Boys Will Be Boys - Their First Time (14 page)

BOOK: Boys Will Be Boys - Their First Time
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One must get lost in order to be found. This was the experience by which all of my future experiences would be based. I knew what it was I wanted
I knew who I was.

He kissed me again, and again, on my chest, my hips, the insides of my thighs, and the face of my feet. He devoured my every inch
and I sang to the sky. I sang to all the birds under the sun, and I sang to the coming of the night.




Mickey Erlach

Mickey Erlach

With spring semester over, Adam headed home for the summer before his senior year at
. His moth
er had remarried a month prior
, and she and her new husband were still on their honeymoon, so Adam knew he was coming home to an empty house.

After a three-hour drive, he was happy to be pulling up in front of the house, and he noticed the hatchback parked in the driveway and figured it must belong to one of his new stepfather

s kids, who
might be
checking on the house.

Adam pulled his suitcases out of the trunk and walked up the walkway, let himself in, and walked right up the stairs. After a long drive, he was in no mood to talk to anyone.

He put the suitcases in his room, and the first thing he noticed was how hot it was in the house. If one of his new step siblings was there, why didn

t he turn on the AC? Adam shook his head and took off his shirt.

Adam had been lifting weights since he was
. His body was perfectly proportioned and nicely muscled at five-foot-eleven and 185 lbs. He inherited his mother

s smooth dark skin and his father

s large round ass, among other large assets.

He walked downstairs to turn on the air conditioning. While adjusting the thermostat, he heard the front door open and someone saying goodbye, followed by a car speeding away. He remembered his stepbrother from the wedding. Louis was a little taller than Adam at six-foot-one, but he was leaner. His
-year-old stepbrother had thick black hair and dark features much like his father

s, with black eyes and thick lips that begged to be kissed.

Adam remembered talking to him at the wedding and wondering if it would be incestuous to lay his new stepbrother.

Hey, Adam,

Louis said as he extended his hand. The two of them shook hands.

Dude, what

s with not turning on the AC? It

s like a fucking oven in here,


Louis shook his head and headed upstairs. That was when Adam remembered that Louis was not much of a talker, and from what he gathered from his mother and Louis

s siblings, he was not always playing with a full deck either.

Nutty or not, Adam still wondered if the boy liked to play.

He headed back to his bedroom and unpacked his bags. After putting away the last of his clothes and putting the suitcases in the closet, he headed back downstairs to the kitchen for some water. His mother always kept a large jug of water in the refrigerator, and he decided to forgo a glass and drink it straight from the jug. As he was guzzling the water, Louis walked into the kitchen.

the man,

he said.

Adam quit guzzling for a second and looked at Louis who had stripped to his boxers. The boy was long and lean, built like a swimmer with broad shoulders and a six pack. This pissed Adam off because he knew Louis never worked out, but he did hold out hope that Louis would end up fat when he hit

So, Louis, are you living here now, or are you house sitting?

Adam asked him.


t you like to know, bro,

Louis said, and he grabbed a soda and headed back to his room.

Adam rolled his eyes and finished the jug. He filled it with tap water
rather than filtered
, put it back in the fridge and hoped it was full of bacteria for Louis to enjoy.

Adam headed upstairs, walked into the bathroom, stripped and stepped into the shower. While he was soaping up, he thought of Louis, the weirdo, standing in the kitchen wearing nothing but his boxers, and his dick started to grow. Adam had not cum in a few days, so he took hold of his favorite toy and rubbed out a big load, barely taking a couple of minutes to do the deed, and hardly making a sound in the process as he learned to stay quiet while jerking off in the dorm.

He finished his shower and pulled the curtain back, grabbing a towel at the same time. Adam was startled to find Louis there flossing his teeth.
The house ha
full baths, why
s he in this one?

Adam tried his best to conceal his cock, which was still half hard. It was difficult enough to hide when it was soft. However, Louis paid no attention to him, so Adam thought he would take one more stab at conversation.

So, Louis, are you working or going to school?

Louis stopped flossing and turned around to look at Adam, who had since wrapped the towel around his waist. Then he faced the mirror again.


Louis said. He finished flossing and went into the guest room, shutting the door behind him.

What a doofus,

Adam said to himself.

I hope the little asshole isn

t here all summer.

Adam brushed his teeth then crawled into bed.

At three in the morning, Adam was startled awake by some strange sounds. He thought there were cats fucking outside his window, but he soon realized the sounds were coming from the next room. He heard squeaking then high pitched moaning, more squeaking then Louis

s voice saying over and over again,

Good boy, good boy, good boy.

