Borderland Bride (15 page)

Read Borderland Bride Online

Authors: Samantha Holt

Tags: #Medieval Romance, #Historical Romance, #Romance, #Love Story, #Borders, #Scottish Borders, #Lowlanders

BOOK: Borderland Bride
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Snapping her head toward the door, she watched as Jake entered. He had removed his armour and blood tinged the sleeve of his shirt. Her stomach churned as he approached.

Avoiding her eyes, Jake nodded to his brother. “All is secure.”

“Aye, good. Have you seen to yourself?”

Jake pressed a hand over the bloodied cloth of his arm. “Aye, I’ve cleaned the wound. ‘Tis naught serious.”

“You were lucky.”

Jake glowered at him and Dominic grinned back. Isabel viewed the exchange. How could they make light of such an event?

Dominic addressed the occupants of the hall, “All is well, pray return to your beds. No doubt we will have some work ahead of us on the morrow.”

The servants and soldiers eagerly hustled out of the hall, looking weary and drained.

Dominic patted Jake on his uninjured arm. “I need to check on the watchmen. Will you see Izzy to her bed? I fear this night’s events have taken their toll.”

Isabel scowled, rending a chuckle from Dominic as Jake nodded mechanically.

Aware of Winnie eyeing them with curiosity, Isabel gave her a weak smile. “Return to your bed, Winnie. Lord Jacob will see me to my chambers.”

Winnie huffed. “Aye, as you bid, milady.” Rising slowly, she reluctantly shuffled out of the hall, darting a look back at Isabel and Jake.

Jake threw a glance at her before striding over to the fire and staring at the flames. The warm glow cast over his skin, highlighting the troubled lines on his brow.

Taking a breath and pulling herself straight, Isabel approached him carefully. She studied his broad shoulders with regret. What she would not give to spread her hands over them once more.

“Jake…” she whispered. When he did not turn, she tried again. “Jake, pray I cannot continue like this, with you treating me so. I can bear it no longer. I want—”

“Cease,” he commanded sharply, still facing the fire. “Isabel, pray cease,” he added more gently. His shoulders dropped and he turned to face her.

Mouth dry, Isabel stared up at him.

“I am sorry I’m not a more forgiving man.”


He gave her a sorrowful smile. “I am glad for you, lass. Dominic is a good man, a good brother. I’ve no doubt he will make you happy, just as you will him.”

Isabel closed her eyes as the weight in her chest bore down upon her. It was over.

“Come, ‘tis late. I shall see you to your chambers.”

“Nay. I thank you but I have no need of an escort.”

Opening his mouth, Jake paused and closed it. With a slight bow, his eyes connected with hers. “As you will. Good night, Isabel.”

“Good night,” she replied huskily, turning on her heels before he could see her tears fall. Sweet Mary, she could probably better bear his anger than the resignation she had just discerned in Jake’s eyes. How would she ever endure a lifetime of it?

~* * *~

Jake treated her cordially at the morning meal. All familiarity was gone along with his anger. The cold politeness sent a shiver down her spine. She observed him out of the corner of her eye as he ate, his gaze never leaving his plate.

“Brother,” Dominic said suddenly, making Isabel jump, “Are you still angry at being bested last night?”

Jake glowered at him. “Nay, I am tired ‘tis all.”

“Aye, well you are an aged old man, it does not surprise me. We should find you a wife to look after you, do you not think, Izzy?”

Isabel’s gaze darted between the two men. She wondered occasionally if Dominic deliberately made an effort to provoke a response from Jake. Dominic was too astute a man to not know the cause of his moods, surely?

But then Jake was the one to suggest Dominic ask for her hand. Whatever Jake had told him, mayhap he honestly believed.

“I want no wife, Dominic, that you well know. Cease your teasing for one morning if you will, for I am in no mood for it.”

Isabel reached tentatively towards his arm before remembering herself. She tucked her hand in her gown and dropped her gaze.

“Ack, your temperament is that of an old man’s too,” Dominic said with a laugh.

Jake stood abruptly, causing the tableware to clatter. He gave Isabel a brief bow, ignoring his brother. “Forgive me, my lady, I find I am no longer hungry. Good day.”

They both stared at this back as he left, barging past a servant and slamming open the doors.

Dominic frowned. “I know my brother is loath to smile, but his mood has been worse than ever these past days. You know him well enough, what think you is the cause of his anger?”

