Boys Will Be Boys - Their First Time (26 page)

BOOK: Boys Will Be Boys - Their First Time
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This sounded like a dream come true. I couldn

t wait to tell my mom and dad about my weekend plans. They thought it was a great idea, especially since John was considered a good influence on me. Little did they know. With a little luck, my old study-buddy just might turn into my new stud-buddy.

That evening
he met me at the door wearing a

he Italian Cook

apron. For a moment, I thought about taking him up on the offer, but chickened out. We might be jerking off together, but kissing was a no-no for sure.

At this stage in my life
I didn

t think of myself as a gay boy. Messing around was just something guys did sometimes. Someday, a girl would come along and we

d go steady
break up
and another would come along. Sure! Just like in the movies.

He grabbed my gym bag with its cargo of extra clothes and toilet things and led me to his bedroom. I had never spent any time in this part of the house
so was interested in seeing how my friend lived.

The room was very neat. An assortment of sports and rock band posters were tacked up on the walls. The only real surprise was a framed program from one of Enrico Caruso

s performances at Carnegie Hall. This intrigued me
and I made a note to ask him about it later.

Seeing only one double bed caused me to wonder if we were going to share it
or was I going to be exiled to another room.

Mama Rocco was a hell of a cook
and we put away a lot of food, washed down with a couple of glass

guinea red

wine his uncle had made. John drank his like water. My only exposure to alcohol had been a glass of champagne at Jacob Goldstein

s bar mitzvah a year
so I took it easy and enjoyed a nice buzz.

We watched TV until about 10
:00 pm
, when the food and wine finally took its toll
and we decided to hit the sack.

Which side do you like?

Oh great, we

re going to share the bed.


t matter to me, whatever you

re used to.

He opted for
side nearest the door. I got the wall side. When I returned from brushing my teeth, John was already in bed and flipping through one of his Playboys. I stripped down to my jockeys and crawled over him to my side of the bed, pulling back the covers in the process; discovering that he was stark naked. He saw the startled look on my face and laughed.

Hey, I always sleep bare-assed. Who needs clothes in bed? They only get in the way in case I need some relief in the middle of the night.

His body was totally sexy. For a guy so young, he had an almost fully furred chest, accented by nipples that stood up proud from their little brown rings. Jet black belly hair led down to a bushy cluster at his groin. His soft, dark brown cock lay atop his balls which hung loose in their wrinkled sac. The foreskin completely covered the head, with a little left over. No wonder he was such a chick magnet.

Snapping out of my trance, I slid under the sheet and pulled it up over us.




Donny, sweet dreams.

He rolled over to his side of the bed and put out the light.

Waking with a start, it took me a few minutes to realize where I was. It was just starting to get daylight outside. Too early to get up
so I rolled over, saw that John was still sound asleep, and decided to catch some more

The sound of snoring very close to my ear woke me up the second time. John had shifted in his sleep and was pressed up against my back, the full weight of his muscular chest pushing me up against the wall. His arm was resting on my thigh and a leg was wedged between both of mine. The heat from his body was incredible. Should I wake him up or just lie there and hope he would move on his own. Aroused, my cock needed release from its jockey-short prison. I whispered,

John, John, wake up, you

re crushing the breath from me.

He moved slightly, muttering in his sleep. More drastic measures were needed. I twisted around enough to grab his arm and give it a shake. This worked. He opened his eyes and looked at me as if he was surprised to see someone else in bed with him.

Oh crap, Donny, sorry to hog the bed.

No problem, but I was starting to have breathing problems.

I smiled at him
and he knew everything was cool.

