Bound by Fate (6 page)

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Authors: Sherilyn Gray

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Bound by Fate
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“No, you’re sleeping with me,” he said, as
though he could read my thoughts. I drew in a deep breath, but before I could
say anything, he put his hand on my back and guided me into the bathroom. There
was a hot tub in one corner and a shower with clear glass panels on the other.
“Take off your shoes,” he said. I slipped the black pumps off, the cold tile floor
of the bathroom felt amazingly refreshing under my sore feet after wearing
those restricting shoes for most of the day.


Victor turned on the shower and began taking
my clothes off slowly, first unbuttoning my blouse and unhooking my bra, then
taking off my skirt and panties. He then guided my hands to his shirt, and I
began to undress him as well. I bit my lip as my fingers fumbled over his
buttons. I had yet to see his bare chest, and it was even lovelier than I
expected. His arms and shoulders were broad and nicely sculptured as were his
arms and abdomen. I felt like I was staring at some sort of Greek sculpture.
Realizing I was gaping at him, I blinked a few times and began unhooking his
belt and undoing his pants. My hand brushed up against his cock, and he moaned


The shower felt like hot needles against my
skin, but not in a way that was excruciatingly painful. It felt absolutely
wonderful on my body. So did Victor’s arms as he wrapped himself around me, his
bare, hard, wet body pressed up against mine. As I leaned up against him I
could hear his breathing, slow and steady. I tried to match my own to his.
Wouldn’t it be nice to be as levelheaded and calm as him?
You need to learn
how to carry yourself appropriately
, Victor had told me. Alright, I will
work on that.


I spotted a bar of soap and wiggled away from
his embrace to reach for it. I lathered it up in my hands and rubbed the suds
up and down Victor’s chest. I once again saw that surprised look on his face,
but he did not say a word as I continued to clean him.
However, you still
must act demure.


“Could you please lower your head, Sir,” I
asked him shyly, and was secretly pleased as he complied, resting his head on
the crook of my neck. I ran my fingers through his dark blonde hair, making
sure I washed every strand before moving on to his smooth, muscular back.
Victor shifted and began nibbling on my neck. I twisted away, laughing from the
sensation. “I think I’m a bit ticklish there, Sir,” I told him apologetically.


Victor pulled me back towards him and softly
kissed me just underneath my jaw. He then pulled my hair back so I was forced
to look up towards the ceiling as he started sucking on my neck, his teeth
slightly digging into my skin. After about a minute, he loosened his grip on my
hair and I was once again able to look at him.


“I just put my mark on you. Now every time
you look in the mirror you’ll remember who you belong to.”


I touched the spot on my neck where he had
sucked on me, feeling like I could melt down into the shower drain. Victor had
been kissing me! I moved my head so that my face was near to his, but he made
no move to kiss me on my lips. Instead, he grabbed the bar of soap from my
hands and starting washing my shoulders.  


“You have such soft, beautiful skin,” he
murmured as his soapy hands massaged my breasts. He rinsed the soap from my
body and leaned forward to take a nipple into his mouth. His hand reached
underneath my ass to caress my pussy. My back arched from the shockwave of
stimulation. Without really thinking, I grabbed his cock. It was hard and
dripping wet from a mixture of the shower and from his own arousal.


“I forgot a spot, Sir,” I whispered to him,
taking the soap back from his hands with a smile.


He held still as my hands moved down to his
balls, where I lightly massaged them before moving back up his cock. I trailed
his tip with my fingers before looking up to meet his gaze, giving him a small


It was a bit unnerving to see him looking
down at me with such intensity. I wasn’t sure if he wanted me to continue or
not, but I couldn’t help myself as I bent over and gave the smooth tip of his
cock a soft kiss.  


“Dove,” I heard him whisper.


It was the first time I heard him say my
name. He kissed the top of my head and said no more.


We dried ourselves off with white, fluffy
hotel towels. I happened to glance in the mirror and noticed a dark mark that
almost looked like a bruise on my neck. He wasn’t kidding when he said he had
marked me. Feeling somewhat embarrassed by the large reddish-purple bruise, I
pushed my hair over my neck so that it remained hidden.


