Read Boston Avant-Garde 2 - Crescendo Online

Authors: Maitland Kaitlin

Tags: #Contemporain

Boston Avant-Garde 2 - Crescendo (11 page)

BOOK: Boston Avant-Garde 2 - Crescendo
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Jen’s gaze swept the length of Joshua’s muscular frame. She wet her lips with her tongue and tilted her head. A swatch of blonde hair slid over her shoulder; she flipped it back with a flirtatious smile.

Leslie dug her fingers into Seth’s forearms. She knew her friend well enough to see where this was going. And why shouldn’t Jen make a pass at Joshua? You’d have to be blind not to notice the leonine grace that gave him the look of sex about to happen.

“You’re an attractive woman.” Joshua raked her from head to toe with a cool gaze. “I’m sure you can find more than dessert at the table if you give it half a try.”

Jen took a step closer to him. “What if I’ve found what I want right here?”

The rational portion of Leslie’s brain shut down, and she jerked against Seth’s hold. Anger bubbled from a dark place inside her heart, and for a moment, she was ready to leap away from the security of Seth’s embrace.

Joshua clucked his tongue. “Sorry, baby, I’m spoken for.”

He cast a sideways glance at Seth and Leslie, blue eyes twinkling with mischief. Something in his expression shifted at the sight of her agitation. Lifting a hand, he offered it with the softest smile.

She wasn’t sure what she felt. Confused, conflicted, and vulnerable didn’t quite cover the complex emotions seething in her heart. The dynamic between her and Joshua had been tangled from the start, but there was no mistaking what he was offering. It wasn’t just a show of solidarity or a play to back his partner. It was Joshua offering her a lifeline.

Leslie took it.

Joshua’s hand was big and warm, enveloping hers in a strong hold that promised security. Seth loosened his grip, and she moved toward Joshua, drawn by the vitality in his deep blue gaze and the sincerity of his smile. He tugged her closer into the circle of his embrace until she was pressed against his chest.

She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply to soak in his scent. She hadn’t realized until that moment how ingrained in her senses he’d become. She’d know the faint whiff of cedar and cinnamon anywhere.

He pressed a light kiss to the top of her head before dipping his mouth to her ear. “I came here for you. I don’t intend to leave with anyone else.”

She’d needed to hear that. She just hadn’t known it.

Jen, Niles, and all of her worries faded into the background as if they’d disappeared altogether. This was what mattered. Everything that had been building that evening was stripped bare until nothing mattered but the two men who were there just for her.

“Oh. My. God.” Not even the incredulity in Jen’s voice could ruin that moment of clarity. “You lucky bitch.”

Leslie leaned around Joshua’s body to see how Jen and Niles were taking all of this. Although she didn’t suppose it would’ve mattered what they thought. She didn’t need any second opinions on how complicated her life had gotten lately.

“I suppose that explains a few things.” Niles was so obviously over her choice that she could’ve hugged him. “Shall I give you the speech about the difficulties of unconventional relationships that my mother gave me when I came out?”

Jen wagged a finger in her direction. “You know you’re going to owe me an explanation or two during our break tomorrow.”

“I don’t think my explanation is going to help with your sexual frustration issues.”

Jen grumbled something about Leslie hogging all the hot guys and stalked off toward the chocolate fountain.

Niles sighed. “I think I better go make sure she doesn’t hit the bar after she’s decimated the dessert table. I’ll catch you later.”

A warm feeling of contentment bubbled to the surface as Leslie watched her friends join the reception crowd. They might not get the why, but they’d accepted her choices.

“Are we done here?” Joshua pulled her tight against his body. “Because Seth and I have other plans for you tonight.”

“Really?” The events of the last ten minutes had left her feeling light and playful. “What if I had something else planned?”

Seth closed in from the other side until she was caught between their hard, warm bodies. “This is where we remind you that the majority rules.”

Anticipation made her light-headed. Maybe sexism wasn’t such a bad thing all the time.

Chapter Nine


“Admit it.” Seth walked Leslie backward past the kitchen toward the stairs. “You were ready to leap out of my arms and strangle Jen for hitting on Joshua.”

Her cheeks flushed a pretty shade of pink, and he could tell she was trying not to grin. “I’ll admit no such thing.”

“You were ready to catfight just for me?” Joshua crossed his arms over his chest.

“Oh it was
.” Seth chuckled when Leslie stuck her tongue out and made a mad dash up the stairs.

