Bounty's End (Bounty for Hire) (5 page)

BOOK: Bounty's End (Bounty for Hire)
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Jefferson just stood there looking at everyone. Suddenly, he announced it was over and just as he’d appeared, he walked out of the apartment he’d shared with Eva.

It was then that he saw Eva on the floor, crumpled into a ball with Keylee beside her. He walked over to her, lifting her up and into his arms to place her on the couch.

She looked so lost, eyes just staring past him, through him, that it shook him. That was his vibrant Eva, loud in voice and color. She’d held nothing back until that moment.

In a voice that was not hers, Thomas heard her ask for them to leave.

No one moved until she screamed at them to leave her alone and to never come back.

One by one, they left her alone, until only Thomas was left. He stood near the doorway with Keylee just outside on the steps waiting for him. He watched as Eva stood from the couch and went to look out the window.


“Thomas, I can’t. I don’t know what to say. Did you know that I
pregnant?” She didn’t wait for his response as she continued. “But during a break at work today, I was spotting, doubling over in cramps. I went to the hospital, where they confirmed my worst nightmare. I lost the baby. You know, I almost laughed right then and there in the ER with all those nurses looking at me. I was devastated, and oh god, Thomas, it hurt. But you know what? I knew that it would be okay. I knew this, because Jefferson would be here. He would tell me he loved me and everything would be all right. It’s not going to be all right. It hurts, Thomas. It all hurts too much. I loved him with everything I had and then some. Jefferson, he…he saw me. He didn’t see the overweight girl I used to be, he saw
. And now this, with everything else. I can’t, Thomas. I just can’t.”

Thomas left the doorway and put his arms around her.

“Eva, no matter what, Keylee and I are here for you. Remember that. We love you. You are ours and will always be ours.” He kissed her head and stepped away.

“Thomas, promise you will leave me alone unless it is absolutely necessary.”

“Yeah, sweetheart, I will, but I can’t make that promise for Keylee.” He didn’t want to make that promise to her, but because of the weakness in her voice, Thomas knew he had to give her that much. If that was all he could give her, than a promise it would be.

“I understand.”

That was the last time he’d spoken to her until this moment.



Chapter 7



“I don’t know why you think I have to ride with you. My parents were right there. I hope you know it was rude as all get out to just manhandle me in front of them. My parents, no less.” Thomas heard the screech in her voice, hoping she was done, but nope, she just kept right on going.
Please, make her stop
. “Seriously, this whole ‘I am man’ shit of yours has to stop. What gives you the right to just drag me away like that?”

Thomas had held her hand in his as they made the trek back to his parked truck. He needed to get her home and have the clock ready for when Anthony and the boys in blue arrived at her house. As they walked, Wen would not stop talking. Thomas’s head was hurting listening to her go on and on. He thought about telling her to shut up, but he liked the way her mouth moved. Her lips got all puckered up when she glaring at him with a death ray stare.

There was worse he could imagine dealing with. However, if he did choose to argue with her, it would be about the fact that he did not manhandle her. Drag, yes; manhandle, not so much.

“Wen, I told your parents, that I was taking you home and out for dinner. I also informed them that I planned on staying around until this matter was taken care of. I do not drag people nor manhandle unless it is absolutely necessary. Honestly, do you think your father would put up with you being manhandled?”

“No.” Her voice was hushed.

“Yeah, sweetheart, I didn’t think so.”

“Still, jerk wad, it didn’t give you the right to just grab me and pull me away.”

“Wen, the cops are going to be on their way to your house. Your parents were fine and were more worried about you, as you announced to half the population on the sidewalk that you thought you were being followed and asked Anthony if that was possibly related to the damn clock in your house.” Thomas could feel his anger rising. Any one of those damn bystanders could have been responsible for the break in, or worse, could be the asshole following her.

“So again, tell me why I am having this argument with you, because truly it is senseless.”

That said, Thomas was glad that they finally made it to his truck. Because once she was in the truck, he watched her mouth close and he was then able to slam the door and walk over to his side. Man, for her being so sexy, she sure had a mouth on her. One he did not mind exploring.


* * *


Wen saw his smile as he walked around the truck. As he opened his damned door, he still wore that damn grin. She didn’t know whether to kiss it or smack it off his face. The jerk, thinking he could just drag her away, announcing to all, that he would be with her through this. Well, it was her fault. She did call him. Man, of all the stupid things she had done. This could easily top the list. Calling Thomas Anders to her house was obviously going to be a mistake.

The ride back to her house was filled with silence. It seemed that neither of them was in the mood to talk about her parents, or what he had said before leaving the shop.

It was the truth though and he was right. Any person there could be a suspect. Was that what his life was like? Seeing everyone as a person of interest, a person holding out on a secret? She couldn’t do it. She couldn’t imagine how he did.

“You coming, Lotus?”

Well, that got her attention.

“What? What did you just call me?”

“Lotus. Wen means Lotus. So I don’t see why I can’t call you Lotus; or maybe I will call you my little lotus flower.”

Smacking him was sounding a lot better the more he talked. Yes, a good smacking not only would shut him up, but it would also make her feel better.

“I swear to God, Thomas, if you do—”

“Wen, get back to the truck now.”

She heard him say the order with such a stern tone that she walked right into his back before she came to a stop.

“What’s wrong?”

“Wen, get your ass back into my truck now
I tell you it’s safe.”

“Safe? Thomas, what the hell is going on?” Wen could feel her heartbeat racing against her chest and her voice rising with panic. It was just a small step to the side and that was when she ran right into Thomas’s arm as he held it out to stop her from coming around him. It was then she saw it.

Her front door was kicked in just enough that from her standing point, she could see clear into her house. Wen could feel herself falling, only to be stopped by big strong arms bracing her, allowing her to keep standing.

