Bottoms Up (5 page)

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Authors: Miranda Baker

BOOK: Bottoms Up
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A soft leather flogger had taken over for the feathers. Head to toe, he woke her exhausted body until every nerve clamored for release. Soon, the flogger wasn’t enough, even when he slapped it in a steady beat between her thighs. She wanted more.

He gave it to her with a riding crop.

At the time, it hadn’t felt like pain, but now, as she rubbed her tender, bruised buttocks, she knew he must have hurt her. Destiny pinched the sore spots on her ass. Remembering his masterful touch aroused her, and her fingertips dipped to spread her moisture over the swelling bud of her tender clit.

Her own fingers felt good, but not as good as his touch had felt last night, and she wanted to wait for him. Nothing she could do to herself would equal the pleasure she knew she would feel going to him, especially like this—dripping, needy, willing to beg.

She was looking forward to presenting herself to him again, to be fed and fucked and anything else he desired tonight so long as it made her feel good, but come Monday morning her adventure was over. She wasn’t going to change her life for a man.

Not again.

Johnny met her at the outside door and led her Upstairs into the kitchen. The small table was lit with candles and set with china. A delicious-looking loaf of crusty Italian bread on the counter made her mouth water. Johnny covered a pot on the stove and placed a glass of white wine in her hand before leading her back into the main room. More bread, along with cheese and pepperoni, sat on a small tray next to the couch.

“What’s all this?” Destiny asked.

“You said you were hungry for pizza, so I hoped Italian might be close enough. Nothing fancy. Just pasta and a salad. Does that sound all right?”


The playroom had been transformed overnight. Now that the lights were on and the orgy crowd was gone, she could appreciate the other focal points of the room. She wandered over to get a closer look at the framed posters on the wall behind the couch. She focused on the largest image. It was comic book art—a masked woman in skintight black leather, caught in the center of a spider web of chains. Every line of her well-sculpted body screamed with tension. She looked ready and able to fly out of that web and kick some serious ass, but the exultant look on her face made Destiny believe she was enjoying her predicament.

“Is that Catwoman?” she asked.

Johnny sank down onto the leather couch. “Black Cat.”

“There’s a difference?”

“As big as the difference between Batman and Spiderman.”

She looked at the next poster. “Ah—there he is.” It was a teasing embrace with Spiderman half unmasked and Black Cat’s creamy breasts spilling out of the deep vee of her black leather catsuit. The last—a breathtaking unmasked kiss. Destiny bit her lip to hide a grin. “Hard to tell which one of them is controlling that kiss.” Johnny hit a button on the remote and the sound system began to play something with a heavy beat that matched the pulse in her sex.

“Sit down.” He pulled her down next to him on the couch, settling her so that her side was pressed against the length of his body. They faced the huge wall screen, now dark. It felt right to be sitting next to him while he fed her bites of cheese and bread with butter. Bizarrely date-like.

“Comic books, huh?” she teased.

“We all have our thing.” His smile was brief. “I need a minute to get dinner on the table.”

He stood and she watched him go into the kitchen, admiring the stretch of his tight black T-shirt across the breadth of his shoulders and the way his slightly frayed black jeans fit his ass. His feet were bare. He seemed comfortable cooking, comfortable having her there.

Perversely, she was uncomfortable. The food smelled great, garlicky and cheesy, but she’d been a walking orgasm waiting to happen since she woke up this afternoon and the ride downtown on her motorcycle had been…interesting, to say the least. Now he was making her wait, and that was making her cranky.

She followed him into the kitchen. “Johnny?”

“Yes?” He stirred the boiling pot of pasta.

“I want to come.”

“How bad?” He didn’t turn around.

“What, like on a scale of one to ten?”


“About a seven.” She put her hands on her hips.

“You can wait.” He drained the pasta into a colander in the sink and put a large frying pan onto the stove. Fresh tomatoes, basil and a pile of grated Parmesan waited on a cutting board next to the sink.

“I could have taken care of myself at home, you know,” Destiny said.

“Now that would have been a shame.” Heady garlic filled the kitchen as he sautéed it in oil. He added wine to the pan and let it simmer, then added a big chunk of butter. Her mouth began to water again. Next came the pasta, then the basil, tomatoes and cheese.

