Bound by Vengeance (8 page)

Read Bound by Vengeance Online

Authors: Adriana Noir

Tags: #Romance, #Suspense, #Contemporary

BOOK: Bound by Vengeance
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“What are we doing here, Baas?”

aren’t doing anything. I’m going to make things right.”

He heard Josh blow out a deep breath and curse as
he stepped out of the car. Glancing around, Sebastian burrowed deeper into his coat and strode across the street. The recessed alcove offered a little privacy as he rang the bell and waited. Ears straining, he listened to the thunder of tiny footsteps and movement on the other side. He closed his eyes as the excited shrill of his niece’s voice exploded behind the door. The sound cut deeper than he’d imagined.

“Unco Sebby!”

A quiet murmur followed. Biting his cheeks, he braced himself, hoping whoever it was had sent the child away. He didn’t think he could handle seeing her and going through with what he had planned. A few seconds later, the wine colored door cracked open and he was confronted by a hostile glare.

“Get off of my property,” Dane’s mother snappe
d. “Leave us alone. You’ve done enough.”

He grabbed the door and stopped it with his shoe before she could slam it shut. Giving a slow shake of his head, he regarded the woman with open contempt.

try to shut a door in my face again,” he warned in a quiet rasp. “Like it or not, you are going to listen to what I have to say, and you are going to consider my offer very carefully.”

“Why would I do that? Your organization killed my son! He was my only child! You came to my house. We treated you like
family, Sebastian. You sat on my couch and promised me you wouldn’t let anything happen to him. Where is he now? What good were those promises? He’s dead!”

Flattening his lips in a brief bid of anger, he stiffened. “Your son made his own choices. Those de
cisions cost him his life, not me. I’m not splitting hairs with you, Mrs. Dupree and I am in no mood to argue. You would be wise to shut your mouth and listen before I change my mind.”

“Is that a threat?”

Sebastian chuckled softly and his grip on the door tightened until his knuckles grew white. Dropping his chin to his chest, he gave a slow shake of his head. “No, Mrs. Dupree. I’m afraid that was a promise.”

When he glanced up, the jowly folds of her face had blanched to a sickly pale. It made the bright r
ed lipstick bleeding into the wrinkled creases above her lips even more noticeable. Her double chin quivered as his eyes narrowed and she snapped her mouth shut.

“Regardless of what you think of me or my job, Monique is a damn good mother. She is innocent
in all of this and that little girl loves her. I love them both and only want what’s best. I will let you play your game and keep this situation out of the courts, but you are going to give my sister visitation. That means holidays and every other weekend. You do that, and I give you my word—I will stay away. Refuse me, and you and your husband will see your son again much sooner than you think.”

Ida’s watery eyes bulged.

“This isn’t a request,” Sebastian warned. “It’s an offer, and the only one you are going to get.”

“What about that man she’s been seeing? I don’t want SKALS or its filth anywhere around my grandbaby. You tell him to walk away, too.”

He gave a curt shake of his head, his eyes narrowing into thin slits. “No, Ida. That isn’t going to happen. He’s been raising her like his own. I trusted Josh to keep them both alive, and so should you. Last chance. I’m afraid this is all or nothing for you.”

His hand moved to the pistol strapped to his hip and the woman’s ample body shuddered. She wrapped her fl
oral housecoat tighter. He grimaced as she folded her arms and her sagging bosom deflated under their meaty bulk. Refusing to meet his stare, Dane’s mother offered a grim nod.

The muscles in his cheek twitched as he regarded her. “I will tell Monique. You
would do well to keep your word,” he warned. “Don’t make me come looking for you.”

With that, he shut the door and walked away.


Taylor’s head snapped up from her hand of cards as the front door swung open. Her eyes
locked with Monique’s across the mosaic-tiled table. The beautiful blonde’s face was a mirror reflection of her own confusion. Laying her hand down, she glanced at the microwave clock with a worried twist of her brow. It wasn’t even three yet. Short days weren’t uncommon, but Sebastian usually called. She frowned at the thought. He’d been calling all day. Drying her sweaty hands on the rump of her jeans, she walked into the foyer to greet him.

