Bound Obsession (BDSM Erotica) (Club Taboo Book 1) (3 page)

BOOK: Bound Obsession (BDSM Erotica) (Club Taboo Book 1)
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“You are green, my dear,” Mistress Serena started. “And I have my doubts when it comes to your so-called private experience.”


She had blown it before she was even out of the gate, and when Mistress Serena pushed away from her desk, Abigail was nearly resigned to heading out with Mariah for a drink and returning to her perpetual state of worry with no way to pay her bills this month or the next or the next…

“But color me curious,” Mistress Serena continued. “I think that you might prove a favorite with some of the regulars. One in particular.”

Abigail barely comprehended her words when she reached into her pocket and pressed a wad of crisp bills into Mariah’s hand.

“Referral bonus,” she said. “You’ll get the rest when… if she works out.”

She vanished into a back room, and once they were alone, Mariah seized Abigail’s shoulders and squealed.

“You did it!” Mariah screamed. “And it was hot! Aren’t you so excited?”

That was some of it. A part of her was still scared, but in the face of Mariah’s enthusiasm, Abigail could do nothing but nod and take her hand.

“Let’s see what happens.”



Chapter 3

It wasn’t supposed to go down like this. She was supposed to be starting a career, a real career, and saving for the future. To hear Mariah tell it, she’d have more money than she would know what to do with after her first night alone. That sounded good, and she was curious to feel the hands of these men and see if they kissed with their eyes opened. Still, it would have been better to have simply chanced upon a kindred spirit and have him know what she really was and wanted. Any man that she would find here would undoubtedly have his own real life to get back to once the darkness turned to dawn. But this was a job, and she needed that more than some fantasy that was never going to come to pass.

“Okay?” Mariah asked as she touched her shoulder.

“Sure,” Abigail said. “Did I… did I say thank you?”

She couldn’t remember, and Abigail was grateful for the chance. Hugging her close, Mariah whispered lightly into her ear.

“Over and over again,” Mariah said. “And you are more than welcome.”

Their embrace was interrupted by the return of Mistress Serena. As she surveyed her stock, she snapped and ordered the other girls back on the floor.

“You, too, Miss Mariah.”

With a quick squeeze of Abigail’s hand, Mariah disappeared with the others, and Mistress Serena looked her up and down.

“Fits like a glove, no?”

It was just as tight. She had pressed her slim body into a black leather bustier that hugged her curves in all the right places and sent her cleavage pouring out. She guessed that it was a flattering look, but modesty soon took over, and she covered the display in one of the many red silk robes that the girls were allowed when they weren’t on the clock. Out on the floor would prove a very different story.

But Abigail wasn’t there just yet.

She gazed at her reflection in the mirror, her long brown hair hanging about her neck, the neck had first turned the boss’ head, in soft ringlets.

“Are you ready, Abby?” she asked.

Feigning a need to get everything just so, Abigail fell to a chair and started brushing her lashes with a mascara wand for the thousandth time. The groan at her back told her that she was spending far too long on the particulars. Eyes opened or closed, this was about other parts of her body.


Abigail tensed when Mistress Serena touched her shoulder, but she kept expanding her eyelashes as she spoke in an unsteady voice.

“I… I just want it to everything to be perfect,” Abigail said as she let the wand fall to the table.

“You look fine, Abby,” Mistress Serena said, her violet eyes flashing as she patted her sleek ebony hair.
“Now you need to get out there and earn your keep.”

Mariah had told her as much. The base pay was generous; the tips more so. But Mistress Serena always got her cut. That was the best way to stay in the woman’s good graces.


“Look, Abby,” Mistress Serena hissed. “I’m giving you a chance. Mariah vouched for you and you…”

As her voice trailed off, Serena leaned over her shoulder and laid a light kiss on Abigail’s cheek. Staring with her into the mirror, she grabbed onto one ringlet and twirled the curled hair around her finger.

“And you put on quite a show in my office,” Serena continued.

The sound of that encouragement nearly relaxed her, but then Mistress Serena grinded her nails through the silk, and as Abigail winced in pain, Serena held her steady.

“But you let me down, and you’re gone. No second chances.”

Swallowing hard, Abigail pushed away from the table, still wearing the red robe that was hers to linger in when she wasn’t on the floor. But she needed to get out soon and prove that she belonged, and as she removed her robe, Serena whistled and took her arm.

