Break Away (10 page)

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Authors: Ellie Grace

BOOK: Break Away
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Dex turned to face me, his expression serious as his eyes dropped to mine. “She would be lucky to end up like you, Olivia.”

His arm was brushing against me, warming my skin where we touched and sending flutters into my stomach. “How do you know that?” I asked quietly, keeping my eyes locked on his. “You don’t even know me.”

“I think I’m a pretty good judge of character,” he said. “But you’re right, I don’t know you. I’d like to, though, and since we’re friends now, you’re required to tell me a little bit about yourself.”

“What do you want to know?”

“For starters, how did you end up in Charleston?” he asked.

“I needed a fresh start,” I said, without going into detail. “I came here with my friend a couple of times and always thought it would be a great place to live. So, here I am.” I knew it wasn’t much of an answer, but I wasn’t quite ready to spill all the details. “What about you? Have you always lived here?”

“Born and raised,” he answered. “Now, that wasn’t so hard, was it? I feel like we’re better friends already.” He nudged me playfully, closing the remaining space between us. “From now on, whenever we see each other, we both reveal something new about ourselves. Deal?”

“Deal,” I smiled.



We didn’t leave the beach until early evening, staying long after most of the crowd had scattered. The day had turned out much better than I expected, and I’d be lying if I said that Olivia had nothing to do with it.

There was something about her that both captivated me and made me feel comfortable. There were no expectations or judgments with her, and it put me at ease. There had been a couple times during the day when I caught myself nearly revealing too much and letting my guard down. That never happened. Most of the time, I was trying to keep people from getting to know me, but for some reason with Olivia, I found myself
her to know me.

I wasn’t sure how I felt about that.

What I did know was that I wasn’t ready for the day to end.

“Anyone want to go grab some dinner?” I asked. “Maybe a drink?”

“Yeah, sounds good,” Nate said.

“I’d love to but I have to get Sadie home,” Amy replied. “Rain check!”

I looked at anxiously at Olivia, waiting for her answer even though she was probably going to say no. She didn’t seem like the type who would want to go hang out at the bar with two guys.

“Sounds like fun,” she said. “Count me in.”

“Really?” I asked, taken by surprise.

“Sure,” she said. “But I don’t have my car with me, so one of you guys is going to have to give me a lift home.”

“That can certainly be arranged,” I told her, unable to contain my smile. This girl continued to astound me. It seemed like she always did the exact opposite of what I thought she would do, and it kept me on my toes. I was used to women being predictable, and Olivia was anything but.

I didn’t think that Olivia would want to go to the Seaside on her day off, so we went to another place nearby instead. We sat down at the bar, and by the time our food arrived, we were already a couple drinks in and feeling pretty damn good.

After making a quick trip to the bathroom, I returned to find some random guy perched in my seat, talking to Olivia. He was leaning in way too close, flirting with her while she was trying to distance herself from him as much as possible. She looked uncomfortable, and based on the way he was swaying on the bar stool, he was already wasted. Nate was sitting on the other side, engrossed in a conversation with the guy next to him and completely oblivious to what was going on.

The second the drunk guy rested his disgusting hand on Olivia’s thigh, I was in motion. The anger that I tried so hard to keep in check pulsed through me as I made my way across the bar to where they were seated.

“Move. Now,” I demanded, coming to a halt inches away from him.

“Chill out, man. We’re having a conversation,” he slurred, still not moving his hand or getting up from the stool.

I edged closer, hands fisting at my sides as I glared down at him. “If you don’t get your drunk ass out of that seat and move your fucking hand, I will rip it the fuck off,” I snarled through gritted teeth.

“Jeez, calm down.” He put both his hands up defensively, finally stumbling out of the seat and away from Olivia. “I’m outta here.”

Relief spread across Olivia’s face, and I returned to my seat, immediately tossing back the rest of my drink in an attempt to calm myself down.

“Thanks,” she muttered. “I never know how to deal with guys like that. It’s easier when I’m on the other side of the bar.”

“Slimy drunk guys aren’t your type, eh?” I gestured to the bartender for a refill. “And neither are college frat boys… sounds like you’re awfully picky when it comes to the male sex,” I joked, letting the alcohol soothe the anger buzzing underneath my skin.

“Not picky, just not interested,” she clarified. “I’ve sworn of all men in general.”

“Interesting,” I said, studying her. “I’m not picking up a lesbo vibe from you, so who’s the asshole who made you decide to do that? Ex-boyfriend?”

“Ex-fiancé, actually.”

So Olivia had been engaged. It made sense, considering her apparent lack of interest in the opposite sex and why she worked so hard to pretend that she wasn’t attracted to me, even though I knew she was. She didn’t
to be attracted to me, or anyone. Obviously the breakup was still fresh, and I couldn’t help wondering what had happened to leave her so jaded. It was clear that she didn’t want to talk about it, though, so I didn’t push it.

“Well, whoever he is, he sounds like a fuckin’ dick.”

“Pretty much,” she giggled, sipping on her drink. I didn’t know if it was the alcohol, or if she were just having a good time, but she actually seemed to be loosening up around me.