He’d set down a plastic bag and was already shrugging out of his
coat by the time she got there. Lifting his head, he gave her a wink. Her heart fluttered and she couldn’t contain her bright smile.

“You’re home early,” she said, leaning up to kiss his cheek. Heat flooded her as he palmed the back of her head instead an
d greeted her with a kiss that was both bruising and hungry. When he released her, she hung onto his arm for a minute and bit her bottom lip. “We didn’t have a chance to start dinner yet.”

“It’s okay, baby. We’ll order in.” He swatted her ass, making her j
ump when she tried to peel back one side of the plastic bag. “Get out of there and stop being so nosey you little imp.”

Taylor colored as Josh’s laughter rolled through the foyer. She watched him step around Sebastian to engulf Monique in a warm hug. She o
bserved the two, feeling a bit like a voyeur as he kissed her friend tenderly, the affection between them suddenly more than a little obvious.

“I gotta go pick up the boy from school, gorgeous. Do you want to come with me or hang back with your brother?”

Monique glanced Sebastian’s way. Getting a mute nod of dismissal, she then laced her arm through Josh’s with a promise to return soon. Shaking her head, Taylor watched the two of them leave before turning her attention back to her lover and his mysterious bag. His lips quirked as he scooped up the package off the floor and made his way into the kitchen, his steps marked with a confident swagger. She was halfway tempted to smack his ass for the teasing, but she was pretty sure what that gesture would earn her in return. Instead, she contented herself with following behind and trying to peer around him.

“You’re asking for it, darling,” he warned, though his voice held the lilting notes of play.

“I know!” she said, laughing. “And you still won’t let me see!”

king the bag behind him, he leaned against the black counters and lifted a brow. “What makes you think it’s something for you? Am I spoiling you, Taylor?” he asked, drawing her closer. “Am I creating a monster?”

She shivered with delight as his mouth brush
ed against the side of her throat. Squirming, she wriggled against his chest as his powerful arms locked around her. There was no mistaking the effect their play had on him and her cheeks flushed as he ground his growing erection against her.

“Maybe,” she
admitted, writhing and still trying to elude the scrape of his stubble. “How was your day?”

His smile faded a little as he straightened to peer down at her. “It was okay. As good as it could be, considering.”

“Considering?” she asked. Unable to help herself, she cupped his face and trailed her fingers over the sculpted ridges of his cheeks. “You have such beautiful bone structure,” she breathed.

Sebastian flushed and tugged her hands away. “Stop that.” He kissed each palm before placing them against his ch
est. “And yes, considering the countless hours I spent locked inside a car with Josh being bored out of my mind with no escape, the day wasn’t too bad.”

why you called so often?” she teased.

“No, baby. That was because I missed you and wanted to m
ake sure you were safe.” He traced the pouty swell of her lips with his thumb as his pale eyes locked with hers. “Believe it or not, Taylor, you are all I have. There’s no way I’m letting you go without one hell of a fight.”

Her heart wrenched at the since
rity and undercurrent of sorrow in his voice. Leaning up tiptoe, she stole a gentle kiss. The subtle taste of spearmint made her mouth water. Everything about him was delicious. Holding his stare, she traced the hard ridges of his body beneath his shirt.

“I’m not going anywhere, Sebastian. You’re hopelessly stuck with me.”

“Good. I wouldn’t want it any other way, baby.” He gestured behind him with a nod of his head. “Go ahead and see what you got.”

She waggled her brows and flashed him a devious smile as h
e stepped aside and folded his arms, watching as she peeled the plastic back. Taylor sucked in a sharp breath upon seeing the upscale cappuccino maker. The image of the stainless steel appliance on the package alone was gorgeous enough to admire. Pulling the box out of the bag, she shook her head and retrieved a handful of frosted candles that had been nestled around it. Lifting one to her nose, she inhaled the rich scent of cashmere.

