Read Boston Avant-Garde 2 - Crescendo Online

Authors: Maitland Kaitlin

Tags: #Contemporain

Boston Avant-Garde 2 - Crescendo (12 page)

BOOK: Boston Avant-Garde 2 - Crescendo
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Her vagina began to bear down hard on Joshua’s cock, and Seth marveled at the sight of her climax beginning to take shape. Joshua’s balls tightened, turning dusky with the strangled blood flow before he burst inside Leslie’s pussy. Seconds later, she convulsed into orgasm.

While she lingered in a state of postclimax euphoria, Seth removed the second plug from her ass. The last plug was textured. He slowly eased the ridges into her tight little asshole.

She’d snuggled her head into the hollow of Joshua’s shoulder. As his cock slid free, his ejaculate slipped out of her pussy in a sweet cream pie that coated her labia. Seth stroked his fingers through her slit, teasing across the sensitive tip of her clit.

“Seth didn’t come,” she whispered against Joshua’s skin.

Joshua met Seth’s knowing gaze. “He’s going to come in your ass, sweetheart.”

Seth thrust into her tight anal opening with the plug before pulling it free and setting it aside. She was relaxed from her multiple orgasms and the succession of plugs. His cock was bursting with the desire to fuck her ass, but he’d have to go slow and easy unless he wanted to risk hurting her.

“I don’t know if I can take him there.” She looked over her shoulder. “But I want to try.”

Seth stroked one hand down the length of her spine. “I’m not going to hurt you, Leslie. I’ll go slow.”

The lubricant was cold against the fiery skin of his cock, but he slathered it on anyway. He positioned himself behind her, trusting Joshua to spread her legs and tilt her hips at just the right angle.

Her ass was slick with lubricant and the remains of Joshua’s creamy ejaculate. Using his fingers, Seth loosened her anus.

“Josh, this will go easier if you work her clit.”

She arched her back when Joshua’s clever fingers found the little nub still swollen between her folds.

Seth pushed the head of his cock through the tight muscle at her opening. She whimpered. “Don’t fight me. Take a deep breath and relax. Think about pushing out as I push in, and we’ll meet in the middle.”

She stilled, and he gained another creeping inch. She was hot, tight, and so damn wet he wanted to slam the rest of the way in and fuck them both senseless. Below them, Joshua changed his rhythm on her clitoris. Seth felt her pussy contract. Her ass relaxed, and he slid home until his balls pressed against her sweet slit.

She gave a soft cry of surprise, and Seth ground his teeth until he thought his jaw might crack to keep from fucking like a mindless animal. He wanted to come, needed it like air to breathe.

“She’s there. Take her, Seth.”

He knew instinctively Josh was right. Her body was poised on the edge of another kind of orgasm. With his hand buried in her cunt, his partner could feel every nerve as it fired.

Undulating muscle contractions milked Seth’s cock, ripping a groan from his throat and making him push against her. He thrust into her sweet backside again and again until his balls tightened, and he exploded inside her ass.

The room began to spin. Seth closed his eyes as the world came undone with his climax. When he could draw breath, he pulled out as gently as possible and flopped onto the bed beside Seth and Leslie.

“Can you believe she’s already asleep?”

Seth wiped the sweat from his forehead. “Wish I could do that.”

A few moments passed. Joshua used his fingertips to make lazy circuits of Leslie’s bare back as she rested against his chest. He seemed utterly at peace with her there, yet Seth was afraid to move and shatter a moment he knew wouldn’t last.

“We should clean her up.” Joshua didn’t make a move despite his observation.

Seth started to rise. “I’ll take care of it.”

“No, you take her. I’ve got the rest.” Very carefully, Joshua transferred her from his chest to Seth’s arms. She never stirred.

An unexpected pang of emotion hit Seth. “Have you ever seen a woman sleep through that?”

“Not until now. We wore her out.” Joshua rolled out of the bed and headed into the bathroom.

Holding Leslie snug against his chest, Seth listened to her soft breathing until Joshua came back with a warm washcloth. She didn’t stir when they shifted her just enough to clean her well-loved pussy and ass of lubricant and their mingled fluids. Once he’d finished, Joshua stepped away and lifted the sheet to cover Seth and Leslie.

“Still insist on sleeping alone?” Seth didn’t bother to disguise the bitterness he was feeling.

