Boys Will Be Boys - Their First Time (5 page)

BOOK: Boys Will Be Boys - Their First Time
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Fuck me Ash, fuck me

Joe whispered through labored breaths.

Ash heard and obeyed
fucking his friend with new determination.


re so fucking tight

Ash gasped mid stroke.

Ash suddenly slowed and leaned into Joe

s face, the
lips meeting first only briefly
but then Ash came back in closer. And
they kissed frantically and deeply like lovers, tongues and lips finding each other

s mouths, all the while Ash kept gently caressing the insides of Joe

s ass with his smooth
thick cock.

Joe was in heaven. He could do this all day
but at the same time, he desperately wanted to cum
and he wanted to make Ash cum as well. Ash pulled himself up and grabbed Joe

s rock hard erection in his hand. Ash started to pound Joe

s st
hole with even more power then before. Pulling his thick dick out almost all the way and thrusting into Joe

s tight ass deep and fast, repeatedly.


m going to blow

Ash gasped as he pulled on Joe

s oozing cock with fervor and fucked his hairless smooth ass like an animal.
Both Joe and Ash simultaneously exploded, releasing the biggest loads either had ever blown before.

Ash collapsed on top of Joe
and they lay there for a time
moist and sticky catching there breaths.

Thanks Joe
that was awesome

Ash said as he removed his softening cock from Joe

s worn ass and got off the bed.
Joe just lay there smiling while watching Ash clean the lube and cum from his body before getting dressed.

Shit! Joe you got to go, its 2.30!

Ash exclaimed noticing the time on the clock.

Joe climbed out of bed exhausted but exhilarated
e wiped himself dry and glanced at the clock. He would have to hurry back to school in order to catch the bus on time. Joe hastily got dressed as Ash disappeared into another room. By the time Ash returned
Joe was fully dressed and heading for the door.

Does that mean I owe you a shirt?

Ash asked jokingly, looking at the now button
less one that Joe wore.

Joe laughed back abashed and just he shook his head.

No, its on the house

he replied, closing the shirt to hide his manly chest momentarily in mock modesty, before letting it rest open with a shrug of his shoulders.


ll find the buttons and give them to you next time I see you,

Ash said through laughter.

Joe looked at his watch.


s ok; you don

t have to come back to school with me.

Joe insisted.


Ash replied,


m exhausted.


m feeling pretty fucked myself

Joe replied
and they both broke into laughter again at Joe

s unintentional joke.
Joe chuckled as he headed down the hall to the front door.

As Joe was about to leave the house
Ash stopped him, giving him a kiss on the cheek and a huge hug before he placed a piece of paper in Joe

s hand.

This is my number and address Joe. I hope now we can be friends like before?

Joe smiled, nodded and pocketed the note.


ll have to see you to get my buttons back anyway

Joe called as he dashed out the door and hurried toward

Joe knew that Ash wasn

t going to be his boyfriend and that they would probably never have sex again. Joe truly was thankful to Ash for being such a good friend, for taking his virginity and making him a man. As Joe approached the waiting bus for the last time, he reali
ed that he would contact Ash again soon and that the
friendship would be stronger than ever now that Joe could truly be himself in Ash

s company.

Joe smiled to himself as he climbed aboard the bus. His last day of school had been his best day of school and his first day as a proud gay man.




Mickey Erlach

Six One Thousand
R.A. Padgett

… six one thousand, seven one thousand, eight one thousand, nine one thousand

-come on
you pussy! One more

give it to me! Give me that last one

yeah boy, come on, fuck yeah

The fucker wasn

t going to let me off easy, was he? Sometimes I hated him

when he would push me into hating him. This whole love-hate cycle was driving me up a wall. I wanted what he had to give
I wanted my flabby, out of shape body to look like his. I knew I was stuck with certain traits, my short, stocky body would never conform to
say, the Amazonian body I idealized that I lusted after. But this man, my coach had that sort of body; tall, built like a brick shithouse, amber eyes that could bore right through you and the smoothest, chocolate satin skin stretched taut over his perfectly proportioned frame. Not muscle
bound at all but a body that was well trained and beautifully toned. But right now I hated him. Right now he could go straight to hell
and I wouldn

t bat an eyelash. Right now, he could go fuck himself!

One more set on the bars
I know you want to give it to me

s go
I always just melted when he called me

he must have known this as he always ended our sessions by calling me this
and I always forgave him for his tirades. On the last set, I was sweatin

like a pig
and I looked up at him spotting me and got an eyeful of his crotch
which only made me want to push myself further. I lusted after this man in the worst way
and damn if he didn

t know it and use it against me

ou did real good


m proud of you and all your work is starting to show

time to shower up now
… hop to it!

It was difficult to look him in the eye
but inside I felt proud of myself and warm all over. As I trudged to the locker room, my legs all rubbery and lightheaded, I opened the door and smel
that moist testosterone as I walked in. I turned the corner to my locker just in time to glance at
oach as he bent over to remove his shorts leaving a sparkling white jockstrap framing his beautiful ass. Bent over, I got a great view of his nuts partially escaping the same pouch I salivated over just moments ago
. S
tanding up
he turned to see me staring at him before I could avert my eyes

gave me a little smile and continued with the unintentional striptease, my heart racing

m sure my face was beet red. I stood there slack-jawed as he stripped off his jock, freeing a beautiful piece of man meat overhanging two incredible, pendulous balls

over ripe and ready for the picking. As he turned to go to the showers, I couldn

t take my eyes off him until he was out of si

I looked down at my own crotch that was obviously tented and then to the floor where he had left his jock curled up among his other clothes

beckoning me, inviting me to come take a whiff. I couldn

t help myself

I had to get at it. I carefully made my way to this treasure. As I brought it up to my nose
I inhaled deeply almost as I would a drug.