He started to follow, but Joshua’s hand on his shoulder made him pause. “Are you only kidding, Seth?”

“No, and neither was she.”

Leaving Joshua behind, Seth took the steps two at a time and pushed his way into the master suite. He wondered only briefly if he should’ve knocked. After all, it was supposed to be more or less
room. The sight that greeted him left no doubt she welcomed the intrusion.

She’d somehow managed to pull off her dress and nestle into a mountain of pillows in the center of the bed. Her black lace bra gently cupped the softness of each breast, puckering where her taut nipples jutted against the fabric. Her panties were nothing more than a scrap of satin between her legs. Her long legs were bent at the knees and encased in the sexiest thigh-high stockings he’d ever seen. Tiny pink bows decorated the tops. Cute as they were, the bows were likely to be the first casualty of his decision to rip the remainder of her clothes off and fuck her senseless.

She gave him a coy smile. “Took you long enough.”

“Holy shit.” Joshua shoved against his back. “Was she wearing those underneath that dress all night?”

Seth sent her a smile infused with his own brand of coy. “I think Leslie has a few tricks we haven’t seen yet.”

“Since she’s all dressed up, why don’t we just make this a special occasion?” Joshua’s hoarse tone grabbed Seth’s full attention.

He turned and looked his partner in the face to be certain. Whether it was the slow thawing he’d sensed over the last few days or the knowledge that Leslie felt possessive of him, Joshua was now willing to give the relationship an honest chance.

“What are you two whispering about over there?” She crossed her legs and gave them an impatient bounce.

Seth took the lead, striding toward the bed while loosening his tie and unbuttoning his shirt. “What did you have in mind?”

Her brow furrowed. She obviously hadn’t thought that far ahead. He found her lack of artifice refreshing.

Seth reached out and grabbed her ankle, dragging her off her throne of pillows and across the duvet until he had both of her shins gently in his hands. “The kitten can’t expect to rule the lions if she can’t give orders.”

Her tongue darted out to lick her lips, and his cock throbbed. Leslie might’ve been a kitten to his lion, but his body was in thrall to her anyway.

Joshua appeared beside him, already naked. “I think she needs a few lessons on how to take charge.”

Joshua climbed onto the bed and gently grasped Leslie’s slim legs. Seth took a moment to shuck out of his dress slacks. His cock bobbed free before him, precum already beading at the tip. “Well, she couldn’t have found anyone better suited to teach her about bossiness.”

“Teach me what?”

Joshua positioned himself behind her and leaned down. “Sweetheart, we have lots to teach you.”

Seth snagged the scrap of fabric between her legs and tugged it down just as Joshua lifted her clear. When the panties were gone, Seth’s hands settled on the insides of her thighs, where silk stockings met warm flesh. Joshua’s hands prevented her knees from reflexively snapping closed.

She whimpered—a sound halfway between apprehension and arousal.

Joshua braced her weight against his chest and drew her legs upward, giving Seth access to the crevice of her ass. “The first thing we’re going to teach you is how to take one of us here.” He pressed gently against the puckered star of her anal opening.

She squirmed hard against Joshua’s hold, and he soothed her with low tones of encouragement.

She took a deep breath. “How do you do that?”

Joshua took Leslie’s mouth in a sweet kiss, maneuvering her to the center of the bed. Seth reached into a nearby drawer and grabbed the shiny black gift bag he’d stashed several hours earlier. Inside were a tube of lubricant and a set of butt plugs he had picked up. Leslie had told him that first day it was something she’d never tried before. Her introduction to anal sex would have to be gentle if she was ever going to enjoy it.

Laying the plugs within easy reach, Seth joined Josh and Leslie on the bed. Leslie had given herself fully to Joshua’s coaxing kisses. Josh suckled her lower lip, trailing his hands over her breasts. After one last kiss to her lips, he took a nipple between his teeth. She arched her back to meet his mouth, and Joshua slid his arms beneath her. He suckled harder until her skin flushed and she whimpered. Holding her with one hand, he slid the other down her belly and brushed her mound. She gasped, her legs falling open with the desire to be touched. Joshua’s gaze lifted, meeting Seth’s.

Watching Josh seduce Leslie with his mouth and hands, Seth found his cock painfully erect. Joshua shifted, rolling to his back and placing Leslie on his chest. She made a tiny noise of surprise. Before she could move away, Joshua used his legs to capture hers and spread them wide open. The position gave Seth complete access to her pussy and ass.