“It’s for the best.”

Seth sighed. “Someday you’re going to rethink that.”

Chapter Ten


Leslie tried to ignore the bran muffin sitting on the windowsill. Instead of the typical hockey-puck consistency, she knew the damn thing was just as moist and tasty as any gourmet cupcake. She scratched her chin, lowering the violin and setting her bow carefully aside. The muffin was one of the many perks of being part of Seth and Joshua’s household.

It had been a whole week since she’d walked into Overton & Breckenridge with a harebrained scheme to help Niles win custody of Caleb. Now, the case was swinging in Niles’s favor, and her foolish heart was swinging in the direction of long-term attachment to the two sexy lawyers who represented him.

“If you’re not going to eat that, I will.” Jen scooped it up and took a huge bite before Leslie could stop her.

“Hey, that was my snack.”

Jen paused in her chewing, rolling the muffin around so she could talk. “Snack?”

Leslie wished she’d kept her mouth closed. The idea of a high-powered family attorney who whipped up a batch of bran muffins and then packaged a few for her to take to work was ridiculous, even if it was the truth. Joshua had told her the previous night he didn’t like the idea of her pushing her lunch hour back until almost two in the afternoon. The muffin was his compromise.

“How old are you?” Jen’s tone grew downright crabby. “Do you have naptime too?”

The three of them spent plenty of time in bed, but there was very little napping involved. Until she was too worn out to keep her eyes open, anyway.

“Eww! Get that smug look of sexual satisfaction off your face.” Jen took another hulking bite. “It’s not freakin’ fair!”

“Would you quit talking with your mouth full of food? It’s disgusting.”

“No, I’ll tell you what’s disgusting.” She pointed at Leslie with what was left of the oversize muffin. “That you are having mind-blowing sex with the two most gorgeous men in the entire city, that’s what!” Jen looked at what was left of the muffin and then grudgingly offered it back to Leslie. “How does that work anyway?”

Leslie took the muffin, nibbling a fresh edge and enjoying the tart, dried cranberries. “How does what work?”

Jen took a seat in one of the audience chairs and crossed her legs. They had the room all to themselves. The conservatories were only used for auditions, group functions, and some of the larger classes. Leslie often sought out the peaceful conservatory when she needed to think. A generous amount of light from the tall windows spilled across a black grand piano, and the wood floors provided a wonderful sounding board.

“Doesn’t your bed feel crowded with two men in it?” Jen finally asked.

Leslie sighed. She didn’t feel like explaining that her bed felt rather empty with only her and Seth in it. Joshua still refused to join them, leaving in the wee hours of the morning to sleep in his own room. The nightly ritual felt like a tiny knife wound that never healed. “We all have our own bedrooms. It’s not like I have to share closet space or something. I’ve even got my own bathroom.”

Jen appeared to be puzzling that out. “So you guys just fuck. Is that it?”

“I don’t know how to explain it.”

“Don’t you want more, Les? I know when Talia met Erik and her whole world changed, you were happy for her. I also know there was some jealousy in there too. Don’t you want to hook up with some guy for the long haul, pop out a few babies, and have a normal life?”

She thought about Seth’s words the day she’d moved in. “
Why choose normal when it means I can’t have what I want the most

Was this triangular relationship really what she wanted out of life? Could it possibly last?

“Leslie?” Jen touched her arm, startling her. “You okay?”

“I don’t believe in long-term relationships.” She drew in a deep breath. “So it doesn’t really matter does it?”

“Careful, you might start to believe that bullshit. Then where will we be?” Jen left without another word, pulling the door closed behind her.

Savoring the solitude, Leslie tried to shove the niggling doubts to the back of her mind. The last few days had been the happiest she’d known since her early childhood, before the betrayal, before the real world had crept in and shattered her innocent dreams. She also knew better than to entertain foolish notions about love. She’d watched it destroy her mother and her grandfather. It took no prisoners, gave no quarter, and burned the survivors to ashes.

She lifted
La Bella Ragazza
and rested her jaw against the smooth wood. Closing her eyes, she drew a melody from the strings. Just like her childish innocence, it was a song that transcended reality. Soft, plaintive, the
rose into the room until it wove a sweet chain of notes that twirled like dancers on the sunlight beaming through the windows.

