Bound by Vengeance (20 page)

Read Bound by Vengeance Online

Authors: Adriana Noir

Tags: #Romance, #Suspense, #Contemporary

BOOK: Bound by Vengeance
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a lucky girl, Taylor, so very lucky,” he said softly. “Witnesses and evidence support your story.”

Witnesses and evidence? She barely had time to ponder his words before relief rushed through her trembling body, and she opened her mouth to thank him. A qu
ick slash of his hand through the air locked the words in her throat.

“That doesn’t let you off the hook. It doesn’t change the fact that you disobeyed me and showed a complete lack of common sense. You aren’t a stupid woman, Taylor. Why is it that you ins
ist on making bad decisions? No,” he said, shaking his head as if to correct himself. “It doesn’t matter why. You are fortunate to have me to look out for you. This is something we will continue to work on together.”

Fresh terror froze the blood in her ve
ins. When words failed her, she held up an imploring hand.

“Get undressed.”

Her head shook franticly as his hands landed on the heavy buckle of his belt. She was positive only her obedient fingers fumbling with her clothing kept him from snapping at her silent denial.

“What part of that can you possibly disagree with, Taylor? Does it seem sensible to you with everything going on for you to kneel out in the open for hours where Laychee or a sniper could pick you off? Is it a sound decision to distract a b
odyguard from his job with idle chit chat or to fill hands meant to be around a gun with a coffee mug?”

A sob broke in her throat as she shook her head harder. A brief glimmer of desire lit his pale eyes as they raked over her now naked form. Sebastian’s
expression hardened before he turned away and a deep stab of guilt mingled with the fear wracking her from the inside out. The metal belt buckle jangled as he pulled the strap free and used it to point to the end of the bed.

“You know the routine.”

Burying her face in the comforter did nothing to muffle her cry when the belt sliced through the air and landed across the back of her thighs with a startling snap. An instant line of fire ignited in its wake. Another followed in quick suit, wresting a strangled scream from her throat. The thick strap bit into her skin in a series of rapid strikes. Fisting the black and silver blankets, she writhed in place, trying to diffuse the sting. The blows came harder. Realizing her mistake, Taylor stilled in surrender. She stiffened, crying out as the menacing kiss of leather branded her body. It licked across her thighs and the swell of her ass, leaving a slow, deliberate burn until her sobs, too, ceased.

The gentle glide of Sebastian’s fingers was jarring. She whimpered
as they rekindled the lines of fire that branched across her flesh. She shuddered, biting back a cry when he cupped the upturned globes of her ass and molded them in his palms. A low groan vibrated in the base of her throat as the sting increased and snaked across her skin.

“You are very lucky, Taylor,” he mused in a quiet rasp. “Things would have been so much worse if you had lied to me. So much worse. Don’t ever disobey me or go against my wishes again. Is that clear?”

“Yes, Sebastian.” Taylor sniffled, trembling as his hands continued their slow journey over her body. He leaned over her and his breath fell scalding against her skin.

“You are mine,” he whispered against her ear. “Don’t forget that, Taylor. I will never share y
ou with another man.

She tensed upon hearing the telltale rustle of clothing behind her. A renewed surge of fear danced through her shell-shocked system. “I know, Sebastian. I don’t want anyone else but you. I swear.”

He wound his fist in her hair and tugged her head back sharply. She moaned as he kissed the side of her neck and ground his erection against the welted globes of her ass. “That’s a very good thing, sweetheart,” he murmured into the arch of her throat, “because I would kill him before I ever let that happen.”

She shivered at the hard edge of promise in his voice. Terror crawled through her veins. She closed her eyes as he rubbed her slit, turning the slight moisture gathered there into an eager flood. Taylor’s cheeks burned with shame as
pleasure coursed through her. No matter what he did or said, her desire for Sebastian never fled. It came as naturally and ingrained to her as breathing. Surely, there was something wrong with that.

