Boots and Chaps (6 page)

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Authors: Myla Jackson

BOOK: Boots and Chaps
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She slid her fingers along Mark’s cock and turned toward Jackson. Color rose high in her cheeks as she climbed to her feet. “Does the birthday boy want it?”

“Damn it!” Jackson pointed down. “Does it look like I want it?”

A chuckle rose from her throat, sending waves of heat radiating from Jackson’s chest all the way down into his rock-hard cock.

The dancer’s hips rotated left, then right, her arms rising above her head, wrists still bound. As she neared Jackson, her movements became more pronounced, her studded boots scooting across the floor, much like a pair Jackson had seen recently.

A niggle of recognition tugged at Jackson’s lust-fogged consciousness.

When Kiki stopped in front of him, her arms dropped, her pale eyes peering through the mask. “What exactly do you want?”

For a long moment, Jackson stared into those eyes, that twinge of something nagging at the back of his mind. “Do I know you?”

Her eyelids drooped low at the same time as her lips curved upward. “If not, you will soon. I am yours to command. Please…command me.” Her knees bent, and she kneeled on the floor at his feet.

Jackson stared across at his brothers, not quite sure how to play the game they’d begun. Not even certain he could with a stranger.

Luke nodded at him. “Go ahead. Tell her what you want.”

“Are you sure this is what you want?” Jackson asked her.

She looked up at him, her eyes glowing from the holes in the mask. “Oh, yes.”

“In front of my brothers?”

“It excites me.” She touched the tip of his exposed cock. “It makes me feel hot.” Her hands curled around his dick, and she tugged him closer, until her lips were practically touching his member. “It makes me feel…nasty.” The last word came out on a puff of air, warming his cock. She opened her mouth and sucked him into her moist heat.

Jackson’s head dropped back, and he moaned.

Slim fingers slid between his thighs, pulling him closer then pushing him away.

“Mind if I join?” Mark knelt behind Kiki, reaching around her to cup her breasts.

“I sure as hell do.” Jackson glared at his younger brother.

As usual, his brother ignored his ire and continued caressing the woman’s lace-covered breasts. “Hey, big brother, don’t you want to see what’s hiding behind the bra?” Mark pressed a kiss on Kiki’s shoulder.

Hell yes he did, but he wasn’t going to tell Mark that.

“You know you do, even if you won’t say it.” Mark nibbled at Kiki’s ear. “Wanna show him?”


Audrey’s pussy creamed at the titillating way Mark blew warm air over her wet earlobe. “Umm-hmmm,” she murmured, her mouth full of Jackson’s cock.

“What do you say to the master?” Mark prompted.

Her mouth slid free of Jackson’s dick. “Please?” Her chest swelled outward, filling Mark’s palms.

“Show him.”

She sucked Jackson’s cock back into her mouth, her fingers digging into his balls, urging him deep until he bumped against the back of her throat.

“You see, Jack? She wants you to observe what she has to offer.” One of Mark’s hands circled behind Audrey and flipped the hooks open, releasing her size-C cups of their restraint. The other hand slipped beneath the lace and pinched the nipple hard.

Audrey gasped around the swollen member stretching her lips wide, her teeth scraping against his thickness.

“Careful.” Jackson’s fingers dug into her hair. “No biting.”

She traced a path to the end of his dick before she released him. “Or what?” A streak of rebellion flared and she nipped the tip of his engorged cock.

“Ouch!” Jackson jerked away. “I told you no biting.”

Audrey touched a finger to her lips. “Have I been naughty?”

“Oh, yes. You have.” Mark slipped the bra down over her arms where it bunched at her bound wrists. “You should teach her who is boss, big brother.” Mark’s hands grasped Audrey’s hips, lifting her to her feet.

“What are you going to do to me?” All the fantasies she’d had about rough sex pushed forward in her mind, screaming for her to play them out. Her mask hid her identity. No one would know her secret. What could it hurt to get a little enjoyment out of some heavy-handed fucking?

“I don’t know. What do you suggest?” Jackson stared at her breasts, his tongue snaking out to wet his lips.

Audrey’s nipples puckered at the longing in his eyes. She wanted him to take her breasts into his mouth, to drive his dick into her pussy. To spank her ass until it was bright red and burning.

She turned and bent, presenting her bare bottom to him. “Spank me.” Gooseflesh pebbled her skin, and she waited for the pain.