She pulled back from Joshua’s hold. “What are you doing?”

Joshua nipped her full lower lip. “He’s going to play with your pussy until it’s nice and wet. Once you’ve had a couple of orgasms, you’ll be relaxed enough to take the plugs in your ass.”

Her back went rigid. “What?”

Seth stroked his hand down her spine until he felt her relax. “I’ll go nice and slow. Between the two of us, we’ll have you begging us to fuck your ass before the night is over.”

“Oh my God.” Her body trembled. “I don’t know if I can do this.”

“Yes, you can.” Joshua’s certainty seemed to give her courage.

Forcing himself to remain firmly in control, Seth watched Joshua resume his leisurely kissing. His cock pulsed when Leslie opened her mouth to Joshua. She welcomed his tongue, rubbing it against hers.

Seth shuddered and returned to her pussy. It was already damp with her juices. He loved that she kept just a narrow strip of brilliant red hair on her mound.

Using one hand to spread her, he admired the pulsing center of her body. Soft and pink like the petals of a flower, it trembled and puckered as she waited for his touch. Juice seeped from the opening, dribbling over her swollen inner labia.

With two fingers, he spread the creamy liquid down to her clit. The distended nub throbbed at his touch. He worked it gently, watching her arch her back as she moaned into Joshua’s mouth.

“She’s close.” Joshua’s voice was tight with arousal as he grabbed her hips with both hands and ground his hard cock against her body.

Seth knew she was close. Between the spread cheeks of her pretty ass, he could see her cunt flexing with the need to be penetrated. But not now, not this first time. For now she would come empty.

Cupping his hand over her open slit, he rubbed her hard until he felt the spasms shake her frame. Her empty channel pressed against the palm of his hand. It was enough to make him lose control.

He closed his free hand around his cock, stroking his shaft in time with her climaxing pussy until his balls were tight with the need to ejaculate. Grinding his teeth, he forced himself back down from the peak with deep breaths.

He found the lubricant and squeezed some into his hand. Warming it first, he stroked his fingers across her anal opening. She gasped, and her pussy flexed.

“Do you like that, Leslie?”

She squirmed in Joshua’s hold and immersed herself hungrily in his mouth. Pushing her ass against Seth’s hand, she begged silently for more.

Taking the smallest of three plugs, Seth lubed it up and pushed it slowly into her anal passage. She stiffened reflexively until the fingers of his other hand plucked at her clit. The plug slid smoothly in until the base rested against her spread cheeks.

Using one hand to keep it in place, Seth slid the fingers of his other hand through her slit. Her back arched, and she cried out as her second orgasm ripped through her. Joshua groaned, his hips thrusting against her body as he fought the urge to come with her. Seth loved to watch his partner’s iron will as he wielded his body like a tool.

“I can’t hold back much longer,” Joshua said.

Reaching down, Seth grabbed hold of Joshua’s testicles. He twisted Josh’s sac to help him avoid his climax and removed the plug from Leslie’s ass.

Joshua groaned. “You are such a bastard!”

“Better than losing your load before its time.”

“Fuck you, Seth.”

Seth lubed the second butt plug and pressed it deep into Leslie’s tight ass. She cried out as her muscles went rigid. Beneath her, Joshua soothed with soft words and warm kisses.

A rush of creamy fluid slid down the grooves of her slit to dampen her inner thighs. Unable to stop himself, Seth lowered his head and tasted her sweetness. Salt and cream, like the most perfect confection he could imagine. She squirmed against his mouth as he suckled her folds. He flicked the tip of his tongue repeatedly across her swollen clit until she was moving against Joshua’s body in a rhythm that demanded sex.

“I need to fuck her, Seth!” Joshua begged. “Put my cock in her cunt, or I’m going to come all over us both.”

Lifting his head from her pussy, Seth reached beneath Leslie’s writhing body and freed Joshua’s pulsing cock. His partner shifted her on his chest until Seth could help him sink balls-deep into her wet heat.

Joshua penetrated her tight sheath with a groan. Her eyes closed as she flung her head back and gave herself to the moment. Seth forgot everything but the scene before him. Every stroke of Joshua’s cock sank his shaft deeply into her soft pussy. Juices dribbled down over the base, soaking his balls. The hood of her clit spread against his pelvic bone, and each thrust made her whimper with pleasure.

BOOK: Boston Avant-Garde 2 - Crescendo
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