Boyfriend Chronicles 02 - The Boyfriend Mandate (34 page)

BOOK: Boyfriend Chronicles 02 - The Boyfriend Mandate
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Mind spinning and searching for traction, Tyler stared at him, lost as to what the hell he was talking about. After a moment, he remembered Dylan’s confession in Noah’s kitchen:
I don’t know how to be a dad

“Anytime,” Tyler ground out.

The guy glanced at him with concern, probably because Tyler’s voice had made him sound as though he were dying. Damn, numb and focused were one thing, but how could he be expected to hold a normal conversation?

You don’t have time for this, Tyler

“Excuse me,” Tyler said. “I’ve got to go and―”

Clueless how to finish, he turned and headed toward the guest bedroom, concentrating on how he was going to change Memphis’s mind and get him to
. He crossed the threshold into the guest bedroom, ignoring the sound of voices drifting up the hall from the living room. As he began to flip open the buttons of his shirt, the smell of sex and sweat and Memphis drifted up from the fabric.

Tyler got about halfway down before he lost patience and jerked the garment over his head, popping two buttons free as he went. He ignored the
as they hit the hardwood floor and scattered. Instead, he tossed the shirt aside and strode toward the closet.

Noah’s voice came from the doorway. “Where’s the fire?”

Tyler yanked a clean button-down shirt from a hanger and slipped his arms into the sleeves, turning to meet Noah’s gaze. “I have to find Memphis.”

“Why?” The dark-haired man was leaning in the doorway with a smile. “In desperate need of a quickie?”


Dylan appeared in the doorway, too, an uneasy look still plastered on his face.

Noah went on as if Tyler hadn’t spoken. “Because you and Memphis are welcome to continue reliving the past in my condo.”

Tyler clenched his teeth and began to button his shirt. “Noah―”

His friend held up a hand. “No worries,” he said. “I won’t mention your ill-conceived ex-boyfriend rule again.” Amusement radiated from his brown eyes. “You’re in luck. I hear elevator number four is moving slower than usual today.”

Tyler had no time to prepare, the memory hitting harder than ever before.

He clutched the closet door, his voice harsh. “Shit.”

Dylan’s brow puckered with worry, and Noah’s expression went from a barely there smirk to one of total concern as he pushed off from the doorjamb.

“For chrissake,” Noah said as he crossed the room and came closer. “What the hell is wrong?”

“Memphis’s cancer has come back.”

Both men looked stunned, and for a full ten seconds, neither of them budged. The only thing that seemed to be moving in the room was the rush of blood in Tyler’s veins.

“I’m so sorry,” Noah whispered, his brown eyes softening.

The expression was one Tyler had never seen him wear before. Dylan remained silent, pain sitting heavy in his gaze, and the moment that followed brought another weighty silence.

These two men knew. Dylan and Noah knew
how Tyler felt because they both had extensive experience watching someone they cared about die.

Years ago, Noah had suffered through the loss of his boyfriend, Rick, his partner dying of Aids. Dylan had been Rick’s best friend. When the guy had finally passed away, Dylan and Noah’s unlikely friendship had been cemented for good. Dylan, a prickly man who’d barely let Alec in, had gone on to guard his relationship like a pit bull on Ritalin. And then there was Noah, the one who was endlessly chasing unavailable men. Neither had recovered completely.

Which begged the question, would Tyler?

He swallowed. Hard. He couldn’t…

The understanding and sympathy in his friends’ faces made the truth he’d been avoiding impossible to ignore, and Memphis’s words from yesterday drifted back.

There are some things that can’t be fixed.

Christ, what if this was one of those times? His throat ached and grew tight. He’d fallen in love with Memphis, and there was a good possibility he’d be leaving again, for good.

Because there was nothing more permanent than death.

Tyler swore he felt something crack.

His throat closed off the rest of the way, and suddenly he felt as though he couldn’t get enough air. With every heave of his chest, the need for more oxygen grew.

Tyler tried to speak. “I can’t―”

Noah crossed the last bit of floor between them, laying a hand on Tyler’s shoulder. “Sit,” his friend demanded as he gently pressed him back toward the bed.

