Read Born of Defiance Online

Authors: Sherrilyn Kenyon

Born of Defiance (45 page)

BOOK: Born of Defiance
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Galene nodded in agreement. “If it's the same one, I knew him as a boy, and he had a good, fair heart. Not to mention, Jayne wouldn't be his friend if he was anything like Jullien. She's very selective with the individuals she lets near her children and husband.”

Saren took a deep breath. “I don't know about this. On the one hand, it'd be easier to put another Anatole on the throne. Especially if it was the firstborn son. But I'm not sure I want to risk it.” He looked at Morra. “What was his League rank?”

“Command Assassin, First Order.”

Talyn let out a low whistle. Very few assassins lived long enough to make any Command Assassin rank. First Order … less than one percent of one percent made that rank, and given the fact Nykyrian would have to be younger than Lorens … “Impressive.”

“Yes, he is. I've seen him plow through enemies like the Iron Hammer in the Ring with his Warsword.” She winked at Talyn.

Lorens folded his arms over his chest. “A true, full-blooded Anatole heir would keep the others from rising up. But Cairistiona would have to be sober to identify him. And Tylie would have to concur. As well as a DNA test to confirm it.”

“There wouldn't be a problem with that.” Galene locked gazes with Saren. “If he really is the tahrs, we have Eriadne by the throat. If we can prove she sent him off to die as a child … she'd be exposed as a liar who turned on her own grandson. A child who isn't just
heir, but the Triosans' also. The political backlash on her would be horrendous.”

“She'd be forced to abdicate.” Saren glanced to Lorens.

Galene nodded. “I'll call Jayne and find out where this Nykyrian is and what she knows about him while I rendezvous with Tylie and Cairie.”

Talyn moved to block her from leaving. “It's too dangerous.”

Morra stood up. “I'll go with her, and once she's safe with them, I'll return.”

“You sure?”

She gestured toward Qorach. “Felicia can communicate with Qory without me, and you'll need him to protect her. I won't be gone long. Be back in two shakes of a frog's tail.”

Talyn laughed. “Thank you, Morra.”

As Galene started to leave, Talyn stopped her again. He couldn't speak past the fear that was knotted in his throat.

Her gaze softened as she reached up to cup his cheek. “I'll be careful. Tough times never last. But tough Andarions do. It'll take more than an Anatole to bring down a Batur. You know that. We weren't given our caste standing. We earned it.”

“Don't make me have to slaughter the entire royal family, Matarra. You know if anything happens to you, I will.”

“Ever my dutiful soldier.” She pressed her cheek to his. “I love you, Talyn. I wish your father were here to see what a magnificent son he gave me.”

Instead of soothing him, those words only agitated him more. He hated whenever she complimented his father. “May the gods go with you.”

“And with you.”

Talyn swallowed as he watched his mother and Morra leave.

Felicia moved to hug him. “She'll be fine, Talyn. She's the strongest female I've ever known.”

Her father let out an offensive curse before he handed his link to Lorens for her brother to read. His expression dark and lethal, he met Talyn's gaze. “The Anatoles have responded to your challenge.”

Lorens's curse matched their father's.

Dread choked her. “What?”

Shaking his head, Lorens looked as green as Morra. “Both Anatoles and Jullien have challenged Talyn to the Ring.”


“No, Talyn,” Lorens said in a deep, earnest tone. “It isn't. As royals, they're invoking their right of proxy. You're not fighting
. You're fighting the Mortician, Widowmaker, and Slaughterhouse. In one night.”



Felicia couldn't breathe as her father's words slammed into her. “What?”

Talyn moved toward them to see the link. His features stoic, he gave a solemn nod. “As long as they agree to the historic terms of the Ring, I've got no problem with that. I win, the Anatoles submit to the court and pay the tithe.”

Felicia was aghast at his blithe acceptance. “Talyn … you can't. There's no way you can fight all three of them in one night. Are you out of your mind?”

“I can do it.”

“Your mother will kill you.
going to kill you!”

Qorach gestured at him.

