Bound Angel Bound Demon (42 page)

Read Bound Angel Bound Demon Online

Authors: Claire Spoors

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Paranormal, #Holidays, #Angels, #Demons & Devils, #Ghosts, #Psychics, #Werewolves & Shifters, #Witches & Wizards

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creature pounced and threw her to the ground, it stood over her with its claws ready to rip her to shreds its mouth open wide, trails of saliva spilling out of the deadly orifice. Alex saw all the rows of obscenely pointed teeth ready to tear at her. She closed her eyes waiting for it to be over. She was finished.

Alex heard a sound from behind her,
and opened her eyes to see a bright flash zoom above her, knocking the creature back. Alex turned round, please don’t say Ryan had come back, he was too weak. It wasn’t Ryan, she saw a woman running fast towards her, throwing one bolt after another at the creature, as the woman came closer, Alex recognised who it was.

Betty, what, how ...?” Alex couldn’t get her words out, this woman who she had grown to love, was a witch, and one hell of a witch, she was smashing this creature, weakening it.

I’ll explain later dear, now we need to kill this thing once and for all!” shouted Betty.

Betty got
distracted for a second, but it was a second to late, a strong bolt hit her in the chest throwing her to the ground.

Who are you?” shouted the creature.

Alex was trying to help Betty up.

“I’m the one you’re after, not Alex,” Betty cried.

Alex looked at Betty and then at the
creature whose eyes now jet black.

Alex felt Betty squeeze
her hand, she smiled up at her, “I wanted to tell you, but I couldn’t.”

Alex didn’t understand
, then she saw Betty change from the woman she knew into the woman from the picture, the woman who was her mother, all this time she had been in disguise. Then it all started to make sense.

I thought you were dead!” screamed the creature before Alex could say anything.

Betty stood
up, she was now beautiful and youthful.

creature attacked Betty before she could utter another word, ripping at her, tearing her skin from her body. Alex could watch no longer, she stood up and sent a bolt of magic to knock him away from Betty, her mother.

creature stopped its vicious assault long enough for Betty to escape his clutches. Alex ran forward throwing every bit of power she had at the evil one.

Finally the creature was grounded,
hurt, blood oozing from its burnished hide. The creature began to change back to Gary. This time Alex could see something was different.

Alex, I can only hold his power for so long, you need to kill him now.”

Gary I can’t, it I will kill you too,” cried Alex.

Alex, you need to do this for both of us, please, Alex, do this one last thing for me.”

Alex looked a Gary through floods of tears; she could see him struggling to hold the
creature back.

Alex, do it please do it now!” shouted Gary.

Alex closed her eyes and felt the surge rise from her
womb, it was the most power she had ever felt. As it began to come through her fingertips she opened her eyes, she saw both Gary and the creature screaming out in tortured agony, they were flicking between the two faces, Alex couldn’t hold on to this power any longer. She felt someone place their hand on hers, she looked and it was her mother.

You can do it Alex, don’t let it weaken you.”

Alex felt her mother connect with her through their hands
, and the power became stronger than ever, and with one great blast, the screams ended.

stood looking down at the devastated bodies, the creature had become separate from Gary, and was crawling on its hands and knees trying to get away. Betty went over and looked it in the eye one last time and then smote it dead with one more strike of magic. It was gone to wherever evil goes when evil is vanquished.

Betty turned to find Alex; Alex was holding Gary
to her chest.

Wake up please Gary, it’s over.”

Gary opened his eyes and smiled up weakly at her.
“Thank you,” he mouthed, unable to make a sound, and closed his eyes.

No, you can’t go, don’t you leave me please.” She felt Betty put her arm around her shoulder.

Alex, he’s gone, he died saving you, and I shall always be thankful of that. He gave himself to save my daughter.” Alex turned and sobbed as Betty held her tight.

The minutes passed, while Alex let out all of her stresses and
strains from the last few months flow out. Betty just continued to hold her. Alex saw a light from the corner of her eye. It wasn’t the moon; the woods were too thick for it to be seen here.

The light got brighter and seemed to
focus in on Gary. Alex and Betty watched in silence as the light grew bigger, Alex saw a figure appear in the light, she shielded her eyes from the brightness.

The figure
reached out to Alex, it was her father.

He looked at Betty and smiled.
“Alex, I’m so glad to finally meet you all grown up and just as beautiful as your mother.”

Alex and her mother both stood up, Alex couldn’t speak,
unable to comprehend what was happening.

It’s ok Alex. I have been allowed to return, to take Gary on his final journey.”

I don’t understand,” said Alex.