Sucking in a deep breath, Tyler complied with the order. Unfortunately the position didn’t help. Judas Priest, why didn’t it help? Instead, the tight fist in Tyler’s chest grew tighter, and then it had the nerve to swell in size.

He felt stretched thin, as though he were splitting at the seams.

Tyler’s words were almost too thick to get out. “I don’t want to have to live without him again.”

Noah sat down beside him, placing his hand on his back. “Put your head down so you don’t pass out.”

And then he pushed Tyler forward until he was bent over, chest to his knees, head lower than his waist. The action was so sudden, so unexpected, three heartbeats passed before Tyler realized he was looking between his legs at the paisley comforter on the guest bed.

Tyler blinked twice. Somehow, the ridiculous view pulled him out of his self-pity spiral.

Several seconds later, he was able to speak. “Noah,” Tyler said dryly, his voice calmer now. “I’m not going to pass out.”

Briefly hyperventilate? Definitely.

Fall apart at the seams? Apparently so.

But now it was time to move on.

Lips clamped together, he got to his feet, his mind working on what to do next. Dylan took a seat on the bed next to Noah, and Tyler could feel two pairs of worried eyes on him as he finished dressing. Shirt now buttoned and tucked, he scanned the clothes in the closet. His gaze landed on the blue tie he’d used in the elevator. He pulled it from the rack and slipped it around his neck, his fingers steady as he ran through the process of tying the knot.

He’d use every memory he could to get the man to listen to reason.

“Memphis has already given up,” he said.

“So you’ll just have to convince him otherwise,” Noah said.

Tyler sent his friend a look. “Yeah, I figured that out already.”

The room fell back into silence as he secured the tie in place.

Dylan tipped his head. “What’s your plan?”

Tyler dropped his arm to his side. “Right now he’s doing a photo shoot,” he answered. “I’m going to see Julissa to find out exactly where, and then I’m going to make him an appointment with the doctor.” He propped his hand on his hip. “After that, I’ll track him down and give him a piece of paper with the date and the time. And if he refuses, well…”

I’ll tie him up, toss him over my shoulder, and carry him there
went unsaid.

“His oncologist retired last year, so Julissa found him a new one,” he went on. “But now it can’t be just any physician, he needs the
.” Focusing on the tasks to be accomplished made him feel more in control, and he continued to run through a mental checklist. “He needs imaging of his neck, not to mention a surgeon who can deal with that mass.” A frown crossed his face. “But I’m plugged in with community services, not the local hospitals. Once I figure out who’s the most qualified, I don’t have the connections to make a phone call and get an appointment like that,” he said with a snap of his fingers.

And Memphis needed to see someone as soon as possible.

“So…” Noah said, “how can we help?”

Tyler studied the two men who were looking at him as if they were ready to do whatever it took to make the plan happen. And, God, if nothing else, at least he wasn’t alone.

Tyler turned Dylan. “No one is better at research than Alec.”

“I’m on it.” He rose to his feet and pulled his cellular from the back pocket of his jeans, pressing a button. “I’ll have him find out which doctor Memphis should see,” he said as he left the room to make his call.

Tyler addressed Noah. “You know just about every hospital board member in the medical community―”

“Better than that, I know the one who has the pull to get an appointment right away.” Noah stood up and stepped forward, placing a hand on Tyler’s shoulder. “You go see Julissa and then get started on the drive to the photo shoot. Dylan and Alec and I will do the rest. Once we figure out who Memphis should see, we’ll get that appointment and call you with the details.”

Tyler stared at his friend, the man whose heart was even bigger than his mouth—and, considering this was Noah, that was saying a lot.

The rush of gratitude hit Tyler hard. “Thanks for your help.”

“Don’t mention it,” he said with a flip of his hand, a gesture writing off his participation as no big deal. “It’s been nice having you here at the condo.” Noah shifted through three different expressions in four seconds before an odd look settled over his face. “Dylan and Alec’s lives are about to become crazy busy. So after you and Memphis get all wrapped up in each other, just…” He rubbed the corner of his mouth with his thumb. “Just don’t forget to stop by once in a while.” His grin didn’t quite reach his eyes. “I need someone to practice my bartending techniques on.”