“Really?” Jackson’s hands lifted to caress each cheek. “You weren’t that bad.”

“Oh, yes. I was really bad.” She backed closer to him, her ass pushing against his hand. “I deserve to be spanked. Hard.”

“Good grief, Jackson. The woman needs a spanking. Either you do it or Luke and I will.” Mark winked at her. “Want to suck my cock while my wuss of a brother makes up his mind?”

Audrey reached out and caressed Mark’s cock. “Most assuredly tempting.”

Jackson dragged her backward. He sat down hard in the wooden stool, forcing her belly-down over his thighs, his dick pressing into her side. “You really want me to spank you?”

“Yes.” She gasped, her breathing labored by excitement. “Spank me hard.”

Jackson’s hand connected with her bare buttocks, the sound loud, the resulting sting barely noticeable.

“You call that a spanking?” Luke snorted. “I’ve seen you pat a dog’s head harder than that. You didn’t even make a red mark.”

“I don’t want to hurt her.” Jackson’s hand rested on Audrey’s bottom, his thumb hooked into the string parting the cheeks of her ass.

“I deserve the pain. Please, spank me harder.” Audrey couldn’t believe she was asking for it, practically begging for the pain. After Randy’s abuse, she never through she’d want the pain again. Her pussy ached, leaking come at the very thought of Jackson’s hand slapping down hard on her skin. “I’ve been very naughty.” She pushed up on her boots, presenting her ass higher.

Jackson popped the string of her thong and shifted beneath her, his cock hard and hot, pressing into her ribs. Her bound hands longed to circle the solid flesh, to run the length of him over and over until he shot his wad all over her naked breasts.

It had been a long time since Audrey allowed her darkest needs to surface. Men would call her strange if they knew of her need for pain, her desire to be dominated and her passion for punishment. She’d played to her inner desires with toys and pinchers, hiding away in her darkened room, never completely satisfied but afraid to give over total control again. But toys weren’t enough. She wanted the presence of a man, his cock thick, warm and hard, ready to fill her, to stretch her channel until she screamed out his name in a cataclysmic orgasm.

Her ass hiked higher. She could have all that, here and now, with Jackson Gray Wolf. Hell, she could have Jackson and his brothers if she wanted. If Jackson allowed her to take on more than just his own desires.

With her breasts rubbing against the coarse fabric of his denim jeans, Audrey’s anticipation built.

Jackson’s hand tapped lightly once, twice, and then left her ass.

Breath caught in Audrey’s throat and for a fleeting moment, she knew it was over. Jackson would never hurt a female. Good guys never did. And Jackson was a top-notch good guy. A cowboy in a white hat.

Then his hand landed hard against her ass, the sting so sharp it brought ready tears to her eyes.

“Oh, yes!” she cried before she could think clearly.

“Like that?”

“Yes!” Audrey squirmed against his thighs, her ass rising, a target he couldn’t possibly miss. “I’ve been bad. Oh so bad.”

“Who is your master?” Jackson demanded.

“You are my master,” she replied promptly, wanting him to smack her again, her core tightening to a fever pitch.

“What of my brothers?”

Audrey hesitated, unsure of what he wanted to hear. “In your absence, they are my masters?”

“Wrong.” He slapped her bottom.

Audrey whimpered, on the verge of an orgasm so massive she could barely breathe.

“I am your only master. If you want my brothers, you have to ask my permission.”

“And if I don’t?” Her body quivered, her ears perking, anxious to hear the punishment for any infraction.

“I will tie you to my bed and torture you.”

Her pussy squeezed tight, the juices running out, drenching her thong panties. “How will you torture me? Please, tell me.”

“I will bring you to the edge of orgasm and stop.” His hand smoothed over the spot that stung on her bottom, the gentle movement more painful than if he’d slapped her again.

Audrey moaned.

“Do you want my brothers?”

She nodded.

Jackson slapped her ass. “Do you want my brothers?”

“No.” She moaned again, reduced to a quivering mass of hyper-sensitive nerve endings begging for release only Jackson could give. “I want you to fuck me. Only you.”

“That’s better.” He lifted her and positioned her legs to straddle him on the stool.

When she would have eased down over his cock, he held her up and away, his fingers digging into her hips. “But not yet. You will come when I tell you that you can. Not any sooner.”