He’s an angel Alex, he has come to take Gary,” said her mother.

I died, trying to save my clan and my family, I got chosen for my selfless act, I was allowed to watch you grow into a beautiful strong woman. Alex, you have done this family proud, I just wish we could have told you before now who you really were. We shouldn’t have left you to deal with this on your own, but your mother did what was best for you safety.”

Why have I never seen you before now?” asked Alex.

You can’t see me Alex, but you would have sensed I was there. I was the one that came when you were at your lowest or your weakest. I was the voice that spoke to you when you needed it the most, I have and will always be there for you and your mother,” he looked across at his wife.

It’s good to see you again James,” said Betty. James held out his hand to touch Betty. Betty took hold of his hand and pulled him close, now they were all holding each other.

James kissed Betty and then turned to Gar
y’s body lying on the floor. He spread his hands and his great wings wide. Gary’s body began to shine, and Alex watched as Gary stood up, not the lifeless body, but a figure of Gary. He was bright like her father, glowing with his own light, and behind him his wings unfurled.

You’re free now, Gary, your soul has been released from the creature’s hold,” intoned her father. “You have time to say your goodbyes, then we must leave.”

Betty and James moved away to give Alex and Gary some space.

Alex looked at him, he was beautiful, sexy even, she wanted above all to touch him, feel if he was real. Gary took her hand and placed it on his chest where his heart would be, she could feel it beating, and he felt real, alive. “Alex, thank you,” he said.

Thank you for what? It should be me thanking you.”

I’m free of the burden, the hate, the pain. And you helped me, I could feel him growing in me all the time, but never really understanding what it was. I thought it was a way of teaching me that I was wrong in my way of living, how I treated people. The way I treated you most of all.”

Gary, it’s...” Gary put his finger to her lips.

I don’t have much time, Alex, I want to tell you so much. I have always cared for you, you have and will always be my first and only true love and I will miss you. I will miss your touch, your kiss, your smile most of all.”

Alex reached up and kissed him
passionately on the lips, holding him tight, she could feel his wings which were as soft as down. She stood back and smiled at him.

I will miss you too, Gary, more than you could ever know, you have taught me how to be a better, stronger person I will always be grateful, I love you, Gary.”

I love you too, but I need you to go on with your life, you have a great man waiting for you. Ryan was meant for you, Alex, he will give you everything I couldn’t. Just remember Alex, I will always be there watching over you, forever.”

The light behind Gary grew bright; James was now standing next to him
. “It’s time,” he said.

No you can’t leave!” Alex cried.

Alex you will be ok, you will have a better happier life now. You will get what you have always dreamed of, you know this is true, you saw it remember,” Gary said gently.

Alex held on to his hand, not wanting to let him go.
“Gary, please stay!” Alex was crying again.

Alex, I love you.” The light began to fade. Alex watched as Gary and her father rose into the sky until all she could see were two twinkling stars.

took her hand, “Come Alex, we need to get home, we have a lot of catching up to do.”

Alex nodded.

“Betty, please can we not mention this to Ryan, I love Gary, but Ryan I know is my one true soul mate, I love him but I just don’t want him to know about this. He will think I still have feelings for Gary, and my feelings for Gary are not like they are for Ryan, I just know he will not understand.”

Only if you can forgive me for lying to you,” answered her mother.

Alex smiled and kissed Betty on the cheek, and with a blink they were gone.

Chapter Twenty Nine

A year has passed and Alex has grown stronger both in mind and magic, she has gained control in her life and is no longer confused. She grew close to Betty, her mother, who
had now moved into the main house along with Ryan. It was great to feel like she belonged somewhere, with a purpose in life.

Marie and Nick
have moved into the cottage, Marie forgave Alex for what she did that night and was thankful in a way that she didn’t have to face the creature, the fear of losing Nick again was too much.

The main house was
a hive of activity today, relatives and clan members, both witch and wolf, were there busy helping prepare. There was going to be a celebration. People had begun to learn the high priestess and her daughter had returned, and knew it was safe to come back to their sanctuary, free to again be their true selves.

Alex was standing in her mother’s room
, looking at herself in the full length mirror. It was quiet up there away from the bustle and bother going on downstairs and out in the garden. Her mother stood behind her smiling.

Alex you look beautiful, I never thought I would get the chance to see this day.” Betty had a tear in her eye.

Alex turned round to face her
, “Don’t you start, or else I will and my make-up will run and I will look a right mess.”

The dress is lovely, it just needs a touch of something,” said her mother.

Alex looked at
herself in the mirror again.

