Bounty's End (Bounty for Hire)

BOOK: Bounty's End (Bounty for Hire)
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Bounty’s End


AJ Wiliams


Copyright © January 2013 AJ Wiliams




This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, businesses, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination, or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locations, organizations, or person, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Any trademarks mentioned herein are not authorized by the trademark owners and do not in any way mean the work is sponsored by or associated with the trademark owners. Any trademarks used are specifically in a descriptive capacity.

No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form (electronic or print) without permission from the author. Please do not participate in piracy or violating the author’s rights.


Editor: Lea Ellen Borg
@ Night Owl Editing

Cover Illustration: Lyn Stanzione
@ stanzalonedesign

Book Formatting: Lucinda Campbell



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Bounty for Hunter



Chapter 1



When Thomas heard the shots ring out he did not hesitate to charge toward the gunfire. It was built into him just as it was built into Jefferson and Alek. They all knew Keylee was out in the front, but it wouldn’t have mattered if the place were empty, because the very idea that there was danger sent them into action.

Each of them had put in their time to serve their country. Coming to the aid of others was something natural. When they reached the front of the building, what he saw nearly sent him to his knees. Though they’ve seen horrendous things in life, the image of Keylee on the floor, face down, arms stretched out, was something he could have gone without seeing.

He glanced at his brother, Jefferson, sharing the same nonverbal image of seeing Keylee strapped to a chair naked and bleeding while a psychopath held her captive. Those images reared forward as he stood there for a brief second before rushing over to Keylee and the blonde woman who was under her.

As soon as the explanations and planning were taken care of, Alek left with the blonde woman named Tess, while he and Jefferson talked with Keylee. Thomas knew exactly how the conversation would go. However, it did not stop him or Jefferson from making their points known. It was a big brother thing.

Finally having everything settled to a certain degree, Thomas and Jefferson left the building and walked to their cars. Thomas thought long and hard about sending Keylee on this trip. Yes, it was their job to catch criminals, but holy hell, this guy was supposed to be innocent. Something on this caliber was unprecedented. He could only hope that Alek knew what he was doing when he agreed to this deal.

This situation was not about his lack of belief in Keylee. It was more to the fact that he wanted to keep her close and safe.

“I don’t like it, Thomas, I really don’t,” Jefferson said as they approached their vehicles in the back alley.

“You and me both, but you saw the look in her eyes and you heard Alek. We have to trust him and

“I know you are right, but still…”

Thomas looked at his brother and saw the circles under his eyes, heard the tiredness in his voice.

He was about to say something when Jefferson continued, “You want to ride together?”

“Nah, man, I’m heading home to—”

“Check out Wen.” Jefferson finished the sentence.

“No, I need to see if I got a package, you dirt bag.”

“Keep telling yourself that, buddy. Tell Wen I said ‘hi’ when you see her.”

Thomas didn’t get a chance to reply as his brother had already turned his back to him and was jumping into his truck.

He watched him drive away before he got into his own vehicle. He hated it when Jefferson or Keylee knew what he was going to do. He guessed it was part of the sibling closeness. Still, it sucked.

Thomas drove the fifteen minutes to his house and when he pulled onto his street, he saw that Wen’s car was parked in the single driveway at her house. It was a Monday, and normally she was at her parent’s antique shop. He loved her parents’ shop, Simply Antiques. The store was open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, from nine to three, and occasionally ’till five, and Saturday from one to five. How they made a profitable business with those hours was beyond him. Yet, Simply Antiques did a lot of business. Whenever he went in the place, it was packed. He wondered what she was doing home so early. He glanced down at his watched and noticed that it was just a little past three in the afternoon. It must have been a slow day for her. Walking up his sidewalk after he checked his mail, he noticed that there was no package delivered. Wondering if Wen had it was his perfect reason for seeing her.

Thomas wore a smile at that thought. He had informed the delivery guy that if there was package for Keylee or him, and they weren’t home, to deliver packages across the street. The delivery guy didn’t blame him, and Jefferson and Keylee understood his reasons, too. It was just that, well, it was the only way he had a reason for seeing Wen since she’d moved into her house.

Making the trek across the street, he rang her bell and waited. When she opened the door, she stood with a smile on her face until she looked up and saw him.

“Thomas,” her voice was rough and low.

“Wen, darling. Did you get any packages for me?”

“No and you could have called. What if I wasn’t home?”

“Awe, yes, but you see, you were home and thus the reason I walked over. So is that a ‘no’ to the packages?” he teased.

Thomas watched as she shook her head and rolled her eyes up in the air.

“You are correct in your assumption that I have not received any packages for you. If I had, you know I put a note on your house or I call. I have done neither.”

Thomas loved this whenever he came to talk to her. Her back would be stiff, her eyes were narrow and her hand would be braced up against the doorframe. All so she could make a stance of not allowing him into her home.

Thomas could see that he was not going to get anywhere with her at this moment, but it still didn’t stop him for proceeding.

“You free tonight for dinner?”

“I told you I don’t date, Thomas.” He watched as she bit out every word. However, this time it was different. Her voice carried a smile.

“One date, Wen. Come on, please? I’ll drop down on my knees if that’s what it will take.”

Thomas nearly did drop to his knees when a smile lit up her face.
Yes, he was winning, finally

“Coffee. That is it.” Her finger pointed at his chest.