Adam never heard anyone come in. Who the hell was Louis talking to? Then he heard him yell,

hhh ahhh ahhh

so loudly it shook the walls. Adam buried his head in his pillow to keep from laughing. Once the screaming stopped, he then heard Louis saying,


m such a good boy, oh yea
, good boy, good boy.

Then, there was silence.

Adam was still laughing as he thought about his strange stepbrother masturbating and congratulating himself. Then he got hard again himself, but he was too tired to jerk off, so he rolled over and went back to sleep.

Adam woke up early the next morning and decided to make himself a pot of coffee and work out in the basement gym, provided it was still there. After locating his extra large mug, he filled it with the freshly brewed coffee and headed to the basement.

Since it was still pretty early, Adam decided to work out in just a black cotton jock strap, crew socks and cross trainers. The jock hugged his round butt and displayed his big basket perfectly, and he wished there were someone there to enjoy the view.

Once in the basement, he was happy to see that for the most part his equipment was still where he left it.

He loaded a couple of plates on the bar and secured them with collars. He decided to stretch a bit, and when he bent down to touch his toes he looked through his legs and saw Louis, stark naked and standing right behind him. Adam immediately stood up and turned around.

Louis was standing there with his dick hanging limp but low accompanied by two big, equally low hanging balls, and he was holding a cup of coffee.

Adam the man,

Louis said.

I took some of your aromatic java.

He then turned around and headed back upstairs.

stood there dumbfounded and
was pissed because he would now have to brew more coffee
although he did enjoy the view of Louis’s bubble butt making its way up the stairs.

He slid under the bar and pressed the weights for
reps, and he sat up after the set and admired himself in the mirror he had mounted across from the bench. Adam ran his hands over his chest and down his six pack abs. He then flexed both biceps, displaying the high peaks that always earned him attention in the gym at school
then h
e lay back down and did another
reps. With each set, he looked in the mirror and flexed his pecs, bouncing them before doing another double bicep pose.
Adam loved being his own audience, watching himself get pumped and flexing.

Adam stood up and removed some of the plates and curled the barbell for
reps very slowly, keeping his eyes on the vein that ran up his arm
. Watching his biceps pump full of blood always turned him on, and his jock was beginning to get tighter.

He put the bar down, and flexed again, doing a crab pose, flaring out his lats and finishing off with another double bicep pose.
then did another set of curls.

During his third set, he heard Louis coming down the steps
. Adam finished the set and put the bar back. This time Louis was sitting in front of the mirror drinking another cup of coffee, blocking Adam

s view of himself.
Fucking asshole
, he thought,
Drinks my coffee and interrupts my workout
. However, Adam didn

t confront him because Louis was still naked.

Can I help you, Louis?

he asked.


Louis just stared at Adam, studying every inch of him. Adam noticed how Louis was looking at him and didn

t know what to make of it.

Louis, you

re sitting in front of the mirror, and I can

t watch myself when I work out.

Louis turned and looked at the mirror as if he
hadn’t noticed
it was there. He stood up
, walked across the room,
and leaned on an old dresser that was placed in the basement a decade before.

Louis, are you just going to stand there?

Adam asked him.

Again, silence.

Adam did another set of curls, watching himself in the mirror when he noticed Louis
was now
standing behind him. Louis reached around and felt Adam

s biceps with each curl of the bar, running his hands over the pumped muscles. Adam
was only startled for a split second then
continued his set, enjoying the feel of his stepbrother

s hands on his muscles, and he started to get hard again.

Adam curled until he was exhausted, then he put the bar back on the rack. As he looked at himself in the mirror, Louis continued to explore his body with his hands.

Louis felt his stepbrother

s lats, tracing his fingers up Adam

s muscular back, then he squeezed Adam

s softball sized shoulders, and as one hand made its way up Adam

s neck the other reached around to feel Adam

s pumped chest.

As Louis continued exploring his body, Adam

s breathing became heavier. He let his stepbrother enjoy every sweaty, pumped inch of him
and finally, Louis

s hand was
running down his six-pack then
inside the black cotton jock strap and going for the prize.

released his stepbrother

s enormous boner,
stepped around and brushed his lips against Adam

s. Adam opened his mouth and reached around Louis

s head drawing him in and kissing him deep
, tasting the coffee the asshole had taken without permission. With his free hand, Adam reached down and grabbed the weirdo

s hard dick and was impressed with its length and girth. Adam slid his hand up to the swollen head and slicked it with the precum Louis

s big dick generously provided.

Louis had managed to get Adam

s jock down around his ankles, and they continued to make out while stroking each other

s dicks. Louis

s free hand continued to explore Adam

s pumped body and found a nipple giving it a hard pull
, and
Adam moaned, but he did not let go of Louis

s mouth. Those lips were too good to let loose even for a second.

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