Borderland Bride (10 page)

Read Borderland Bride Online

Authors: Samantha Holt

Tags: #Medieval Romance, #Historical Romance, #Romance, #Love Story, #Borders, #Scottish Borders, #Lowlanders

BOOK: Borderland Bride
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Impatient to revel in Jake’s masculine beauty, she fingered the cool metal of his belt buckle as she kept her eyes connected with his. Slowly, she drew the leather from the metal, the clunking sound just masked beneath their heavy breathing. She flung it aside, their eyes remaining on each other as it struck a brace of unlit candles, sending them toppling. Isabel battled with his tunic but he was too tall, so she contented herself with pulling it up half way, brushing her fingers over the smooth skin of his stomach. Isabel kept her hands there, the heat of his skin burgeoning through her body, as he removed his tunic and white shirt, and flung it aside.

Jake’s torso was huge. Her pulse leapt but Isabel eyed him assuredly, for she understood the kind nature that sat behind that wall of muscle.

She traced the ripples of his stomach, brushing briefly over the trail of hair that led down into his chausses. He hissed and she darted a look up at him to see his eyes glazed over with desire.

Desire for her.

No one had ever looked at Isabel like that and she doubted anyone else ever would again.

Her eyes fell upon the scars scattered across his chest and she traced them, each one telling a tale of duty and honour. An angry raised welt skimmed across his side, no more than a few finger-widths wide, but she knew it had nearly cost him his life. How could anyone want to hurt Jake, let alone his wife? It was beyond her comprehension and she pitied the woman that could not see beneath his rough manners and warrior-like appearance, nearly as much as she felt for Jake.

He stiffened as she brushed against it and she expected him to snatch her hand away but he allowed her perusal of him, the trust he put in her tugging at her heart.

“God, Jake, you are beautiful,” she murmured, delighting in the fact she could say it out loud.

He chuckled, giving her a disbelieving look.

She needed to see the rest of him. Her fingers tangled in the laces of his chausses, and she yanked impatiently at them. Jake helped her, brushing aside her fingers and hauling down his chausses and braies in one go as he kicked off his boots.

Isabel realised she was staring but she could do little about it. Sweet Lord, he was big. And magnificent. But Lord, he was big! Flicking a look back up to his face, she detected his look of uncertainty. Her heart fluttered. How could such a strong man feel so unsure of himself?

Pressing herself to his chest, his rigid heat prodded her stomach and he groaned as her breasts flattened against him. Jake’s eyes filled with longing and he hurriedly swooped down for a kiss, enveloping her jaw in his big hands. Isabel curled her hands around his shoulders, attempting to cling on as she quivered uncontrollably.

Jake ran his hand down one shaking leg and swiftly picked her up. His fingers bit into her flesh as he clasped at her buttocks, and Isabel wrapped her legs around him, her wet folds nuzzling against his hot flesh. He released an agonised moan as she pitched against him and he sank back onto the bed, his tongue sweeping the inside of her mouth.

Isabel’s breath came in short, sharp pants and her head swam. This extraordinary, wonderful man had her entirely captivated. She couldn’t even bring herself to be nervous. She came up onto her knees, clutching his face, as he had hers. She stared deep into his eyes as her knees pressed into the bed either side of him. Sensations bolted through the air between them and her pulse skipped.

A flash of vulnerability resounded in his gaze, so at odds with such a powerfully built man. Could he not understand why she looked at him so? If he could only see what she could. If he allowed her, she would make him realise just how incredible he was. Isabel pressed a tender kiss to his lips and lowered herself onto him, his arousal pressing against her delicate juncture.

His fingers gripped her bottom, cautiously drawing her onto him. They both gasped as their bodies merged, the air vibrating around them. A burning feeling made her wince and he held her gratefully, murmuring soothing words in her ear.

As it subsided, Isabel’s body gradually responded to the deep thickness that sat inside of her. It was like nothing she had ever known. He fit her so perfectly, so beautifully, and she hoped he felt the same. From the thunderstruck look in his eyes, she suspected he did.

Cautiously, he raised his hips, sliding his shaft deeper. She let out a moan of appreciation and he carefully pumped into her, guiding her hips up and down as she sat on top of him. As she became familiar with the rhythm, his hands came around her back, stroking up and down her skin. His eyes remained on her face, and she could see the delight he took in every catch of breath, every look of rapture, as the friction blossomed and spread.