His strong hands gripped her hips, his thumbs brushing t
he welted lines he’d lit across her skin. Unable to help herself, she moaned and rocked against him. An approving rumble vibrated through his chest, and she cried out in a combination of pain and bliss as Sebastian drove inside her. The hard slap of skin reignited the burn from the belt. His fingers bit deeper as he set a punishing pace. Taylor gripped the comforter, trying to steady herself as he pounded into her without mercy. Sebastian growled in pleasure. Rocking into the torment in a desperate bid to please him, Taylor met his forward thrusts. He angled her hips and mind-numbing ecstasy mingled with the pain. Within seconds, release swept through her ravaged form, drawing a hoarse scream from her lips. Colors clashed with fragments of light behind her closed lids until Sebastian stilled and his triumphant roar rang in her ears.

Breathless, Taylor collapsed against the massive four-poster bed, her muscles still shuddering with the strain. The soothing lull of Sebastian’s voice gradually brought her back d
own as he rubbed slow circles between her shoulder blades. She dangled in his grasp as he dragged her up the mattress and eased onto the bed beside her. His lips brushed her brow as he held her close.

A tiny voice in the back of her mind protested, insist
ing it was wrong, possibly even warped to love someone who could hurt her and to crave him the way she did, but it was like a fever—a sickness with no cure. In the end, her heart and body won. Breathing the scent of him in, Taylor pressed closer and burrowed against Sebastian’s chest, relishing in the warmth and comfort of his embrace. Closing her eyes, she sighed and gave in to the pull of surrender. Deep down, she knew it was for the best. There was no escape. There never had been. Not with him. There was no way to resist Sebastian, no way to fight back or win. If she left, he would use every resource he had to find her. Marx might kill her. All she could do was raise the flag of defeat and give in. Time and again, she yielded, bending to this man’s will, submitting to his ways. Life was a constant battle of pleasure and pain at Sebastian’s hands, but there was no denying the sweetness of the reward in the end.

His thumb brushed across her cheek, and Taylor’s eyes fluttered open to find his hypnotic gaze bo
ring into her.

“What are you thinking?” he asked.

Taylor shrugged, uncertain how to put her thoughts into words and less sure she wanted to do so. She realized even that was pointless. He would just drag it out of her and probably end up cross because of those efforts. Blowing out a shaky breath, she tried to turn her attention to the ceiling, but he grabbed her chin, forcing her stare back to him.

“I just don’t understand what’s wrong with me,” she admitted. “Why I never…question what you do or say no.”

His shoulders jerked in silent acknowledgement and his dark golden brows crept higher, lining Sebastian’s forehead. “What is there to question, Taylor? I make the reasons for your punishments quite clear.”

“I mean you punishing me in general. It hurts. I do
n’t like it, but I just…let you do it.”

His lips pursed for a second. “You let me,” he repeated. “You don’t
me do anything, Taylor. We’ve had this discussion before. Nothing you say or do is going to stop me. In fact, you trying will just make it worse, but if you want to try that route, go right ahead. See what that one gets you, darling.”

“I didn’t mean I wanted to fight you! You asked what I was thinking. Wrong or not, I was just being truthful.”

A terse smile lifted one corner of his mouth. “So was I. You know there will be consequences if you step out of line. You’ve known that from the beginning. I’ve never lied to you or hidden that fact. You’re the one who makes the choices that land you in trouble, not me. If you don’t like the results, I suggest you wise up and start making better decisions. We’ve been together long enough for you to know the rules and understand what I expect. Our relationship isn’t a game. I take keeping you safe and our life together very seriously. I advise you get your head on straight and do the same.”

Her mouth fell open and snapped shut as the blood drained from her face. Swallowing, Taylor forced an adamant shake of her head. “Sebastian, please,” she whispered. “I didn’t mean to upset you or make you think I was question
ing you, I just...” She trailed off at the gentle press of his forefinger against her lips. He followed it up with a quick kiss.