“I didn’t know you were planning on playing hard to get.” Maybe she would masturbate right here, standing in the middle of his kitchen. That would show him. She fingered the button of her jeans.

His sly glance intercepted her gesture. “Don’t even think about it. I like thinking about you soaking your panties while we’re eating dinner. Are you wet for me, Destiny?”


“Show me.”

“Hell no. Why should I?”

“Because I want to look at your pussy. Show it to me.” He twirled portions of angel hair pasta studded with tomatoes and thin ribbons of basil into two bowls. “Hurry up before our food gets cold.”

“You want me to pull my jeans down?” she asked.

“And bend over so I can see everything. Do it now, Destiny. Put your pants around your ankles and touch your toes.”

He was making her do tricks, submissive tricks, and she should tell him to go to hell. Instead, she found herself turning around, unbuttoning her jeans and shoving them, with her black panties, down over her hips. And loving it. She imagined the moisture he would see on her pussy lips when she bent over, knew he’d see her puckered asshole, knew it would turn her on that much more.

She pushed her pants down to her ankles as she reached for the floor. Bracing her hands on the tile, she bent her knees slightly and arched her back, showing him everything. “Seen enough yet?”

“Nope.” He bent down until his face was so close to her pussy, she could feel the heat of his cheeks and his breath against her core. “I haven’t seen nearly enough tonight, but I can wait.” He helped her rise and watched her pull her pants up. He fastened them for her, then he seated her at the little kitchen table with a steaming bowl of pasta and another glass of wine.

Their play hadn’t killed her appetite, thank God. “This is delicious.”

“I’m glad you like it.”

Destiny ate every bite in her bowl, every piece of bread he buttered for her, and she finished all her wine. She pushed her plate away and sat back expectantly.

Johnny stood and stretched his arms above his head, smiling innocently. “Want to watch a movie?” he asked.

She tossed her napkin at him.

“Me neither.” Quickly, he rinsed the dishes and stacked them in the dishwasher, waving away her offer of help.

Johnny held out his hand and drew her down the hall. Starting with her boots, he undressed her and laid her on the bed. She moaned as his hands grazed her nipples. He stopped to pinch them, roll them between his fingers until they hardened. He bent to lave the hard points beneath his tongue until they stood up like red raspberries, pebbled and moist. She wanted to scream at him to get on with it, to finish her.

Johnny traced a line down her stomach to her pussy, and she almost cheered. Gratefully, she spread her legs, offering herself to him, but he only chuckled and flipped her over on the bed. He pinched her bottom, sharp little teases that made her thighs come apart again.

“I played you hard last night.”

She squirmed as his hand stroked her tender buttocks. At last, he slipped a finger into her wet folds, teasing her clit once, twice, before he took his hand away from her. Destiny mewled a protest which she cut off abruptly as he pressed the tip of his wet finger into her rectum.

“I want to put my cock right here,” he said, punctuating the words with his wide finger. “Have you ever been fucked in the ass?”

“Yes.” One-word answers were easier, and they would get her there faster.

“Do you like it?”


“I didn’t hear you.”

“Yes, please.” Bastard.

“Please what?”

“Please fuck me anywhere you want, but do it now.” Desire sharpened her tone.

“Oh, Destiny, that wouldn’t be fair. I have to get you ready first.”

“No!” She screamed into the pillow and thrashed her legs.

He laughed.

She heard a drawer open, shut. Then his weight on the bed. He tossed a pile of toys onto the mattress next to her. “Hands and knees, Destiny.” She scrambled up onto all fours and waited. Cool gel squished against her ass.

The first plug felt small. When it was inside her, he pulled her to her knees. Holding her hands to her sides, he bent to suck her clit. His tongue was hot, clever. And gone.

She gazed at him helplessly, furiously.

His smile was knowing as he pushed her back down to the bed and replaced the plug with a larger one. Again, he situated her up on her knees and nursed her clit with his lips and tongue. Smooth fire coursed along the surface of her skin. Her entire consciousness was centered on the tip of his tongue as it flicked back and forth over her clit. He varied the pressure and the tempo so that she could never quite latch onto a rhythm that would bring her release.

He gave a hard suckle and drew her whole clit into his mouth, grazing it with his teeth. Then he let her go.