A raw, animalistic instinct began to govern Isabel’s movements and she found herself writhing against him with complete abandonment.

“Hell fire, Isabel,” Jake grated out as he propelled his hips upwards, meeting her thrust for thrust.

Isabel could do little other than cry out as the exquisite sensations spread down her limbs and her body tightened with pleasure.

Glistening with exertion, Jake buried his head between her breasts, licking and kissing at them erratically as his own pleasure took hold. Isabel clasped his head there, holding him against her heavily beating heart.

Sinking fiercely down onto him, the sweet tension exploded, its vibrations streaming through her entire body, and she threw her head back and called out his name.

He held her limp body tightly to him and drove himself into her several more times, his gaze fastened to her passion-filled face. With a deep, rumbling groan, he spilled his seed inside of her, and Isabel shuddered, flopping forward against him.

Cradling her carefully, Jake remained inside of her, his soft touches reminding Isabel of the tenderness that sat behind his solid form. Jake placed tender, lingering kisses to the side of her neck as her forehead rested in the crook of his shoulder.

“Ah, my sweet lassie,” he whispered.

She lifted her head and gave him a slow, satiated smile. Her chest swelled with unbridled joy to hear him refer to her as his.

He gently lifted her off him, grinning at her mumble of complaint. Laying her on the bed, Jake wrapped his arms about her. Isabel burrowed into the heat of him as her skin tingled in the cool air of the room, and he pulled the sheets over them and drew her closer, cocooning her in his warmth.

Was it possible to die of satisfaction?

Gratification seeped through her limbs and her eyelids turned to lead. She struggled to stay awake, not wanting to miss one moment of his embrace.

Jake swept a finger over her cheek. “Sleep,” he told her softly.

Isabel’s lids dropped and her head swirled with memories of their lovemaking as she slowly drifted into slumber.

“Ack, but I love you, lass.”

She smiled at his words before sleep consumed her.

~* * *~

It was nearing suppertime and Isabel had still not roused. Jake had dozed on and off but kept awakening, as if to check she was still there and he was not indeed dreaming. His gaze drifted across her freckled nose and the curve of her cheek. God’s blood, but he loved her. Here was a woman he would do anything for. Her open passion had served to seal the truth of his feelings for her.

Jake was surprised to find he was no longer filled with doubt, or fear. She had offered herself to him, not only in body but also in soul, and though it was true he was not sure why he was worthy of her, he found he did not doubt himself or their bond. Aye, she had not said she loved him, but he was sure of it now. He had spotted it in her eyes. He would dearly love to hear the words from her lips but he was secure in the knowledge the love between them was real.

Gone was the hurt and doubt his wife had inflicted upon him, erased by the sweet touch of his Isabel. She had worked into the hole in his heart and healed him. Ever would he be grateful that the fates thought to bring her to him. Isabel would never hurt him so. She was too honest, too open to be capable of deceit.

Aye, she would look after his heart well.

Her eyes fluttered open, mayhap sensing his observation, and the blue depths caught him, his heart coming to rest in his throat. He ached to spill his thoughts out to her, but he was unable to. He was no poet, no creator of words. Jake kissed her deeply, hoping to convey his feelings instead through touch.

Isabel responded to him instantly and clutched firmly at his head. Her silken body brushed against his flesh and his loins stirred instantly. He suspected he would never tire of her; his seemingly constant state of arousal around her would likely never abate.

She must have noticed as her eyes glinted.

“Ack, lass,” he said reluctantly, “Would that I could take you again but ‘tis nearing supper time and I would not wish to dishonour you by being caught in your chambers.”

Isabel pursed her lips in mock displeasure. “You have already dishonoured me today, surely ‘twould not hurt to do so once more?”

He groaned at her invitation but honour won and he detangled himself from her limbs as he pressed a kiss to her forehead. “I am sore tempted, Isabel, but I wish to do right by you. I’ll not have you become the source of servant’s gossip.”

“Winnie would not gossip and you well know it!” she told him scathingly.

He pushed himself up from the bed, well aware of her eyes on his swollen manhood, a clear display of his desire for her.