“You don’t seem like the random hookup type, so how are you going to fulfill your… you know… needs?” My verbal filter had disappeared along with my third drink. I was playing with fire, but I couldn’t seem to help myself. “And don’t pretend that women can live without sex, because I’m not buying it. I know you chicks get horny, too.”

“You certainly get right to the point, don’t you?” Olivia laughed, her cheeks reddening. “Well, you know what they say… self-love is the best love.” She winked.

I choked on my drink and nearly fell out of my damn seat. “Holy shit,” I sputtered. “I think you might be the best friend I’ve ever had!”

Still howling with laughter, Olivia raised her glass. “To friendship!”

“Cheers.” I clinked my glass against hers, still stunned. Friend or not, when the words “self-love” poured out of those perfect lips, my cock immediately stirred to life. Just the thought of Olivia touching herself, writhing and moaning as her fingers worked frantically to find release…

Fuck. Now I was hard.

Leaning toward her, I tilted my head and watched her eyes go wide as I moved intimately close. My warm breath tickled her ear as I whispered, “If you actually think that’s better than the real thing, then your guy wasn’t doing it right.”

I heard her sharp intake of breath and felt a shudder run through her before I settled back in my seat. She jumped off her stool, mumbling something about needing to pee, before bolting in the direction of the restroom. I smiled in satisfaction at the realization that I might affect her as much as she affected me. I almost didn’t notice when someone approached me and sat down in Olivia’s empty seat.

“Hi, there,” the women said, crossing her legs and making her already short dress ride up even more. Her lips turned up in a pleased smile as she locked her eyes on me and sipped from her straw suggestively. “Is this seat taken?”

“Uh, yeah,” I said, gesturing toward the bathroom. “She’ll be right—”

“It’s all yours,” Olivia cut in, appearing out of nowhere. “I was just leaving anyway.” She offered the woman a warm smile and reached for her purse from on top of the bar.

“You’re leaving?” I was confused. I didn’t want her to think she had to leave. Was she upset? It’s not like I asked this chick to sit down next to me, and I was happy to tell her to take a hike.

“I have to work early tomorrow morning so I should really get home,” Olivia shrugged, throwing down some cash to pay for her drinks.

“Okay, I’ll give you a ride home.” I started to get up but Olivia stopped me.

“No, really, it’s totally fine. Don’t let me interrupt your night.” She made a subtle gesture toward the woman seated next to me and flashed me a knowing smile. “Thanks for including me today. I had a great time. See you soon.”

Before I could insist on driving her home, Nate magically reappeared and offered to take her. I struggled to come up with something to say to change her mind, but they were already walking out the door.

Discouraged, I slumped back in my seat. I felt like I was finally getting through to Olivia, but then she went and basically pushed me toward someone else. After that heated moment between us, I thought she might be at least a little bothered by it, but she didn’t seem to care at all. Now she was riding home with Nate.

Fucking perfect.

What the fuck was I doing, anyway? I knew that Olivia and I could never be more than friends and yet I kept pushing for… what? I had to get my head on straight. Nothing was going to happen with her. Nothing
happen with her.

The girl next to me, on the other hand…

Within twenty minutes, she was sitting so close that more of her was on me than was in her seat. She pushed her chest out, begging me to look, while her hand continued to inch further up my thigh. If we didn’t get out of here soon, I was pretty sure that she would end up rubbing my cock right here at the bar.

“Wanna go back to my place?” she hummed, her fingers wandering closer and closer to my junk while her leg slid against mine.

It should have been an easy answer, but I hesitated. She was attractive and would obviously be an easy fuck. I just couldn’t get into it.

“It sure seems like you want to…” Her eyes shifted to the massive hard-on in my shorts.

My dick was definitely into it. But was I?

“I have a better idea.” I stood up, adjusted myself, and towed her into the narrow hallway where the restrooms were. Checking to see that the coast was clear, I opened the door and pulled her inside with me. “Why wait?”

As soon as the door was closed and I clicked the lock into place, she was plastered against me, rubbing her willing body along the length of mine and plunging her tongue into my mouth. I let her kiss me for a few seconds before guiding her hand south. Taking the hint, she began stroking me through my shorts while I popped the button and lowered the zipper.

She dropped to her knees, a pleased smile curling at her lips when I pulled out my cock and offered it to her. She took it greedily, wrapping her lips around it and drawing it into her mouth. I let my hands drop to her hair, guiding her mouth and plunging myself deeper and deeper.

I closed my eyes and let my head fall back as she continued to suck, bringing me closer and closer to release. She moaned in pleasure, which I never understood because I wasn’t even touching her, but the vibrations of her mouth felt good so I didn’t give a shit. She knew exactly what she was doing, and I doubted that this was her first bathroom blowjob.

She began sucking more furiously, and I knew she expected me to finish. I should have been close, but I wasn’t. My mind began to drift. As soon as my thoughts wandered to Olivia lying in bed, touching her perfect pussy as she cried out in pleasure, my cock began to jerk, and I exploded with a heavy groan.


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