She was wear
ing a long gown fitted around the breast and nipped in at the waist. On her shoulders, she sported a lace bolero jacket. The dress was a wonderful pale lavender hue; she wore her hair up, letting some tendrils of her blond locks frame her face. Matching lilac flowers were entwined among the curls.

had never thought this would happen to her again, this time it was for keeps. She was the luckiest woman alive. Her mother returned carrying a small velvet box.

What is it?” asked Alex.

It’s something your father gave me on our wedding day, I want you to wear it so you can feel like he’s here with you on your day.”

Alex took the box and opened it. It was a brooch,
sparkling with diamond glints, in the shape of a star.

Mom, it’s beautiful,” beamed Alex.

I will never get tired of hearing you say that to me; here let me put it on.” Betty took the brooch and pinned it to her dress. “I’ll give you a few minutes alone and then I’ll come back to walk you down the aisle.”

went across to the dressing table, and picked up a glass of champagne her mother had brought up. She loved this time alone with her mother helping her to get ready, she remembered her adoptive mother doing the same when she was getting married to Gary. She wished she could see her adopted mom and dad again, so they could meet Ryan, but she knew that could never happen. Too much had happened and they would not understand. They were better off not knowing the truth.

Alex felt something touch
her shoulder. She turned and saw a bright light appear.

I couldn’t go without seeing you on your big day.”

Alex smiled
. It was her father. “You will get in trouble for this, if you keep popping in,” Alex began to laugh.

I love to hear you laugh, it’s great to see you happy, my darling Alex.”

James, her father,
noticed the star on her dress.

Mom gave it me; she wanted something to show you are with me on my wedding day.”

I’m with you always Alex, I remember giving your mother that on our wedding day, you look so much like her, you know, I know you don’t think so, but you have her eyes.”

I just wish things could have been different and I got to have more time with you when I was growing up.”

Alex reached out and kissed him on the cheek
, “Thank you, Dad.”

“You go now and enjoy your day.”

Alex heard a knock at the door and she turned to see who it was as her mother entered. Alex looked back to see if her father was still there, but he had gone.

You ready?” asked Betty.

I am now,” said Alex putting the glass down. She took hold of her mother’s arm and went out of the room.

The house was quiet now. Everyone would be outside in the garden. Her mother had set up a whole wedding theme in the grounds. They
went down the stairs which were covered in garden flowers and silver ribbons, through the hall into the living room and out through the patio doors into the grounds.

People were sitting in rows, on
ivory linen covered chairs each with a lavender ribbon tied to them, there was a silver shimmering carpet running down the middle to the altar. They all rose as the music played slowly, and Alex and her mother made their way to the front, where Ryan and Nick were waiting.

Ryan was dressed in a cream suit with
button-hole to match Alex’s bouquet. His long shining dark hair was neatly tied back. He turned to look at Alex when she reached him. He smiled, taking in how beautiful she was. Alex looked up at him, staring into his gorgeous amber eyes, and kissed him.

Hey, not yet, wait till its official!” said Nick laughing.

Alex turned to her mother and passed her the flowers; her mother took her seat next to Marie, who quickly passed her a tissue to wipe away the tears.

The ceremony seemed to pass in a flash. Alex couldn’t take most of it in, all she could do was keep looking at Ryan, forgetting everything that was happening around her. She felt him take her hand and place the ring on her finger. She smiled back at him, and then she did the same.

“I now pronounce you husband and w
ife, you may kiss the bride.”

Ryan lifted her up in his big strong arms and kissed her softly but deeply, Alex went weak at the knees.
“You look beautiful Alex; you have made me the happiest man alive.”

Right back at ya, my beautiful sexy husband,” she said. He placed her back on the floor and held her to steady her. They turned to look at everyone that had joined them on their wedding day; everyone was standing, clapping and cheering.

As they began to walk back up the aisle people
they were covered in a shower of confetti and rose petals. It was like a beautiful fragrant rain, falling softly down. They went back into the living room, while the guests made their way to the marquee her mother had set up for the reception.

Ryan looked at Alex and passed her a glass of champagne.
“I love you Alex, I will always love you, and I owe you my life.”

Alex held his hand
, “Ryan, you have made me so happy. Helped me to love life and learn to love again, feel things again, I’m proud to be your wife.”

Alex kissed him again, reached up behind his neck pulling him closer to her, their passion rising.

“Do you think anyone would notice if we disappeared for a few minutes, I want you, Alex, and I want you now.”

Down boy, good things come to those who wait.” Alex laughed and took his hand and led him into the marquee, with the cheering and joyous friends and family. Their clan.

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