Boys Will Be Boys - Their First Time (27 page)

BOOK: Boys Will Be Boys - Their First Time
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ve sort of known for years. All the signs were there. You never showed any interest in dating girls, or playing team sports, had very few close friends at school and you seemed to be happiest when we guys were around. The best day of my life was when you turned nineteen
and your dad said he would let you come here with us.

I rolled over on top of his chest, holding his handsome face in my hands.

You sure got that right. But what do we do now?

To be honest with you, I think your dad has a clue about you. He

s mentioned several times the last few years that he thought you needed to be spending more time doing


things. That

s why I kept trying to get you to come regularly to the gym. Actually, I just wanted to be near you as much as possible without appearing to be a dirty old man just after your cute little bod.

He leaned down and gave my chest a couple of playful licks. I squirmed and stretched seductively, hoping he wouldn

t stop there, but instead he just lay back, pulling me down with him so that my head rested on his chest.

I guess I wasn

t much help then. So, you still haven

t answered my question. What do we do now? Somehow just making an announcement at the dinner table when the guys get back might be a little awkward for everyone.

Hey guys
Jack and I are in love, pass the salt please.

He laughed and then said

I think we can do better than that. First of all, I have a confession to make. In a moment of weakness, Bruce told me about your encounter in the shower.

I was stricken
and it showed.


t panic. He and I have had blunt discussions about our sex lives before.

, but they didn

t involve me – why would he do that

Bruce tends to be bi-sexual. His gay side reveals itself once and awhile, plus, he can

t keep a secret. Haven

t you noticed his bedside table is a stack of
Architectural Digests
, topped with a decoupage of
House & Garden
covers? I watched him build that thing, he lacquered and glued for days, he was like Martha Stuart with muscles. He was also the brains behind the design and construction of these cabins, so you can see he is a man of many talents. Too bad he just can

t fall off either side of the fence. We never messed around, not that the idea wasn

t enough to give me a stiff dick at times. He

s a sweet and very sexy guy, but not lover material for me. Way too much baggage. Bruce is sort of like a cute Lab Retriever puppy. Give him a little attention, a pat on the head or a belly-rub and he

s your friend for life. In your case, you gave him a lot more than that.

He paused, and then smiling
he added

Oh, by the way he gave you high marks on your ability to satisfy a man. It was the best
blow job

d had in years.

Testing the waters, I said

What about Russ and Marc?

Ah, nothing much to tell. Russ has a frigid wife
and for all I know his only sex outlet is his porn collection. Marc is still grieving over his loss of family and pretty much keeps his feelings to himself.

Thank God
. A
t least Russ hadn

t blabbed about our encounter on the rock. That would remain our secret as far as I was concerned.

Getting up and
, he looked down at me.

Damn, you

re one sexy guy
and I

m about to toss you into bed and show you what a muscle man can do to show his appreciation. Don

t expect to get a lot of sleep tonight.


The faint light of dawn caused me to awaken. Reluctantly leaving the warmth of Jack

s body, I made my way out to the deck. The scent of lake and forest was more intense than I remembered
but the cool morning air hitting my nakedness was enough to send me running back inside to finish what I had started – to take a wicked morning piss.

Sliding back under the covers; pressing my body into his caused Jack to awaken.

Taking me into his arms, we both sighed our contentment. Our first night together had been one of pure emotional and physical lovemaking. Not the kind I was used to – a quick jerk off session or a
blow job
in the back of a car, but one of soft caresses with hands and tongues, tasting and touching every part of each other

s willing bodies until we reached the point where only total release could satisfy us. Teaching me the wonders of sixty-nine that early morning enabled us to feast on each others gushing orgasms. And yes, he was even sweeter than Bruce.

Damn! We suddenly realized that it was Tuesday morning

our weekend alone was shot. The rest of the crew would be coming back today
and I hadn

t even started organizing my duties at the bunkhouse. Jack had some work to do up at the cabin
so I was left to figure out where everything was stashed that I would need to maintain order around the place.

The guys arrived back at the cabin around three in the afternoon and promptly crashed. Dad only told me that the meeting had been a success
and he

d give us the details at dinner that night.

While the house was quiet, I went about setting up a makeshift bar in the TV lounge
so I could practice my cocktail-making skills before the guys came down to eat. Shaken or stirred, up or on the rocks, did a martini include sweet or dry vermouth? Maybe they

ll just want beer or wine
it was good enough for me. I picked up my
Old Mr. Boston
and crammed for a half hour.

