BREAK ME (Teased and Broken Book 3) (16 page)

BOOK: BREAK ME (Teased and Broken Book 3)
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I wanted to help make us better. I was trying to hard, but;

It didn’t help I was in love with Thornton Darko.

It didn’t help that Brett saw this plainly on my face.

It also didn’t help that Thorn continually tried to access me. Our security regularly intercepting, and heading him off at the pass. He text messaged Brett’s phone every few hours, with just one infuriating phrase.

‘Elena is Mine.’

I had a new mobile phone and number so I hadn’t been bothered by him … yet.

Aaron had called me the other day hysterical, because he had had a visit from him.

Thorn only said one thing.

‘Elena is mine.’

“It’s like he’s stuck on that one phrase, like one of those damned toys,” Aaron had ranted. “You’ve fucking broken him, Els.”

Clarissa had tried talking me into a girls’ weekend before Brett and I went away to Hawaii but I said it would have to wait. She insisted that I needed to be away from both Brett and Thorn to stabilize my magical firepower. The cock thrall was too intense, according to my newfound witch bestie.

That had made me laugh too hard.

But perhaps she was right.

Because it was so hard to tune into myself, to trust my instincts, my inner compass, with so much crazy cock and bullshit going on.

Brett was still bitter about my mutilated ass. After we sought Clarissa’s opinion on the matter he was slightly less angry. There was a modicum of good news about the affliction.

Clarissa’s pretty hazel eyes had popped wide when she stared at it. “Whoa, that crazy asshole. Elena this is a big deal. You’re protected. That bad ass mother fucker Snake Father won’t kill you now if it means taking out his beloved devil son.”

“So she is protected from that cult leader and his following, is that what you think the honourable Thornton Darko has achieved by mutiliating her gorgeous ass?” Brett looked faintly amused.

Clarissa had nodded. “But not every one,” she cautioned. “There are still some in the magical community who want her dead. They may find mortals to carry out the execution. Thornton will only die if Elena is killed by someone of magic.”

“Actually,” Brett sniggered. “That fuck up won’t die at all because Elena wants him. If she dies wanting him, he lives. So he branded her ass for

“Even still, not every one knows this Brett. I doubt snake father does. As fucked up as this sounds, that brand on her ass is
a powerful deterrent against any one of magic wanting to kill her.”

I shivered, seeing the strange
that passed between Brett and Clarissa.

They looked nervous.


I also shivered for the dizzying lows of the mind fuckery of Thornton Darko. If he knew as long as I wanted him, nothing could kill him. Well, he really had branded my ass for his own sick, demented amusement.

Even still, I had stared at Brett in shock.
How could you know that?

Whenever I asked him this after the visit with Clarissa, he would grunt ‘research.’ It was pointless to press further, because he gifted nothing put tension and a bad mood. So I dropped it. But I was worried about
he was getting his information from.
I was worried about …

The sound of glass breaking pulled me out of my reflection.

I lighted the stairs from our bedroom and found Brett smashing up our kitchen.

He had emptied the fridge of food. The floor was covered with milk.

His face was smeared with paint. He was wearing nothing but his familiar grey sweats he went running in. His bare, slightly sun burned chest was also splattered with paint. He looked like he had gotten into a fight with a paint can.

“Baby, “I reproached softly at the mess. “What’s wrong?”

His hands raked over his closely shaven hair. “I still can’t paint. Not how I used to. I have some pieces due at a big show soon and I can’t,” he beat his fist down on the bench with frustration. “Get it out!”

“I told you I can help you with that.”

“And I told you I don’t want you to interfere in that way. To violate me with your witchcraft woman,” he seethed, chest pumping hard.

“Brett,” a smile curved my lips as I pushed him to the floor. He cried out, thrashing around in the puddle of milk that rippled around his hotness and near whipped itself to cream.
“El, gross, please!”

I pinned him between my thighs. “Who said anything about witchcraft?”

He blinked, breathing hard. The man was puffing from the exertion of his anger. It was ridiculous to see him so affected. Brett had always been so calm and level-headed. I was determined to help him.

“I am going to paint you first and then you can do likewise with me,” I licked at the corner of his lip and felt it quirk into a smile. “I am certain you will find it highly instructive.”

I lifted to my knees. I spied the corner of a milk chocolate package I had hidden. Brett was a hopeless chocoholic. We were only allowed dark chocolate in the house because of his addiction. This naughty chocolate, I kept well hidden, well until Brett trashing our kitchen of course had led to its plain appearance.

He was either going to fucking love me for this, or hate me.

I held up the chocolate.

His eyes narrowed. “Nice. So much for respecting my rule about that shit in the house El.”

“Rules are so much more fun when they’re being broken,” I giggled and broke some onto his chest. “Let’s melt this fucker hey, and make us some sugar paint.”
He twitched and quivered deliciously beneath me. His hips snapping up, eyes widening as the chocolate hissed to a fragrant puddle in the centre of his chest.

I poked my finger into the glistening pool of candy, stuck it in my mouth and sucked, closing my eyes. I slowly grinded my now buzzing mound against the bulge in his sweats.

“God, the only way this can taste any better is if I licked it off your balls.”

“You are fucking evil,” he whispered, but I heard the adoration in his voice.

I pressed my hand against his chocolate slicked chest and pushed him firmly back down into his puddle of milk. “Close your eyes for me and I will see what I can do about helping you get your art out.” I murmured against his parted lips leaving just a trace of chocolate shining on them.

I saw his healthy pink tongue flick out and taste it immediately.

His lips curved in a big smile.

I ran my tongue down the center of his chest to the sharp plane of his belly.

His muscles rippled beneath my tongue.

He tasted so impossibly good.

I lingered sucking and caressing the muscles at the V of his hips.