“And Qory says he'll sit on you until you see reason.”

Scoffing, Talyn pulled her against him and rested his chin on her head as he held her in the shelter of his arms. “I can do it,” he repeated.

She wanted to beat him.

Her father sighed irritably. “Arrogance like that will get you killed.”

Talyn shook his head at her father's dire warning. “They have no idea what I'm capable of when motivated. You want them removed from power, this will do it. Trust me. What they're too stupid to realize is that I come from the Open league. Marathon matches were routine there. Not to mention what Anatole did to me while he was my CO … Unlike my Vested opponents, I'm trained for this and I am motivated by a personal grudge.”

Felicia stared at her brother. “Lorens! Talk sense into him!”

Lorens locked gazes with Talyn. “I wouldn't want to walk into that Ring with that lineup. But having seen you fight … I still think you're an idiot.”

Talyn snorted. “Thanks.”

“What do you want me to say? I agree with Felicia. This is suicide. I can think of a lot less painful ways of killing yourself than this.”

“I challenged them. They accepted. There's no way I can bow out.”

“You challenged
of them,” Lorens reminded him. “Not all three. At once.”

“Doesn't matter. I will not back down.”

Lorens let out a frustrated breath. “You survive this noble act of blatant stupidity, and I'll foolishly reward it by making sure you get a commander's rank out of it.”

Felicia was aghast. “You're not seriously going to reward his idiocy, are you? Really?”

Frustrated, she stepped away from Talyn to approach Qorach. “What would it take for me to get you to break Talyn's arms and legs?”

He laughed.

Unable to stand it, she headed for the bedroom and slammed the door.

Talyn hesitated. “I didn't mean to upset her.”

Her father smiled sadly. “She loves you, boy. Females are not like us. They don't understand that sometimes duty and honor have to come above love.”

“This isn't about either duty or honor.” Talyn pulled out his left contact to show her father his real eye color. “It's only about love, and keeping her safe from all threats.”

Her father let out a low whistle. “There are only three Andarion families that carry that gene, and none of them are Baturs.”

Lorens paled. “What are you saying, Paka?”

“His father is Fain of the Warring Blood Clan of Hauk.”

Talyn mentally cursed Felicia's father's intelligence. He hadn't even thought about the fact that anyone who knew the history of stralen would be able to put it together so fast. Truthfully, not even Talyn had known it was solely in three lineages. The only reason he knew the Hauks carried it was due to the legends of their family.

“Are you sure?” Lorens asked his father.

“Positive. Fain's the only one in the three carrier families who's been disowned.” Saren held Talyn's gaze. “Tell me I'm wrong.”

Qorach gaped. Most likely, he knew Talyn's uncle Dancer, since Dancer would be one of Qory's Sentella bosses. He probably knew Fain, too.

Talyn swept his gaze over them. “I'm trusting all of you to keep it a secret. For Felicia's sake. And my mother's. No good can come of anyone knowing my father's identity.”

Saren cursed under his breath. “The gods certainly screwed you, boy. You should socially outrank everyone in the empire but the tadara and her children.”

Lorens let out a bitter laugh. “How did I miss it? Now that I know, I see it clearly. You look just like your father … and uncles.”

Talyn shrugged it aside. “We make our own realities. See what we want to see.”

Lorens shook his head. “Given the blood flowing in your veins … I pity the morons about to unknowingly walk into the Ring with you. Nothing in this universe is deadlier than a War Hauk protecting their own.”

“Yes, there is. A Winged Batur out for blood.”

Saren clapped him on the shoulder. “It is my honor to have you as part of our family.”

But Talyn could never be legally tied to their lineage, and they all knew it. Still, it was enough that her father accepted him. It was much more than Talyn had ever expected from either of them.

He put the contact back in. “Thank you,
mu aseseran
. Now if you'll excuse me … I have to go grovel to your daughter and make amends.”

Saren laughed. “Your mother taught you well, boy.”

*   *   *

Felicia wiped at her tears as Talyn sheepishly entered the bedroom. He approached the bed slowly.