Victor wore his towel loosely around his hips
as he walked over to the bed where a black box and a garment bag rested on top
of it. Did I not see those earlier? Our luggage had also been wheeled into the
room at some point as each of our suitcases sat next to either side of the bed.
Victor proceeded to unzip the garment bag, pulling out a tailored black suit.


“That box is for you,” he said, pointing. I
walked over to the box and opened it gingerly and lifted away the folded tissue
paper. Inside was a gorgeous, midnight blue chiffon gown with lace sleeves. I
brought the gown close to my chest as though I were embracing it as I looked
deeper into the box and took out a matching shawl and shoes. The outfit was
perfect for a cool winter night in Paris.


“This is beautiful,” I breathed. I walked
over to the mirror and held the dress in front of me. I had been worried about
looking underdressed in my usual work clothes, but the dress made me a bit
nervous. Would I look good in something so fancy? I glanced at the shoes. I
should’ve practiced walking around in heels when I had the chance!


“There’s more.” I turned as he held up a
black and white lace bra and matching panties before setting them on the bed.
Feeling a bit more comfortable being naked in front of Victor, I set my towel
over the back of one of the chairs and slipped the panties over my legs before
realizing there was something hard sewn in at the seams of the crotch. It took
me a moment before I realized it was a built in vibrator. Without saying
anything about it to Victor, I pulled my panties up and hooked the bra around
my back.


“Where are you planning to take me, Sir?” I
asked him, forcing the suspicion away from my voice. I did not want him to know
that the sight of the panties unnerved me.


Victor raised an eyebrow at me. “Well, that
would ruin the surprise, wouldn’t it?”


I gulped. I wasn’t sure I wanted to know what
he intended to do to me today.




I barely had time to glance in the mirror
after I had put on the lovely dress and brushed my hair out so that it shone in
golden waves down my back. Victor took one look at me and immediately swept me
out of the room. I felt stiff and awkward in the slinky, blue dress and high
heels; I had to concentrate extra hard to keep from stumbling forward. I was
thankful for Victor’s firm grip on my arm. If he hadn’t been next to me,
someone would most likely walk into the elevator only to find a woman face
planted onto the elevator floor.


I was relieved to find out that we were only
going to the hotel restaurant on the first floor and not somewhere where I
would have to walk a long distance. It was lunchtime, and the restaurant was
bustling with people dressed in outfits almost as elegant as my own. Some
people stopped what they were doing to openly stare at us as we walked by them
to our table. If I saw someone like Victor walk by me, I would stop to stare
too. Our waiter guided us through the maze of people towards our seats. I
managed not to stumble in front of anyone. Not even once.


“You know, it’s not only me they are looking
at,” Victor whispered in my ear.


I glanced up at him. “What do you mean?” I
suddenly felt ashamed. Did I look that out of place standing next to him? Did
they see the bruise on my neck?


Victor stopped me, assessing my entire body.
“Did I forget to tell you that you look absolutely stunning in that dress?”


I realized others could have heard him, which
made me full-on blush. I tried not to let the compliment get to my head. Did he
really mean those words? I stared down at my shoes like they were the most
interesting things in the world.


“Oh, I almost forgot...” Then, right smack
dab in the middle of all of the restaurant goers, Victor took a box from the
inside pocket of his suit and opened it up, revealing a necklace with a large,
shimmering blue sapphire stone in the shape of an oval, surrounded by a ring of
small diamonds. “This is to match your dress. Lift your hair up a bit, will
you?” He placed the necklace around my neck, and it rested heavily on my chest,
just above the swell of my breasts.


I stared down at it in amazement. Jeez, how
much did this cost, I wonder?


“Thank you, Sir,” I mumbled, wishing I could
just dissolve into the floor and disappear with the way everyone was staring at
us. I think one guy even began to clap. Oh, God. This was mortifying.


Victor seemed nonchalant over the little
spectacle we gave everyone, and we continued to follow the waiter until he
stopped us by a small, two-seated table next to a window that showcased the
bustle of Paris’s busy streets. A single red rose sat in a stained glass vase
in the middle of the table, which was covered with a matching red gingham
tablecloth. The setup was cute and quaint, but I could barely appreciate it
with all the nervousness I felt.