Rolling onto his back, he pulled the sheet off our bodies. Looking down at my jockey shorts, he gave an evil laugh and reached over and grabbed the elastic and pulled them down to my knees. If this was going to turn into a wrestling match, I was ready. Pulling them off the rest of the way, I flipped over on top of his chest and grabbed his arms, holding them above his head. As he squirmed under me, my now hard cock slipped in between his legs, poking into his ball sac, the firmness of his hot cock pressed into my belly. He was able to free one arm and grabbing the back of my head, forced my face down into his hairy armpit, causing me to inhale a lungful of his musky odor. That weakened me long enough for him to throw me over on my side and the next thing I knew, there was very hard Italian cock pushing up against my ass.

I got you now pussy-boy, do you surrender?

Yes, yes
was all I could say. He relaxed his hold and rolled onto his back.

Turning over, I gazed at the beauty of his prick at full stand. The foreskin was pulled back, revealing a dark, moist head; a drop of precum poised at the tip.

Grabbing the shaft, he shook it in my direction.


s all your fault, you shouldn

t have shown me your cute little ass, Donny boy. Now look what you

ve done. I think you

re going to have to help me out with this problem, maybe a hand job would work or maybe even

” and with a leer, “

blow job
. Take your choice.

My experience was limited to giving and receiving hand jobs. Cock sucking was something only


did; yet, I was suddenly excited by its possibilities.

OK, you got me.

My trembling hand reached out and grasped the firm cock shaft and slid the dark, velvety skin up and down, covering and uncovering the glistening head. Pre-cum was already leaking from the tip, making juicy little sounds as I worked the length of this beauty. John

s soft moans were only making my job easier. My other hand slid up his thigh and gently stroked his balls as my pace increased. A tightening of his sac told me he was getting very close, and two more slides proved it.




t stop

suck it for me
Donny, pleeease suck it.

The rush of cum from his shaft was amazing. Pulse after pulse shot his cream across his furry chest and ran down my fist. On
, I raised my hand to my lips and licked a drop of his semen into my mouth. My first taste of cum, and it was surprisingly sweet
and I liked it.

John looked at me in awe.



ate my cum!

Without hesitation, I leaned down and took the length of his softening prick deep into my mouth, giving it a thorough tongue-bath, my nose buried in the wrinkled folds of his
ball sack
. His whole body convulsed in reaction to my swirling tongue. I was in a cum-and-cock induced trance as I relished the thrill of giving my very first head job. A cock-sucker was born.

Later, at home, I got to wondering about the taste of John

s cum. What made it so tasty and easy to eat?

Digging into some of

s medical books, I discovered that semen is almost
fructose. No wonder cock sucking is so popular! If those weight-loss plans knew this, no guy would ever get head again while the wife was trying to shed those extra pounds.

John and I spent a very happy summer, becoming

best buddies

in more than one way. He never did return the favor of a blow job but was always grateful for my willingness to take care of his needs. Following that summer, we would part. He chose to go on to take some phys-ed courses at our junior college while I thought about studies that would prepare me for college. We probably would never see each other again
and I felt a real loss when I realized my


was gone from my life.


Whiskey laced coffee, coupled with the warmth of the fire, lulled both of us into a deep relaxed state of total contentment. The feeling I had as I looked at Jack was unfamiliar to me. It wasn

t my usual horny little brain working, but something deeper. A peculiar, but not unpleasant ache deep in my gut made me wonder if this is what love felt like. This man next to me was so strong and rugged, but at the same time a gentle teddy bear. Resisting the urge to reach over and touch him, I curled up with my pillow and dozed off, thoughts of what was happening to me occupying my mind.

Awakening, I glanced at the big grandfather clock in the corner. A couple of hours had passed. Jack was sound asleep on the floor next to me. The fire had burned down to just a few embers
and a chill was taking over the room. We needed to call it a night. Tapping Jack on his arm caused him to wake with a start. After realizing where he was, he stretched and slowly got to his feet.

Bedtime, Donny, I

ll see ya in the morning
and he dragged himself up to his room.