The moment he saw her tears, he sat down and pulled her into his arms. “I'm sorry, Felicia.”

“Then don't fight. It's not worth it.”

“If I don't fight them, I lose everything. Even you.”

She scowled at him. “What are you talking about?”

“You didn't read the challenge,
. Merrell has named your contract as his prize if I bow out or lose. While I might be able to get out of Chrisen's challenge, I can't legally dodge Merrell's. Not without losing you in the process.”

Sick to her stomach, she cupped his cheek. “What is Jullien's challenge?”

“My life or freedom. His choice.”

She sobbed. “I did this! Oh gods! Why did I challenge them? I was trying to protect you and instead…”

“Shh,” he breathed against her hair. “You stood up for me, Felicia. Publicly. Never apologize for that.” He removed his contacts before he kissed away her tears.

“You should hate me for this.”

His eyes darkened as he slid his hand beneath the hem of her shirt. “I could never hate you. Your smile and the taste of your lips are what I live for.”

Felicia choked on a sob as he kissed her breathless. How could he be so understanding? She wanted to kick her own butt for doing this to him. “I love you so much, Talyn.”

Smiling down at her, he slid her panties off then pushed her skirt up so that she was bared to his hungry gaze. “I love you,
. I always will.”

He nudged her thighs apart so that he could taste her. Gasping, she laid her hand against his cheek as he tormented her with pleasure and drove all her anger away. As he licked and teased, she lost herself to the sensation of his tongue and lips. And when she came, she cried out in pleasure.

His breathing ragged, Talyn entered her and drove her orgasm even higher and made it more fierce as he thrust against her with hard, furious strokes. Cupping his cheek, she stared into his eyes to watch as he lost himself to his own pleasure. In that moment, she wanted to be his wife so badly, it burned like a bitter ache inside her. More than that, she wanted his children. To be able to scream out to the universe that he was hers alone. It wasn't right that she couldn't claim him the way she needed to.

But in her heart, she knew the truth. She would always be his. No one else would ever make her feel the way he did whenever he held her.

In his eyes, she was beautiful.

She clasped him to her, then frowned as she realized he was still mostly dressed. “Oh my God, Talyn! You're still wearing your boots and pants? Really?”

He bit his lip in that adorable way that was uniquely his as color darkened his cheeks. “You didn't seem to notice. Besides, you're still wearing

Laughing, she nipped his chin. Then more horror consumed her as she realized something else. “My father and brother are right outside! How am I supposed to face them after this?”

“I don't know why you're freaking out when I'm the one they're likely to shoot. Or geld.”

She laughed again until there was a sharp knock on the door. Stark cold terror and embarrassment filled her entire body. Had they heard them?


They both cringed at the sound of Lorens's voice. Talyn slid from the bed and pulled his pants up, then fastened them while Felicia quickly straightened her clothes and the bedcovers.

With a sheepish look at her, Talyn cracked open the door. “Yeah?”

“We have a massive problem. Someone just made an attempt on the tadara's life and they're blaming
for it.”


Lorens nodded. “We've got to get you out of here. They have a massive contract out for both you and Felicia.” He held Qorach's link and played a message from Jayne.

“Hey, sexy mountainside. Let Baby T know that I just got word The League is moving in massive forces to deal with the mess on Andaria. Queen bitch is claiming someone named Talyn Batur has made an attempt on her life because he doesn't want to meet her grandson's challenge and was demoted in rank after assaulting members of the royal family. I'd come personally, but we've got one of our major players MIA. And we're all, including me, being charged with the kidnapping, rape, and the murder of Kiara Zamir. My fear is I'd bring more problems right now than solutions. When it rains, it pours like a beast. I have Sentella coming in as backup ASAP. In the meantime, we need to move my sexy baby and his female to a safe zone. Love you all. Don't get hurt.”

Felicia gasped as she heard the message. Talyn saw red. Before he could think better of it, he grabbed his contacts and headed for the lobby.

BOOK: Born of Defiance
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