Cale’s cock.
But I could enchant Thorn’s.
Just shit, I didn’t want to mess this up.
I didn’t want to overwhelm the cock.
So unskilled. Clumsy as fuck with the skill.
I needed to enroll in Enchantress school.
I squeezed my eyes shut and reached for Thorn’s formidable sexual energy.
It was faint.
That terrified me, made me near lose it.
I grabbed hold of the delicious, thrilling magnetic thread of it and pulled.
My heart knocked senselessly against its cage.
Knock one.
Knock two.
Knock Three.
Did I do this right?
I was pulled from the bath by
The explosion of dark thrall, magnetism, and crazy electricity from that touch was unmistakably Thornton Darko.
I coughed and spluttered, and fell against an uncompromising wall of chest.
A mountain of a man.
I cried.
I screamed.
I laughed in relief.
I tried to wipe the blood from my eyes.
Thorn did it for me.
He was sometimes, incredibly, heart breakingly thoughtful when he wasn’t being a lunatic.
I stared up at him, fucking mesmerized.
“What do you have to be sorry for, love?” he asked softly, tears glistening in the pretty green fire blaze of his eyes. I had gotten so used to seeing his eyes in this way. With their demonic hue, that I had almost forgotten their dark green human appearance.
“I am sorry for.”
“This,” he smirked, and I felt his hot urgent erection press into the small of my hip.
A slow smile twisted my lips. “Yes.”
“I am not,” he whispered, staring at my mouth. “It really hardened me the fuck up as I hung there above you like a sloth bleeding all over you, woman.”
I laughed weakly. “Sweet Jesus.”
“Can you do me a favour love, just one?”
he murmured against my lips.
The press and warmth of that wide mouth against mine made my legs shake.
He gripped my ass and walked me backwards off the boulder. “Close your eyes a moment. I don’t need you to see what I did to them. I just want to enjoy
Now. In this moment. Our celebration of surviving another hell.”
I nodded but freaked. “Oh my God, you killed Cale.”
Terror got ugly with my heart, sending it into a frenzied pumping. “Snake Father will fucking kill you.”
“No he won’t,” Thorn sighed sadly.
“Why won’t he? You just killed his son.”
“Here is nice,” Thorn looked around us. I could see he had walked us closer to the teeming, restless river. A curved wall of moss covered rock gleamed behind us, strategically blocking the view of what, I shivered, he had done to them.
Thunder still rolled gloomily, lightening sizzled, but the rain had abated.
He blinked at me slowly and sat cross legged on the ground staring at the river.
I followed his lead and sat beside him.
“Snake Father will not kill me, because he knows you will be the one to kill me in the end.”
“No,” I shook my head surprised by how hollow and resigned my voice sounded. I felt anything but those very things! “No Thorn, I
you. I
“Please stand up and spread your legs, love.”
I stared at him a moment, confusion making ugly with my forehead.
We had nearly DIED. My skin felt like it was barely holding onto my body.
My soul was incoherent.
“Yes,” Thorn invited, wide sexy mouth spreading wider still, in a wolfish grin.
“All right,” I said slowly, utterly stupefied at this bizarre request.
His long artistic fingers flashed to my wrist as he pulled me from my hesitation to my feet. They darted to my panties and slid them down in a movement that was too fast to be real.
“An excited rose pink sky above my prick,” he groaned, taking a sniff of my panties.
The man was insane.
He lay on his back between my legs. The enormity of those muscular inked shoulders opened me up more to eat the blast of heat of THAT stare.
I felt his breath shiver up my thighs. It trickled like warm silk over the ache between my legs.
“What are you doing?” I gasped as his breath licked at my quivering lips, parted them and entered in a surge of tingling blissful warmth.
“I just want to lie here and look at her,” he sighed happily. “I will wait until she is wet and I can sip you again, Elena.”
“Thorn?” I could barely breathe.
He folded his huge arms behind his head, clearly getting comfortable.
I felt a stupid smile crack my lips at his craziness.
“Yes, I am going to stare at your wet pussy until your thighs quiver and you drench my tongue with your exotic enchantress flavored pussy juice.”
“This is insane,” I groaned.
I am
insane,” he rumbled in soft laugher beneath me. “My actions reflect my character. Besides, I warned you before I am your broken toy Elena.”
“Can you be fixed?” I wondered. I jolted as a rush of his warm breath flicked over the curve of my ass cheeks
whispering back and forth in an intoxicating tease over my clit.
“Do you want me fixed?” He mused.
I shook my head. “I want you exactly as you are Thornton Darko.”
Oh shit.
I was such a sick, depraved bitch.
I actually meant it.
“Let me sip from your pretty cunt,” he sighed, blowing out another teasing breath that thrilled the skin there.
I moaned, feeling my hips flick, the smallest motion but it was enough.
I felt it.
The dampness.
The man was impossible!
He had made me wet with his breath, his stare, with the anticipation of
His huge hands possessively wrapped around my ankles and pulled my legs further apart.
“Ah there it is,” he groaned.
I felt my head fall back as my swelling labia parted for him.
Impossibly I was getting wetter.
He snapped his jaw below.
I felt my asshole and slit tremble at the sound.
“Ah let me get closer I want to catch the first drop of your juice on my tongue, love.”
His heat moved in a silky assault between my legs.
What the fuck was wrong with me?
I looked down at him mortified.
I felt the dampness of my arousal.
I felt it trembling, clinging to my lips.