Audrey’s thighs clenched around his, her legs shaking with her need for him to be inside her. “When?”

“As soon as I can get a condom.”

Mark and Luke laughed out loud and scrambled out of the room. They were back in seconds, each carrying a long strip of condoms. They slapped them in Jackson’s hands and stood back, grins stretching from ear to ear.

Audrey didn’t care if Mark and Luke watched. All of her focus remained on Jackson and the cock only inches from her heated core.

But Jackson glared at his brothers. “The show’s over.”

The twins’ faces fell.

Mark spoke first. “Oh, come on.”

Luke jabbed his brother in the ribs. “You heard the guy, let’s leave.”

Rubbing his ribs, his lips pressing together in a straight line, Mark sighed. “Fine. But next time I’m hiring her for me alone.”

“Like hell.” Jackson’s gaze never left Audrey. “And never mind leaving.”

Mark’s frown brightened into a smile. “You mean you’ll share?”

Audrey almost laughed at Mark’s comical expression, except that all their talk delayed her ultimate satisfaction. “If you three are going to talk,
just leave.”

“Like hell.” Jackson stood, lifting Audrey up and off him.

Disappointment shot through her. She hadn’t expected her comment to bring their game to a halt.

Then she was thrown up and over Jackson’s shoulder in a fireman’s carry, the force of her gut landing on his shoulder, knocking all the air from her lungs.

“You two can stay out here. Kiki is coming with me.” Jackson strode from the living room, the strobe light fading to dark as he carried her down the unlit hallway to the master suite.

Audrey didn’t speak until they entered the room where only a sliver of moonlight shone through the blinds. “What if I don’t want to do it with you now?”

“You only have to say your word and I’ll stop.” He flipped her over his shoulder, landing her on the bed.

She stared up at the cowboy, her heart hammering, scared for the first time since this little charade began. Would she be able to stop him once he started? Would he hurt her like she’d been hurt before?

Jackson straightened and ripped his jeans down his legs, stepping out of them. In the soft glow of moonlight, his body glistened a silvery blue, broad shoulders filling the room.

Her breathing coming in ragged gulps, Audrey lost her confidence. What if he found out who she was? Would that change the way he thought about her? Would he be disappointed to discover Audrey Anderson, the owner of the Ugly Stick, had some sick fantasies lurking inside?

She opened her mouth to say crackerjack, but didn’t get the first consonant out before Jackson flipped her onto her belly.

“Get on your knees,” he demanded.

“What are you going to do?”

“I’m going to fuck you hard.”

All thoughts of calling the party off fled Audrey’s mind. “And if I don’t get up on my knees?” she dared to ask, knowing she would garner some kind of punishment, her pulse racing in anticipation.

“Do it, or I’ll make you do it.”

Her stubborn streak refused to let her back down, the excitement of his next moves making Audrey dare to be rebellious. “No.”

Jackson grabbed her hair and pulled.

Audrey yelped and came up on her knees, afraid the pins holding the wig in place would come loose and expose her for the fraud she was.

“That’s more like it.” Jackson climbed up on the bed behind her and nudged her with the tip of his cock. “Want it?”

“No.” She wanted the pain with the fucking.

With her back to him, she didn’t know what he’d do next, couldn’t read his expression.

The sharp slap on her ass made her jump, the stinging sensation heightening her lust, filling her pussy with come.

“You will not come until I give you permission.”

“Who said I was coming?” Her words came out on an unconvincing gasp.

“I can see how wet and ready you are.” His finger traced her opening, swirling in the juices her body produced at the mere sound of his voice.

Dear Lord, the man had more power over her than he could ever imagine.

To Audrey that was as frightening as it was exhilarating.

Jackson licked a path to her opening, replacing the smooth strokes of his hands, tonguing her cunt, finger-fucking her from behind. His thumb dipped into her juices and traced a line up to the tight round ring of her anus. He poked it in, sliding in and out while his tongue laved her clit and pussy.

Tension mounted, the tingling sensation beginning at her core spreading throughout her body. “I’m going to come. I can’t stop it.”

“No, not until I say you can.”

Her hands clasped together in the bindings, Audrey cried, “I can’t stop it.”

“You can and will.” Jackson backed away, and a cool waft of air-conditioned air brushed across Audrey’s pussy, doing little to chill the heat inside.

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