“Shh, baby, no.” His voice was soft and reassuring. “I will always strive to make you happy, Taylor, but first and foremost, it
is my job to protect you and do what’s best for us. If I catch you putting yourself or our relationship in danger, the repercussions will be severe. I can’t turn a blind eye to you putting your life on the line. It’s not to be cruel. It’s because I love you, and I refuse to lose you. You have no idea how precious you are to me.”

“I don’t mean to screw up. I wasn’t trying to disobey you today. Honestly, Sebastian, I didn’t think about it being dangerous. I just wanted some sunshine and fresh air, and it wa
s nice to have someone to talk to for a minute, even if it was in passing.” She lowered her eyes against his unwavering stare. “I know it’s my fault, but I can’t even call any of my friends to say hello. All of their numbers were stored inside my cell phone, and I didn’t have them memorized. I wasn’t trying to put myself in harm’s way. My life was really boring and sheltered until you. Things like snipers never even crossed my mind. Smart or not, it’s hard for me to think about things the way you do. I just don’t see the world the same way.”

He nodded and his expression softened as Sebastian palmed her cheek. “I know, baby. That’s why you needed this reminder. To help you think. I will always protect you and serve your best interests, even if that means savi
ng you from yourself.” Rolling onto his back, he dragged a hand through his tousled curls and sighed. “If you can remember to keep your priorities straight, I will see about getting you a new phone and getting all of your data transferred.”

“Don’t they nee
d my old cell to do that?”

A lazy grin split his face as he turned his head to look at her. “I think you are forgetting who I work for, darling.”

Blushing, she lowered her head with an embarrassed nod. Her expression sobered. Reaching out, she traced the sculpted ridges and valleys of his abs. “Thank you, Sebastian. That would mean so much to me. I promise to keep up with things and not let you down.”

Deep chasms carved his cheeks with his smile, and for a moment, she was awestruck by just how handsome he w
as when he was relaxed and happy. The mood wiped years off his face. A sweet, boyish charm replaced his usual stoic and stony visage. Just like his moods, it baffled her how quick one could replace the other.

Pulling her close, Sebastian ran his fingers up
her back, making her squirm. “Anything to make you happy, baby. Just bear in mind that it’s a two-way street and you don’t want me to have to remind you of that lesson again.” He kissed her head, silencing any reply. “Let’s grab a shower and get cleaned up. As much as I enjoy laying here with you, we still have a schedule to maintain and it’s time for dinner.”


Sebastian kept a close eye on Taylor as she cooked, well aware of how nervous his presence was making her. He could see the apprehension in her eyes every time they darted his way. For a while, he simply studied her, gauging her body language and the way she moved as she seasoned the steaks and diced the potatoes. Though shaken, she didn’t appear overly unhappy. Maybe the offer to replace her cellphone had appeased her. He hated to backtrack and undo any progress they’d made, but her mindset was troubling. Then there were the questions and concerns she’d posed earlier. Both were problems he didn’t need.

plate was full enough as it was, and now he had the added pressure of Marx breathing down the back of his neck and assessing his personal affairs. He couldn’t afford any more complications. Frowning, Sebastian adjusted his laptop and turned his attention back to the split video feeds of the warehouse and Laychee’s home. Nothing out of the ordinary appeared on either screen. Content with that knowledge, he shut the computer and wandered into the kitchen.

Taylor stiffened slightly as he approached, making his
gaze narrow. Saying nothing, he walked around her and grabbed a water out of the fridge. He twisted off the top and downed half the bottle before setting it on the counter and pitching the lid. Taylor seemed rooted. She stood motionless, tracking his every movement, and he felt her wide, grey eyes searching his face for some clue as to where his mood lay. Lips set into a firm line of displeasure, Sebastian shook his head.

“Knock it off,” he warned in a low voice. “I’ve never lashed out or punished you with
out a reason, but if that’s the kind of relationship you want to have, it can be arranged.”

She paled. Her teeth sank into the delectable swell of her lower lip as she shook her head. “No…please.”

He lifted his chin and regarded her through narrowed slits. “It’s over with. I expect you to move on. You seemed fine earlier. What the hell is your problem?”

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