After cleaning up our dinner mess, I headed upstairs, took a piss and walked back down the hall to

s room. As I passed Jack

s room
I couldn

t resist stopping and looking in on him. He lay naked on his back, covers thrown to the floor. In the dim light, his cock was visible, nestled within its pale gold bush. The familiar feeling in my groin overtook any fear of discovery
and I moved close by his bed.

Kneeling on the floor, only inches away from his sleeping form, I let my eyes feast on his masculine beauty. Not daring to take matters any further, I rose and lovingly covered his nakedness.

Morning came with a bang, literally. It was Jack, unloading firewood from a wheelbarrow, tossing the logs onto the back deck. It was cool in the cabin
so I threw on some sweats and went down to see if I could help him. By the time I got there
he was finished.

Good timing
Donny-boy. Well, at least we won

t freeze tonight.

I thanked him for his efforts and grabbed a couple of coffees for us.


s the plan for today
I inquired.

He thought for a moment and remembering something highly important, he brightened

Today, my friend we are going to give you some PROSAGE lessons. I promised your dad we

d put this quiet time to good use. Don

t be too worried about it – I think you

ll find it a pretty fun way to spend a few hours.

Trying to sound as nonchalant as possible, I yawned,

Sure thing Jack, I need to know how the thing works
and we don

t really have that much time before the guests arrive.

Inside, I was as excited as if we were going to Wisconsin Dells, my favorite amusement park. It was decided that we would have a leisur
ly breakfast, then relax for a while before starting my education.

When the time came, Jack suggested I go upstairs, take a shower
and he would meet me in his room in a few minutes and not to bother with getting dressed. When I got to his room
I noticed he had arranged his bed with several fat pillows and a couple of large towels spread out over the sheets. He had changed into what looked to me like pale blue nurse

s scrubs. Thoughtfully, he had turned on the electric heat in the room
so I was OK with being bare-assed naked. Jack patted the bed indicating he wanted me to sit on the edge. Opening a case just like the one I saw up at the bunkhouse, he removed its contents to a small table close by.

Picking up the device
he gave me a detailed explanation of how it worked, what to expect and most of all how to control it for the best results. That done, he placed the least thick latex sleeve onto the


and covered it with an ordinary condom.


ll notice that there are various thicknesses of sleeve. This is so we are able to accommodate most any body type. Some guys are tighter than others. As young as you are, you probably need the thinnest.

He was right since I had only been penetrated once, not counting

s exam, and that was by Russ

s pencil prick.


t be embarrassed if you get a hard-on. That

s the whole idea of using this thing. I am going to lube it and slowly enter your anus. Once it has passed through your sphincter, I

ll turn on the pulsing action at a slow speed. Are ya ready? Just let me know if you feel any discomfort.

As instructed, I lay back against the pillows and raised my legs so they were bent at the knee and my hole was readily accessible. He then snapped on a latex glove and squeezing a dollop of KY on his finger, carefully lubed and massaged my hole.

Oh man, I
enjoying this already.

Once he was satisfied that I was relaxed and ready, he started the insertion. Out of sheer nervousness, my cock hung limp against my balls until he reached the magic spot and gently stroked the tip back and forth. He guessed, from the dreamy look on my face that I was ready for more. As my cock stiffened, he turned on the pulse feature. I groaned out

Oh, damn, that feels so good.

Jack laughed and said

I told you it would be kinda fun
and continued his gentle probing, going deeper each time.

As he slowly increased the intensity of the mechanical action, my need to cum became overpowering until I had to warn him

Jack, I

m going to shoot
I gripped my cock and stroked it a few times
. “H
ere it comes



last after blast shot from my cock, some hitting my neck just below my chin. He slowly withdrew from my ass and handed me a clean-up towel.

As I lay panting from the experience, Jack said

You did very well for your first time. Now that you know what our amazing toy can do, I

ll have you go through a demonstration on me. Before we do that, let

s take a break and have lunch.

How c
he be so casual
e just gave me the next best sex of my life
and now he just wants to do lunch. I love this guy.