This rank, sweaty aroma was everything I expected and more. Intoxicated I fell backwards against the bench, grabbing on my way down a locker door that banged loudly. I heard the shower shut down and coach yelled out

re you okay?

Gathering myself together I replied that

yeah I was fine!

I threw down the still warm jock
and it landed, sitting there so obvious on top of his other clothes. But it was too late.

Coach rounded the corner with a towel wrapped around his waist asking,


s up?
Are you sure you



I mean yes

m fine

I replied. Thank God the panic actually helped me and my boy dick calm down, but not without leaving a noticeable wet spot on the front of my briefs. My face bright red; I looked down at my feet as I continued to pull my sweats up around my thighs.


t you gonna shower, kid??

he asked.

No sir
I have to get home fast

uh, I mean soon.

His eyes boring right through to my soul, he said,

Well I

ll tell you what, kid, obviously you are in need of some more intense training, so what do you say we crank it up a notch? You may not like what I have to say at first, but you will thank me in the long run. We are going to be doing something a little different from now on
We will begin and end our workouts in the pool
ou will lap swim for
minutes both before an
after our sessions, as a warm
up and cool
down. This next thing
and I need you to trust me on this one
I want you to shave tonight when you shower. I want all the hair off your chest, crotch and legs

not a single hair left on your body! Do you hear?

This last thing was said with more authority then I was use
to from this man.

You can use a little talc tonight after your shower

this will help with the itch. Get a good night

s sleep because you are gonna need to be rested for tomorrow. Meet me at
instead of
. We are gonna get that shag of yours cut off. You are to have your hair cropped at
inch on the sides and
on the top. You will keep it this way from now on

He was testing me
I knew it. I was powerless.

What was I willing to give up for this man and for the body I wanted, I craved? I had been working for a couple of years on getting rid of my flabby physique and turning it into a classical marble sculpture before I noticed his ad as a personal trainer, which was just what I needed to go on to the next level. That was months ago
and the dedication and discipline he had instilled in me was indeed showing. I was getting a lot of notice by both women and men at work as well as on the street. My shoulders straightened up
and I started walking with not quite a strut but more or less a confident stride. This made all the difference in the world
I felt better then I ever had about myself
and I wanted this to continue
what would it hurt to follow his directions for a time, just to see what happened

And as for these

he grabbed the waist band of my briefs, his fingers creeping inside, grazing my piss slit,

ou will lose these panties and start wearing boxers like a man
ou will enjoy the feeling of your equipment swaying back and forth as you walk.

He quickly let go and the waistband of my jockeys snapped back and slapped the head of my erect dick, causing a small moan; more like a whimper to escape my throat. He brought his fingers up and licked the precum that had gathered on them

Now be a good boy and clean up this mess!

With that he put on his socks, slacks, and shirt
– n
o underwear

and stormed out into the evening.

I was shocked
stunned. I couldn

t believe what had just happened. It was if he had reached into the dark recesses of my mind, grasped my hidden fantasies and wrung them dry for his pleasure. My mind was reeling. A moment later someone entered the
room and yanked me back to reality. I finished dressing and tucked my things into my backpack and stuffed his stuff into his gym bag.

Turning in my key
he receptionist quipped,

Looks like your friend left you a little present

and winked knowingly. I guess he noticed I came in with just my backpack but left with much more. I blushed red hot
and I was sure this wouldn

t be the last time.

That night, noticeably shaken, I succeeded in making myself a brief meal. Just a power shake and tuna on rye. Then sat down to watch some tube. Increasingly distracted by my thoughts, after about an hour, I decided to turn the damn thing off. Actually I couldn

t remember anything at all of what I had just watched. I sat for a while in the silence. Just a few years ago, I was doughy, plump, depressed and lacked any real energy at all. Today
I had energy plus and thrived on life

actually thrived! In the last year
I had decided I needed a little sumpin

extra from having a trainer and went through a couple before I stumbled on Sam

he wanted to be called Coach

in the want ads. There was something more to him than
showed on the outside. He seemed genuine and well rounded. He believed in integrating all aspects of your life including exercise, mental focus, diet and spirituality. He had a certain sadness that made me want to explore his depths. He certainly turned my world around.

Today, I feel alive and rejuvenated
I feel more comfortable in my own skin and more attuned to my emotions, creativity and fantasies. At least that was what I had thought! As I was thinking, my mind kept going back to that vision of that beautiful dark ass. I wanted to see it, taste it, feel it. I wanted to dive neck deep into it! My dick sure needed some attention.

I wondered whether I could do what he had asked of me
I guess more demanded from me. Coach really liked to test my limits and make me reach beyond my grasp.

The only way to grow

he would say. This though was something new, kind
humbling, humiliating, yet exciting. I wasn

t sure if I could do this.

Turning down the living room lights, almost in a trance, I went into the bathroom, stripping off my street clothes and throwing them into the hamper. Coach

s bag fell down from where I had put it when I came in the door. A rush went through me like a warm chill as I stared at the bag. When I unzipped it, the contents fell out onto the tiled floor. I brought his shirt up and sniffed at where his pits had been, the aroma nearly knocking me over from my squatting stance. It was wonderfully heady, unmistakably a man

s odor. I couldn

t keep from frantically grabbing his jock and binging that to my nose
too. I loved the smell of this man. I touched it to my lips, my tongue darting out to taste that sweet tang. My mouth by now seriously salivating, it didn

t take much to shove the whole pouch into my mouth. My dick was rock hard and starting to drip again. I brought a finger full of my precum to my lips, the same scum he had tasted just hours before. I licked it slowly bridging it from my tongue to my fingertips. I needed this! I needed him

in the worst way!

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