Isabel chewed her lip. “I know not.”

“Do you not?” He stared at her for a moment, studying her with an odd smile and Isabel’s heart constricted.

“Nay,” she murmured. God, how she hated herself for lying to him.

“Ah, well he’ll calm down soon enough.” He took a gulp of ale and thrust it down on the table before reaching for her hand. “You are quiet, Izzy.”

Forcing a bright smile, she squeezed his hand. “Aye, well it’s been an eventful few days. Tell me, have you finished negotiations with my father?”

“Aye, nearly. I am but one signature away from an agreement. He is a hard negotiator. I do not envy you your father, ‘tis a miracle you are naught like him.”

“Aye, a miracle…” she agreed softly.

Her gut twisted. She had behaved selfishly, acted with greed, wanting Jake’s love without being honest with him. Mayhap she was more like him than she thought.

~* * *~

Swinging the wooden sword, Jake brought it down with unrestrained strength, his muscles and sinew bulging beneath his sweat soaked shirt. Fire kindled beneath his skin.

Dominic ducked to one side, bringing up his shield and absorbing the blow with a heavy thud. He lunged forward but Jake parried the thrust with a heavy swipe, propelling Dominic back.

Forging forward, Jake gave him little opportunity to recover before descending upon him with a brutal hit, sending Dominic’s shield skidding across the dirt.

With a growl, Jake held his sword aloft, his breath misting in front of him as his nostrils flared.

“Jake! Enough.”

Blinking, Jake stared at his brother. He brought the waster down carefully as the tension slowly seeped from his muscles. Dominic studied him with concern and Jake gritted his jaw. Hell’s teeth, he shouldn’t be angry with his brother. This was all his doing. Dominic was merely doing what he had asked of him. Flinging the sword to the floor, Jake swept the hem of his shirt over his face as sweat dripped into his eyes.

Dominic picked up his shield and eyed the damage. “Damn, Jake. Whatever demons are driving you now are dangerous. First you go after the reivers and now your own blood.”

“Forgive me,” he muttered before turning on his heel

Dominic was right. He was losing his head.

Marching across the bailey, Jake heard the scuff of feet as Dominic followed him. The two men ducked inside the armoury and stowed their shields away. Jake avoided Dominic’s stare as he handed him his discarded sword.

“I will away to Greycroft on the morrow.”

Dominic tore off his shirt and bundled it in his hand. “I thought you’d be here until the wedding. I need to take a tour of the lands before the banns are read.”

“I have been away from Greycroft for too long, Dominic. James can look after things well enough and I can ride back if I’m needed.”

His brother studied him, rubbing a hand across his jaw. “This need not happen, you know?”

“I must away.”

“Nay, I mean the wedding…my betrothal.” Dominic fixed Jake with a serious expression. “It need not happen.”

“You are getting cold feet?” Jake asked with a grit of his teeth.

“Nay, of course not.”

“Then you would go to war or send her back?”

“I am not a fool, Jake.”

“I know that.”

“Do you? If you ask it of me, I will not marry Isabel. I will do all I can to see her safe but you are my brother.”

“Why do you say this?” Jake snapped.

“You love her, do you not?”

“Nay.” He spun away and clenched his fist as he stared out of the doorway. “I cared for her, when I thought her a different person.”
And she thought me a different man.
“But it makes no difference. You are a good match. I would see you both happy.”

“You do not care for her now?”

“I will care for her as a sister.”

It was for the best. Dominic could give her everything she deserved. Safety, comfort…maybe even love one day. His knuckles whitened as images of them together flooded his mind. Dominic would not be so unforgiving. He was the better man. Isabel deserved as much.

Jake faced Dominic once more. Ack, he still looked unconvinced. “You need a wife, she needs a husband. A wife like Isabel will be of great value to you. I am glad you have found someone. Just…look after her. And cease your philandering,” he added with a scowl.

A burst of laughter erupted from Dominic. “Aye, fear not. Izzy is not the sort of woman to trifle with. I will be good to her, I promise you.”

Nodding slowly, Jake rested a hand on Dominic’s shoulder. “Aye, aye, you will. This is how it should be.”

Aye, what could be more fitting? The two people he loved most in the world would find happiness together. And Jake…he would go back to Greycroft and bury his love for Isabel, once and for all.