During lunch, he explained that it was important for me to experience the therapy since I would be spending a lot of time with the clients. There would be occasions when any one of them might need a little guidance as they learned how to properly enjoy their private PROSAGE sessions. I would be their on-site facilitator.

We decided to continue my training up at the bunkhouse since there we could use the hot tub and sauna to relax a bit before and after I worked on Jack. He also wanted to do some routines with the exercise equipment
which was an important part of the program.

We brought along several sets of scrubs for me to use during my work week. I tried them on and was surprised at how comfortable they were.

You look like a real pro, little buddy.

Giving me a sly grin
he added


s use your room for your hands on experience.

I didn

t care if we did it on the front porch, I was ready to work on his muscleman ass.

The routine will be the same. Just follow my instructions and you

ll do just fine.

He stripped off his sweats and lay back against the pillows, bending his knees; exposing himself as I had done. The sight of his muscular body in so vulnerable a position gave me butterflies in my stomach
and I felt my legs weakening as I prepared the tool and applied the KY as he had done. His prick and ball sac were hanging loosely, almost covering his butt hole. I hesitatingly asked if it would be OK if I lifted his package slightly so I could get a better view of my target.

He replied,


re the doctor, do whatever you feel necessary.

I gently lifted his
ball sack
, exposing the hairless, pink opening. After thoroughly lubing his entrance, slipping the tip of my finger in just a little way, I carefully placed the head of the tool at his tight little pucker, teasing the sensitive opening. Slowly, and with surprising ease, it slid in. When I reached that most sensitive spot
he let out a low moan.

Ok, now turn on the pulse at low speed and slowly move it in and out, going a little deeper each time. Oh damn
Donny, you

re doing great. You

re a natural.

Just as mine had, his cock came to life and was soon pointing straight up his belly.

Oh man, this thing works its magic every time. Now let go of my balls and take my cock in your hand and give it a few slides for me.

His silky ball sac felt so good I didn

t want to let go but when my hand gripped the hardness of his cock, his pleasure was all that counted. Minutes later
my stroking hand brought him to climax
and he shot his load, soaking my hand in hot cum. I wanted so badly to see if his tasted as good as Bruce

s, but not wanting to do anything that might damage the intimacy we had just shared, I didn

t yield to temptation.

Good job
Donny, of course you won

t be expected to do that much work for all the guys, but thanks for helping me out.

His smiling face was all the reward I needed.

We headed for the showers and then the hot tub, both of us needed to come down from our highs.

That evening as we lay naked in front of the crackling fireplace sipping our well-laced coffee, Jack suddenly sat up and leaned over toward me.

Donny, I just got to do somethin


ve been cravin

to do for a long, long time.

eaning over me, he placed a big hand behind my head as he lowered his lips to mine, our tongues met in a soft, sensuous embrace, turning me into a wild and passionate animal as I returned his kisses, sucking the very breath from him with lips and tongue. When he spoke those wonderful words

I love you
ears welled in my eyes and I responded with total sincerity for the first time in my life,


… love you

After we had time to reflect on what just happened between us, Jack fell back on the floor, taking me with him, cradling me in his massive arms.

Donny, I hope you at least feel some of the happiness there is in my heart right now. I never knew how to express my love for another guy
t just was never in my playbook until now, when I suddenly realized my true feelings towards you. Once I passed that point I knew I had to tell you or bust. It struck me hardest when we were out on the lake
and the sense that you were feeling the same way I was about the beauty and peacefulness of the moment made me weak in the knees.

My fingers traced patterns through the dense blonde thatch of his chest while I gathered my thoughts. His nipples stiffened beneath my lightly stroking fingertips, sending tremors through his body and mine. Hardly able to believe that this handsome and virile man was offering himself to me, I finally asked

But Jack, how did you know? What did I do to make you so sure?

He was quiet for a moment and then dropped another bomb on me.

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