She eagerly accepted a larger plug—anything to get his mouth back where she needed it. He spread her labia apart with his fingers, forcing her swollen clit out of hiding.

She was so close now, she couldn’t even breathe. His tongue pressed against her clit, following its root into her channel, undulating, pulsing, keeping her on the edge while his lips massaged her pussy.

She sobbed as he took his mouth away again and rose to stand beside the bed. “I’ll take your ass now, Destiny.”

She collapsed on the bed and scooted to its edge. He thrust pillows under her chest to support her body. She heard foil rip. He slid the plug from her depths, and she felt empty and desolate until the fat head of his cock pressed against her.

For a split second, she wondered how the hell he was going to cram that monster inside her, even with the help of the plugs. Then Johnny reached around to stroke her clit with firm fingers and she knew. He would get his cock inside her because she wanted it there. She pressed into him as he forced past her tight ring of muscle and entered her.

Ass-fucking was an art, as Johnny seemed to know, because he held perfectly, inhumanly still as her body stretched to accommodate him. As usual, it burned at first and made her feel claustrophobic as hell. Every other time her ass had been breached, it had been on her demand and with her explicit directions on how she wanted it done. This time, she had given control to Johnny, and thinking of that fact made her moan.

After three deep, shuddering breaths, she was ready for more.

His fingers stroked her clit, steadily bringing arousal past the burning fullness in her ass. Soon, his insistent fingers were not enough. She needed him to move. Now. She wiggled her ass in invitation.

“I’m all the way in,” he drawled.

“Newsflash,” she said hoarsely.

His chuckle was rough. He scraped his fingers down the long length of her back, forcing her to arch as his hands gripped her waist. He surged forward. “Let’s get this party started.”

His fingers flashed around her body, lighting fires. She let him do the work, bucking her hips just a tiny necessary inch or so. The slight pain made her swell and put a more desperate edge on her pleasure.

Johnny thrust a hand underneath her to pinch her nipples, one after the other, hard, reminding her of what he had done to them last night. She gasped at the memory. Then his hand was between her legs, pinching her clit, squeezing it between his fingers. She felt more cool gel trickle over her anus. Destiny knew what that meant, and she welcomed it.

“Are you ready?” he asked.

In response, she pushed herself back on his cock.

“You like my cock in your ass?”

She groaned and scrubbed her face against the pillow.

“Say it,” he commanded. “Tell me how much you like it. Make it sound good.”

He rubbed her clit, harder than before, wringing the words from her throat. “I love it,” she ground out between clenched teeth. “I love your cock, Johnny. Fuck my ass. Fuck it and make me come, please!”

“God, you have the sweetest mouth. Such a good girl. Come, Destiny. Come with my cock in your ass.”

With that, he leaned toward the pile of toys next to them on the bed, taking her body with him. When he centered them again, she heard a buzz that made her heart pound in her throat. He tucked a vibrating bullet into her right hand, and she snatched it, thrusting the powerful vibe against her sweet spot. Relief made her wail.

Johnny began to fuck her ass in long, even strokes. She couldn’t hold the pleasure in her body any longer and began to scream long, keening wails of frustration. Her clit was a fireball between her legs. She was frantic to take the edge off, desperate to come.

Destiny howled into the pillow beneath her face and climaxed. She jammed the slippery vibe harder against her clit, trapped it against bone, and came a second time. She felt electrocuted, like the vibrator and his cock surging in and out of her ass were the only things connecting her to sanity, and she didn’t ever want to stop or she’d lose her mind.

“Jesus Christ,” Johnny groaned behind her. His cock was so far inside her that she could feel his balls rub her pussy. His hands bruised her waist. Destiny dropped the buzzing vibrator and braced herself with both hands to accept every inch he could give her.

She reveled in Johnny’s harsh shout as he came.

It was minutes before either of them moved. Finally, his hands softened on her hips and she braced herself for the dismount. Again, he showed his expertise as he slipped his cock out of her ass by gently pressing his fingers against her stinging opening. He stimulated the burning flesh, forcing synapses to fire until the worst of the stretching pain went away. Then he rolled her off her pillow tower and covered her up, dropping a kiss on her sweaty forehead. “Hold tight.”

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