The melody built, and she felt her soul responding, soaring with the music as she drew the bow quickly. Her fingers shimmied down the fingerboard, coaxing the highest notes from the strings.

The door suddenly crashed open, and her bow scratched to a halt as she dropped the instrument to her side. “Excuse me?” she called toward the door. If that was one of her students, she was about to deliver a lecture in manners.

“Where on earth did you learn to play that arrangement, my dear?” A spry old gentleman toddled through the doorway, catching her completely off guard. “I haven’t heard that in years! The music for that has been lost, you know.”

Bewildered, Leslie answered without thinking. “Yes, I know; my grandfather wrote it for my mother.”

He adjusted his thick glasses. “My God, Leslie Hampstead, you’ve grown, haven’t you?”

Her heart began to beat very fast. “I’m sorry, do I know you?”

“I’m Professor Williamson. Good lord, you must’ve spent hours in my studio playing with your dolls while your grandpapa and I shared a cup of good Italian coffee.” A smile touched the old man’s weathered face. “Cute as a bug in a rug. I was heartbroken when your daddy told us all you’d quit playing.”

A stab of rage nearly doubled her over with its intensity. “So that’s what he told them, did he?”

“We expected you at Juilliard not long after your grandpapa passed on, but when we inquired as to your whereabouts, that’s what we were told.”

Professor Williamson’s gaze drifted toward her violin. She shifted until her hip blocked his view, trying to remain nonchalant. There was no need for anyone to know what she’d taken that night she’d left her father’s house. No need at all.

“If you never stopped playing, then where’s the instrument? Do you have it with you?”

Cold fear trickled down her spine and sent shockwaves through her body. “What instrument?”

“Don’t be silly. What happened to your grandpapa’s Stradivarius?”

* * *

Joshua watched Seth print off his boarding pass and zip his laptop into its carry-on. “You’re leaving town? Now? Are you insane?”

“I wouldn’t go if there was any other choice. Our firm is up to its neck in this New England Bar Association scholarship process, and I’ve been personally asked to present the awards. I can’t call them and say I’ve shacked up with someone new and I’m not quite ready to leave her yet, can I?”

Joshua spun his chair. “Sounds reasonable to me.”

“Look, Leslie isn’t high maintenance. Just explain what happened. You’re going to be fine without me. It might even do you both some good.” Seth grabbed his wallet and phone from the desktop. “What I hate is leaving without really saying good-bye. I already miss the hell out of her. I’ve called her three times, but she’s in the middle of teaching a class and doesn’t answer her cell phone.”

“Did you grow a vagina overnight?” Joshua leaned back in his chair and stared at the ceiling. “Send her some flowers or something.”

“This from the guy who spent fifteen minutes perfecting his muffin batter last night.” Seth ducked as Joshua lobbed a pen in his direction. “Just don’t be an asshole, okay?”

Joshua found himself at a loss. He was about to be alone with Leslie, and he wasn’t sure he was entirely comfortable with that. “Hey! What do I do with her?”

Amusement played around the edges of Seth’s mouth. “Cook her dinner, talk to her, if all else fails, fuck her.”

The idea held an odd sort of appeal. “Can I do that without you?”

Seth swung his laptop bag over his shoulder and pulled his suitcase toward the door. “You don’t need me to hold your dick, Josh. You’ll get it figured out one way or another.”

Joshua grunted. “Jackass.”

The door closed with a click, and he was left alone with the past week’s emotions churning inside his chest. Why did this have to be so damn tricky? It was sex. It should be simple. Cut and dry. And yet he couldn’t reduce it to just sex. It was sex with Leslie. It was watching Seth light up every time she walked into a room. It was seeing him make love to her with an intensity that was unmatched in any other partner.

It was feeling those same things happening within himself. That was what fucked with Joshua’s head. He’d watched Leslie like a hawk, getting a feel for what she liked and disliked about her meals, and then he spent extra time preparing food that would make her melt when she tasted it. He loved that she wasn’t afraid to eat in front of him and really enjoy it. He loved the way she sometimes talked with her mouth full because she was so eager to compliment him.

He loved the way she laughed and her infectious smile. She was uninhibited and responsive and so damn sexy his cock stood at attention every time she walked into a room. He loved how adventurous she was in the bedroom and how willing she was to share her excitement with them.

He loved Leslie.

BOOK: Boston Avant-Garde 2 - Crescendo
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