“In a keep such as this, the walls have eyes and ears. I swear ‘twill not be long until we are joined again, my love, for I do not think I can bear to be parted from your sweet body for long but I will not do so at the risk of your reputation.”

Isabel humphed, sitting up and folding her arms under her breasts. Jake wondered if she realised how difficult this was for him. His brow beaded with sweat as he eyed the sweet swells. But, nay, he would not take her again. Their next joining would be an honourable one; he would make sure of that.

Jake dressed hurriedly, feeling her eyes follow his every move. His shirt was still damp and it stuck to his flesh as he struggled to pull it on. Isabel gathered the sheets around her and padded over to him, keeping the sheet tucked beneath her arms as she helped him pull down the sleeve. He eyed the curve of her breasts and the way her nipples hardened beneath the linen under his stare.

He gulped and pressed a hurried kiss to her cheek. If he did not leave at once, he did not know if his control would last another moment.

“I’ll see you this night, I…I thank you, lass. I’m not deserving of you but I’ll do all I can to prove myself worthy.”

Isabel cocked her head to one side and shook it. “You are a fool, Lord Jacob, for ‘tis I that does not deserve you.”

He sighed with a smile, “I’ll not argue with you, I am but a fool, just as you are too generous. But, fool that I am, I give you my heart for you to do with as you see fit.”

Pleasure at his words mingled with hesitation in her gaze and he pondered as to what it was that prevented her from opening her heart to him. Mayhap she feared giving her heart to him, unsure of his intentions.

On the morrow, he promised himself. On the morrow, he would make his intentions clear. Jake grinned at the thought, forgetting himself and claiming her lips in a scalding kiss. Before he could be dragged further under her sweet spell, he prised himself away and snatched up his tunic and belt.

Isabel watched him leave with a wry smile on her face and Jake realised he would never forget her that way, wrapped in nothing but a sheet and glowing and satisfied from their lovemaking. Aye, how the fates had smiled down upon him.


Chapter Six


Isabel stared at the closed door for some time, stupidly clutching at the sheet as if hoping it would bring her some comfort. Guilt racked her.

She loved him. Completely. His honour, his sense of duty, his kind temperament…they all plucked at her heart. And their lovemaking! Isabel had not known it could be like that between a man and woman.

 Nevertheless, her deception burnt in her gut and when he had spoken such tender words to her she was unable to return the sentiments, even though her heart cried out to be heard. Would he understand why she had lied? It was not about hurting him but protecting herself. If her father found out where she was…

She shuddered, the thought of falling back into his hands sending a chill up her spine. She would have to tell him, Isabel concluded, and pray he understood her need for secrecy. Surely he would.

Aye, she would tell him.

On the morrow.

For this day, she would relish in the delight of their lovemaking.

Isabel washed herself with the cold bath water, running her fingers absently over the red marks Jake had left with his teeth and fingers. She ached, but blissfully so, reminding her of his possession of her body. She was thoroughly his.

Jumping as Winnie entered, Isabel pulled her sheet around her shoulders. She flushed. Winnie missed nothing, surely she would spy the scratches?

Winnie bustled past her and started rummaging in her clothes chest. “Ye been in bed, milady? Have ye been unwell? Ah, here we are.”

“Nay, Winnie, not the red,” Isabel told her with a smile.

Winnie eyed the gown. “Not the red? But ‘tis beautiful…” Winnie’s eyes widened and she dropped the gown to the floor. “Sweet Mary, ye spoke.”

Isabel laughed. “Aye.”

Chuckling, Winnie flung her arms around her waist and Isabel found her nose buried in her wimple as the stout maid pressed her into her plump body.

Drawing back, Winnie eyed her. “I knew it would return, milady, I could feel it in me bones. Ye’re too sweet a lassie to be punished so.”

“Well, I’m sure ‘twas due to your diligent care, Winnie. I am grateful that I can thank you properly now, I have taken up much of your time.”

Winnie dabbed at her eyes with her apron. “Nonsense, milady. Ye take little looking after. ‘Twas a pleasure. In truth, ‘tis nice to have a proper lady around. I’d rather be dressing ye in fine gowns than dressing the lord’s wounds.” She bent down to pick up the gown and stuffed it back into the chest. “Have ye seen them today? Do they know of the return of ye voice?”

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