Dad was the first one to show up. While I mixed him my first attempt at a
, he poked around in some papers from his briefcase. I grabbed a
oke and sat on the sofa next to him, expecting some information about their trip.

So tell me
how did your weekend go? Jack had an ambitious agenda set up for you. I hope all went as planned, particularly your introduction to the PROSAGE instrument.

I must have visibly flushed red at that point. The questioning look on

s face left no doubt in my mind that he wanted details.

Oh y
, we went over all the exercise equipment, hot tub, sauna and steam room. We even had time to go out in the canoe.

He sipped his cocktail and continued


s great, I thought you two would get along just fine

s a pretty laid back guy. More like the older brother you never had.

I agreed and hoped that would be the end of the interrogation. It was not to be.

I would really like to know how your familiarization sessions went. If you aren

t prepared to help our guests

ll need to work with you some more.

I was about to answer him when the rest of the crew strolled in and spying my bar, everyone ordered drinks. Putting me to the test, Bruce requested a Cosmo. Back to the book, but at least I was momentarily off the hook with

Dinner that evening was uneventful
he talk centered around the meetings they had in town and the news that some grant money might be forthcoming if all went well with the first few groups of men.

To my surprise and embarras
ment, Jack could hardly keep his hands off me all evening. Sitting next to me on the sofa after I served coffee, his knee continually pressed up against mine. As I rinsed the dishes in the sink
he sneaked up behind me and massaged my shoulders. We had to talk. The other guys were sure to notice all this attention I was getting.

When I whispered to Jack to cool it, he just shrugged it off saying

You worry too much, just relax and enjoy it. The others know how much I like you. We

re just two guys expressing our feelings for each other.

Not convinced, I offered

Yes, but
ad asked a lot of questions today and seemed to be pressing me to give him a lot of details about how our


went. I know he

ll bring the subject up again.

That night, neither
ad or I could get to sleep
After what seemed like an eternity of tossing and turning, he got up and turned on the light by his side of the bed.

Son, can we talk about your weekend now?

At his insist
nce, I described being the patient and how fantastic it felt when my orgasm blew me away, and then how later I used the device on Jack, even helping him by jerking his cock while the massage was in progress. My candor surprised even me.

And did that experience make you feel closer to Jack?

Not really knowing where this conversation was going I said

Yes, we felt we had really bonded by helping each other out. It was a really cool experience.

He was silent for a moment and then in soft voice


s good
artners should always feel warm and excited when giving each other pleasure. I don

t mean necessarily a married couple, but just two people, even if they are both men should be able to enjoy sexual pleasure together.

My mouth fell open in shock at hearing my dad talk about such a sensitive and divisive subject. He sensed my reaction
and as if to affirm his approval, leaned over and put his arm around my shoulder saying:


m proud of you
son, you

ll grow up without all the sexual baggage so many men carry around with them all their lives.

One thing for certain, life around Morningwood would never be the same after this talk.

The pace of things was really picking up now that we were within a few days of receiving our first patients. The plan was for the group of six to arrive by charter plane at Rhinelander, some twenty miles to the south, and Russ would drive down in the
uburban and pick them up. They should be arriving at the lake by noon on Sunday. I would help everyone get settled up at the bunkhouse and along with Russ, fix lunch. The rest of the day would be spent familiarizing everyone with the facility.

Much to my happy surprise, Jack volunteered to spend the first night with me at the bunkhouse. Dad thought this was a very good idea and in fact suggested that Jack just move up with me as support as long as we didn

t mind sharing the queen size bed.

I looked at Jack
he expression on his face did little to conceal his enthusiasm for that idea. More and more, it struck me that
ad was making a very conscious effort to enable Jack and
to be together. Could he know that in the space of a weekend, we had become what I interpreted to be lovers? The answer to that was becoming obvious.

After dinner at the cabin, Jack and I gathered up our stuff and headed over to the bunkhouse. We were going to have four nights alone together and neither of us wanted to waste any time.

The sunset cast a rosy glow over the tranquil lake; as we walked along the shore
he aroma of the nearby woods, a mix of pines, grasses and from the darkest shaded areas, the damp mosses, was almost intoxicating, the unseen birds nesting in the trees for the night sang even sweeter. The realization that maybe for the first time in my life I was experiencing love, suddenly made me stop in my tracks. Jack took a few steps farther and turning around returned to my side
took me in his arms and softly nuzzled my neck, his breath on my ear sent a message that instantly caused my body to melt into his. I didn

t need any corny violins and cherubs to tell me that, yes, I truly felt love for this man.

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