“Now that’s more like it!” Serena said. “Let’s see what you’re all about.”

The club was alive with activity, and the pounding of the music sent the walls pulsing to the point where she thought that they might collapse all around them. Should that happen, there would be women buried with bound hands as they rimmed the asses of hairy men or lay with their legs speed wide to stakes poking out of the floor. She saw some cunts penetrated while others were teased with feathers and flames. Some girls were bound to their bellies while hot wax dripped across their backs, and she saw Mariah strung up on a hook, her hands bound tightly together. It seemed the fitting positing for a whipping, and the thought of her friend’s skin stripped from her back in long strands nearly made her race forward.

Mistress Serena held her back.

“Watch,” she insisted. “And learn.”

Mariah’s partner was a dumpy man with a belly protruding across his belt and thinning hair over his brow. One look was enough to tell Abigail that Mariah deserved better, could do better. But as she remained trapped in Mistress Serena’s hands, Abigail watched an amazing scene unfold.

Stripping off his slacks and his boxers, the man fell to his knees and took hold of Mariah’s legs. Instead of cracking leather, he started to fling his tongue all about her flesh, his aim grazing perilously close to her cunt before he dialed back and returned to licking her limbs. Tossing her head back, Mariah laughed as this man that had no right to all that she was unfurled his cock and cut her loose from the ceiling. With her arms still entrapped behind her back. Mariah assumed Abigail’s position from the office and sank to her knees.

“I’m ready,” she murmured. “Ready for you, baby.”

Abigail watched in wonder as her stunning friend parted her lips and kissed the tip of the meaty cock. She seemed to hesitate for all of a second, no doubt wanting to gag on the gamey taste before her. Abigail tried to move forward again but Mistress Serena kept holding her back and instructed, demanded that she do nothing but just look.

Obeying the order, Abigail watched as Mariah smiled and took the cock in her mouth. Her friend had never seemed so eager, and as she suckled the fat man and absorbed the slight pat to her cheek, her mouth seemed to grow wider, and she opened her throat to take all of him in. With his tip seemingly lodged well beyond her tongue, Mariah worked like mad to get him off. It proved an easy task, and as his cum dribbled down Mariah’s cheeks, Abigail suddenly felt certain that she could never to that, and she managed to push away from Mistress Serena as Mariah drained the stranger’s cock dry and choked down the excess.


With a forceful hand, Mistress Serena stopped her where she stood and turned Abigail back to face her.

“What is you deal?” Serena demanded. “You come to play or not?”

Flashing back to the hands that admired her body in the dark office, Abigail offered a shy smile and started to bow her head.

“Mistress Serena, I---”

“Don’t get cute!”

Serena dragged her to a dark corner out of the view of the many girls pleasuring and being teased by the wide array of clients.

“Your sweet little act might have got your ass a chance on my floor, but you go big or you go home.”

Smiling with her lips, Serena’s eyes staying like purple glass surrounded by a layer of thick frost, and she cupped Abigail’s face, tapping her pointy fingers to her face.

“So what’s it going to be, Abby?”

Glancing over the woman’s shoulder, Abigail swiftly spied the scene. Mariah was nowhere to be found, and out of the men that were not hidden behind closed doors having their fun in relative secrecy, she could see only one that did not turn her stomach.

“Him,” Abigail said in a low, hoarse whisper.

Serena followed her gaze to the horse upon which Abigail was prepared to bet. He was tall and lean with spiky blonde hair and icy blue eyes. The man saw Abigail looking and raised his glass. Biting down on her lip, Abigail straightened her shoulders and prepared to go to work.

But again Serena stopped her.

“Abby, I don’t think so.”

There was something condescending in her stare, and as Serena wrapped her arm around Abigail’s creamy shoulders, she slowly shook her head.

“Too much, too soon. I don’t want you shattered on your first night out of the gate.”

Something in Serena’s words terrified her. Maybe she was right; maybe Abigail did not know what she was getting into. But the alternatives were like too many sad sacks, and she couldn’t stand the thought of touching them or their hands on her. And then there was the dark horse. Sure he looked a little dangerous, but if Abigail had come this far, what was a few more steps?

Maybe she would succeed, shock Serena, and do her proud.

“Back to work,” Abigail said with a small smile. Leaving Mistress Serena’s side, she stepped towards the stranger and held out her hand.