“I saw how happy that drink made you this morning. This is a Saeco. They’
re supposed to be good machines. It makes espresso, too.” He donned a boyish grin and rested his forehead against hers. “Which will come in handy after those late night marathons when neither one of us can seem to wake up in the morning. The candles just reminded me of you…your smell. I walked past them and couldn’t resist.”

Taylor fell even more in love with him in that moment.

“So now the whole house is going to smell like me?” she asked, giving him a pointed look.

Sebastian’s sage eyes sparkled with des
ire and good humor. “God, I hope so.” He reached out, covering her hands as she started to open the cappuccino maker. “Not now, sweetheart. We’ll open it up and figure out how to use it together after Josh and Monique leave.”

“But wouldn’t espresso make a
good nightcap after dinner? Coffee is supposed to help digest your food, you know.”

“So does wine, darling, and I wasn’t planning on anyone staying long enough for nightcaps. I want some time alone tonight, just me and you.”

“You get that every night,” she countered with a saucy grin.

“Mm. I know. I need more.”

Taylor blushed as he pulled her close and lifted her with ease. She wrapped her legs around his waist in invitation as he covered her mouth with his. Brushing the box aside, he made room for her on the counter and set her on the ledge. He surged against her, kneading her breasts as he kissed her. The warm sweep of his tongue dueled with hers until the rest of the world spun and faded away. Sinking her fingers into his shoulders, she marveled at the rush of desire, how easily her body played into his touch. A low groan rumbled through his throat as she rocked against the forceful drive of his hips, and the cold press of granite grew hot beneath her.

They both froze at
the sound of the front doors swinging open. Sebastian tore away with a tortured moan and hurried to ease her to her feet. Apologizing, he adjusted himself with a sheepish grin. Rapid footsteps thundered through the foyer, pounding against the hardwood floors. She waited, watching as Aiden burst into the room, his bright blue eyes round and shimmering with excitement. He crashed into Sebastian, the force enough to bowl the grown man backwards as he enveloped him in a tight hug.

“Hey ya, Uncle Seb!”

“Hey, buddy! Long time no see. How are you doing?”

Her heart ached with the memories of Christian and the past, but there was no denying the happiness on Sebastian’s face as he gave the boy’s hair an affectionate ruffle. Still, watching them together reminded her
of old times. Better times when the two kids had played and swarmed around him for attention together.

“I’m great! I got an A on my science test today. Oh hey, Taylor!” he said, waving.

She smiled and waved back, not wanting to interrupt their exchange.

Way to go, little man. I’m so proud of you,” Sebastian praised, offering up his knuckles for a light fist bump.

“My dad says he’s gonna give me twenty bucks.”

“Did he now? I’ll tell you what,” Sebastian said, leaning down until their faces were on the same level. “Bring those grades through to your next report card, and I’ll double your money. Forty bucks an A.”


Sebastian nodded. “Really.”


“Way to motivate my kid, Baas,” Josh said, laughing as he rounded into the kitchen with Monique at
his side. “I hope you know what you’re getting yourself into. That boy’s gifted. He’ll suck your wallet clean.”

Sebastian shrugged. “It’s well worth it to ensure he has a good future.”

Empathy and understanding flickered across Josh’s face, easing the hard planes and sharp angles of his features. “You don’t have to do that, you know. You don’t have anything to make up for, Baas. Not to him. Not to anyone. Aiden’s fine. Kids are resilient.”

“I’m aware of that,” Sebastian stated quietly. “I’m doing it becaus
e I want to.”

Taylor watched him track the little boy’s movements as Aiden wandered into the recessed morning room. He clambered up on the barista chair and emptied his book bag on the table to start his homework. A quiet sigh emanated from Sebastian and h
e swung his focus to his sister. Deep lines crept across his forehead as he clamped his eyes shut. A gambit of emotions played across his handsome face, the changes so rapid they were dizzying. Pain flickered to doubt and anger before determination took over, and he set his shoulders. Her brow furrowed with confusion.

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