~* * *~

Slamming his sword down upon the table, Jake grabbed a scrap of chainmail and rubbed it up and down the blade. The metal sparked as he worked it vigorously over the steel, sharpening the edges. He paused to swipe at the perspiration on his brow and he hauled his tunic off, flinging it to one side.

A gust of wind blew through the long stable and horses whinnied. It was a cold night but it did little to cool the turmoil that burnt inside of him. He dealt with it the only way he knew how, working his body into a sweat. It was either this or take a swipe at someone with his blade but it was too dark for weapons practice and he feared he had little control over his temper this night. He had proved as much by nearly killing his own brother.

Straightening, he paused as a familiar scent infused the air. With a muttered curse, he turned. Isabel stood in the doorway of the stalls, her hands clenched together. She looked pale and vulnerable as she chewed on the corner of her lip.

“You are leaving?”

“Aye, on the morrow.”

“But…Dominic will want you present for th-the wedding.” Her voice cracked.

He winced, closing his eyes briefly, hoping to block out the haunted look in her eyes. Was it possible she was hurting as much as he?

“My brother wants much from me.”
“But, alas, I cannot remain away from my lands.”

She fixed him with her sapphire eyes, placing her hands on her hips. “That is all you have to say?”

His heart pounded in his ears as he observed the fire spark within the blue depths. Jake turned away, continuing to work the mail up and down the blade.

She remained. Even over the grating noise of the metal, he was convinced he could hear her breathing. He did not need to turn to know that she stood with a stubborn resolve written on her face. Had she come here just to torment him? When it became clear she would not leave, Jake slammed down the mail and his sword, denting the battered table further as his blade bit through it.

“What would you have me say?” He faced her abruptly. “That I cannot stay, for how can I watch you wed my brother when I would wish to have you for myself? That it tears at my heart just to think of you in the arms of another man? Or that I…I regret every harsh word I ever spoke to you? I shall never meet another lass as fine as you.”

Isabel stared at him, her mouth ajar. He watched the emotions play out through her face. He could read her perfectly. Every nuance, every inflection in her eyes spoke of the truth of her feelings and he suspected she would never be able to lie to him again. Not about what lay in her heart. Hell’s teeth, if only he had realised this sooner. He may not have thought himself worthy of her but Isabel plainly did. If she gave voice to her feelings, he was sure he would crumble.

The smoky air of the barn clung to his throat, as their gazes remained locked and in spite of the winter air, his skin prickled with heat. His eyes left her face briefly to trace her sweet curves, emphasised by her heavy silk gown. The blue shade of it reminded him of when he had first come across her. How far they had come since then.

Jake recognised the quickening of her breath under his study of her and her cheeks filled with colour in the glow of the candlelight.

Pushed by an invisible force, he stepped towards her and enfolded her into his hold, barely aware of what he was doing. Her returning kiss was fiery and honeyed, a reflection of the woman he held in his arms.

Jake crushed her desperately to him, seeking the heat of her mouth with an urgency he had never experienced before. Too long had he gone without her sweet taste. He would never get enough of it.

His fingers tangled fiercely in her hair, pushing himself yet deeper again and Isabel gasped against his mouth. Isabel’s hands tugged desperately at the hem of his shirt, working underneath until she hit flesh. He shuddered as her velvety fingers skimmed over his back.

Jake pressed her back against the rough wood of the stable door and it gave way as she leaned against it. They stumbled backward, still connected in a potent embrace. He lifted her easily and slid her to the ground, the clean straw crackling under her gentle weight.

There were no candles lit in the stall but the warm glow from the stable filtered in, bringing a luminosity to Isabel’s skin. God’s blood, he ached to touch the balmy softness. Her hair splayed over the straw and her skirts lay rumpled around her. Her lips were rosy from his kisses and her eyes held a dreamy look as they viewed him. Jake would always remember her like this.

Pushing Isabel’s hair eagerly from her face, he flattened his lips against her neck before trailing down to her collarbone. Jake’s knee slipped between her legs and she ground eagerly against it with a moan. Her gown slipped easily off one shoulder and he bit at it, groaning at the taste of her on his tongue.

Isabel’s fingers tangled urgently in his shirt and he paused just briefly to haul it over his head. She coiled her hands over his shoulders, drawing his weight down on top of her, and he bit greedily at her neck and each swell of her breasts.

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