“Now I haven’t seen you here before,” he said as he downed the rest of his drink.

“You… you just haven’t been looking,” Abigail said.

As soon as the words came out of her mouth, she thought that they sounded ridiculous, but the man smirked and sat her down at a table for two. Abigail cast a quick look in Serena’s direction and saw her boss watching and waiting. No doubt for her to screw up. But Abigail was determined to make this work, and as she looked in the man’s eyes, drank in the angular line of his jaw, she believed that it wouldn’t be as hard to please him as she thought. Maybe she’d even enjoy it.

“Don’t know about that,” the man said. “I’m something of a regular, and I think that you’re as green as a meadow.”

Blushing, Abigail bowed her head. The gesture had turned Serena on, and maybe lightening could strike twice.

“You got me, sir,” Abigail said.

“Oh I like that.”

Lifting her eyes back to his, the man studied her face carefully, tilting his head one way than the other.

“Did she say anything about me?” the man asked.

Abigail followed the line of his sight back to Mistress Serena. She brought a fresh glass or red wine to her lips and sipped slowly.

“And what would she have to say?” Abigail said, trying to make light of the situation.

The man shot Serena a cold glare, and to Abigail’s surprise, she watched the woman turn away to talk to another client. So this man had the power to make her quake. Something about that was exciting.

And terrifying in equal measures.

“Nothing important,” the man said. “Look at me.”

Doing as she was told, Abigail faced the man. He was smiling, but her knees trembled as he fondled her skin.

Calm down, Abby. It’s okay. It’s part of the act. The job. Nothing bad is going to happen. Nothing really.

“Better,” he said. “I’m Walter.”


He was glorious to look at, and as the other girls moaned and writhed around her, a part of Abigail was tempted to know what it would feel like to have his hands on her, inside her. Other parts buzzing all around her flesh.

“And what do I call you?” Walter asked.

Should she just say Abigail or Abby? Or should she try to get in the spirit of the thing and give him a super sexy secret name like Aurora or Desiree?


“Never mind,” Walter said. “We’re not here to talk, right?”

No. No not at all.

Dropping his glass, the man took her hand none too gently, but as Abigail instinctively tried to pull away from him, he cradled the small of her back in his hand.

“Easy,” he said. “You came over here. Remember?”

Another look over her shoulder showed her that Mistress Serena was gone, and Mariah was still MIA. Turning her head, Walter pressed her brow to his broad chest. His hot breath passed through his lips and entered her ear.

“I’m going to do all kinds of things to you,” he promised.

Okay. Okay. So she’d have to strip and suck him off, swallowing every drop of his cum until he rallied and flipped her to her back and dove in, his lust renewed in the face of her servitude. Walter looked good, smelled better, and she was nearly off the floor on his arm, when he breathed into her ear again.

“I can’t wait to hear you scream.”

Stopping where she stood, Abigail blanched. As Walter’s hold tightened, it was not a question of knowing if the man was serious. His determination seemed lethal.


Walter pressed her body to one of the walls and gripped her shoulders as his smile morphed into a cruel leer.

“New meat, I’m going to break you in real good,” Walter said. Crushing his mouth to hers, Abigail tried to resist the kiss and regain her breath. She was losing both battles, and she was only able to gasp when Walter released her, his hands still on arms, every one of her soft hairs tingling.

“I… I don’t know…”

Hiding her in a corner, Walter flattened his palm and smacked it across her sweating face. So much for no real pain. As Abigail tried to clutch her stinging cheek, Walter wrestled her hand behind her back and bared his teeth.

“That doesn’t matter,” Walter said. “You’re mine for as long as I say.”

Would it just be for this one night? Or did Walter have other plans in mind, plans to which Mistress Serena was privy? How Abigail wished that she had listened to her and taken things slower with one of the other clients. Even Mariah’s big boy seemed a better alternative as Walter kept backing her away from the main floor. His lips parted, and he started to chew on her straps. The force of his bite was so strong that he got one breast free. Burying his face in her chest, he started to nip at her soft mounds, his teeth tugging at her nipples. This was not what she had bargained for; it hurt, and Abigail was nearly certain that she felt the flow of blood. Screaming, maybe in the way that he had wanted from the start, Abigail sprang to life and started to batter Walter’s back with small fists.

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