Several beats passed, and Tyler finally realized just how dumb he’d been. Sure, Noah had teased Dylan about becoming a father. No one would have expected anything different. But his friend obviously felt a little apprehensive about the upcoming changes in their group’s dynamics.

“Absolutely. You know how much I love your cocktails,” Tyler said. “Will you do me another favor? Later today, will you check on Julissa for me?” He’d thought about asking before. Now it seemed even more important. “Make sure she’s okay? I might have to share the news about Memphis.”

“Of course.”

“I owe you one, Noah.”

“You owe me more than that,” he said with a cock of an eyebrow.

Tyler sent him a small smile. “Deal.”

A cheerful tone returned to his friend’s voice. “You won’t be so happy with me when I tell everyone—in glorious detail, mind you—how you looked when you freaked out.”

Feeling better, and more determined than ever, Tyler rolled his eyes at his friend’s statement as he turned to head out the bedroom door, Noah’s voice coming from behind.

“I saw that, Dr. Hall.”


It hadn’t taken long to find the contact information for Julissa’s business and discover that the
Marquez and Burns Agency
had two offices, one in San Francisco and one in Los Angeles. Fortunately, with a simple phone call, Tyler learned she was currently working in town. He’d briefly considered leaving a message with the secretary to have Julissa contact him. But talking to the ex-wife of the man you loved was probably best done face-to-face.

He wasn’t exactly her favorite person.

He also knew Julissa wouldn’t cooperate when he asked for the details to Memphis’s schedule, not without a damn good reason. He had one; he just wasn’t sure he had a right to share the information.

Dread built in his chest as he entered Julissa’s office. A blond woman sat behind a functional desk, a hands-free telephone set over her head.

Tyler stopped in front of the secretary. “I’m here to see Julissa…”

His voice ran out when he realized he had no idea which last name she went by, Marquez or Haines.

“Julissa Haines,” he said, taking a guess.

“Is Ms. Haines expecting you?”

His lips twisted wryly. “I doubt it.”

The secretary pushed a button on the telephone system at the same time Tyler heard a familiar female voice coming from his right.


His muscles tense, he turned and spied Julissa standing in the open doorway to a large office. Her smooth black hair hung past her shoulders. In dress pants and a casual blouse, she looked beautiful and confident. Tyler suspected she always did.

“Can I help you?” Julissa asked coolly.

“Yes,” he said, ignoring her tone and taking a step in her direction. “I was hoping you could tell me where Memphis is.”

Her delicate brow instantly arched higher. “Have you tried calling him?”

He had. Several times. And had left three voice messages.

“He’s not returning my calls,” he said.

If the resulting expression on her face was anything to go by, the news came as a surprise. “I suppose that means he’s busy or his phone is out of service range. Or…he doesn’t want to talk to you.” She linked her fingers together, her manicured nails painted bright coral. “So why should I tell you his schedule?”

Tyler considered several different responses, but with the secretary watching them, his choices were limited.

“Because I’m not leaving until you do,” he finally said.

She tipped her head as something flitted across her face, but Tyler wasn’t clear on the source of the emotion.

Julissa finally gestured at her office door. “Follow me.”

Gearing up for the battle sure to follow, Tyler passed by her and headed into the large office with sage walls and cream-colored, plush furniture. Julissa crossed to a large desk and turned to rest her hip on the edge. She looked at him expectantly.

“It’s really important I find Memphis today,” Tyler said.


Tyler bit back a sigh.

Maybe his reasons were selfish, and maybe sharing what Memphis had told him was wrong, but he’d use every weapon at his disposal to get Memphis to seek medical help as soon as possible. And Julissa would be a powerful weapon.

Decision made, Tyler took a seat. “Because I have to convince him to see a doctor as soon as possible.” He hesitated, hating to be the one to tell her the news. “It appears his cancer has come back.”

Julissa gripped the edge of the desk, her face pale. Tyler gave her several seconds to deal with the information, knowing from experience it wouldn’t really help.

“Unfortunately,” Tyler finally went on, “I don’t think he’s going to see a doctor. So my plan is to find him the most qualified physician I can, make him the earliest appointment possible, and get him to keep it.”

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