The sighs that fell over the mans lips when I did that, were exquisite.

They fucked my mind.

I ripped down his sweats, reached up for some chocolate. I pushed his muscular thighs apart, so his swollen treasure was even more exposed.

I painted his balls with the warm sticky chocolate.

His hips gave a wonderful undulating motion as my tongue rolled slowly along the inside of his right thigh.

“What are you doing El?” he moaned. “If you don’t wrap that pretty mouth around my balls right now I am going to make a fucking mess here.”

I mouthed his balls. Softly. I kept it feather light.. Just warmth and moisture delivered by my rather exacting mouth.

“Wow,” he choked out. “Elena, you must, must keep doing …
“Be careful,” I gave his right teste and then left a teasing flick of my tongue. He jolted beneath me.
“I might keep doing that, only that,

“Sounds good,” he mumbled thickly. “Tease me.”

Oh, hell yes, I could do that. Teasing men was my super power.

“Game on.”

“Consider me gamed,” he gasped.

Smiling, I continued the warm sultry languid caress of just my mouth over the salty chocolate explosion that was my man’s balls.

Only a minute into my painting ‘demonstration’ and Brett was thrashing around frantically, spraying me with milk and begging me to suckle him hard.

“Oh for fucks sake” he writhed, and squirmed. “

I ignored his pleas and continued my assault on his balls.

I rolled my tongue and swirled it around them, careful not to sharpen or point it. I sucked gently and resumed my torment of soft licking.

“Oh fuck this is worse!” he roared. His hand sped to his cock and gripped it.
He gave it three hard pumps before I slapped his naughty hand away. “Hey, that’s cheating!”

His flushed chest was pulsing urgently as I continued licking at his balls.

“Please,” he moaned. “Just … take them once into your beautiful mouth, suck hard, that is all I ask El. Once!”

I smiled and sucked the engorged puffy things urgently into my mouth.

Brett’s yells were deafening.

So beautiful.

I loved the sound of him breaking.

For me.

“My turn,” he panted and pulled me onto his lap. “I’m feeling inspired. I think you’ve cured me woman. But not here. Kitchen floor seriously too gross.”

I laughed and slapped his chest.

I loved how his face gleamed with happiness.

Eye lids heavy with desire.

Dazed smile

The way he was looking at me,

like I was a revelation.

I loved this man so much.

He picked me up and laid me gently on my back on our dining room table.

His hand trembled on the pack of milk chocolate as he crumbled it all over my body.

Brown eyes flashing he poked his tongue out at me and wiggled it. “My tongue will be my paint brush.”

“Sounds delicious.”

“It could get rough,” he whispered. He pounced atop the table and straddled me. He stared down at me with obvious concern.

“I trust you, gorgeous man,” I replied on a smile.

Brett sighed and dipped his mouth to my breasts.

His licked tentatively at first.
But was soon grunting, sucking urgently, desperately, writhing on top of me like a feral animal. He couldn’t get the chocolate sucked off my skin and into his hot mouth fast enough.

His tongue licked me hard.

It was a scorching lash and flick of crazy.

I had never felt anything quite like this before.

Holy shit.

I squealed in delight as I felt my ass tighten. My hips undulated toward the heat of his body pinning mine.

I felt my own excitement dribbling from my wet overcome pussy.

This hot man on top of me.

“Brett how is the painting going?” I teased.

“I can’t fucking stop,” he groaned desperately. His mouth took my nipple hard in his mouth. “Painting,” he mumbled.

“You ok baby?”
I murmured soothingly, running my nails over the bunched up knot of the muscles straining in his back.

He shuddered violently beneath my touch. His mouth travelled to my belly and he sucked the skin so hard it felt like it might bruise.

That was painful, but pleasurable all at once.

God, I didn’t think I was going to survive that tongue, his searing hot mouth between my legs.

“I’m scared I’ll hurt you,” he mumbled, sounding ashamed. “I just. Well. Your sexy banging body, and this chocolate Els. It’s too much. My brain is fucking short circuiting. I can’t think straight.”

Horrified, I felt his tears wet my navel.

He was crying as he licked.

This wasn’t like Brett, I worried.

“Hey now,” I attempted to reassure.
“You won’t hurt me babe.”

Brett gripped my ass and smashed my pussy against his wild and hungry mouth.

He sucked, and licked frantically, like a man possessed.

His lips were set to devour.

I heard him grunt, as he reluctantly unsealed his lips from my quivering, heat flushed ones.

I heard a crack of chocolate above me.

I strained to look up at him.


He held up a finger. His cheeks were bulging with candy as he palmed my ass again, lifting it. He dipped his mouth pushing a melting piece of chocolate up inside my pussy.

“Sweet Jesus!” I uttered, eyes widening at the chocolate interference.

“What are you up to? You crazy kinky man!”

“Fuck painting I want to combine my two favorite things to eat,” he slurred.

Holy fuck, the man sounded like he was drunk on sugar.

His throat bobbed as he swallowed down the rest of the candy. He then set to licking the melting chocolate out of my pulsing slit.

“Well,” I barely managed, breathless. My heart beating in time with the quickening pulse of my pussy. “I feel this lesson has been a success Mr. Argosy.”

He lifted his head between my thighs. His chocolate slicked lips lengthening in a dazed as fuck smile.

“I found another pack El.” He waved it gleefully before my nose. “Fair to say when I binge on this shit I binge hard.” He gripped a piece of chocolate between his teeth and dove between my legs again that opened wider for him. I felt my knees knock against the table.

“It tastes so much better licking it out of that wet pussy of yours.”


Two days later I was writing near our Jacuzzi, perched on our devastatingly beautiful cliff face. I fully intended to leap in there with Brett who was lounging and warming it for me, after I had written a bit more of

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