I thanked the waiter awkwardly as he pulled
out the chair for me. I sat and scooted the chair closer to the table,
instantly cringing as the chair’s legs squeaked loudly on the floor. I glanced
back up at the waiter and realized he was supposed to push the chair in for me.
He had an amused expression on his face but didn’t say a word.


“That’s not very ladylike, Dove,” Victor told
me after the waiter had left. I jumped as I felt the vibrator rumble to life
inside of my panties and I squirmed in my seat. My body grew hot at the thought
of anyone watching me. I glanced around, and thankfully nobody noticed my
little outburst.


“You must remain poised. You must act like
you’re in full control of yourself even when you’re in situations where you’re
not.” He turned off the vibrator and I relaxed but not before remembering to
sit up straight in the chair. “Very good.”


While Victor opened the menu to look at the
items, I fiddled with the end of the tablecloth. I had so many questions I
wanted to ask him. Although he had been with me in the most intimate way
possible, I still knew little about him other than what Karen and Betty had
told me. Perhaps I should start off with the easiest question.


“Where are you from?” I blurted out, hoping
that I wouldn’t seem too rude. I almost forgot to add, “Sir.”


Victor closed the menu and rested it on the
table. “I was born and raised in California.” Suddenly, I felt the vibrator
against my pussy. I gave a small yelp, causing a few heads to turn our way.
Victor smiled politely at the inquiring stares before darkening his gaze at me.
“You will need to remember to sit up straight. I don’t want to keep reminding
you of something that simple. Do you want me to take off my tie and bind it
around your shoulders like I did on the plane?”


Damn it, I had already started to slouch. I
pulled my shoulders back, trying to ignore the arousal blossoming from deep
within my lower abdomen from the vibrator and from Victor’s words. Trying to
channel Victor’s nonchalant attitude, I decided to continue on with the
conversation, asking him the next question that came to my mind, “Karen
mentioned your father once. Does your family still live in California?”


He pressed his lips together firmly, and
paused for a moment, as though he were debating whether or not to answer me.
“My father died a few years back,” he replied. “Although I did not see him much
in his later years... My mother abandoned me when I was six years old. Are you
ready to order?”


The change in topic took me by surprise, and
I stared down at the closed menu. “I—I can’t read,” I stammered. I never felt
so self conscious over the fact that I could only read a few simple words. I
thought he would’ve known that by now.


“It’s in French, so I wasn’t expecting you to
anyway,” he said dryly as the waiter came up to take our order. Victor said a
few words to him in French before the waiter nodded and collected our menus.


I listened to them enviously, wishing I could
speak a language that sounded so beautiful. Victor chuckled at something the
waiter said to him and I realized I enjoyed hearing the sound. He didn’t seem
to laugh too often.


“Do you like working for your company?” I
asked him once we were alone again.


He chuckled. “I don’t know if ‘like’ is the
correct term for something that has been ingrained into my life since birth. I
was always meant to take it over from my father. Once I graduated high school,
I studied business at Yale, and by the time I finished, my dad was ready to
take me under his wing.” Victor looked thoughtful. “I suppose I never really
thought about whether I like it or not. It’s just who I am.”


Your identity
. “I’m sorry about your parents. I wish I knew who mine


The waiter came back with a bottle of red
wine. He popped the cork and poured us both a glass. Victor took a sip of it.
“You don’t remember?”


“I only remember the last two years of my
life.” I shrugged.


“Lucky you. Sometimes I wish I could forget
that much of my life.”


I wasn’t sure if that was supposed to be a
joke or not. His face was always so unreadable. His comment, however, made me
angry. He had no idea what it was like to have a black hole in his memory, so
how could he say something like that so casually?


“You’re lucky you know who your family is,” I
whispered, mostly to myself.


“Are you glad to be off the streets?”


For the first time I heard a hint of
hesitation in his voice as he asked me the question. I chose my words
carefully. “The night that Marian found me was the coldest night I’d ever
experienced in San Francisco. It was so cold and wet that even though I was
dressed in layers, I was still soaked to the bone.” I closed my eyes at the
memory. “So to answer your question: yes, I am glad to be away from all of that.
I would be crazy if I wasn’t. You don’t know what it’s like out there, worrying
every night whether or not you’ll be alive the next morning…” I finally
remembered who I was talking with. “...Sir,” I added.