“Oh God,” she whispered against the cool breeze.

“I know, baby. Can you make it to the truck or do you need me to take you?”

She rolled her eyes. She was not some child. She appreciated his concern, but she would rather face the situation head on then be dealt with like a child. Then again, he probably knew what he was doing. Still… “No. I’m going in.” Wen forced her voice to be strong as she pushed against Thomas to stand on her own two feet.

“You might think so, but not until I go in and make sure there is no one in your house.”

“Well then, get going, big guy, because let me tell you, you have about ten seconds before I follow you.” Wen turned her face up to stare into Thomas’s deep chocolate eyes. She was going to go in one way or the other and she was going to convey that to him with a big stare down.

Thanks for that information, Keylee

Keylee always said that was the one thing she could hold against Thomas. You stare him down and eventually he will give. So that was what she was going to do.


* * *


Thomas could see that this was going nowhere and her stare was just intensifying. It was amusing when Keylee did it because her eyes would bug out of her head. It was why he hated it so much. He feared her eyes would fall out. Sure, he knew it was not possible; however, it did not stop him from giving into her stare.

Keylee must have told Wen about the stare. It was the only possible thing Thomas could think of why her eyes were squinting with such intensity.

“You know, you keep that up too long and your eyes might stay that way.” He laughed because that was when he saw her eye pop open. Yep, all Keylee.

“I am not a child,” she remarked.

“No, you are not, but standing out here in the open, demanding to go into a dangerous situation, sure seems to me like acting like a child. Now, I will repeat, get your ass in the truck and wait for me,” he snapped.



Chapter 8



Thomas could see that each word was hitting home as he spoke to Wen. He didn’t want to be mean, but she was acting like a teenager. For all he knew, they could walk in and there would be someone waiting to get her. Especially if she had a clock that was like the one that was stolen. There was no way in hell he was going to take that chance with her.

“Wen,” he growled when he saw that she made no move to head toward his truck.

Thomas watched as her finger came up to hit him in the chest. He tried not to smile at her. But damn, it was cute watching a woman just a hair shorter than his sister pointing a finger in his chest. She had no fear when it came to his height. It wasn’t that he was overly tall, but to her short stature, he was sure he seemed like a giant. Well, that was what Keylee always said, considering that he and Jefferson had always been taller than her.

“Listen to me, Thomas Anders, I will go to that truck and wait for you to come back out. However, I want you to understand one thing. I am doing this because
know it is the smart move.
because you said I had to.”

With that, Thomas watched as she turned on her heels and marched with her back straight and head held high toward his truck. He waited until she was inside the truck and the door was shut before he proceeded to her front door. He knew he should be calling the cops before entering the house. Yet, that was not what he wanted. He was just in her house and he knew exactly where most things were. He wanted to be the first to inform Wen what she was going to be walking into.

Turning around just one more time to make sure her ass had not moved out of the truck, he was presented with Wen sticking her tongue out at him. Childish, yes, but he would make sure she put that tongue to better use at a later time.

Squaring his shoulders, he made his way in the house, preparing for the worst and hoping for the best.


* * *


She could not believe the nerve of the man to tell her she had to get her ass back in the truck. Sure, she understood, she even got it, but still, it was the whole ordering her around in his authoritative tone she did not appreciate.

When she saw him turn and glare at her from her front steps before entering her house, she was hit with this sudden urge to stick her tongue out. Childish, you bet it was, but he did that to her.

Wen could feel herself growling at the man at how much he infuriated her. If this was what she was staying away from, then all the better. She had thought heartbreak. HA! Heartbreak, her ass. More along the lines of aggravation.

Nonetheless, it didn’t stop her from holding her breath as she watched Thomas walk in the house and disappear. It seemed as though time slowed waiting for him to come back outside. It was then she looked at the clock. Shit, only five minutes had passed. She needed out of the truck. What if someone was still in there and he was hurt? What if he left her to chase the guy away?

Oh, this was not good

Just as she was sliding out of the truck, she noticed him coming out of the house.

She wanted to run to him to see what was going on. Yet, it was his face that held her still. It was masked, but his eyes said so much more. Her parents always said people could hide who they are, but the eyes held the person’s soul. Bad eyes, bad souls. Thomas did not have bad eyes. They were deep and filled with so many things, which was why she held back. She could be consumed by him and that was not what she wanted or needed right now.

Yet, looking at his eyes she needed, no she wanted to be consumed by him. She needed to take the pain away, even though she knew at this point the pain in those wonderful eyes were for her.

“Bad?” She heard the words rush from her mouth.

She held her breath, waiting for him to say something, anything. It wasn’t until he placed his hands on her shoulder that he finally spoke.

“Could be worse, but overall, there is some damage. I didn’t see the clock, so I can only assume that whoever was here, got it. Good news, maybe now they will leave you alone. Bad news, you have a cleanup you need to deal with.”

Wen nodded, not able to look at him anymore. She focused her stare at her front door. Cops were already on the way to her house for the now missing clock. She needed to access the damage and make a claim to her insurance. This was not what she had in mind for the day.

She was not going to cry, not at all. Tears would be shed, but later. Much later, after a whole bottle of wine and when Thomas was gone.

“Okay, let’s do this.”

“Wen, we need to wait for the cops to get here.”

“No, Thomas, I need to see the inside of my god damn house. I need to check on Peaches, because if those inconsiderate jerks did anything to my baby, there is going to be hell to pay. That is what
need. Then, when the cops finally show up, I will deal with them. But right now, I want to see the inside of my damn house!” she yelled. She knew it was a little overboard, but she could not rein in her anger.

She noticed that Thomas wanted to say something, but when she watched his mouth open and then close right back up, she knew that she had won the argument.

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