It looked as though she was about to say more, but she closed herself off again. Thomas wanted to ask what was wrong, but he was afraid to push her too much. He’d finally gotten coffee out of her. Really, six months of texts, flowers, and stalking her and he finally got coffee. Hearing her clock chime reminded him that he needed to get over to Alek’s.

“I will call you later tonight to set a date and time, okay? Seriously, Wen, no chickening out this time. I want a
.” He knew his voice sounded desperate, but he couldn’t help it. He

Watching her nod, he turned and headed back to his driveway. Thomas knew that the night was supposed to be nice, so instead of his truck, he hopped onto his Harley Iron 883. Once the roar of the bike started, he carefully backed out of his drive and started his ten-minute drive to Alek’s.

On the ride there, the wind rushed over his body as he allowed his thoughts to wonder to that day six months ago where he fell completely in love with Wen and those dark exotic eyes of hers.

He’d just gotten done mowing the front lawn when he watched as a moving truck pulled into the house across the street. Not really caring though, because people came and went in their area due to the housing market. Thomas decided to go on to the backyard and tackle the monster of grass and weeds. Two hours later, he emerged out his front door to check on the mail when he noticed that there was a small young Asian woman running out of her house after a car that was pulling away.

“Everything okay?” Thomas shouted across the street.

“No, my parents just left and I…well I…oh, never mind.” Thomas watched as her shoulders hunched over as though she was defeated.

“Do you need some help? I could help if you need it.”

She turned so quickly that he was afraid she was going to stumble and fall.

“Really?” she asked.

Even from across the street, he heard the excitement and joy in her voice.

“Yeah,” he replied as he walked across the street.

When he reached her, Thomas was stunned by how beautiful she looked. Her skin was not white and it was not quite tanned. Her eyes were a dark brown that narrowed at the ends. Classic Asian eyes, thick black long eyelashes.

“Thomas Anders,” he said as he out reached his hand for a shake.

“Wen Snow.”

When he shook her hand, it was as if a bolt of electricity ran right through him, shocking him. It took everything he had not to pull back from her hand.

As the afternoon wore on, Thomas could not stop thinking about the feeling he had when they touched. His parents said that when they had first met, it was a simple touch, and after that, they each knew they were meant to be. He heard the story so much as a kid, as that was Keylee’s favorite bedtime story. A story that was like all fairy tales, Thomas thought, until that one moment when his hand touched hers.

As they finished moving items, Thomas found the need to stick around. He didn’t want to leave her.

“I was about to head out and get dinner. Would you like to join me?” he asked, trying to sound non-creepy. He had just met the woman.

Watching as she eyed him closely, all he got was a headshake.

“Come on, dinner, that’s it. I will even buy as a welcome to the neighborhood.”

“No, thanks. But seriously, thank you for helping me move the furniture.”

He just couldn’t leave yet and he could tell that she as ready for him to exit her house. In one last move, he thought about grabbing for her hand.

“Please say yes to dinner.” He batted his eyes as his last resort. He couldn’t tell if she was getting mad or not but something in her face changed. He was sure she felt it too. The chemistry between them. He was all prepared for a yes, when “No, thanks” came out of her mouth. It was the smile that she wore that told him that he was going to have to work for it. Kissing her hand before he left, Thomas vowed to get a date with her. Flowers were sent once a week whether he was at home or not. He sent her text messages letting her know when he would be home and asking for a date the next day. He even resorted to walking over to her house only to be told she had plans. He liked to think she didn’t have plans. But that did not stop him from watching the house to see if she truly did. Occasionally, he would see her leave, but for the most part, she stayed home.

As the months wore on, Thomas thought about giving up, but it was those times when he saw her, and her eyes would shine and then narrow in his direction, that gave him hope. He liked a challenge and he knew he would break her down. It was just a matter of time.

It took six long months, but it finally happened. Thomas smiled to himself as he pulled into the parking garage where Alek stayed.



Chapter 2



Thomas sat there in Alek’s condo wishing there was more he could be doing. He had been here for a few hours now. Though he’d finally gotten a date, or what he hoped would turn into a date with Wen, he was occupied with looking at Tess. Her hair was now straight and she was sitting on the couch in a pair of jeans that he assumed she’d changed into when she arrived. Thomas moved his eyes across his boss’s condo which screamed ‘single male’.

Tess was beautiful, and looking at her with her hair down reminded him of how Wen’s hair moved when she would wear it down. Just the thought of her hair down and swaying in the wind sent a smile across his face. He knew exactly what he was going to do. Get her on the back of his bike and... His thoughts were gone when he looked up and noticed that Jefferson had moved a chair close to the window to stare out into the blackness that was descending on the city.

Neither of them felt like just sitting here, but with Alek out doing his so-called errand, it was up to Jefferson and him to protect Tess. One of them could leave, but they each knew that with Keylee out and about, it was best to stay close in case of an emergency.

If the bullets flying earlier today were anything to go on, it looked as though Tess was in need of protection, and protection was what she was going to get.

Thomas did wonder why the boss wasn’t here to help Tess, but then again, the look in the girl’s eyes when she glanced at Alek at the office was probably one of the reasons he was off doing who knows what. Alek was not the settling down type of guy. Love and leave them was his rule.

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