“No, I suppose I don’t know what that’s
like,” he said, and that was the end of it.


It wasn’t long until we were served an
appetizer, which was a heaping plate of what looked like bunch of snail shells.
My stomach churned at the sight of them. “Are those what I think they are?”


“Escargot. French delicacy.” He took a pair
of small, silver pincers that was given to us with the appetizer and picked one
up and set it on his plate. Then, with the tiniest fork I have ever seen, he
jabbed inside the shell and pulled out a slimy little morsel before popping it
into his mouth. “Don’t worry; I’m sure all you will taste is the garlic.”


Well, I guess there is a first for
everything. I picked up my own set of pincers to start eating but stopped short
as the vibrator went off. Warily, I glanced up at Victor. “You forgot to unfold
your napkin and put it on your lap before eating.”


I pursed my lips as I set down the pincers
and unfolded the napkin, setting it neatly on my lap. I looked up at him for
approval and he nodded for me to continue. I hadn’t eaten a thing since we left
California, and although it seemed disgusting at first, the little snails were
starting to sound good. I set one of the shells on my plate and scooped it out
with the small fork before putting in my mouth. The texture was strange, but
everything was drenched in a garlic sauce, which I suppose was to make up for
the sliminess.


After a few more bites of escargot, I decided
I had my fill. The salt and the garlic made me incredibly thirsty; I brought my
glass to my lips and took a few quick swallows of the wine before the vibrator
went off again. I barely avoided spilling the wine all over myself and the
table. Anger and confusion began to boil deep within me after he turned it off.


“Must you keep doing that?” I said through
gritted teeth. What was the point of him playing with me like this? Is watching
me squirm and embarrass myself in front of everyone somehow amusing to him?


“How else are you going to learn your
manners?” he replied coolly. “You obviously didn’t learn much during your short
stay in my house.” I stiffened, bracing myself, thinking he would turn the
vibrator back on for speaking out, but he never did. “You don’t drink wine like
it’s a glass of water,” He lifted his wine glass. The way he held it so
naturally in his hand made him look like a model for the wine company,
something I would see on a billboard or in a magazine advertisement. “First you
twirl the contents around in the glass, which releases the flavor and the
scent, and then you sip, letting the wine settle on your tongue for a moment.
This is so that you can taste the drink as you are meant to. Breathe in through
your nose as you sip so that you are able to smell the flavors as well as taste


I did as I was told, and sure enough the wine
tasted a million times better after it had settled on my taste buds before I
swallowed. I looked at the wine thoughtfully. So this particular lesson wasn’t
just about manners, but about how to derive as much pleasure as I could from
something. I smiled as I thought about using this little trick the next time
Victor came in my mouth. I wondered how differently he would taste then.


“How is it?”


His voice broke me from my fantasy. “It
tastes...” I searched my mind for a fancy word to use, “exquisite.”


He seemed satisfied by that answer. “Good. As
it should be. This is the most expensive wine on the menu and I would want you
to enjoy it like it was meant to.”


“The last time I had alcohol was when I met a
few people around my age living on the streets. I decided to join them because
I thought I would be safer than if I were alone. One of them stole a few
bottles of vodka from a liquor store. I ended up drinking way more than I
should have. I didn’t know any better, but they did. They made off with
everything that I owned the next morning, including the money I had made that
week from recycling cans.”


“I’m not here to play tricks with you, Dove.”
His voice was serious. “You will know exactly why I do the things I do to you.”


Somehow I didn’t quite believe that. I guess
I still had some trust issues. “I-I know,” I lied and took another sip of the


We were served two plates of sirloin steak,
marinated in a tangy sauce and topped with sautéed mushrooms and a side of
steamed broccoli. When I jabbed my fork into the steak, I was already expecting
the vibration to jolt through my body. I cringed as the uncomfortable surge of
pleasure wracked my body.


“Your knife is there for a reason,” he said,
without looking up from his own plate.


I found myself wanting to talk back to
him—the vibrator was causing me to feel feistier than usual, and honestly, all
I wanted to do was lunge across the table and tear Victor’s clothes off, or
reach out for his hand under the table so he could finger me—but I decided to
play his game as I copied him movement-by-movement as he cut his steak into
small pieces and began eating.

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